Indexed by Jeanne Sellers
Formatted by Scott Fitzgerald
A. A. Laundry Co., Inc. - 126
A. L. G. Club - 13, 14, 17-19, 22-25, 27
Aaron, Charles - 49
Abbot, Mary - 36, 53, 60
Acker, Mary Ruth - 30
Activities, TJC - 100-105
Adams, Inez - 52
Adams, Mable - 30
Adams, Margaret Rose - 30, 42, 43, 46, 52
Adams, Roma - 46
Administration, Tyler Junior College - 89
Advertisements - 117-128
Aiken, Lyonel - 56
Aiken, Lyonell - 17
Albertson, Dorothy - 53
Albertson, Dorothy Earle - 36
Alcalde Staff - 13, 16, 18-20, 22-25, 40-41
Alcalde Staff, TJC - 101
Alexander, Lat - 56
Alexander, Woodrow - 47
Allen, ___ - 101, 103
Allen, Imogene - 94
Allen, Iva Lee - 36, 57
Allen, Leroy - 49
Allen, Pauline - 47, 52
Allen, Theo - 36, 49
Allen, Willie - 49
Allison, Wilfred - 48, 49
Alston, Charles - 49
Anderson, Sam - 56
Apache Pow-Wow Staff - 102
Apperson, Helen Louise - 44, 53
Arcadia, The [theatre] - 125
Arnold, Glenn - 38
Arnold, Kathleen - 61
Arts and Craft Club - 13, 19, 24, 25, 54
As I Wish My Sequel [poem] - 38
Asbury, Thelma (Miss) - 9, 42
Ashby, Nannie Mary - 17, 57
Aten, Floyd - 36
Athletic Club - 13, 14
Athletics - 68-78
Atkins, Grace (Mrs.) - 10, 57
Atwood, Dorothy - 38, 52
Atwood, Wilburn - 30
Avory, Edward - 55
B Plus Club - 13, 14, 20, 22-25, 27
Bailey, Sara - 38, 47, 53
Baker, Clyde - 36, 59
Baker, Sidney - 59
Baker, Sydney - 37, 77
Baker, Wanda - 57
Baldwin Motor Co. - 123
Balfour, Boyce - 30, 56
Balfour, Maurine - 94
Balfour, Ruth - 30, 52, 76
Band - 13, 15, 19-22, 25-27, 59
Bank Barber Shop - 122
Barbee, Katie - 30
Barbee, Sam - 17, 55, 77
Bardwell, Joe - 56
Barron, ___ - 71
Barron, Elmer - 37, 59
Barron, Eugene - 17, 48, 70, 73
Barton, ___ - 78, 101, 103
Barton, Finis - 49
Barton, Glaucius - 88, 92, 100, 109
Barton, Mauris - 13, 41, 46, 49, 56
Baseball - 13, 15, 17, 20, 22
Basketball - 12-20, 22, 24, 26-28, 74-76
Basketball, TJC - 104-105
Battenfield, ___ - 71
Battenfield, George - 17
Beal, Frances - 37
Beal, Harry - 30, 53
Beall, C. F. - 17
Beall, Louverne - 57
Beckham, John - 17, 56
Bedell, Billie - 46
Bedgood, Ethyl - 17
Bell, ___ - 104
Bell, Dessie - 94
Bell, Eddie - 94
Berman, ___ - 103
Berman, Annette - 92
Bertrand, John - 17
Best Student - 66
Bevis, Delma - 57
Bindler, Harry - 17, 49
Bingham, ___ (Mr.) - 56
Bingham, R. J. (Mr.) - 9, 50
Birdwell, Florence - 30, 44
Black and Gold [poem] - 109
Blackstone Hotel - 119
Blackwell, ___ - 104
Blackwell, Ardell - 13, 44, 54
Boone, ___ - 71
Boone, Bernice - 18, 46, 75, 76
Boone, Elvyn - 13
Boren, Louise - 43, 53
Boring, Evadean - 18, 51
Boring, Tennie - 18, 46
Bounds, Virginia - 18, 77
Bourne, Mary (Miss) - 9, 53
Boyd, Fairy - 57
Bradberry, Lloyd - 37
Bradberry, Nellie - 37, 61
Bradshaw, Tom - 30, 49
Brandenburg, ___ (Miss) - 100
Brandenburg, Allene - 90
Brazzil, Maurice - 52
Bright, Thelma - 30, 58, 77
Bright, W. F. - 49
Bright, William - 30
Brinkerhoff, ___ - 101
Brinkerhoff, Jake - 94, 100
Broadway Drug Store - 124
Brogan, J. H., & Co. - 126
Brooks, Helen - 36, 57
Brooks, Nat W. - 127
Brown, Alma - 18, 40, 42, 43, 46, 57, 62, 77
Brown, Edwin - 30, 56
Brown, Marvin - 94
Brown, Royal - 30, 49
Bryan, Phillip - 18, 56
Bryan, R. E.- 124
Bryarly, Bonnie Lee - 92
Bryarly, Elizabeth (Miss) - 9, 61, 77
Bryrly, R. C. - 123
Buckingham, ___ - 104
Buckingham, Catherine - 18, 60, 66, 77
Bunnell, Gayle - 18
Burk, S. B. (Mr.) - 8
Burk, Sam Bryan - 90
Burks, Dixie - 18, 46, 62
Burks, Walker Furniture Co. - 126
Burns, Louise - 57
Burns, Thelma - 57
Burton, ___ - 101, 103
Burton, Harvey - 49
Burton, Lura Mae - 94
Burton, Morris - 18, 41, 46, 55, 56
Buster, John - 19, 54, 59
Buster, Virginia - 36, 53
Butler, Lee (Mrs.) - 10
Butler, Lucile - 30
Butler, Parralie - 52
Butts, Margarette - 19, 40, 42, 58, 62, 77
Byrne Publishing Company - 122
Byron, Mildred - 19, 57, 76
Byrum, Annie Mae (Miss) - 8, 94
Byrum, Bertha - 94
Caldwell, ___ - 71
Caldwell, Jack - 13, 56, 105
Caldwell-Hughes-DeLay & Allen - 121
Calendar - 82-83
Calloway, David - 49
Camp Fire Girls - 18, 61
Campbell, Florence (Miss) - 8
Campbell, Lois - 57
Campbell, Sadie - 19
Campus Humor - 84-85
Campus Poses - 86
Cardwell, Ella - 36
Cardwell, Eula - 53
Cardwell, Ruth - 19, 41, 46, 53
Carlton Lumber Co. - 127
Carpenter, Fred - 19, 56
Carrol, Hollis - 47
Carrol, James - 37
Carter, ___ - 78
Carter, Cone - 30, 49
Carter, Howard - 19, 51
Cason, Addie Mae -19, 57, 75, 76
Castle, Annie Belle - 19, 57
Cates, Johnnie - 75, 76
Chandler, H. P. (Mr.) - 10
Chandler, Loura - 57
Chapel, Dorothy - 19, 41, 43, 46, 57
Childers, ___ - 71
Childers, Pink - 20, 46, 48
Christian, Sarah - 36, 53
Citizens' Military Training Club (Military Club) - 48-49
Citizens National Bank - 120
Clark, Robert - 38
Clarkson, Louise - 36
Classes, TJC - 92-98
Clements, Mary Waller - 36
Cloud, Bunk - 20, 49
Clyde & Sons Grocers and Produce - 122
Cobb, Elizabeth - 36, 41, 53, 58
Cobb, Louie - 49
Coffey, Margaret - 60
Cohen, Mary - 30, 43, 62
Coker, ___ - 104
Coker, Dorothy - 94
Coker, Jimmie Ruth - 47
Coleman, Gaston - 20, 49
College Comics - 113
College of Industrial Arts - 90
Collins, Christine - 47
Columbia University - 90
Connally, David - 36, 44, 54, 59
Cook, Helen - 30, 57, 62
Corley, Ibera - 57
Costin, James - 13
Costin, Joe - 20, 56
Crawford, John - 30
Crawford, John H. - 56
Crescent Laundry, The - 118
Crook, B. F. - 36, 66, 74
Crow, Rachel - 46
Culwell, ___ - 101, 103
Culwell, Velma - 92, 100
Curtain Club - 13, 14, 27
Daniels, Eunice - 30, 58, 77
Dark, Estelle - 30, 46, 57
Dark, Franklin - 59
Dark, Franklyn - 20
Darnell, Vivian - 37
Davidson, Pauline - 52
Davis, ___ - 71, 78
Davis, Josephine - 20, 57
Davis, Olney - 37
Davis, Wesley - 2, 20, 40, 49
Dean, ___ - 104
Dean, Evelyn - 95
Dean, Louise - 30, 42, 46, 57, 75, 76
Dean, Lucille - 38
Debate Club - 21, 25
Debating Club - 12, 27, 50
Debating team - 24
Debenport, J. W. - 44, 47
DeBord, Marjorie - 30, 46
Declamation Club - 25, 26, 50
Declamation Club, Junior - 81
Dedication - 4
DeLand, Leah - 31, 46, 57
DeLay, Martha - 31, 41-44, 46, 53
DeLay, Nell - 38, 42, 47
Dennis, Buster - 49
Dennis, Luther - 56
Dent Theatres - 125
Denton, Ruth - 20, 43, 77
Dew, Bernice - 30, 43, 53
Dickard, Valonz - 52
Dillon, Margaret - 57
Dillon, Margaret Mary - 31
Dingler, Ruth - 47
Donahue, Bob - 55
Donaldson, Jewel - 95
Douglas, Alice (Miss) - 10, 90
Dumas, ___ - 103
Dumas, Owden - 92, 105, 107
Duncan, Alma - 57
Duncan, Alta - 31, 57
Dunwoody, Ashford - 49
Dunwoody, Bonnie Lee - 20
Dyer, Mary Lou - 75, 76
Dyes, J. D. - 55
Eason, Clark - 20, 56, 74
Eaton, (Miss) - 44
Eaton, Frances (Miss) - 9
Economics - 13
Edelman, Joe - 56, 59
Edelman, Willie - 21, 59
Edwards, Bessie Mae - 92
Edwards, Margaret - 95, 102
Eisen, ___ - 103
Eisen, Bonnie - 92
Eisen, Ida - 36
El Club Espanol (Spanish Club) - 13-28, 51
Ellerd, J. R. - 38
Elliott, Annie - 53
Elliott, Mamie - 58
Ellis, Rudolph - 16, 40, 48, 70, 73
Ellison, Marie - 21, 42, 43, 62, 77
Ester, Marion R. - 50
Estes, Marion - 36
Estes, Mildred - 31
Estes, Robert - 21, 56, 77
Etta Abitta Pi - 23
Etude Club, The - 16, 62
Exum, Arthus - 38
Faculty - 9-10
Faculty, TJC - 90
Falk, ___ - 71
Falk, Milton - 21, 49, 56
Favorites - 64-66
Features - 80-86
Fire Chief - 27
Fire Squad - 24
Florence, Daisy - 62
Florence, Earl - 56
Flowers, Virgie - 31, 57
Foltz, ___ (Mr.) - 68, 74
Foltz, George A. (Mr.) - 9
Foltz, Katherine Curtis (Mrs.) - 9
Football - 12-18, 20-22, 24-27, 68-73
Football Season - 72
Ford, Doris - 37
Ford, Mark - 21
Foreword - 3
Fortner, Lottie - 21
Fortner, Maurine - 52
Francis, ___ - 103
Francis, Curtis - 95
French, Jack - 31, 55
Freshman Favorite - 66
Freshmen - 37-38
Fridkin, Frank - 55
Gafford, Frances - 31
Gandy, Joe Lee - 37, 49
Garland, ___ (Mr.) - 77
Garland, William (Mr.) - 9, 90
Garrard, ___ - 103
Garrard, Avaleah - 21
Garrard, Estelle - 95
Garrard, Lash - 95, 105
Gaston & Gibbs - 123
Gaston, ___ - 101, 103
Gaston, Earl - 92, 100, 105
Gaut, James - 41, 49
Ginn, ___ - 71
Ginn, Herman - 21, 62
Ginn, Nora - 21
Girl Scouts - 15, 17, 19, 20, 22-24, 26, 57
Girls' Reserve - 14, 15, 23
Girls Scouts - 18
Glee Club - 12-28, 58
Glenn, Louise (Miss) - 58, 60, 90
Goldwater, Frank - 21, 49
Golenternek, ___ - 103
Golenternek, Dan - 59, 95
Golenternek, Etta - 38, 47
Golenternek, Joe - 22, 40, 55, 59
Goodson, Sue Belle - 31, 50
Gorsline, E. F. & Son - 118
Gorsline, Leon - 31, 53, 59
Gorsline, Robert - 12, 49, 50
Gourley, Carra - 38, 58
Gourley, Vivian - 31, 60
Graduates, TJC - 92-93
Gray, Hazel - 36, 53
Gray, Willard - 36, 46
Green, Leroy - 31
Green, Lester - 66, 70, 73
Greenberg, Isadore - 13
Greenburg, Zelick - 37
Greer, Carl - 49
Greer, Robert - 37, 47, 54, 60
Griffin, ___ - 101, 103
Griffin, Annelle - 95
Griggs, Marie - 37, 57
Grimes, C. S., Motor Co. - 123
Grimes, Steadley - 31
Guaranty Shoe Store, The - 127
Guynes, Aline - 47
Haddad, Elsie - 13
Hagon, Caldwell - 49
Hagon, J. M. - 49
Hairston, J. D. - 49
Hairston, Jack - 36, 59
Hairston, Leo - 13, 56, 70, 73
Hale, Clyde, and Binford - 122
Hale, Lauree - 22
Hale, Luther, Jr. - 95
Haley, Frances - 57
Hall Official - 16, 19, 21, 23
Hallmark, Omega -36, 57, 58
Hambrick, ___ - 101, 103, 104
Hambrick, Mary - 92
Hanley, Carolyn (Mrs.) - 95
Haralson, Catherine - 31, 46, 53
Hardin, Irene - 13, 53
Harris, Agnes - 42, 43, 53
Harris, Lanora - 57
Harris, William - 37, 60
Harton, ___ - 103
Harton, Aline - 93
Harton, Cecyl - 46
Harville, Edith - 57
Haskew, Caribel - 31, 50, 62
Hawkins, Winnie - 36, 52
Haynes, Betty - 31
Haynes, Louise Preston (Mrs.) - 10, 75, 76, 90, 104
Heffler, ___ - 103
Heffler, Otto - 96
Henderson, Abner - 22, 48
Henderson, Mary Virginia - 90
Hendley, Audrey - 38
Herrin, Mabel - 13, 43, 52
Herrin, Mable - 46
Hicks, Edgar - 96
High School Pharmacy - 125
Hi-Lights Staff - 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 25
Hill, Essie Marie - 14
Hill, Marcella - 31, 53
Hill, W. C. - 49
Hill, W. N. - 56
History Club - 22, 23
History Council - 13
Hix-Watson Drug Service - 128
Hi-Y Club - 12-20, 22-25, 28, 56
Hodges, J. M. (Mr.) - 89
Hodges, John Elton - 36
Holley, Ruth - 31
Holliman, Attis B. - 22
Holliman, Grace - 31, 46
Holt, Evelyn - 31, 77
Home Economics Club - 13-15, 18-28, 60
Honor Roll Club - 13-15, 18-24, 26, 27
Honor Roll Club, Junior - 47
Hood, Celeste - 57
Hood, Robert - 14
Horton, Belle - 22
Horton, Cecyl - 53
Horton, Daisy - 31, 46, 57
Horton, Leona - 57, 76
Howard, ___ - 71, 78
Howard, Claude - 36, 52, 59
Howard, Hill - 16, 56, 66
Howard, Otis - 22, 56, 64, 69, 73, 74, 56
Howell, ___ (Miss) - 100, 103
Howell, Jessie Mildred - 90
Howle-Watson & Co. - 127
Hudges, J. M. (Superintendent) - 7
Hudson, Hines - 56
Hudson-Essex Motor Co. - 123
Hughes, David - 59, 60, 62, 77
Hughes, David Coke - 37
Hughes, Frances - 31, 58
Hughes, Marie - 31
Hughes, Mary - 31, 46
Hughes, Minnie Opal - 22, 62
Hughey, J. F. - 49
Hulse, Lizanell (Miss) - 10
Humphreys, Mary Ruth - 37
Hutchinson, Ruth - 36, 53
Ilfrey, Billy - 38
In Memoriam - 12
Irion Drug Co. - 126
J. C. C. - 13, 18, 20, 22
J. C. C. Students' Council - 18
Jackson, Ruth - 36
Jacobs, Mildred - 32
Jarrel, Harriet - 32
JCPenney Co. - 124
Jenkins, Mattie - 57
Johns, Merrel - 14, 46
Johns, Merril - 56
Johnson, ___ - 101, 103
Johnson, Arthur - 37
Johnson, Davenport - 96
Johnson, Ernestine - 43
Johnson, Lamar - 22, 48, 68, 73
Johnson, Mary Ernestine - 14
Johnson, R. - 71
Johnson, Rachel - 96
Johnson, Raymond - 22, 49, 70, 73
Jones, Bonna Bess - 38, 41, 47
Jones, Claud - 56, 77
Jones, Clayton - 32, 56, 74
Jones, Gerald - 52
Jones, Mattie L. (Miss) - 9, 50, 90
Jones, Melba - 36, 53
Jones, S. T. (Mrs.) - 9, 46
Judd, Carl - 37
Judd, Clyde - 49
Junior Favorite - 66
Juniors - 30-34
Jurney, Margaret - 38, 53
Kaemmerlen, Leo - 54
Kamel, George - 37, 55
Kamel, Lena - 37, 57
Kay & Smith - 128
Kay, Bess (Miss) - 10
Kay, Carrol - 22, 56
Kay, Evelyn - 23
Kay, Gladys - 23, 51
Kay, Luther, Jr. - 96, 105
Kay, Merle - 23
Kay, Royal - 37, 60
Kayser, Helen (Mrs.) - 96
Keeton, ___ (Miss) - 55
Keeton, Sondheim (Miss) - 10
Kelly, Henrietta - 32, 53
Kendrick, Forrest - 96
Kennedy, C. E., Electric Co. - 122
Kidd, Herman - 96
King, ___ (Miss) - 53
King, Lucille (Miss) - 10
Klein, Helen - 57
Klutts, Opal - 23, 40, 46, 53
Krumholz, Aaron - 37, 47, 52
Krumholz, David - 23, 42, 46, 55
Krumholz, Rosa - 32, 52
Lacy, Chester - 49
Lacy, Dorothy - 32
Langston, Walter - 49
Latin Club - 12-17, 18-20-23, 25-28
Laughlin, Francis - 96
Lavendar, Juanita - 47
Lawrence, ___ - 103
Lawrence, Ruby - 96
Lawver, E. A. (Mr.) - 10, 48
Lemmons, Frank - 49
Levine, Sam - 49
Lewine, Regina - 32, 57
Lewis, C. W. - 56
Lewis, Dorris - 32, 54
Librarian - 15
Library Club - 13, 14, 18-21, 23, 24, 26, 27
Library, Tyler High and Tyler Junior College - 43
Lindsay, Ernest - 23, 49
Lines, ___ - 78
Lines, Richard - 56, 70, 73
Lines, Richard C. - 14
Lingner, Sophia - 23, 57
Littlejohn, Mildred (Miss) - 10, 61
Lockhart, ___ - 104
Lockhart, Elizabeth - 97
Lockhart, Katherine - 43
Lockhart, Kathleen - 23, 60, 65, 77
Loftin, Jim - 23, 41, 44, 77
Loggans, Elsie - 14, 43, 46, 53
Loggins, Celian - 23, 56
Long, Tom - 32, 49, 68, 73
Lovin, Doris - 57, 58
Loving, Willette - 24
Lowrey, Otto - 59
Lucas, Richard - 32, 40, 53
Lukenbill, Alton - 97
Luker, Elinor - 37
Luttrell, Mildred - 32, 54
Lyle Furniture Co. - 127
Mackey, Modena - 12, 75, 76
Majestic [theatre] - 125
Malavansos, Susanna - 36, 53
Malloy, ___ - 103
Malloy, Lawrence - 97, 100
Malloy, Sarah - 24, 40, 42-44, 46
Mardock, Lucile - 53
Margaret McMurray - 14
Marmar, David - 12
Marmar, Gertrude - 2, 16, 24, 40, 42-44, 46, 52, 66
Marsh, Mildred - 97
Marsh, Pauline - 14, 46
Marsh, Sarah (Miss) - 9
Martin, Alinda - 53
Martin, Lillian (Miss) - 10, 51
Martindale, Louise - 37
Ma'Scaras - 103
Massey, Moiselle - 36
Mattasolio, Julian - 49
Matthews, Coulter - 49, 66, 74
Maxine Ladies Shop - 126
May, John - 49
Mayer & Schmidt - 117
Mayers, Pauline - 47
Mayfield, ___ - 103
Mayfield, Isabel - 97
McBride, Jonah - 49
McCameron, Lloyd - 36, 50, 52
McCary, Marden - 36, 54
McCary, O'Brien - 24, 49, 69, 73
McClendon, ___ - 101, 103
McClendon, Sarah - 92, 102, 108, 109
McClung, Exa - 37, 57
McClure, Jeanette - 32
McClure, John Robert - 53
McCollum, Charles - 14
McCollum, Charles E. - 56
McCoy, Murray - 37, 47, 52
McCoy, Robert - 14, 46, 56
McCrary, ___ - 78
McCrary, Carroll - 97, 100, 105
McCullars, Champ - 59, 62
McCullough, Marguerite - 38
McDonald, Mary Gordon - 38, 47, 53
McIlheran, Edward - 77
McKay, Oliver - 24, 49
McKenna, E. P. (Mr.) - 118
McLaughlin, Mary Elizabeth - 37
McMahon, Janie - 52
McMilan, George - 49
McMillan, George - 32
McNew, LaPrelle - 37
Meador, G. T. - 36, 59
Mecca Café, The - 126
Messer, Raymond - 32
Messer, Ross - 32, 49, 56, 59
Meyer, Roy - 49
Mid-Term Graduates - 12
Military Club - 12-17, 20-27
Miller, Lee - 37
Milner, Edna - 32, 57
Milner, Letha - 32
Mims, Virginia - 93
Mings, John - 32, 56
Mings, S. J. - 53
Minter, Annie - 24
Moore, Willie V. (Mrs.) - 10, 57
Morgan, Rebecca - 32, 52
Morman, Grace - 76
Morris, Alma - 24
Morris, John - 37
Morris, John S. - 59
Morris, Maggie Ellen - 24, 57
Moss, Elner - 38
Most Dependable - 66
Most Representative Boy - 64
Most Representative Girl - 65
Mullins, Regina - 32, 51
Murphy, Louise - 32
Murphy, Oren - 36, 54
Music Club - 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 26, 27, 62
Myers, Johnnie Belle - 38
Myers, Mary Edna - 24, 57
Nall, Maurice - 37, 54
Nash, ___ - 101, 103
Nash, Ora Mae - 93
Nash, Ruth - 36
Nash, Sam - 97, 113
Nash, Sam E., Jr. - 106
Neeley, ___ - 78
Neeley, Alfred - 24, 48, 49, 73
Neeley, Hazel - 32
Neeley, Sunshine - 42
Neely, Alfred - 68, 74
Neely, Hazel - 46
Neely, Sunshine - 47, 53
Neil, Lulu - 47
Neill, Lex - 25
Nelson, ___ (Mr.) - 100
Nelson, Robert - 37, 47, 52
Nelson, W. A. (Mr.) - 9, 89
Nelson, William Aubrey - 90
Nerrin, Myrlene - 60
Nerring, Merlin - 52
Nettles, Kathryn - 57
Nichols, Dorothy - 43, 47
Nichols, Dorothy Joe - 37
Nichols, Elizabeth - 47
Nichols, Mary Elizabeth - 47
Nicks, A., Studio - 119
North Texas State Teachers College - 90
Norton, Ava - 58
Norton, Glen - 25, 41, 73
Norton, Glenn - 55, 69
Norton, Victor - 49, 69, 74
Norton, Victor - 73
Nunn, Lucille - 25
Oden, J. T. (Mrs.) - 10, 47
Odom Drug Co., Inc. - 121
Odom, Kathryn - 32, 43
Odom, Martha - 44
Offutt, Douglas - 59
Oliver, Evelyn - 38, 53
Oliver's Bakery - 121
Orchestra - 13-15, 17, 19-21, 25, 26, 60
Order of Books - 6
Organizations - 40-62
Our Name - 108
Owens, ___ (Mrs.) - 44
Owens, Dan - 49
Owens, Ernest - 32
Owens, Hayes - 37, 60
Owens, Roy C. (Mrs.) - 8
Parent-Teachers Association - 44
Parish, ___ - 71
Parish, Houston - 25, 49, 59, 77
Parker, ___ - 103
Parker, Jimmie - 37
Parker, Lucille - 33
Parker, Margaret - 93, 102, 107
Parker, Pinkerton, & Caldwell Grocery and Market - 124
Parker, Roy - 25, 49
Pate, ___ - 78
Pate, Alfred - 49
Pate, L. D. - 25, 49, 69, 73
Payne, Pauline - 57
Peabody College - 90
Pearson, Elsie - 25, 97
Pecot, Jewel - 33
Pecot, Robert - 38, 49
Pendleton, ___ - 101, 104
Pendleton, Elizabeth - 25, 42
Pendleton, Julia - 97
Peoples State Bank - 120
Pep Squad - 18, 21, 61
Peppiest Girl - 66
Perdue, Dorothy - 53, 57
Perdue, Dorothy Mae - 58
Perdue, Dozier - 33, 49
Peters, ___ - 71
Peters, ___ (Miss) - 44
Peters, Maud (Miss) - 10
Peters, Robert - 25, 48, 77
Phillips, Clifton - 33, 53
Pickle, Darnell - 33
Pierce, Aquilla - 33, 44, 49
Pinkerton, ___ - 101
Pinkerton, Gus - 97, 100, 102
Pitts, Raymond - 49
Pledger, Ferrel - 25, 44, 50
Pledger, Lillie Mae - 37
Ponder, Sophronie (Miss) - 10
Poole, Harry Don - 49
Poole, Margaret - 62
Potter, Aline - 26
Potter, Harold - 37, 59
Potter, Juan - 37
Pounders, Billie - 37
Powell, Helen - 33
President, Tyler Junior College - 7
Prestwood, Pat - 37
Price, Annie - 26, 42-44, 46, 62
Price, Ned - 55
Public Speaking Club - 13-15
Puckett, Bryan - 26
Pullin, Madeline - 47
Pullin, Madelyn - 38
Pyles, Thomas - 49
Queen [theatre] - 125
Quinn, Julian - 54
Raby, Wilbur - 26, 59, 60
Radio Repair Shop - 125
Rawlings, Thomas - 14, 49, 70, 73, 105
Ray, ___ - 103
Ray, Marguerite - 97
Rayford, ___ - 78
Rayford, Carra - 57
Rayford, Oren - 49
Reagan, Christine - 36, 57
Reeves, Frank - 51
Renfro, Ruby - 52, 76
Reynolds, Henry - 54, 77
Rhodes, Russel S. (Mr.) - 118
Rice, ___ - 103
Rice, Edith - 33
Rice, Lilla Mae - 98
Rice, Thelma - 26, 57
Richardson, Nina - 33, 57
Ridings, Annie Laurie - 52
Rieck Bros. Plumbing and Heating Co. - 126
Riley, Norrine - 33, 57
Roberts, Annie Laurie - 33, 57
Roberts, Elizabeth - 33, 53, 57
Roberts, Helen - 46, 52
Roberts, Ila - 14, 42, 52
Roberts, Ina - 43
Roberts, Mildred - 36
Robertson, Pearl (Mrs.) - 90
Robinson, Hazel - 33, 57, 58
Robinson, Jimmie - 49
Robinson, Maxine - 26, 57
Rogers, Roma - 15, 46, 108
Roosth, ___ - 71
Roosth, Isadore - 26, 52
Rooters Club - 13-15, 17-24, 26
Roth, Etta - 33
Rowell, Lorene (Miss) - 10
Rowland, Marvin - 124
Rozelle, Oweta - 57
Rumbo, Benton - 33
Russell, Berma - 33
S. P. Q. R. Latin Club - 13, 14, 22, 53
Safety First Club - 18, 20, 21
Saleh, Albert - 33
Saleh, Josephine - 33, 76
Saleh, Mitchell - 38, 44, 47, 66
School, College of Industrial Arts - 90
School, Columbia University - 90
School, North Texas State Teachers College - 90
School, Peabody College - 90
School, University of Chicago - 90
School, University of Missouri - 90
School, University of Texas - 90
Science Club - 15, 17, 18, 22, 23, 25-27, 55
Scott, ___ - 71
Scott, Joe - 26, 48, 52
Scott, Lucille - 33
Scott, Richard - 49
Scroggin, ___ - 101, 103, 104
Scroggin, Mattie Alice - 88, 93, 100, 107
Scurlock, ___ - 103
Scurlock, Bill - 98, 100
Scurlock, Frank - 47
Scurlock, Norman - 49
Seale, Geneva - 33
Seaman, Helen - 26, 41, 43, 62
Seay, Clara - 33
Senior Favorite - 66
Senior Football Team - 71
Seniors - 12-28
Shamblin, Reba - 46, 52
Shamblin, Stoy - 15, 49
Shank, Roy - 26, 49
Shaw, Milby - 55
Shaw, Simeon - 49
Sheley, James - 33
Shelton, Roy - 27, 59
Sheppard, John - 15, 62
Sheppard, Luther - 37, 49
Shields, Berman - 59
Shields, W. M. - 125
Shippey, George - 53
Shuford, Harry - 38
Shull, Virginia - 57
Shumway, Virginia - 15
Shuttleworth, Marcus - 47
Simmons, Durley - 54
Simmons, Esther - 43, 52
Simmons, Fay - 33, 53, 58
Simmons, Mayme 15, 57
Skidmore, Olen - 48, 49
Skinner, Grace Moore - 37
Slack, ___ (Mr.) - 56
Sloan, Emmalie - 52
Sloan, Verdie - 98
Smith, ___ - 103
Smith, Elizabeth - 33, 57
Smith, Frances (Miss) - 10
Smith, Henry - 48, 93
Smith, Israel - 59, 98
Smith, Katherine - 37
Smith, Kathryn - 57
Smith, Lloyd - 52
Smith, Lois - 27, 58
Smith, Mitchell - 36, 51
Smith, Norman - 44, 49, 59, 77
Smith, Roy - 49
Smith, Sol - 36, 53, 59, 60
Smith, Velma - 27, 43, 46, 62
Solinger, Margaret - 38, 47
Solinger, Zelma - 15, 58
Sophomore Favorite - 66
Sophomores - 36-37
Southern Creameries - 118
Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. - 123
Spanish Club - 12-28, 51
Spelling Club - 14, 19, 24, 26, 52
Spence, Elizabeth - 34, 42, 46, 52
Stamps, Paris - 54
Stanaland, Ozella - 57
Stanley, Willie Rhea - 34
Staples, Glenn - 49
Starley's - 122
Starling, Hubert - 49
Starnes, Louise - 47
Starnes, Lucile - 47
Starnes, Ruth - 34
Starr, Christine - 47, 52
Stein, LaBelle - 34, 43
Stephenson, ___ - 78
Stephenson, Drebon - 49, 68, 73
Still, Reagan - 59
Stocker, Arzilla - 98
Stone, Von - 34
Storey, Norrine - 93
Stovall, Frances - 61
Stovall, Jack - 42
Strange, Frances - 36, 46, 50, 53, 58
Stripling, Lemmons - 49
Stripling, T. J. - 36
Student Faculty Advisory Council, TJC - 100
Student Officers, TJC - 100
Students Supply Store - 14, 17, 18, 27, 44
Summers-Vaughn Co. - 123
Superintendent of Schools - 7
Surratt, Chester - 54
Swann, Carrol - 34
T Club - 13, 15, 17, 24, 27
Taylor, Ardis - 12, 56
Taylor, Brannon - 27, 40, 42, 46, 55, 56
Taylor, Catherine - 62
Taylor, Jeanette - 47
Taylor, Jesse - 34, 46
Tennis Club - 12-15, 17-27, 77
Terrell, Jack - 37, 49
Terrey, Buddy - 27
Terry, Homer Lee - 49
Tharpe, Thomas - 34, 56
The Arrow - 111
The Bookman - 124
The Courier Times - 42
The Faculty Party - 109
The Origin of the Semi-Colon - 108
Thedford, ___ - 101
Thedford, Elizabeth - 38, 47
Thedford, Helen - 88, 98
Thedford, Mildred - 98
Thomas, Roland - 34, 48, 49, 69, 73
Thompson, Mildred - 60
Thompson, Rheaga - 15, 56
Thornton, Atrelle - 47
Threlkeld, Mabel - 57, 76
Thurmond, Howard - 49, 59
Thurmond, Ray - 27
Tipton, ___ - 71
Tipton, Quentin - 15, 48, 49
TJC snapshots - 114-115
To Our School Building [poem] - 5
Tomlin, Pearl - 27
Top of the Ladder Club - 46
Torrans, Claude - 55, 77
Torrans, Claude W. - 27
Torrans, Corinne - 93
Towns, Jessie - 60
Track - 13, 14, 16, 22, 25, 27, 78
Tucker, Jeff - 47
Turlington, Paul - 49
Turner, Francine - 34, 53, 58
Turner, Nettie Myrl - 34
Turner, Ross - 34, 48, 49
Tyler Automobile Dealers Association - 123
Tyler Brick Company - 128
Tyler Chamber of Commerce - 118
Tyler Gas Service Co. - 120
Tyler Hardware - 122
Tyler High Chamber of Commerce (T. H. C. of C.) - 12-15-21, 23-28, 44-45
Tyler Hi-Lights - 42
Tyler House Furnishing Company - 124
Tyler Junior College - 88-116
Tyler Junior College, President - 7
Tyler Lions - 73
Tyler State Band and Trust Company - 120
Tyler Tire Company - 126
Underclassmen - 36-38
Undergraduates - 94-98
Unis, Adele - 37
University of Chicago - 90
University of Missouri - 90
University of Texas - 90
Urban, Quinn - 37, 49, 59
Ussery, Janie - 66, 75
Ussery, Janie Mae - 27, 76
Utz, Leo - 15
Vaughn, Jim - 36, 54
Veasey, G. W. - 27, 49, 68
Veasey, Oleta - 57
Veasey, Oletta - 34
Veasley, G. W. - 73
Walker, Alice - 28, 76
Walker, Mary (Miss) - 60
Walker, Mary D. (Miss) - 9
Ward, ___ - 101
Ward, William - 93, 107
Warren, Lillian - 34, 76
Wash-Hendrix Motor Co. - 123
Watson, Bill - 28, 42, 44
Weakley, Elwood - 59
Weakly, Elwood - 34
Weiss, Mary - 34, 57
Welch, Herchel - 49
Werner, ___ - 71
Werner, Harry - 15, 55
Wham, Marie - 38, 57
Wham, Mildred - 34, 58
Whisenhunt, Helen - 62
White, ___ - 71
White, Howard - 34
White, Howard "Pete" - 56
White, Roy - 28, 56
Whiteside, Billy - 59
Whiteside, Rachel - 28
Whitney, James Richard - 51
Whittington, John - 36, 55
Who's Who - 66
Wilbanks, Maxine - 34, 58, 76
Wiley, Clarice - 34, 58
Wiley, Lorene - 28
Wilkinson, Louise - 15
Williams, Aileen - 28
Williams, Bonnie Mae - 98
Williams, Sherman - 59
Willie, Avalon - 47
Williford, Doris - 16, 40, 42, 43, 62
Willis, J. F. - 124
Willis, R. D. - 52
Wills, Floreid - 28, 46
Wills, Marjorie - 47
Wilson, Louise - 34, 53
Wilson, Marvin - 53
Wilson, Ruth - 36
Wilson, Tom, Hardware Co. - 122
Wisdom, Mary - 98
Wittiest Boy - 66
Wofford, Lafayette - 50, 59
Wofford, Oree - 15, 75, 76
Wolf, Florence - 53
Wolfe, Florence - 42
Wood Barber Shop - 124
Wood, Andrew - 49
Wood, Blake - 59
Wood, Jacc - 34
Woodward, ___ - 103
Woodward, Alice - 34, 42, 43, 46
Woodward, Clara - 98
Wooten, Colquitt - 49
Wray, T. G. (Mr.) - 9, 54, 105
Wrgiht, John - 56
Wright, Amy - 47
Wright, John - 34
Yarbrough, Annie - 57
Yarbrough, Donald - 55
Yarbrough, Frank - 49
Yarbrough, Gladys (Miss) - 10
Yarbrough, Leta (Miss) - 9, 51
Yard Official - 14, 17, 23-25, 27
Yates, Jessie Faye - 28
Yell Leader - 17, 18, 24
Zorn, John Leigh - 28
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