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Contributed by Lawrence Oliver

Published by The Senior Class of the Tyler High School & The Tyler Junior College, Tyler, Texas Gladys Swann - Editor Gus Pinkerton, Jr. – Business Manager FORWARD IN THIS BOOK, the fifteenth volume of the Alcalde, we, the staffs of the Tyler High School and Tyler Junior College, take this method of thanking each one who so diligently gave the publication any assistance. If, in the years to come, this book succeeds in any measure in recording the students’ achievements, aspirations, and convictions, its aim will have been accomplished. – STAFF. DEDICATION To our counselor and friend, the one who was never too busy to help us, who has labored tirelessly in our behalf; to Mr. J.M. Hodges, our Principal and Dean, we, the Seniors of 1927 and the students of the Tyler Junior College, dedicate this, the fifteenth volume of the Alcalde, in loving remembrance. TYLER HIGH SCHOOL ALCALDE STAFF Gladys Swann, Editor-in-Chief Forrest Clogh, Associate Editor Annelle Griffin, Secretary Katherine Ard, Student Activities Jonnie Taylor, Calendar Doris Williford, Art Editor Lawrence Malloy, Art Editor Lura Mae Burton, Art Editor Fred Powell, Boys’ Athletics Clara Woodward, Organizations Sarah Malloy, Junior Representative Rachel Johnson, Grind Gus Pinkerton, Jr., Business Manager John T. Post, Advertising Manager Joe Ben Jarvis, Football Elizabeth Cobb, Freshman Representative Cecil Harber, Circulation Manager Travis Mae Sampson, Girls’ Basketball Kelton Alexander, Assistant Business Manager Edwin Latta, Staff Photographer Mary Delay, Staff Photographer Joe Campbell, Assistant Advertising Manager Maurice Barton, Basketball Louise Dean, Sophomore Representative Frances Laughlin, Assistant Circulation Manager SCHOOLS ADMINISTRATION Mr. G.O. Clough, Public Schools Superintendent & Tyler Junior College Pres. Mr. J.M. Hodges, Tyler High School Principal & Tyler Junior College Dean Mrs. Owens, Assistant Principal Miss Florence Campbell, Secretary Miss Annie Mae Byrum, Secretary TYLER HIGH SCHOOL FACULTY Miss Sondheim Keeton, Science Mr. J. P. Slack, History Miss Thelma Asbury, English Miss Alice Douglas, Clothing Mr. T.G. Wray, Manual Training Miss Virginia Davis, English Miss Lucille King, Latin and English Mrs. S.T. Jones, English and History Miss Mary D. Walker, Home Economics Miss Grace Hodges, Home Economics Mr. E.A. Lawver, Mechanical Drawing Miss Eula Mcguire, Music Miss Sophronie Ponder, History Mrs. Lee Butler, Mathematics Miss Annell Bulloch, English Miss Elizabeth Bryarly, Reading Mr. Jerry Phillips, Mathematics Miss Bess Kay, English Miss Mittie Marsh, English Mr. William Garland, Science Miss Mattie Jones, English Mr. R.J. Bingham, Mathematics Miss Mary Bourne, Latin Miss Cathryn Bourne, History Mrs. Willie V. Moor, Mathematics Miss Myrtis Littlejohn, Mathematics Miss Lillian Martin, Spanish Miss Leta Yarbrough, Spanish Mrs. Louise Preston Haynes, Girls’ Ath. Mr. George A. Foltz, Boys’ Ath. Mrs. Katherine C. Foltz, Biological Sci. Miss Frances Eaton, Mathematics Mrs. Roy C. Owens, Reading, English Mr. J.M. Hodges, Mathematics Mr. W.A. Nelson, Mathematics Mr. S.B. Burk, History Miss Mary Henderson, History, Economics Miss Gladys Yarbrough, Home Ec. Mrs. Jerry Phillips, Study Hall Miss Mary Pyles, Library, Study Hall TYLER HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS Marvin Brown Cecil Harber Mildred Burks Sue Nelle Hart L.B. Butler Aline Harton R.L. Dark Edith Harville Curtis Francis Otto Heffler Gordon Greene Arrie Henry Richard Harris John Herndon Davenport Johnson Josephine Herrin Luther Kay Mary E. Hester Forrest Kendrick Cleone Hughes Ruby Lyle Corine Hunter Newell Lynch Josephine Jamieson Hattie Lloyd Mitchell Joe Ben Jarvis Hazel Nichols Rachel Johnson Ruth Phillips Frances Kay Rubie Roberts Flavil Langston Elisabeth Rogers Franches Laughlin George Saleh Edwin Latta Gertrude Taylor Ruby Lawrence Norris G. Weaver Knox Lee Imogene Allen Mary Agnes Lineham Kelton Alexander Elizabeth Lockhart Francnes Andrews Carroll McCrary Katherine Ard Margaret McMurray Maurine Balfour Lawrence Malloy Lois Barbee Mildred Marsh Exa Barton Isabel Mayfield Mauris Barton Theo Mills Grace Helen Beam Bruce Moore Lura Mae Burton Elizabeth Odom Bertha Byrum Newburn Owen Joe Campbell Julia Pendleton Ruth Collins Gus Pinkerton Stella Barron John T. Post Forrest Clough Fred Powell Charles Copeland Thyra Pring Alyne Cole Thomas Rawling Evelyn Dean Marguerite Ray Mary Delay Travis Mae Sampson Annie Laurie Dickson Dorothy Sanford G.L. Downing William Sheley Louise Eagerton Mary Skelton Marjorie Edwards Israel Smith Lash Garrard Atys Stripling Elizabeth Gentry Mildred Thedford Alta Belle Godfrey Jonnie Taylor Erwin Dyer Fannie Mae Taylor Dan Golenternek Ardis Taylor Robert Gorsline Gladys Swann Annelle Griffin Martha Lee Stovall Frank Grimes Olive Ward Elsie Haddad Dorothy Wilkerson Smith Hale Beverly Wilson Ruth Hazel Haralson Bonnie Mae Williams Clara Woodward Dezzie Young TYLER HIGH SCHOOL JUNIORS Ardell Blackwell Sarah Malloy Lois Smith Lauree Hale Aline Potter Alma Brown Elvyn Boone Gertrude Marmar Velma Smith Attis Holliman Eula Belle Rather Phillip Bryan Jack Caldwell Ara Edna Milner Addie Taylor Ruby Belle Horton Lilla Mae Rice Catherine Buckingham James Costin Letha Milner Brannon Taylor Otis Howard Roma Rogers Morris Burton Clark Eason Maggie Ellen Morris Rheaga Thompson Lamar Johnson John Bonner Sheppard John Buster Pauline Evans Alfred Neeley Claude Torrans Raymond Johnson Zelma Solinger Blanche Butler Isadore Greenburg Lex Neill Bill Watson Opal Klutts Roy White Marguerite Butts Leo Hairston Glen Norton Doris Williford David Krumholz Lionel Aiken Ruth Cardwell Mable Herrin Victor Norton Floreid Wills Kathleen Lockhart Nannie Mary Ashby Fred Carpenter Hill Howard Houston Parish Annie Belle Castle James Loftin, Jr. Sam Barbee Pink Childress Richard Lines Elsie Pearson Joe Costin Elsie Loggins Eugene Barron Eva Mae Delavan Robert McCoy Annie Price Ruth Denton Celian Loggans George Battenfield Bonnie Lee Dunwoody David Marmar Cleo Price Willie Edelman Willette Loving John Beckham Rudolph Ellis Mary Edna Myers Joe Scott Robert Estes Oliver McKay Florence Birdwell Mark Ford Stella Newman Stoy Shamblin Thelma Gebhard Modena Mackey Eva Dean Boring Frank Goldwater Addie Pledger Mamye Simmons Joe Golenternek Virginia Bounds TYLER HIGH SCHOOL SOPHOMORES Chester Lacy Helen Powell Rebecca Morgan Annie Laurie Ridings Joe Edelman Finis Barton Margaret Rose Adams Faye Simmons Juanity McMahon Thomas Thorpe Aileen Williams Harrol Ellis Hazel Robinson Ruth Wilson Milton Falk Catherine Haralson Sophia Lingner Mitchell Smith Mildred Estes Jack Wood Esther Simmons Melvin Wilcox Frances Gafford Harry Beal Willie Hayley Tennie Boring Clyde Raynor Ross Messer Harriett Jarrel Cecyl Harton Marie Hughes Marjorie DeBord Claude Jones Raymond Messer Clifton Phillips Kathryn Nettles Minnie Opal Hughes Bernice Dew Mary Florence Elwood Weakley Sadie Campbell Elizabeth Pring Etta Roth Katie Barbee Troy Irvin Carl Judd Leon Gorsline Ruth Holley Louise Dean Regina Levine Francine Turner Clayton Jones Agnes Harris John Fleetwood John Wright Marcella Hill Abner Henderson Dorothy Chapel Lucille Scott Mary D. Allen Janie McMahon Oleta Veasey Lucille Rose Louie Cobb Delma Bevis Henry Reynolds Mattie Smith Mildred Lutrell Franklyn Dark Eunice Daniels Bernice Boone Theo Allen Edith Rice Betty Haynes Thomas Pyles Ancel Clough Steadley Grimes Oweta Rozelle James Sheley Reba Shamblin Ala Sanders Norrene Reiley Hazel Neeley Ruth Wilson Catherine Odom LaBelle Stein Thelma Rice Carl Greer Harry Aten Jack Rather Estelle Dark Louise Murphy Frank Reynolds Alice Woodward Martha Delay Leroy Greene Mary Margaret Dillon Floyd Aten George Longley Stillman Watkins Carroll Swann Lynn Alexander Leah Deland Alfred Pate Lat Alexander Edwin Brown TYLER HIGH SCHOOL FRESHMEN Frank Dean Frances Ferguson Marie Griggs Terry Lindsey Ward Fleming Jack Terrell Frank Fredkin Katherine Pate Mary Abbott Bob Gaston Johnnie Belle Myers Dorothy Marsh Mela Jones Jack Hairston Margaret Key Robert Pecot Mr. Jerry Phillips Frances Strange Sarah Christian Maurice Nall Louise Martindale Leroy Allen Newton Berryman Lena Kamel Elizabeth Cobb Ruth Fleishman Omega Hallmark Guy Wilkinson David Connally Ruth Wilson Ida Eisen James Vaughn Lee Milner Charles Aaron John Elton Hodges Willie Allen Helen Louise Apperson John R. King Neal Harville Marcelite McMurray Louise Boren Edward Leach Florence Dorothy Wolfe Eula Cardwell Marden McCary Mary Elizabeth McLaughlin Flaye Thedford Billy Palmore Josephine Salah Sam Ford J.B. Dyer Bernadine Conner Clyde Judd William Loggans Dorothy Albertson Claude Howard Andrew Wood Ruby Hughes Grover Tunnell Olney Davis Julian Quinn Willard Gray J.C. Spencer Margie Wills Sol Smith Dorothy Nichols Susannah Malavansos Billie Pounders John Dillon Pat Prestwood TYLER HIGH SCHOOL ORGANIZATIONS, POPULARITY, ATHLETICS, GRIND, & PROPHECY SECTIONS NOT COPIED. TYLER JUNIOR COLLEGE SPECIAL COMMITTEE Thell Williams S. Bruck J.C. Hale A.F. Sledge G.O. Clough T.L. Odom TYLER JUNIOR COLLEGE ADMINISTRATION G.O. Clough, President J.M. Hodges, Dean TYLER JUNIOR COLLEGE FACULTY Allene Brandenburg, English, Peabody College for Teachers, M.A. Sam Bryan Burk, Education, Columbia University, M.A. Jessie Mildred Howell, Language, University of Missouri, M.A. William Garland, Science, University of Texas, B.A. Louise Glenn, Music, College of Industrial Arts, B.S. Mary Virginia Henderson, History, University of Texas, M.A. William Aubrey Nelson, Mathematics, University of Texas, M.A. Mrs. Louise Haynes, Physical Training, North Texas State Teachers College, B.S. Mary Dolly Walker, Home Economics, College of Industrial Arts, B.S. TYLER JUNIOR COLLEGE STUDENT OFFICERS Warren McDonald, President Dessie Bell, Vice-President Mattie Alice Scroggins, Secretary Glaucius Barton, Treasurer TYLER JUNIOR COLLEGE GRADUATES Charles Brogan Mattie Brown Hargrove Mamye Kennedy Elizabeth Laughlin Lena Palmore Ina Roberts Lee Smith Lena Solomon TYLER JUNIOR COLLEGE UNDERGRADUATES Glaucius Barton William Ward Corrie Ann Hamilton Edward Potter Louise Burden Mrs. W.S. Hanley Marjorie Bearden Douglas Wright Margaret Henderson Lottie Ray Joe Ella Butler Geraldine Holland Edith Belcher Nona Carr Garland Holt Lucie Rawlings Dorothy Coker Sara Hunter Dessie Bell Bryan Collins Mary Kaemmerlen Mrs. Clen Rice Dorothea Cook Mrs. Helen Kayser Annette Berman Velma Culwell Herman Kidd Willie V. Sanders Myrtle Darnell Katherine Matthews Mrs. Alice Blake Royce Davis Sarah McClendon Mattie Alice Scroggins Meredith DeLay Warren McDonald Orbie Boone Owden Dumas Jewel McMillan Eugene Shelton Bessie Mae Edwards Virginia Mims Jake Brinkerhoff Margaret Edwards Ora Mae Nash Arzillah Stocker Bonnie Eisen Sam Nash Myra Brooks Bert Francis Louie Nelson Norrine Storey Earl Gaston Margaret Parker Mrs. Albert Brown Nannie Belle Gaut Ralph Parker Agnes Tarbutton Helen Gentry Floy Pinkerton Bonnie Lee Bryarly Fisher Godfrey Ruth Grimes Helen Thedford Marguerite Gresham Mary Hambrick Maude Buckingham TYLER JUNIOR COLLEGE ALCALDE STAFF Helen Thedford, Editor Dorothy Coker, Business m’gr. Mattie Alice Scroggins, Ass’t. Editor Earl Gaston, Staff Photographer Jewel McMillan, Advertising M’gr. Dessie Bell, Organizations Glaucius Barton, Ass’t. Bus. M’gr. Floy Pinkerton, Snapshots Velma Culwell, Literary Sara Hunter, Literary Ina Roberts, Literary Sarah McClendon, Calendar Edward Potter, Athletics Maude Buckingham, Athletics Jake Brinkerhoff, Art Myra Brooks, Art Sam Nash, Art FORMAL OPENING OF TYLER JUNIOR COLLEGE NINETY-THREE students, with Faculty and numbers of the citizens of Tyler, met in the High School Auditorium on the morning of September 17, 1926, for the formal opening of the Tyler Junior College. Following the musical numbers given by Tyler artists, President Clough introduced the members of the Faculty. Several of the leaders who were instrumental in establishing the Tyler Junior College, Mr. Thell Williams, Mr. J.C.Hale, Mr. Gus Taylor, and Mr. A.F. Sledge, made short talks. Mr. Clough introduced Dr. M. Faber, the principal speaker, as a former Regent of the University of Texas. Dr. Faber gave the history of the school system of Tyler from the opening year, 1881, to the establishment of the Tyler Junior College -- the highest attainment for the Tyler Schools. FACULTY PARTY ON OCTOBER 29, 1926, the first social function of the Tyler Junior College was held in the gymnasium, when the Faculty entertained the students. The college colors of black and gold, emphasizing the decorative scheme, were much in keeping with the Hallowe'en spirit, which greatly added to the gayety of the evening. After various games and contests, entered into enthusiastically by both students and Faculty with a feeling of loyalty and good fellowship, had enlivened the program, the group gathered around the piano to learn the college yells and songs. At the close of the evening, refreshments were served. The party dispersed to the tune of "Good Night, Ladies," each manifesting his appreciation for one of the most enjoyable events of the year. JUNIOR COLLEGE BANQUET ON DECEMBER 3, 1926, the student body of the Tyler Junior College entertained for the Faculty with a banquet in the ballroom of the Blackstone Hotel. The tables, arranged in the form of a "T," were banked with southern smilax, from the midst of which twinkled yellow candles in crystal holders. College pennants and black and gold streamers further carried out the college colors. The delicious menu consisted of fruit cocktail, turkey, dressing, peas in potato cups, hot rolls, combination salad, olives, crackers, osgood pie, and coffee. The courses were interspersed with beautiful musical selections rendered by Lena Solomon, Agnes Tarbutton, and John Hamilton. Then Toastmaster Warren McDonald called on President Clough. After-dinner speeches by members of the Faculty followed, the climax of which was reached when Mr. Nelson declared he would "make it short," as "the longer the spoke, the larger the tire." This banquet made history for Tyler Junior College. It was resolved to make such an affair an annual function. TYLER JUNIOR COLLEGE ORGANIZATIONS & ATHLETICS WERE NOT COPIED. ADVERTISEMENTS WERE NOT COPIED. WHO’S WHO IN TYLER HIGH SCHOOL Honor Society Members for Spring Term, 1927: Imogene Allen Frances Kay Clara Woodward Marjorie Edwards Edwin Latta Forrest Clough Jonnie Taylor Gladys Swann Lawrence Malloy Israel Smith Dan Golenternek Alta Belle Godfrey Katherine Ard Lura Mae Burton Marguerite Ray Winners In Debate: Forrest Clough Israel Smith Winners in Declamation: Lila Mae Rice Ferrell Pledger Winners In Spelling: Thelma Gebhard Gertrude Marmar Winner In Essay: Bill Ilfrey Winners In Latin Tournament: Individuals: Teams: Gelen Louise Apperson Hazel Gray Bill Watson S.J. Mings Leon Gorsline Leon Gorsline Stillman Watkins Richard Lucas Winners in Track: Derbon Stephenson Carroll McCrary Otis Howard

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