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Proceedings of the Forty-Sixth
Annual Session of the
Saline Baptist Association
Held With Avenue Church, Palestine, Texas
Embracing September 29, 30,
And October 1st, 1904.
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Complete File [1.7 meg to download] | by Kathy Odom | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Front Cover |
OFFICERS: Eld. L. D. Funderburk .Moderator, Tennessee Colony. Rev. J. V. Kelley Clerk, Fitzgerald V. J. Hutcherson ..Treasurer, Fitzgerald The next session of this body will be held with the Pisgah Baptist church, Brushy Creek, Texas, commencing the Thursday before the first Sunday in Oct. 1905 at 11 a.m. |
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Proceedings of the Forty-Sixth Annual Session of the SALINE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION First Day Palestine, Texas Thursday, Sept. 29, 1904 The messengers from the churches comprising this body met with the Avenue Baptist Church of this place, to-day, at 11 a.m. On motion the introductory sermon was postponed until 7:45 to-night. J. H. Gambrell and Isaac Sellers were appointed reading clerks. Letters from the various churches called for, read and messengers names enrolled as follows: AvenueJ. L. Eastland, S. S. Simmons, Geo. T. Brandon, L. G. McIntyre, Isaac Sellers, Mrs. Charles Reitch, Mrs. O. C. Cutter and Mrs. W. C. Fleet. ConcordU. W. Lunsford, V. J. Hutcherson, W. O. Funderburk, A. M. Thompson and J. V. Kelley. ElkhartCora Wright and Lizzie Cromwell. HarmonyL. D. Funderburk and L. J. Huffman. JudsonE. S. Crofford. MontalbaJohn Q. Adams and W. D. Williamson. New YorkMrs. Mary Attwood New HopeJ. M. and Hendrix Patterson and Mrs. M. J. Williamson PisgahR. R. Morrow, J. Y. Welbourn, J. C. Whitfield. D. W. Whitfield and S. R. Gore. RomeJ. C. Shelton FrankstonBy letter only. |
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ORGANIZATION The body was organized by re-electing Rev. L. D. Funderburk, Moderator; J. V. Kelley, Clerk and V. J. Hutcherson was elected Treasurer. In response to call Petitionary Letter of Frankston Church was presented by her pastor, R. R. Morrow, and, on motion, was received into the body. In response to call from the Chair, the following visiting brethren presented themselves and were cordially welcomed to seats in the body, viz: J. H. Gambrell, of the Baptist Standard; J. M. P. Morrow, General Missionary; and W. D. Williamson, of the Smith County Association. At this juncture J. H. Gambrell presented the claims of the Baptist Standard. Adjourned until 7:45 p. m. Prayer by J. M. P. Morrow. FIRST DAY.Evening Session. At 7:45 the Association reconvened. S. R. Gore, the appointee, preached the introductory sermon, from 1st Thess., 5: 12-13, to an attentive audience. The Chair announced the following committees, viz: Foreign Missions,--
Isaac Sellers and V. J. Hutcherson. |
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Consecrations and Support,-- J. C. Whitfield and M. J.
Williamson. SECOND DAYMorning Session Friday, Sept. 30, 1904 At 10 oclock, a. m., the Association met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by J. C. Shelton. Minutes read and corrected. Elder W. D. Williamson, Jr., of the Smith County Association, and Rev. Lucas, of the M. E. Church North, of Palestine, were recognized by the chair and seated as visitors. The report on Foreign Missions read and discussed by Isaac Sellers. Pending its adoption, the following amounts were pledged to be paid during the next associational year. (See Appendix.) Report adopted as follows: FOREIGN MISSIONS. We, your committee on Foreign Missions, beg leave to report: That at Nashville, Tenn., last May, the report of the Secretary, R. J. Willingham, shows 138 Missionaries and 215 native helpers. These baptized 2,076 converts. $227,629.62 raised by the Board last year. We have missionaries in China, Africa, Japan, Italy, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. The Board reported no debt. In the last six years 100 new missionaries have been sent out, and others are under appointment. The committee, at Nashville, told the Board, last May, to enlarge the work and lay out the work on the basis of a 25 per cent advance. This means a decided increase, but not in proportion to out blessings. If we, as pastors and churches, will consider the need of the dying millions, and Gods blessings upon us, we will do even more. The blessed privilege is ours to give to men, lost in sin, the glorious gospel of Christ, by which we and our loved ones have been saved. Let |
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all who love God take an interest in that which so interested Him as to cause Him to give His only begotten son. Therefore, we urge our breather and churches to see to it that their contributions, over last year, be increased to as to enable the Board to carry out their instructions from the convention. The work on Foreign Fields since last May has been very encouraging. Respectfully submitted,
Isaac Sellers, REPORT ON H.M. OF S. B. CONVENTION READ AND ADOPTED AS FOLLOWS: We, your committee of Home Missions, beg leave to report: When we attempted To survey this vast field we stand in awe and ask ourselves how can we, whose souls are lighted with wisdom from on high, deny the gospel to those whose cries fall so entreatingly upon our ears? We are not able to keep up this vast field when we review the past 40 years of progress of the southern Baptist and behold a people that have rose from the ash bed to such marked proportions to point of financial ability. Again, we are made to exclaim: Behold what God has wrought; and, here, let us remember that the Lord declares that He loves the cheerful giver, and, again, let us hear the Masters voice: Without me ye can do nothing. Since the Lord deals so lovingly with us, let us do and deal bountifully towards those who are without the gospel. When we view great field of Cuba, alone, and realize how long the gospel was withheld from them, and how that they are so joyfully, embracing salvation by grace, we ought to consider it Gods open door. And here, in our own land, are yet many who need the Bread of Life. Texas should always be willing to aid the Home Board since that it nursed our homes and fed our souls with the Bread of Life until we have become a mighty people in the Lord. Therefore, beloved breather, let us always manifest a willingness to help the furtherance of the blessed gospel; for, as it widens, the demand grows with it onward move to increase our contributions for the sustenance of those that are sent into the field to prepare a people made ready for the Lord. Respectfully,
S. R. Gore, Adjourned to 2:00 p. m. Prayer by D. W. Whitfield. SECOND DAY.AFTERNOON SESSION. At 2:00 p. m., the Association reconvened as per adjournment. Committee on Preaching an-
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nounced that J. M. P. Morrow would preach at 7:45 to-night. Report on Religious and Ministerial Education read and adopted as follows: REPORT ON RELIGIOUS AND MINISTERIAL EDUCATION. Your committee beg leave to submit the following: We must educate, we must educate. If we do not start, from the cradle to the grave, we will be our race. Just as a ship would, by its massive oars, drive by storms that arise, when without a rudder is apt to become a wreck on the stand or against the rocks, so is a man or woman, made capable and powerful by mental education, liable to wreck and failure without religious training. And, whereas, it is not the province of the state, neither is it within her power to give this training, it necessarily devolves upon the Church to make provisions for it, which provisions can, and only can, be made through the medium of denominational schools. Therefore, we do heartily recommend that this Association avail itself of every opportunity to meet the demands in this capacity that their boys and girls are making upon them. We further recommend that, whereas, the uneducated and unqualified ministry is one of the greatest drawbacks to the progress and effectual work of the Church, not only from a lack of something to teach, but also from teachings that are unfounded and detrimental. And that, whereas, this affects the Baptist denomination more than many others, that the Saline Association make great effort to remedy this evil, for the accomplishment of which we would suggest that our people make a greater effort to educate our young ministers; and then that presbyters be more careful to keep out of the ministry those who are not qualified and cannot qualify themselves; for we believe that such as God calls to do this work, He makes possible their qualifications, knowing that nehil nehils fit, (from nothing, nothing comes). It is to be feared that we take too literal the statement that It pleased God by foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. And that God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty. Respectfully submitted, George T. Brandon Report on Books and Periodicals called for, read and adopted as follows: BOOKS AND PERIODICALS We your committee beg leave to submit the following: The Bible being the book of all books, and it is open to all and for all who will read it, we recommend that the Baptist of this Association make a great effort to put it into the hands of all in its bounds. And we would especially
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urge that it be read and studied more by our own people. In it we find all the righteous laws of our blessed Lord. When we are cast down and read it, we find comfort to the soul. We especially recommend, too, that the Baptist Standard be put into the homes of all our people; for when we read it, we feel that our minds and hearts have been brought into close contact with the minds and hearts of the good men and women who contribute to its columns. We also recommend the Missionary Worker, the organ of our State Board, to every Baptist who desires to know the truth about our State work. We also recommend the Southern Baptist Convention Server. Respectfully submitted, S. S. Simmons Adjourned to 7:45 p. m. Prayer by J. M. P. Morrow SECOND DAYEvening Session 7:45 P. M. The Association met pursuant to adjournment. After devotional services Rev. J. M. P. Morrow preached from Isiaah, 32:2, Theme: Divinity of Christ. Adjourned to 9:30 to-morrow. Prayer by S. R. Gore THIRD DAYMorning Session Palestine, Texas, Saturday, Oct. 1, 1904. 9:45 A. M. The Association met pursuant to adjournment. Devotional services conducted by the chair. Minutes of yesterday read and approved. Report on Ministerial consecration and Support read and adopted as follows: Ministerial Consecration and Support We, your committee, beg leave to report: We believe in and urge the importance of a consecrated ministry; and, that to reach the success that God demands of our ministry, consecration is absolutely essential. To this end there must be great love for God in their hearts. Paul said: The love of God constraineth us. 2 Cor. 5:14. Our blessed Master said: If ye love me ye will keep my commandments, John 14:15, Ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command you. John 15: 14.
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He called them servants no longer, but friends. Next: There must be a burning love for lost men, so that matters of time will be of a secondary consideration. Paul wrote to the Corinthian brethren: We look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen, for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 Cor. 4:18. This was Gods order in the olden days of the priesthood, and has not changed the gospel dispensation. John, James and Peter left all and followed the Master, and He made them fishers of men. Peter caught three thousand in one day. The support of the ministry, as above stated is, in regard to the priesthood; so was their support provided for. So in the gospel age God did not change the order. If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great matter if we reap your carnal thing? From these and other Scriptures we feel that God lays on the churches the absolute duty to support the ministry, as he does the ministry to preach the gospel. Respectfully submitted, J. C. Whitefield Report on Aged Ministers Relief read, and pending its adoption, a collection was taken in cash, amounting to $12.16; pledges, $2.00; adopted as follows: AGED MINISTERS RELIEF We, your committee, beg leave to submit the following report: We find that there are fifty old ministers and their wives who are dependent upon our Board for their support, wholly or in part. The Ladies Aid Society of the Avenue Church, Palestine, has contributed $15.00 to these worthy objects during this associational year. Your committee suggests that the Ladies Aid Societies of the Churches of this Association use earnest, prayerful effort to contribute more during the next year than ever before to the support and comfort of these servants of our Master in their declining years. Respectfully submitted,
Mrs. W. C. Fleet Report on Finance presented and adopted as follows: REPORT ON FINANCE We, your committee on Finance, beg leave to submit the following: WE have received from the various churches and brethren, funds amounting to $168.50, distributed as follows: Associational
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Buckner Orphans
.. 19.20 All of which has been turned over to the Treasurer of this Association, and we have his receipt for same. Respectfully,
U. W. Lunsford Report on State Missions read, discussed at length by J. M. P. Morrow, and pending its adoption, the following amounts were pledged, To be paid during the next associational year. (See Appendix.) Adopted as follows: STATE MISSIONS Your committee on State Missions report as follows: We find from official sources that our State work has never been so successful and prosperous as now. More Churches and Associations are in harmony and co-operation with the work than ever before; more people are giving and larger gifts are made than at any time in our history. The growth and development have been phenomenal as shown from the following official data: From 1897 to 1903 the missionaries increased from 66 to 259; stations supplied, from 122 to955; Churches organized, from 19 to 114; baptisms, 568 to 4484; total received, from 1348 to 8909. WE further observe that during the last quarter of last years work the missionaries received by baptism 2255, nearly four times as many as for the whole of 1897. The present years work was laid out on an $80,000 basis, and there are about 270 missionaries on the field. The marching orders from the captain of our salvation, all along the line, has been Evangelize and then Baptize. So, from every quarter of our great State, comes the glorious and soul-thrilling news of mighty revivals and great ingatherings into the Masters fold. But with our marvelous growth and the mighty army of missionaries now on the field, we cannot begin to supply its almost limitless demands. We need at least five hundred missionaries on the field and $200,000.00 to support them. We do most heartily commend the great work of our General Convention and earnestly recommend that all our churches make a most liberal contribution to this work, and that this body now take a collection in cash and pledges for same. Respectfully submitted,
R. R. Morrow Adjourned to 2:00 p. m. Prayer by W. D. Williamson.
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THIRD DAYAfternoon Session At 2:00 p. m. the body met pursuant to adjournment. Report on Sabbath School read and adopted as follows: SABBATH SCHOOLS We, your committee on Sabbath Schools, beg leave to submit the following; As we believe the Sabbath School to be the most important adjunct to the church, in that it is the primary teaching department, and having to do with the young, in their most susceptible stage, which renders it more necessary that this be rightly taught, we, your committee, urge that it not be regarded as a secondary affair, suitable only for children and the young, but the most fruitful and efficient place for the earnest effort of the best talent in the Church. We also recommend that since the Church is necessarily more competent to elect the officers and teachers than the children, it should recognize the Sabbath School as a part of itself and should assume the overnight and control of it, which would have a tendency to draw the parents and older members of the Church into the sympathy and assistance of the school. As we realize, forcibly, these facts, and as we stand so much in need of assistance, the Sabbath School extends to the churches the Macedonian call, Come over and help us. Respectfully submitted,
M. Thompson Report of Treasurer read and adopted as follows: TREASURERS REPORT Your Treasurer, in account with Saline Association from October 3d, 1903, to October 1st, 1904, begs to submit the following report: ReceivedB. O.
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TREASURERS REPORTContinued By cash, paid J. V. Kelly, M.
. $ 18.85 Respectfully Submitted, J. Q. Adams, Treasurer, S.B.A. Report on the Liquor Traffic called for, read, discussed and adopted as follows: THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC We, your committee on the Liquor Traffic, beg leave to submit the following: The Liquor Traffic is the most gigantic and appalling curse that has ever befallen our race. It dishonors and insults God, robs heaven and ruins man. Hence we are most heartily in favor of its prohibition. To engage in the sale of intoxicants or use as a beverage is a sin against God, a crime against man and a breach against good citizenship. We recommend that we work and pray and vote for the extermination of this monster curse. We furthermore urge that our people abstain from other things hurtful to man, either in body, mind or soul. Ye are not your own, ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are His. Respectfully submitted, D. W. Whitefield Report on Buckner Orphans Home read and adopted as follows: BUCKNER ORPHANS HOME Your committee begs to submit the following report: That this is the grandest institution in the State of Texas, and Bro. R. C. Buckner should have the hearty co-operation of every Baptist in the State. And further, that the children who have fond parents to provide Christmas presents for them, be urged to send some token of love to those who have no parents. Respectfully submitted,
Mrs. O. C. Cutter Report on Obituaries read and adopted as follows:
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OBITUARIES We your committee on obituaries submit the following: After examining into the matter referred to us, we find that death has visited five of our churches since we last met, viz: Concord: Sister Mary E. Harding, Oct 6th, 1903; Brother J. E. Hendly, Nov. 27th, 1903; Sister Sallie Starks, Aug. 8th, 1904. Pisgah: Sister Callie Rogers; Nov. 24th, 1903; Sister Orilla Gardner, ----------; Sister Bertha Morrow, ------------; Sister Catherine Elrod, Sept. 16th, 1904; Brother James Rogers, ----------; Brother Frank Gambrell, --------------; Brother Shackleford -----------. Judson: Sister Mary Mahan, Feb. 23rd, 1904; Brother Ed Allen, Dec. 30th, 1903. Avenue: Sister McIntyre, Feb. 20th, 1904; Sister Perkins, Sept, 13th, 1904; Sister A. M. Mixon, Feb. 26th, 1904. New Hope: Sister Rhodie Wilbanks, --------. Frankston: Reports one death, name not given. Total number of deaths, 20. We feel sad of our loss, we should feel thankful that it has been no greater. And let us arrive to be prepared to meet, even death . Respectfully submitted,
J. Y. Welbourn, Report on Associational Missions read and adopted as follows: ASSOCIATIONAL MISSIONS We your committee, submit the following report: We believe that Associational Missions should claim our first attention. We understand that we are to give the gospel to all the world, beginning at Jerusalem. The more thoughtfully we evangelize our home field, the better prepared we are to evangelize other fields. Your committee believes there is more destitution within the bounds of this Association. Not that there are so many communities within our bounds that have not the gospel, but what there are many weak and underdeveloped churches that need our help. We urge that this Association devise some means of helping those weak churches. Your committee would further urge, in view of this destitution in the city of Palestine and adjoining communities, that there being a strong and energetic missionary put in this field for all his time. Respectfully Submitted,
S. S. Simmons, Report of the Executive Board was read and adopted as follows: EXECUTIVE BOARD Your Board begs leave to report; That in view of the fact that we entered upon this year with a debt of $ 82.08 to our former missionary, and the recommendation of the Association in its board on Associational Missions, we have not employed any missionary. We have devoted our efforts to the raising of this balance due, of which we have made a final settlement of same. Respectfully submitted,
L. D. Funderburk, Moderator
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Report on Nominations read and adopted as follows: NOMINATIONS We, your committee on Nominations, beg leave to submit the following: We recommend that the next session of this body be held with Pisgah Baptist Church, Brushy Creek, beginning Thursday before the first Sunday in October, 1905, at 11 Oclock, a. m. That the introductory sermon be preached by Elder Isaac Sellers, with Elder J. V. Kelley as alternate. We further recommend that the Executive Board be composed of the officers of this Association and the following named brethren: L. J. Huffman, A. M. Thompson, W. D. Williamson, J. C. Whitefield, J. Q. Adams, R. R. Morrow, Hardie Lavell and S. S. Simmons. That the Board meet quarterly at such place and hour as may be agreed upon. Respectfully submitted,
W. O. Funderburk APPOINTMENT OF CORRESPONDING MESSENGERS On motion, Messengers and Corresponding Messengers were appointed as follows: J. Q. Adams, V. J. Hutcherson, Isaac Sellers, L. D. Funderburk and J. V. Kelley, to the Baptist General Convention of Texas; Isaac Sellers to the Southern Baptist Convention. The following resolutions were adopted: RESOLUTIONS Resolved, That L. D. Funderburk be made Associational correspondent for the Baptist Standard and Missionary Worker. Resolved, That this body tender its sincere thanks to the Avenue Church, and city generally, for their kind hospitality shown us during our stay with them. There being no further business minutes of the session were read and approved. Following this the congregation sand, the Messengers extending each other the parting hand, after which the house was led in prayer by Elder L. D. Funderburk, and the Forty-Sixth Annual Session of the Saline Baptist Association was adjourned. O. C. Funderburk, J. V. Kelley, Clerk Moderator.
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APPENDIX The following pledges were made, to be paid within the next associational year: FOR HOME AND FOREIGN MISSIONS Avenue Church
$ 50.00 The following amounts were pledged, to be paid to State Missions during the next associational year: STATE MISSIONS Avenue Church
.Palestine UNORDAINED S. S. Simmons
.. Palestine CALANDER.Fifth Sundays during ensuing Associational year: October 30th, January 29th, April 30th, July 30th. RECAPITULATION
Number of
churches in this Association
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