Mary Amelia McClellan, affectionately known
as 'Sissy' or 'Aunt Sissy', was born in Bastrop, Texas on June 22,
1912, to the late Lucinda and Charlie A. Anderson. She was the
second child born of this union and spent many delightful days
playing on the banks of the Colorado River Mr. Anderson became
a Railway Postal Clerk and relocated the family to Longview, Texas.
After a short stay in Longview he transferred to Palestine and the
family settled on West North Street. They immediately united with
Grant Chapel A.M.E. Church and Mary was nurtured in strong Christian
principles and values. In her adult life, she was very active
in the Junior Stewardess Board and the Board of Education. She
served as Vacation Bible School Director and teacher for several
years. She also was very generous in providing the supplies
and materials used in the Bible School. Mrs. McClellan either
led the effort or was a very active participant in obtaining the
pews for the sanctuary, the Zodiac Rallies and the repair of
Plexiglas covers for the church's stained glass windows. After
the death of her brother Proncell, she donated hymnals to the
church and was collecting funds for the new heating/air system when
she became ill. These are just a few of her pet projects.
She was an active member of the Stewardess Board until her health
failed. However, she continued her financial obligation to her
church. She was united in Holy Matrimony to Francis O. McClellan
on July 23, 1948. Her family became his family and he was a
devoted husband until his death in December, 1976. Their home
was always available to the Sorority or the Tres' Joile' Teachers'
club for affairs. They were always very gracious hosts.
Mary attended Banks Elementary School and graduated from Lincoln
High School in 1930. Following graduation she attended Wiley
College in Marshall, Texas. She graduated from Wiley with a
Bachelor of Arts degree in 1934. She continued her education
and earned a Masters of Education degree from Texas Southern
University, Further study was engaged at the University of
Texas-Austin, Prairie View A.M. University and East Texas State
University. While at Wiley she pledged and was initiated into the
Phi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and continued her
membership at the nation level of the sorority for seventy years.
She attended several Boules, regional conferences and other sorority
related activities. Mrs. McClellan began her teaching career in
1934 at Massey Lake Elementary School where she was teacher and
later teacher/principal. In 1942 she began teaching in the
Palestine Independent School District at Washington Elementary (Fort
Street, Sterne Avenue and Hamlet Street locations). Later she
taught at Reagan Elementary School and retired from Southside
Elementary School in 1977 with forty-three years of service.
She always affiliated with the local, state and national teachers
organizations. After retirement she became a member of the
Anderson County Unit of the Texas Retired Teachers' Association and
served as the Secretary for nine years. She was also a member
of the National Association of Retired Federal Employees and held
many offices in the organization, For many years too, she was
an active member of the Naomi Chapter of O.E.S. and Hearts of Love
Court of Calanthe. In addition to her religious, fraternal and
educational participation, she became involved in community and
civic affairs. She was the first black leader to organize the
black Girl Scout Unit in Palestine, She was also a member of
the Anderson County Civic League, the Sunshine Community Club and
the Lincoln-Story Athletic and Performing Arts Association. On
Friday evening June 11, 2004, God called her home to eternal rest.
She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband, Francis O.
McClellan, brothers Dr. Nolan H. Anderson and Proncell F. Anderson,
and sisters Maurice R. Sweatt and Clara Ella White,. Survivors
who will cherish her memory are sisters, Charlie Maxine Littlefield
of Los Angeles, CA, Daisy C. Moore of Baton Rouge, LA and Bernice N.
Freeman of Inglewood, CA; immediate nieces and nephews, Carl
Anderson, Libbie LaVerne Sweatt, Lou Holland Jones, Mary Lou Taylor
Marilyn Diane Hairston, Nolan Hamilton Anderson, Jr., Ronald Charles
Anderson, Bernice Yvonne Cokes, Patricia Wilson, Heman Marion Sweatt,
Jacqueline Moore, Damita Jo Freeman, Gwen Moore, Vicki Eileen
Blakely and Robert Charles White; cousins, devoted friends and