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Smith County, Texas

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Enumerator - J. J. Stanford, Ass't Marshall

Company Info
  1. Name of Corporation, Company, or Individual, producing articles to the annual value of $500
  2. Name of Business, Manufacture, or Product
  3. Capital Invested in real and personal estate, in the Business

Raw Material Used, Including Fuel

  1. Quantities
  2. Kinds
  3. Value
  4. Kind of Motive Power, Machinery, Structure, or Resource

Average Number of Hands Employed

  1. Male
  2. Female


  1. Average monthly cost of male labor
  2. Average monthly cost of Female labor

Annual Product

  1. Quantities
  2. Kinds
  3. Values

Note: There were no women employed in the county so this category was left out in the tables. For best results in printing, use the landscape option.



POST OFFICE - Garden Valley

Company Business Investment Quantities Kinds Value Power Men Cost Quantities Kinds Values
J. L. Davidson Grist Mill $3000 12000 bush Corn 9000 12 HP
3 75 1/6 tole 12000 bush Meal 10500
8000 bush Wheat 8000  
Fuel & Other Articles   150  
E. M. Priest Wagon Shop $800 1000' Pine Lum 100 Man Power 2 50 15 Wagons 300
1200' Oak Lum 200 Miscellaneous 300
Patrick Garner Saddle Shop $400 500 lbs Leather 200 Man Power 2 50 50 Saddles 1250
40 Hog Skins 100 Miscellaneous 200
10 Deer " 20
40 Goat " 30
40 Sheep " 60
Other Articles 60

POST OFFICE - Flora Beat

Company Business Investment Quantities Kinds Value Power Men Cost Quantities Kinds Values
Farthing & Cheek Black Smith $600 6000 lb Bar Iron 500 Man Power 2 75 Ironing 6 Wagons 300
3000 bush CharCoal 240 100 Ploughs 150
Other Work 2160
John W Wooten Black Smith $700 5000 lbs Bar Iron 500 Man Power 2 75 Ironing 5 Wagons 250
3000 bus CharCoal 200 80 Ploughs 120
Other Work 1,400
H Kirkpatrick Tannery $2000 3000 Hides 700 Man Power 1 25 1000 lbs Sole Leather 350
30 cords Tanbark 100 100 sides Upper " 400
Other Articles 50 1500 lbs Harness " 670

POST OFFICE - Mt. Vernon Beat

Company Business Investment Quantities Kinds Value Power Men Cost Quantities Kinds Values
Stephen Erwin Black Smith $1000 4000 lbs Bar Iron 400 Man Power 2 75 Ironing 8 Wagons 600
2000 bus CharCoal 200 50 Ploughs 70
Other work 400
W. S. N. Biscoe Black Smith $400 2500 lb Bar Iron 300 Man Power 2 70 Ironing 2 Wagons 100
900 bus Charcoal 80 50 Ploughs 60
Other work 700
J. F. Gibson Wagon Shop $300 8000' Oak Lum 200 Man Power 1 25 6 Wagons 300
2000'. Pine " 60 Other Work 600

POST OFFICE - Jones Beat

Company Business Investment Quantities Kinds Value Power Men Cost Quantities Kinds Values
Richard Carlton Black Smith 200 3000 lbs Bar Iron 240 Man Power 1 60 Ironing 2 Wagons 100
1000 bush CharCoal 100 Other Work 800

POST OFFICE - Mt Carmel Beat

Company Business Investment Quantities Kinds Value Power Men Cost Quantities Kinds Values
Wm McDonald Wagon Shop 300 4000'. Oak Lum 100 Man Power 2 50 10 Wagons 600
2000' Pine " 50 Other Work 400


Company Business Investment Quantities Kinds Value Power Men Cost Quantities Kinds Values
John Johnson Black Smith 200 5000 lbs Bar Iron 400 Man Power 2 60 Ironing 10 wagons 680
1200 bus CharCoal 120 Other Work 300
Joshua McClung Cabinet Shop 300 5000' Pine Lum 100 Horse 1 50 30 BedSteads 300
4000' Oak & Ash Lum 100 6 Bureaus 120
4 Safes 100
80 Chairs 100

POST OFFICE - Jamestown Beat

Company Business Investment Quantities Kinds Value Power Men Cost Quantities Kinds Values
B. J. Cone Wagon Shop 500 6000' Oak Lum 180 Man Power 2 10 11 Wagons 700
4000' Pine " 80 Miscellaneous 400
Other Articles 100
W. M Bradford Black Smith 300 6000 lbs Bar Iron 480 Man Power 2 70 Ironing 12 wagons 1000
1200 bush CharCoal 100 Miscellaneous 1200
J. M. Whitehead Cabinet Shop 1000 8000' Pine Lum 160 Man Power 3 50 50 Bedsteads 600
2000' Oak " 100 5 Bureaus 100
6 Safes 100
Other work 100
Josiah Reynolds Black Smith 350 5500 lbs Bar Iron 500 Man Power 2 80 4 Wagons 300
1100 bush CharCoal 100 80 Ploughs 120
Miscellaneous 400
C. B. Bacon Black Smith 800 6500 lbs Bar Iron 500 Man Power 2 75 8 wagons 500
1500 bush CharCoal 100 100 Ploughs 150
Miscellaneous 700
W. C. Wilkerson Wagon Shop 500 4000' Oak Lum 100 Man Power 2 50 12 Wagons 600
2000' Pine " 40 Miscellaneous 400
Other Articles 100
W. W. Kennedy Black Smith 500 5000 lbs Bar Iron 350 Man Power 2 60 Ironing 6 Wagons 300
2000 bus CharCoal 100 60 Ploughs 100
Miscellaneous 800

POST OFFICE - Starrville Beat

Company Business Investment Quantities Kinds Value Power Men Cost Quantities Kinds Values
David Hill Sawmill 3000 4000 Pine Logs 1200 20 HP
10 300 500,000' Sawed Pine Lum 5000
2000 Oak Logs 600 200,000' Sawed Oak Lum 2500
Fuel & Other Articles 400
J. P. Lowery Sawmill 2000 1500 Pine Logs 700 Water 3 70 200,000' Sawed Pine Lum 2000
500 Oak Logs 200 50,000' Sawed Oak Lum 1000
Fuel & Other Articles 100


Company Business Investment Quantities Kinds Value Power Men Cost Quantities Kinds Values
Stanford Burton Saddle Shop 400 300 lbs Sole Leather 200 Man Power 2 40 40 Saddles 800
50 Hog Skins 100 Miscellaneous 300
20 Deer " 40
70 Goat " 50
80 Sheep " 90
Other Articles 100
Richard Clark Wagon Shop 500 4000' Oak Lum 280 Man Power 1 25 6 Wagons 360
1200' Pine " 40 Repairing 400
J. W. Pittman Black Smith 400 4000 lbs Bar Iron 300 Man Power 2 70 Ironing 6 Wagons 300
100 bush CharCoal 100 80 Ploughs 100
Other work 800
Jas Lowrey Boots & Shoes 200 100 lbs Sole Leath 80 Man Power 1 40 10 Prs Coarse Boots 60
40 Sides Upper " 120 100 Prs Fine Boots 200
20 Calf Skins 40 100 Prs fine Shoes 200
Other Articles 20 Repairing 100
J McCormick Black Smith 200 2000 lbs Bar Iron 170 Man Power 1 40 150 Ploughs 400
800 bush CharCoal 80 Miscellaneous 100
McCorkle & Wells Sawmill 4,000 2000 Pine Logs 700 18 HP
6 120 700,000' Sawed Pine Lum 7000
1000 Oak " 300 100,000 " Sawed Oak Lum 2000
Fuel & Other Articles 400
R. T. McFarland Sawmill 3,000 2500 Pine Logs 900 20 HP
6 130 820,000' Sawed Pine Lum 8000
1000 Oak " 100 80,000' Sawed Oak Lum 1000
Fuel & Other Articles 400
R. T. McFarland Grist Mill 2,000 7000 bus Corn 6000 10 HP
3 70 7060 bush Meal 7166
10000 " Wheat 10000 200 barrels Flour 11400

POST OFFICE - Canton Beat

Company Business Investment Quantities Kinds Value Power Men Cost Quantities Kinds Values
Elkins & Fields Wagon & Cabinet Shop 300 2000' Pine Lum 50 Man Power 2 25 2 Wagons 100
2000' Oak " 100 Repairing Wagons 200
Other articles 200 4 Bed Steads 40
Different kinds furniture 300
H & J Floore Black Smith 250 5000 lbs Bar Iron 600 Man Power 2 100 Ironing 4 Wagons 200
1200 bush CharCoal 75 200 Ploughs 450
Miscellaneous 1200


Company Business Investment Quantities Kinds Value Power Men Cost Quantities Kinds Values
George Eaton Distillery 300 700 bush Corn 400 Man Power 2 30 1400 gal Corn Whiskey 1900
200 bush Rye 200 200 gal Rye Whiskey 200
Sol Lanham Saw Mill 2500 1500 Pine Logs 700 20 HP
4 100 400,000' Pine Lum Sawed 4000
500 Oak " 100 1,000,000' Oak Lum 2000
Fuel & Other Articles 200

POST OFFICE - Tyler Beat

Company Business Investment Quantities Kinds Value Power Men Cost Quantities Kinds Values
J N McKinley Saw Mill 9000 4500 Pine Logs 800 20 HP
7 170 750,000' Pine Lum Saw 1000
500 Oak " 100 50,000 Oak " 1000
Fuel & Other Articles 200
S S Gibbs Saddle Shop 1400 1600 Leather 760 Man Power 2 100 96 Saddles 2400
100 Hog Skins 80 Miscellaneous 1000
40 Deer " 160
180 Goat " 180
180 Sheep " 100
Other Articles 100
T Albertson Boots & Shoes 200 1000 lbs Sole Leather 300 Man Power 1 25 50 prs Fine Boots 470
40 sides Upper " 100 40 " Coarse Shoes 80
50 Calf Skins 150 60 " Fine " 180
Other Articles 50 Repairing 100
Martin Horn Tin & Sheet Iron 500 300 Boxes Tin plate 3000 Man Power 2 80   Tin Ware 6,000
2000 lb Sheet Iron 160 6,000 Sheet Iron 300
Fuel & Other Articles 1000 Other Articles 100
Smith & Thompson Tailor Shop 200 40 yds Broad Cloth 200 Man Power 2 50 20 Coats 600
80 " Casimer 120 30 prs pants 300
25 " Vestings 60 20 Vests 160
Trimings 120 Miscellaneous 200
W. J. Smith; Carding Machine Wool 500 5000 lbs Wool 1500 Water 2 50 1400 lbs Rolls 300
Buys 1000 lbs Wool 350 1000 Rolls 400
J. G. Human Boots & Shoes 400 400 lbs Soled Leather 200 Man Power 2 60 50 pr Coarse Boots 300
120 Calf Skins 400 100 " fine Boots 900
Other Articles 100 40 " Coarse Shoes 100
60 " fine shoes 200
Miscellaneous 150


Company Business Investment Quantities Kinds Value Power Men Cost Quantities Kinds Values
Venerable & Clarry Black Smith 200 3000 lb Bar Iron 360 Man Power 2 60 Ironing 7 Wagons 280
1000 bush CharCoal 100 50 Ploughs 100
Miscellaneous 300
E. R. Clary Wagon Shop 320 4000' Oak Lum 140 Man Power 2 40 5 Wagons 290
2000' Pine " 60 Miscellaneous 400
S. C. Crone Cabinet Shop 300 8000' Pine Lum 180 1 Horse 1 40 30 Bedsteads 240
4000' Oak " 80 3 Safes 30
60 Chairs 60
Wardrobes Bureaus 300

Town of Tyler Com:

Company Business Investment Quantities Kinds Value Power Men Cost Quantities Kinds Values
John Winship Gin Shop 1800 5000' Pine Lum 270 1 Horse 5 200 50 Cotton Gins 7,500
Other Articles 1000 Repairing Cotton Gins 500
G. W. Longley Carpenter Shop 700 2000' Pine Lum 400 1 Horse 1 20 Sash & Doors 400
Other Articles 100 Miscellaneous 350
Rodgers & Shepard Cabinet Shop 1700 15,000' Pine Lum 300 1 Horse 2 120 75 Bed Steads 1000
5,000 " Oak " 100 Bureaus Wardrobes 1200
Other furniture 800
Jas O Ramsour Black Smith 1000 8000 lbs Bar Iron 640 Man Power 3 100 70 Ploughs 100
3000 bush CharCoal 180 Work on Wagons 400
Work on Buggies 400
Other Work 1200
J & G Adams Black Smith 1000 8000 lbs Bar Iron 500 Man Power 3 100 Ironing 4 Wagons 400
3000 bush CharCoal 180 100 Ploughs 140
Other Work 2800
T. G. Erwin & Co Distellery 700 400 bush Corn 250 Man Power 1 25 600 Gal Corn Whiskey 600
100 " Rye 100 100 gal Rye Whiskey 100
Jones & Lilly Wagon Shop 200 2000' Pine Lum 60 Man Power 2 60 6 Wagons 360
Other Articles 100 Repairing Wagons 800
A H Ramsour Grist Mill 3000 8000 bus Corn 5000 12 HP
2 60 1/8 toll 8000 Bus Meal 6,000
3000 bus Wheat 3000 1/8 toll 600 bus Flour 3,770
Fuel & Other Articles 200
Harvey Yarbrough Black Smith 100 2000 lbs Bar Iron 200 Man Power 2 50 60 Ploughs 100
1000 bus CharCoal 60 Work on Wagons 500
Terrel Copeland Distillery 400 250 bus Corn 125   1 25 400 gal Corn Whiskey 400
100 " Rye 100 100 " Rye Whiskey 100
T. Ellison Grist Mill 3,000 8000 bus Corn 6000 Water 1 40 8000 bus Meal 7000
8000 " Wheat 8000 1/4 Bls Flour 10000
Peter Marsh Grist Mill 2,500 9000 bus Corn 7000 Water 1 50 1/6 Toll 9000 bus Meal 8000
7000 " Wheat 7000 1/6 Toll 1400 bus Flour 3632


Company Business Investment Quantities Kinds Value Power Men Cost Quantities Kinds Values
Wm H Smith Printing Office 2000 58 Reams Paper 225 Man Power 4 100 400 Weekly Newspapers 1000
Other Articles 100 Job Work 1000
Warner & Douglass Printing Office 3000 120 Reams Paper 490 Man Power 4 100 350 Weekly Newspapers 2200
Other Articles 100 Job Work 1000

Subdivision No 26
Smith County Texas

Submitted by Mary Love Berryman
Proof Read by Norma Beddingfield

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