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News Items from the Palestine Herald-Press

June 2006

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6/30/06 Obituary of Jerry Gray of Palestine who was born June 20, 1947 in Groesbeck, Texas and who died June 27, 2006 at his residence. Burial will be at Tennessee Colony Cemetery under the direction of Bailey & Foster Funeral Home.
6/30/06 Obituary of Virginia Hyden of Bryan who was born July 30, 1920 in Jerome, Idaho and who died June 26, 2006 at her residence. Arrangements are under the direction of Callaway-Jones Funeral Home in Bryan.
6/30/06 Death Notice of Pattie Burgess of Grapeland who died June 27, 2006 at Hospice Home Place in Tyler. Burial will be at Grapeland City Cemetery under the direction of Bailey & Foster, Grapeland.
6/30/06 Obituary of Dr. Frank E. Royal of Palestine who was born May 8, 1913 in Norwood, Missouri and who died June 26, 2006 at Palestine Healthcare Center. Burial will be at Rock Church Cemetery under the direction of Bailey & Foster Funeral Home.
6/29/06 Obituary of Jerod Lee Evans of Palestine who was born June 30, 1978 in Palestine and who died June 24, 2006 at his home. Arrangements are pending with Herrington/Land of Memory Funeral Home.
6/29/06 Obituary of Mary Jeanne Gaede Turner who was born July 23, 1925 in Decatur, Illinois and who died May 31, 2006 at Kaiser Hospital in San Jose, California.
6/29/06 Obituary of Frederick Charles Krauss III of Oakwood who was born January 11, 1931 in Kaufman and who died June 27, 2007 at Palestine Regional Medical Center. Burial will be at Broyles Chapel Cemetery under the direction of Herrington/Land of Memory Funeral Home of Palestine.
6/29/06 Obituary of Lonice Imogene Knight of Palestine who was born July 28, 1915 in Oakwood and who died June 27, 2006 at a Arlington hospital. Burial will be Roselawn Cemetery under the direction of Herrington/Land of Memory Funeral Home.
6/29/06 Obituary of Christine McIntosh of Palestine who died June 25, 2006.
6/29/06 Death Notice of Eunice Allen Dickey of Grapeland who died June 27, 2006 at Houston County Nursing Home. Burial will be at Evergreen Cemetery under the direction of Bailey & Foster, Grapeland.
6/29/06 Death Notice of Dr. Frank E. Royal of Palestine who died June 26, 2006 at Palestine Healthcare Center. Arrangements are pending with Bailey & Foster Funeral Home.
6/29/06 Death Notice of Melba Evans of Grapeland who died June 28, 2006 at East Texas Medical Center in Crockett. Arrangements are pending with Bailey & Foster, Grapeland.
6/29/06 Death Notice of Pattie Burgess of Grapeland who died June 27, 2006 at Hospice Home Place in Tyler. Arrangements are pending with Bailey & Foster, Grapeland.
6/29/06 Death Notice of Jerry Gray of Palestine who died June 27, 2006 at his residence. Arrangements are pending with Bailey & Foster Funeral Home.
6/28/06 Obituary of Teri L. Fitzpatrick of Palestine who was born March 9, 1956 in Palestine. Arrangements are under the direction of Cooper Funeral Home of Athens.
6/28/06 Death Notice of Eunice Dickey of Grapeland who died June 27, 2006 at Houston County Nursing Home in Crockett. Arrangements are pending with Bailey & Foster Funeral Home.
6/28/06 Death Notice of Lisa Ann Barclay of Palestine who died June 16, 2006 at Greenbrier Nursing Home in Palestine. Cremation services were held in Van under the direction of Hilliard Funeral Home, Van.
6/28/06 Death Notice of Lonice Imogene Knight of Palestine who died June 27, 2006 at a Arlington hospital. Arrangements are pending with Herrington/Land of Memory Funeral Home.
6/28/06 Death Notice of Emma Pearl Bayne Curry of Oakwood who died June 26, 2006 in Oakwood. Burial will be at Keechi Cemetery under the direction of Herrington/Land of Memory Funeral Home.
6/28/06 Obituary of Jack Abram Pearson who was born September 21, 1914 in New Castle, Pennsylvania and who died June 25, 2006 in Boerne, Texas. Burial will be at Herrington Land of Memories in Palestine under the direction of Ebensbeeger Funeral Home in Boerne, Texas.
6/28/06 Obituary of Jerod Lee Evans of Palestine who was born June 30, 1978 in Palestine and who died June 24, 2006 at his home. Arrangements are pending with Herrington/Land of Memory Funeral Home.
6/27/06 Death Notice of Jerod Lee Evans of Palestine who died June 24, 2006 at his home. Arrangements are pending with Herrington/Land of Memory Funeral Home.
6/27/06 Death Notice of James Douglas Baarlaer of Defiance, Ohio who died June 24, 2006 at Mercy Hospital in Defiance. Arrangements are under the direction of Heitmeyer Funeral Home of Oakwood, Ohio.
6/27/06 Death Notice of Jeanne Dunn Joyce who died June 17, 2006 in Colorado. Burial will be at Palestine City Cemetery under the direction of Herrington/Land of Memory Funeral Home.
6/26/06 Obituary of Sue E. Wages of Houston who was born March 26, 1929 in Palestine and who died June 20, 2006 at her home in Houston. Burial will be at Herrington Land of Memory Cemetery under the direction of Bailey & Foster Funeral Home.
6/25/06 Obituary of Virginia Bozeman Walding of Baton Rouge formerly of Palestine who was born December 2, 1922 in Palestine and who died June 22, 2006 in Baton Rouge Nursing Home. Burial will be at Frankston City Cemetery under the direction of Bailey & Foster Funeral Home.
6/25/06 Obituary of Sue E. Wages of Houston who was born March 26, 1929 in Palestine and who died June 20, 2006 at her home in Houston. Burial will be at Herrington Land of Memory Cemetery under the direction of Bailey & Foster Funeral Home.
6/25/06 Death Notice of Elissia Simpson Marshall who died June 22, 2006 at Greenbrier Nursing & Rehab Center. Burial will be at Memorial Cemetery under the direction of McCoy Funeral Home.
6/25/06 Obituary of Charles Vernon Jackson who was born November 20, 1922 in Kerens, Texas and who died June 23, 2006 at Greenbrier Nursing Home. Burial will be at Rock Church Cemetery under the direction of Bailey & Foster Funeral Home.
6/25/06 Obituary of Jeanne Dunn Joyce who was born November 2, 1928 at Calvert, Texas and who died June 17, 2006 in Colorado. Burial will be at Palestine City Cemetery under the direction of Herrington/Land of Memory Funeral Home.
6/25/06 Obituary of Daniel Warren Lindsay who was born March 20, 1924 in Covington, Kentucky and died June 23, 2006. Arrangements are under the direction of Lloyd James Funeral Home of Tyler.
6/25/06 Obituary of Clyde Bedford of Grapeland who was born March 5, 1918 in Port Arthur and who died June 23, 2006 at his residence. Burial will be Guiceland Cemetery under the direction of Bailey & Foster Funeral Home.
6/24/06 Obituary of Alyce Sims who was born on February 4, 1948 in New York City and who died June 22, 2006. Burial will be at Ilgrim Cemetery under the direction of Bailey & Foster, Palestine.
6/24/06 Obituary of Bennie Ray Munsinger of Palestine who was born December 18, 1959 in Palestine and who died June 22, 2006 at a local hospital. Burial will be at Huddleston Cemetery under the direction of Bailey & Foster, Palestine.
6/24/06 Obituary of Virginia Bozeman Walding of Baton Rouge formerly of Palestine who was born December 2, 1922 in Palestine and who died June 22, 2006 in Baton Rouge Nursing Home. Burial will be at Frankston City Cemetery under the direction of Bailey & Foster Funeral Home.
6/24/06 Obituary of Frances Anderson who was born June 11, 1910 in Crete, North Dakato and who died June 21, 2006 at Palestine Regional Medical Center. Arrangements are under the direction of Bailey & Foster, Palestine.
6/24/06 Death Notice of Willie Lee Smith who died June 19, 2006 in Fort Worth. Burial will be Jemison Quarters Cemetery in Tennessee Colony under the direction of Emanuel Funeral Home of Palestine.
6/24/06 Death Notice of Donald Carr of Buffalo who died June 22, 2006 in Arkansas. Burial will be at Buffalo City Cemetery under the direction of Buffalo Funeral Home.
6/23/06 Obituary of James Edward Dancer of Elkhart who was born January 25, 1915 in Elkhart and who died June 21, 2006 at Hospice Home Place in Tyler.  Burial will be at Pilgrim Cemetery under the direction of Bailey & Foster Funeral Home.
6/23/06 Obituary of Annie Cord Palmer of Winter Garden, Florida who was born April 15, 1913 in Palestine and who died June 21, 2006 in Winter Garden, Florida. Burial will be Denson Springs Cemetery under the direction of Bailey & Foster, Palestine.
6/23/06 Death Notice of Bennie Ray Munsinger of Palestine who died June 22, 2006. Arrangements are pending with Bailey & Foster, Palestine.
6/23/006 Death Notice of Virginia Walding of Baton Rouge, Louisiana who died June 22, 2006. Arrangements are pending with Bailey & Foster, Palestine.
6/23/06 Death Notice of Elissia Marshall who died June 22, 2006 at Grenbrier Nursing Center. Arrangements are pending with McCoy Funeral Home.
6/22/06 Obituary of Maxine Green of Highland Haven, Texas who was born September 21, 1926 in Poteet, Texas and who died June 19, 2006. Burial will be at Evergreen Cemetery in Odem under the direction of Putnam Funeral Home of Kingsland, Texas.
6/22/06 Death Notice of Annie Palmer of Florida who died June 21, 2006 at Health Center Park Nursing Home in Winter Gardens, Florida. Arrangements are pending with Bailey & Foster, Palestine.
6/22/06 Death Notice of Sue Wages of Houston who died June 21, 2006 at her residence. Arrangements are pending with Bailey & Foster, Palestine.
6/22/06 Death Notice of Edward Dancer of Elkhart who died June 21, 2006 at Hospice Home Place in Tyler. Arrangements are pending with Bailey & Foster, Palestine.
6/22/06 Death Notice of Alleen Jewel Payne of Grapeland who died June 21, 2006 at East Texas Medical Center in Crockett. Burial will be at Parker Cemetery under the direction of Bailey & Foster, Grapeland.
6/22/06 Death Notice of Barbara Ann Smith and Newton Lacy Smith of Harmony Community in Palestine. Burial will be at National Cemetery in Dallas.
6/22/06 Obituary of Robert C. Allen of Henderson who was born September 24, 1985 in Henderson and who died June 19, 2006 in Marshall. Burial will be at Tennessee Colony Cemetery under the direction of Rader Funeral Home in Henderson.
6/21/06 Obituary of Edith "Betty" Williamson of Kilgore who was born November 4, 1923 in Forest Hills, England and who died June 18, 2006 at Longview. Burial will be at East Hill Cemetery in Palestine under the direction of Rader Funeral Home of Kilgore.
6/21/06 Death Notice of Kenneth "Smitty" Smith of Tyler who died June 19, 2006 at Tyler. Arrangements are pending with Stewart Family Funeral Home of Tyler.
6/21/06 Death Notice of Sammie Edith Stroade of Buffalo who died June 20, 2006 in Buffalo Burial will be at Siloam Cemetery under the direction of Memorial Funeral Chapel in Buffalo.
6/20/06 Obituary of Genever Scarborough who was born October 7, 1915 in Anderson County and who died June 18, 2006 at Greenbrier Nursing Home. Burial will be at Hopewell Cemetery under the direction of Bailey & Foster, Palestine.
6/20/06 Death Notice of Edith Williamson of Kilgore who died June 18, 2006 at Longview. Arrangements are pending with Rader Funeral Home of Kilgore.
6/20/06 Death Notice of Ruth Jeanne Joyce who died June 17, 2006 at Cascade, Colorado. Arrangements are pending with Herrington/Land of Memory Funeral Home.
6/19/06 Death Notice of Billy Sherman Shivers of Washington, D.C., formerly of Elkhart. Burial will be at Pilgrim Cemetery under the direction of Emanuel Funeral Home of Palestine.
6/19/06 Death Notice of Marion Willis of Grapeland who died June 16, 2006 at a Tyler hospital. Burial will be at Parker Cemetery under the direction of Bailey & Foster, Grapeland.
6/17/06 Obituary of Elaine Dale who was born March 8, 1937 and who died June 12, 2006 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Burial took place at Colorado Springs.
6/17/06 Death Notice of Billy Sherman Shivers who died at Washington, D.C. Arrangements are pending with Emanuel Funeral Home of Palestine.
6/17/06 Death Notice of Thomas Bennett Reed of Harmony community who was born October 31, 1936 and who died June 14, 2006 at his residence. Burial will be at Land of Memory Cemetery under the direction of Herrington/Land of Memory Funeral Home.
6/16/06 Obituary of Thomas Bennett Reed of Harmony community who died June 14, 2006 at his residence. Burial will be at Land of Memory Cemetery under the direction of Herrington/Land of Memory Funeral Home.
6/16/06 Death Notice of Henry "Dank" Smith of Palestine who died June 11, 2006 at Palestine Regional Medical Center. Burial will be at Magnolia Cemetery in Tucker under the direction of Emanuel Funeral Home of Palestine.
6/16/06 Death Notice of J. W. Ivy of Fairfield who died June 14, 2006 in Fairfield. Burial will be at Mount Zion Cemetery under the direction of Capps Memorial Chapel of Fairfield.
6/15/06 Death Notice of Thomas Reed of Palestine who died June 14, 2006 at his residence. Arrangements are pending with Herrington/Land of Memory Funeral Home.
6/15/06 Death Notice of Cody Leonard Berry of Rusk who died June 13, 2006 at a Jacksonville hospital. Burial will be at Sardis-Edgefield Cemetery under the direction of Wallace-Thompson Funeral Home of Rusk.
6/14/06 Obituary of Doris Jean Bassett who was born September 21, 1928 in Palestine and who died June 13, 2006 at Palestine Health Care Center. Burial will be at Broyles Chapel Cemetery under the direction of Bailey & Foster, Palestine.
6/14/06 Obituary of Hollis R. Taylor of Palestine who was born March 22, 1946 in Bronson and who died June 12, 2006 at Palestine Regional Medical Center. Burial will be Land of Memory Cemetery under the direction of Bailey & Foster, Palestine.
6/14/06 Death Notice of Ruth Holt of Palestine who died June 13, 2006 at Greenbrier Nursing Home. Burial will be at Guiceland Cemetery under the direction of Bailey & Foster, Palestine.
6/13/06 Obituary of Neoma Faye Stewart of Palestine who was born August 17, 1906 in Rusk and who died June 11, 2006 at Palestine Regional Medical Center. Burial will be at Strong Memorial Park under the direction of Bailey & Foster, Palestine.
6/13/06 Death Notice of Alvin Rudolph Williams Jr. formerly of Palestine. Burial will be Paradise South Cemetery in Houston under the direction of Frazier-Mitchell Funeral Home.
6/13/06 Death Notice of Jimmy Lee Musick of Grapeland who died June 10, 2006 at a Crockett hospital. Burial will be at Parker Cemetery under the direction of Bailey & Foster, Grapeland.
6/13/06 Death Notice of Henry Daniel (Dank) Smith of Palestine who died June 11, 2006 at Palestine Regional Medical Center. Arrangements are pending with Emanuel Funeral Home.
6/12/06 Obituary of Jewel Massey Newburn Walls of Jacksonville who was born November 15, 1904 in Alabama. Burial will be in Resthaven Memorial Cemetery in Jacksonville under the direction of Thompson Funeral Home of Jacksonville.
6/11/06 Death Notice of Jimmy Lee Musick of Grapeland who died June 10, 2006 at a Crockett hospital. Arrangements are pending with Bailey & Foster Funeral Home.
6/11/06 Obituary of Pauline J. Elrod of Palestine who was born January 12, 1909 in Dallas and who died June 10, 2006 at the Cartmell Home for Aged. Burial will be at Restland Cemetery under the direction of Bailey & Foster Funeral Home.
6/10/06 Death Notice of Michele R. Butler Sampson formerly of Palestine. Services will be at Dacula, Georgia.
6/9/06 Death Notice of Marshall E. Carter Jr. of Palestine who died June 6, 2006 at Cartmell Home for Aged. Burial will be at Land of Memory Cemetery under the direction of Herrington/Land of Memory Funeral Home, Palestine.
6/8/06 Obituary of Rayford L. Shaver who was born November 10, 1922 in Palestine and who died June 4, 2006. Burial will be at Roselawn Cemetery under the direction of Harkey Family Funeral Services of Manahans.
6/8/06 Obituary of Marshall E. Carter Jr. of Palestine who was born April 20, 1931 in Palestine and who died June 6, 2006 at Cartmell Home for Aged. Burial will be at Land of Memory Cemetery under the direction of Herrington/Land of Memory Funeral Home.
6/8/06 Death Notice of Thomas Calvin Lasiter of Palestine who died June 6, 2006 at Greenbrier Rehabilitation Center. Burial will be at Roselawn Park under the direction of Bailey & Foster, Palestine.
6/8/06 Death Notice of Nozaura June Carter of Palestine who died June 5, 2006 at Azalea Place in Tyler. Burial will be at Pinery Cemetery under the direction of Emanuel Funeral Home of Palestine.
6/8/06 Death Notice of Gaylene "Kay" Glazner of Marquez who died June 6, 2006 at her residence. Burial will be at Marquez City Cemetery under the direction of Buffalo Funeral Home.
6/7/06 Obituary of Thomas Calvin Lasiter of Palestine who was born October 23, 1923 in Anderson County and who died June 6, 2006 at Greenbrier Rehabilitation Center. Burial will be at Roselawn Park under the direction of Bailey & Foster, Palestine.
6/7/06 Death Notice for infant Graylyn Barrett who died Saturday at Mesquite Community Hospital. Burial will be at Jerusalem Cemetery in Palestine under the direction of Emanuel Funeral Home of Palestine.
6/7/06 Death Notice of Rhonda Layton McClelland of Elkhart who died June 5, 2006 at her residence. Arrangements are under the direction of Bailey & Foster, Palestine.
6/7/06 Death Notice of W. H. "Dub" Galloway of Montalba who died June 4, 2006 at his residence. Burial will be at Holly Springs Cemetery under the direction of  Herrington/Land of Memory Funeral Home.
6/7/06 Death Notice of Charles Imbert who died June 4, 2006 at Temple VA Hospital. Arrangements are pending with McCoy Funeral Home.
6/7/06 Death Notice of Marshall E. Carter Jr. of Palestine who died June 6, 2006 at Cartmell Home for Aged. Arrangements are pending with Herrington/Land of Memory Funeral Home.
6/7/06 Death Notice of Noraba Carter of Palestine who died June 5, 2006 at Azalea Place Nursing Center. Arrangements are pending with Emanuel Funeral Home of Palestine.
6/6/06 Obituary of Rhonda Layton McClelland of Elkhart who was born January 26, 1960 in Arlington and who died June 5, 2006 at her residence. Arrangements are under the direction of Bailey & Foster, Palestine.
6/6/06 Death Notice of W. H. "Dub" Galloway of Montalba who died June 4, 2006 at his residence. Arrangements are pending with Herrington/Land of Memory Funeral Home.
6/4/06 Obituary of Mrs. Muriel Moore of Elkhart who died May 29, 2006 at her residence. Arrangements are pending with Herrington/Land of Memory Funeral Home.
6/4/06 Death Notice of John Davis of Colorado Springs, Colorado who died May 30, 2006 at a nursing home in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Burial will be Gaines Cemetery under the direction of Bailey & Foster, Palestine.
6/4/06 Death Notice of George Richard McCoslin of Buffalo who died June 2, 2006 in Temple. Burial will be New Hope Cemetery near Jewett under the direction of Buffalo Funeral Home.
6/3/06 Obituary of Ellen D. Adair of Tyler who was born February 18, 1937 in Montalba and who died May 31, 2006 in Tyler. Burial will be at Cathedral in the Pines Cemetery under the direction of Lloyd James Funeral Home of Tyler.
6/3/06 Death Notice of Brenda Underwood of Palestine who died June 1, 2006 at Hospice of East Texas in Tyler. Burial will be at Land of Memory Cemetery under the direction o Herrington/Land of Memory Funeral Home.
6/3/06 Death Notice of Winnie Branch of Palestine who died June 1, 2006 at Hospice Homeplace in Tyler. Burial will be at Cedar Creek Cemetery under the direction of  Bailey & Foster, Palestine.
6/2/06 Obituary of Mary Hall of Palestine who was born April 1, 1914 and who died May 24, 2006 at Palestine Regional Medical Center. Burial will be at Magnolia Cemetery under the direction of McCoy Funeral Home.
6/2/06 Obituary of Brenda Underwood of Palestine who was born March 22, 1952 in Bridgewater, Virginia and who died June 1, 2006 at Hospice of East Texas in Tyler. Burial will be at Land of Memory Cemetery under the direction o Herrington/Land of Memory Funeral Home.
6/2/06 Obituary of Ellen D. Adair of Tyler who was born February 18, 1937 in Montalba and who died May 31, 2006 in Tyler. Burial will be at Cathedral in the Pines Cemetery under the direction of Lloyd James Funeral Home of Tyler.
6/2/06 Death Notice of Ollie B. Watkins of Oakwood who died May 29, 2006 at Williamsburg Nursing Home in Desota. Burial will be at Oakwood City Cemetery under the direction of Emanuel Funeral Home of Palestine.
6/2/06 Death Notice of Winnie Branch of Palestine who died June 1, 2006 at Hospice Homeplace in Tyler. Arrangements are pending with Bailey & Foster, Palestine.
6/2/06 Death Notice of Elmira Wallace Moore  of Palestine who died June 29, 2006 at Elkhart Nursing Home. Burial will be at Fort Houston Cemetery under the direction of Emanuel Funeral Home of Palestine.
6/1/06 Death Notice of Muriel Moore of Elkhart who died May 29, 2006 at her residence. Arrangements are pending with Herrington/Land of Memory Funeral Home.
6/1/06 Death Notice of Mary Hall who died May 24, 2006 at Palestine Regional Medical Center. Burial will be at Magnolia Cemetery under the direction of McCoy Funeral Home.
6/1/06 Death Notice of Rosie Marie Davis who died May 27, 2006 at Greenbrier Nursing & Rehab Center. Burial will be at Fort Houston Cemetery under the direction of McCoy Funeral Home.

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