Indexed by Jeanne Sellers
Formatted by Scott Fitzgerald

A Maid [poem] - 111
Adams, Ethel - 67
Adams, M. B. (Mrs.) - 136
Adams, Pearl - 65
Adams, W. T. (superintendent) - 13, 14
Adkins, Egbert - 67
Advertisements - 150-158
Advise for the Alcalde - 125
Albertson, Eliff - 136
Albertson, Tom - 136
Alcalde Staff - 8, 25, 27, 29, 3-, 32, 34, 1-0
Alexander, Joe - 67
Allen, ___ - 118
Allen, Frank (Mr.) - 136
Allen, Mary - 33, 42, 77, 139, 141, 145
Allen, Minnie - 53, 97
Allen, Willie - 139
Allison, Lila - 32, 101, 141
Allison, Lilah - 117, 12, 139
Alston, Georgia Lee - 11, 117, 118, 121, 143, 144
American Laundry, The - 151
Anderson, Inez - 28, 44, 46, 97
Anderson, Odessa - 25, 43, 97, 145
Andrews, ___ (Miss) - 24
Ardis, ___ - 143
Ardis, Gladys - 79, 144
Arrowood, Johnnie - 65
Artis, Gladys - 55
Askew, Alberta (Miss) - 137
At the Debating Club [poem] - 98
Athletic Club - 26-28, 30-33, 35, 36, 38, 39
Austin Trip - 142
Axton, ___ (Dr.) - 123
Bakers Dozen - 77
Bakers Dozen [poem] - 103
Baldwin, A. P. (Mrs.) - 136
Baldwin, Fred - 30, 43, 95
Baptist church - 136
Barron, Bonjie - 59
Barton, Jessie - 65
Base Ball Team - 31, 33-36, 38, 90, 91
Basham, Evaline - 61
Basket Ball Games - 117-118
Basket Ball Team [girls] - 25-27, 29, 32, 39, 87, 88
Bastian Bros. Co. - 156
Bates Hotel - 136
Baylor University - 16-18
Beaird, ___ (Mr.) - 100
Beaird, B. B. (mayor) - 138
Beaird, John - 59
Beaird, Lush - 138
Beaird, Pat - 32, 45, 95, 142
Beaird, Pat H. - 8, 44, 111, 139
Belew, ___ (Mr.) - 13, 16, 56, 81, 91
Belew, D. O. (Mr.) - 103, 107
Bell, Albert - 59
Bell, Ernest - 61
Bell, Frank - 77, 135
Belzora, Texas - 133
Bernard, Boyd - 65
Berry, ___ (Mr.) - 133
Birdwell, Barbara - 69, 144
Bonner, Alex - 67
Bonner, Annie (Miss) - 136
Bonner, Bethe - 136
Bonner, Charles T. (Mr.) - 133
Bonner, J. H. (Mr.) - 137
Bonner, M. H. (Mrs.) - 136
Bonner, Mary - 136
Boone, Charles W. - 77
Boone, Geraldine - 8, 32, 42, 97
Bowen, Arch - 136
Box Supper - 78
Boyette, Frank - 138
Boys' Athletic Association - 103
Brazelton, Julian - 67
Bridges, Robert - 65
Briggs, David - 43, 45, 145
Bright, J. B. (Mr.) - 13, 15
Brigs, D. - 91
Brigs, David - 95
Brittain, (Mr.) - 134
Brogan, Alice - 67
Broughton, Edna - 97
Brown, Albert - 95
Brown, H. - 91
Brown, Homer - 38, 42, 83, 107, 113, 114
Brown, J. - 91
Brown, J. H. (Mr.) - 136, 137
Brown, J. H. (Mrs.) - 136, 137
Brown, Ora - 61
Bryan, ___ (Mr.) - 45, 100
Bryan, ___ (Prof.) - 95
Bryan, R. D. (principal) - 13, 14
Bryan, Richard - 69
Bryan, The Bookman - 158
Bryant, ___ (Mr.) - 24
Bryant, Bessie - 65
Bryant, Bonnie - 31, 43
Bulloch, Beryl - 61, 139, 144
Burke, Ora Belle - 139
Burks, Henry - 61
Burks, Ora Belle - 67
Burnett, ___ - 118
Burnett, James - 53, 56, 95, 143
Burnett, Norma - 27, 42, 121
Burnette, Italine - 67
Burnette, Norma - 145
Burson, Celestia - 67
Butler, Sarah - 144
Butler, T. B., & Co. - 138
Byrne Publishing Co. - 155
Cain, Bob (Mrs.) - 136
Cain, Earl - 77
Cain, W. G. (Mrs.) - 136
Cain, Wash - 136
Cain, Wash (Mrs.) - 136
Caldwell, ___ (Dr.) - 135
Caldwell, ___ (Miss) - 143
Caldwell, Lucille - 55
Caldwell, W. S. (postmaster) - 137
Campbell, G. - 91, 102
Campbell, Gillis - 56, 86, 95
Carson, Marvin - 65
Cartledge, Leta - 67
Casien, Lewis - 65
Castle, Maud - 67
Catholic church - 137
Cawthorn, Gilmon - 61
Chafing Dish Party - 79
Chambordut, C. M. (Rev. Father) - 137
Charnwood school - 135
Cheatham, John - 77
Cherry, Cornelia - 61
Cherry, Julia - 61
Chicago University - 14
Chilton, Horace - 134, 138
Chitwood, Ross - 59
Christian church - 137
Christian, Wiliniel - 107
Citizens National Bank - 137, 158
Civil War - 136, 138
Clapton, David A. - 137
Clark, George - 67
Clark, Maggie (Miss) - 137
Clark, Richard - 69
Cobb, Harris - 77
Coffin, Grace - 67
Cohen, Minnie - 67
Cohen, Sammie - 65
Coker, Kathleen - 35, 43, 79, 97, 144
College Industrial Arts - 19
Collier, ___ - 115
Collier, T. - 91
Collier, Thomas - 44, 95
Collier, Tom - 33, 45, 86, 145
Collins, C. L. (Mr.) - 137, 138
Confederate cemetery - 137
Connally, E. G., Cash Store - 155
Cooper, ___ (Mr.) - 138
Corbin, Genevieve - 59
Corbin, Gladys - 37
Cotton Belt - 134
Cotton Belt Railroad - 137
Cotton Belt Shops - 123
Covert, Florrie - 144
Cowsar, Irwin - 138
Crawford, Lois - 61
Crow, Eunis - 69
Crow, Georgie - 65
Crutcher, ___ - 143
Crutcher, I. H. - 107
Crutcher, I. H., & Son - 153
Crutcher, Ike - 8, 55, 95, 116
Crutcher, Ike, Jr. - 144
Curry, Alla Mae - 59
Daily Courier and Times [newspaper] - 138
Daughters of the Confederacy - 137
Davis, Molly Moore - 137
De Shong, Nell - 136
Dean, ___ - 115
Dean, Wayne - 53, 56, 85, 95
Debate - 111
Debaters - 99
Debating Club - 25-39, 94, 95
Debating Team - 94, 95
Declaimer - 99
Dedication - 5
DeLaney, ___ (Mr.) - 137
Denison, George - 61
Denison's Studio - 154
Dewbury, John - 135
Domestic Science - 72
Donohue, (Father) - 137
Douglas, ___ (Captain) - 134
Douglas, ___ (Miss) - 24, 143
Douglas, Alice (Miss) - 13, 17
Douglas, Cornelia - 55
Douglas, James P. (Mr.) - 133, 134, 137
Douglas, Lucia - 43, 46
Douglas, Lucia (Miss) - 13, 19, 144
Dreyfus, Sam C. - 77
Duncan, W. B. - 135
Durst Electric Company - 153
East Texas Normal College - 15
Edge Clothing Company - 155
Edleman, Solomon - 67
Edwards, Lee - 65
Eisen, ___ - 115
Eisen, A., Grocer - 151
Eisen, Jacob - 29, 85, 95, 113
Ellis, Cecard - 69
Epes, C. B. (Mrs.) - 136
Episcopal church - 136
Epworth League - 136
Erwin, Ida Mae - 59
Erwin, Thos. B. (Col.) - 138
Estes, Anne Lee - 59
Estes, Lois - 59
Ezel, Bruce - 65
Faculty - 12-19
Fair Grounds - 138
Feerson, Noriene - 61
Ferguson, E. W. (Mr.) - 137
Ferrell, Grady - 59
Fifer, Freddie - 65
first fair in Texas - 138
Fitzgerald, Lois - 59, 144
Flannegan, Bonnie - 144
Fleschner, Hattie - 29, 42, 97, 102
Fletcher & Wilson Hardware - 151
Fletcher, Ella Mae - 36, 42, 97
Fletcher, Virginia - 61, 139
Foman, Frank (Mrs.) - 79
Foot Ball Team - 26, 28, 29, 33-35, 38, 82-86
Football Games - 113-115
Ford, Mabel - 144
Ford, Mable - 97
Ford, Maurine - 62, 139
Ford, Nellie - 55
Fordyce, Pierce, Oil Association - 134
Foreword - 9
Foscue, Edwin - 59
Foselue, Edwin - 95
Frazier, Cortlandt - 69
Freshman Class - 64-70
Freshman Class picture - 64, 66, 68
Freshman Jokes - 70
Friedlander, Ethel - 59
Fruit Palace -136, 138
Fuller, (Miss) - 143
Fuller, Willie Bell - 55, 97
Gage, Ruby - 61
Gans, Ed - 67
Gans, M. - 91
Gans, Morris - 65
Gardner, Bernard - 59
Garnett, ___ - 118
Garnett, Genevieve - 55, 121, 143
Garnett, Varina - 67
Garnett, Vivienne - 117
Gaston & Son store - 137
Gentry, Joe - 53, 95
Gentry, N. - 91
Gentry, Nat - 77, 79, 95, 111
German Club - 27-34, 38
German Club (Deutschen Verein) - 101
Getty, ___ (Mr.) - 56, 107
Gideon, ___ (Mr.) - 24
Gilliam, Ed - 107
Gilliam, Edwin - 59
Gilliam, Louise - 69
Gilpin, John - 145
Ginn, Lena - 59
Ginn, Ollie - 69
Girls' Athletics - 121
Girls Debating Team - 96-97
Glee Club - 26-35, 37, 38, 141
Goldstein & Brown - 151
Goldstein and Brown - 136
Goldstrucker, Marion - 27
Goldstucker, ___ - 114, 115
Goldstucker, Marion - 43, 97, 145
Goldstucker, N. - 91
Goldstucker, Nathan - 8, 38, 42, 83, 95, 103
Golenternek, Hyman - 69
Golenternek, Philip - 53, 95
Golsan, Raymond - 59, 100, 111, 142, 146
Goodman, ___ (Mr.) - 134
Goodman, Marjorie - 8, 27, 117, 121, 139, 141
Goodman, Sam V. - 153
Goodman, William (Mr.) - 133
Gorman, Florence - 29, 44, 97
Gould, ___ (Mr.) - 134
Green, L. M. - 138
Greene, Ollie - 67
Gregg, Alexander (Bishop) - 136
Grennan, W. W. (Mr.) - 136
Grennan, W. W. (Mrs.) - 136
Gresham, Mary - 59
Grinnan, Mamie - 136
Grinnan, W. W. (Mr.) - 137
Grow, Gatusha A. (Mr.) - 134
Guaranty State Bank - 151
Gymnasium - 74, 107
Hale, Richard - 59
Hale, Verenus - 59
Hall, Clifford - 77
Hall, Eulas - 65
Ham, Belzora (Miss) - 133
Hambrick, Ruth - 23, 26, 43, 77
Hamilton, ___ - 113-115
Hamilton, H. V. - 137, 138
Hamilton, P. - 102
Hamilton, Paul - 82
Hamilton, Paul C. - 77
Hamilton, Robert - 55, 56, 95
Hamilton, W. F. - 138
Hamvassey, Emie (Rev.) - 137
Hanchett, Leon (Mrs.) - 79
Haney, Ruth - 53, 62, 97
Hanson, ___ - 143
Hanson, Gordon - 77
Hanson, Will - 53, 95
Harmon, Euell - 67
Harmon, Zula - 65
Harrington, ___ - 113, 143
Harrington, Claude - 95, 115
Harrington, R. - 102
Harrington, Royal - 84, 102, 144, 146
Harris, Raymond - 65
Hays, Matt - 138
Hays, W. B. (Rev.) - 136
Heartnet, Daniel - 134
Henckemer, (Father) - 137
Hendricks, J. - 91
Hendricks, John - 55, 95
Henry House - 136
Henry, Iva - 29, 42, 77, 79, 139, 144
Herndon, Mary (Miss) - 136
Herrin, Joe - 53, 56, 95
High School Yells - 92
Hight, Mamie - 144
Hill, George - 65
Hill, J. C. - 135, 137
History of Tyler and Smith County - 133-138
Hogan, Cecelia - 77
Hogg, ___ (Governor) - 138
Holland, Florence - 61
Holland, Lois - 34, 42
Holland, Lois (Miss) - 139
Holmes, ___ (Miss) - 69
Holmes, Lucile - 36, 44, 145
Honor Pupil - 25, 33
Horton, Dessy - 69
Horton, Earl - 67
Houston and Great Northern Railroad - 134
How The Seniors Rank - 47
Howard, Anna (Dr.) - 123
Howell, Lillian - 65
Hoxie, H. M. - 134
Hubbard, ___ (Governor) - 134
Hudson, Laura - 67
Hunter, John - 77
Indiana Normal - 14
Ingram, Clyde - 53, 95
Intelligencer [newspaper] - 138
International and Great Northern Railroad - 133, 134
Irion Drug Company - 153
Irons, J. D. - 153
Jackson, ___ (General) - 135
Jackson, John (Mrs.) - 79
James, Jessie (Miss) - 136
Jay, Aliene - 139
Jay, Alliene - 61
Jester, L. L. (Mrs.) - 136
Jester's Bank - 136
Johnson, Alfred - 53
Johnson, George M. - 138
Johnson, Miller (Mrs.) - 136
Johnson, Sid S. (Captain) - 138
Joint Debate - 141
Jones, Mattie (Miss) - 13, 16, 23, 42, 45, 46, 56, 62, 78, 95-97
Jones, Sam P. - 136
Joyner, Darwin - 59
Junior Class - 52-55
Junior Class picture - 52, 54
Junior Write-ups - 56
Kendrick, Grace - 33, 41, 97
Kendricks, Searcy - 67
Kilfoyle, Mary - 27, 42, 77
King, ___ (Miss) - 143
King, Florence - 97
King, Geneva - 65
King, Lorena - 55
Kinsolving, (Bishop) - 137
Kline, Rosie - 55
Koch, ___ (Miss) - 13, 15, 81, 101, 102, 118, 121
Krumholz, Max - 67
Lacy, Cleo - 65
Ladies' Aid Society - 136
Laird, Vera - 69
Lambright, Anna Lee - 97
Lambright, Annie Lee - 25, 41, 145
Lamore and Dean's Lumber Company - 134, 135
Land, Lexie - 65
Lanford, Carrie Mae - 121
Langford, ___ - 118
Langford, Carrie Mae - 55, 117, 143
Langford, Della - 77
Lawrence, Berdie - 69
Lee, Robert E. (General) - 137
Lieb, ___ - 113, 114
Lieb, George - 84, 115
Lieb, Walter - 67
Liebe, George - 55
Liebreich, Nathalia - 53, 97, 144
Littlejohn, Lucille - 77
Littlejohn, Maurine - 8, 23, 37, 41, 77, 79, 97, 144
Loftin, Elizabeth - 144
Loftin, Louise - 67
Logan, Douglas - 67
Logan, William F. - 138
Loller, Jno - 135
Long, Richard (Mr.) - 136
Loranee, Mae - 61
Lott, E. E. - 135
Lott, Everett - 137
Lott, Everette E. - 138
Lott, John A. (Mr.) - 135, 138
Lovelady, Maurice - 59
Loving, ___ - 118
Loving, Jewel - 65
Loving, Louise - 39, 43, 97, 117, 121
Lyle, Claude - 67
Mable Ford - 55
Manley, Hilda - 69
Manual Training - 73
Marsh, ___ - 113
Marsh, B. - 102
Marsh, Bryan - 28, 44, 85, 95, 102
Marsh, Louise - 35, 41, 77, 144
Marsh, Margaret - 144
Marsh, Margarette - 69
Marshall Training School - 81
Marshall, Nellie - 59
Martin, Mary - 65
Martin, Reba - 55
Marvin [Methodist] Choir - 136
Mathews, Francis - 61
Mayer & Schmidt store - 136, 137, 150
McBride, J. H. (Dr.) - 136
McBride, Nannie - 136
McBride, W. H. - 136
McClain, Paul - 77
McClendon, Annie Bonner - 55
McClendon, Patience - 55, 97
McClendon, Robert - 65
McClendon, Sidney - 77
McDougal, H. A. - 138
McFarland, (Miss) - 143
McFarland, Gatha - 117
McFarland, Gathia - 53
McGinney, Thelma - 144
McGinnis, Thelma - 59
McMinn, Hudson - 55, 95
Mendelsohn Club - 136
Messeran, Daisie - 67
Methodist church - 136
Meyer, Simon - 61
Mimms, Milard - 59
Moore, Clarence - 59
Moore, Mollie E. - 135, 138
Morein, I. - 91
Morein, Israel - 38, 42, 45, 95, 111, 145
Morein, Solomon - 59
Morris, ___ - 143
Morris, Cathaline - 59
Mosby, ___ - 143
Mosby, E. - 91
Mosby, Edwin - 59, 95
Music Club - 136
N. Y. U. - 26, 31, 32, 33, 35-38, 102
Nasits, (Dr.) - 77
Nasits, (Mrs.) - 77
New Departments - 72-75
New England Conservatory of Music - 136
newspaper - 137
Niblack, Gahlen - 69
Nunnelle, W. E. - 151
Oden, John - 59
Oden, M. - 102
Oden, Morgan - 31, 44, 45, 95, 145
Open House - 139
Opera House - 136
Our Team [poem] - 126
Palmer, Pauline - 77
Palmore, Lexie May - 144
Palmore, Leximae - 61
Parambre, ___ (Mr.) - 133
Parker & Pinkerton - 153
Parker, J. B. - 153
Parker, John - 55, 143
Parson, William H. - 137
Patience [poem] - 128
Patterson, Jno. M. - 138
Patterson, Ruth - 77
Payne, H. S. (Mr.) - 77
Payne, H. S. (Mrs.) - 77
Peabody College - 16
Peerson, Norma - 144
Perkins, Ellis - 134
Perry, Julia - 53, 97, 143, 144
Philips, Hoyt - 67
Philips, Kate - 55
Philips, Lois - 69
Philips, Royal - 37, 95, 145
Phillips University - 137
Phillips, ___ (Miss) - 143
Phillips, R. - 102
Phillips, Royal - 41
Pinkerton, Bettie - 102
Pinkerton, Betty - 30, 43, 97
Pinkerton, Florence - 67
Pirtle, Elizabeth - 32, 97, 102, 145
Pirtle, Lillian - 65
Plant, Ernest (Mrs.) - 79
Pope, Irwin - 77
Pope, Sunshine - 26, 43, 97, 144
Porter, ___ - 118
Porter, Opal - 8, 25, 42, 97, 117, 121, 145, 146
postmaster - 137
Pounds, Florence - 59
Powell, Lee - 77
Powell, Maude - 143
Prestwood, Francis - 36, 43
Price, Emma - 65
Prospectii [poem] - 124
Pruitt, Jewel - 69
Rafferty, F. E. - 138
Raguet, Hattie (Mrs.) - 77, 79
Ramey, T. B. - 136
Ramey, T. B., Jeweler and Optician - 155
Ratliff, ___ (Mr.) - 43, 56, 144
Ratliff, R. J. (Mr.) - 13, 16
Ray, Maurine - 97
Reagan, ___ (Mr.) - 133
Reaves, Stephen (Judge) - 138
Reedy, D. M. - 138
Reel, Lucretia - 61
Reese, Marie Maud - 55
Reese, Mary Maud - 97
Reviere, Roy - 77, 79
Reynolds, ___ (Mr.) - 134
Roberts, Benson (Mrs.) - 136
Roberts, J. - 91
Roberts, Joe - 45
Roberts, Joseph - 23, 35, 41, 95, 111, 146
Roberts, Lovic - 8, 23, 34, 44, 45, 77, 97, 144, 145
Roberts, Maidel - 77
Rose, M. A. - 118
Rosenstein, Rudolph - 65
Ross, Marguerite - 65
Rowland, Whitney - 77
Rusk, ___ (General) - 135
Russell, Herbert - 69
Rutledge, (Mr.) - 44, 56, 144
Rutledge, C. H. (Mr.) - 4, 5, 13, 18
Sabine Valley Fair Association - 138
Salmond, Anna B. - 55
Sandford House - 136
School Board - 6, 7
School Board picture - 6
School, Baylor University - 16, 17, 18
School, Charnwood - 135
School, Chicago University - 14
School, College Industrial Arts - 19
School, East Texas Normal College - 15
School, Indiana Normal - 14
School, Marshall Training - 81
School, Peabody College - 16
School, Phillips University - 137
School, Southwest Texas State Normal - 18
School, State Normal - 14
School, State University [University of Texas] - 14, 137
School, Tyler Commercial College - 137, 152
School, University of Chicago - 18, 19
School, University of Iowa - 15
School, University of Nashville - 19
School, University of Texas - 17
School, Winchester Normal College - 18
Schue, ___ (Pro.) - 136
Science Department - 75
Scott, Susie - 59
Seeton, Margarite - 59, 144
Seeton, Marian - 23, 34, 77, 79, 97, 144
Selman, B. T. - 137
Senior Carnival - 140
Senior Class - 22-39
Senior Class History - 23
Senior Class Officers - 23
Senior Farewell [poem] - 22
Senior Jokes - 45
Senior Poem - 48
Senior Write-ups - 41-48
Seniors [poem] - 46
Sharp, J. M. (Mrs.) - 136
Shaw, ___ (Dr.) - 123
Shuford, G. A. (Dr.) - 138
Shuford, Marie - 59
Shull, Milton - 77
Shull, Velma - 79, 97
Simons, Cleota - 65
Simpson, ___ (Hon. Judge) - 146
Simpson, Gordon - 77
Simpson, Grace - 31, 44, 77, 79, 141, 144, 145
Smiley, Elizabeth - 59
Smith County Equal Franchise League - 123
Smith County Weekly News - 138
Smith, ___ - 113
Smith, Anthony - 137
Smith, Cade - 31, 41, 45, 95
Smith, Doll - 77
Smith, James (General) - 135
Smith, Margaret - 30, 41, 138, 139
Smith, Margarette - 97
Smith, Nellie Mae - 26, 41
Smith, Ray - 77
Smith, Rozelle - 69
Smith, Susan A. (Mrs.) - 136
Smith, T. R. - 91, 95, 102
Smith, T. Royal - 35, 41, 45, 145
Smith, William H. - 138
Sneed, ___ - 114, 115
Sneed, M. - 102
Sneed, Marion - 42, 82, 95
Sneed, Tom - 67
Sophomore Class - 58-62
Sophomore Class picture - 58, 60
Sophomore Write-ups - 62
Sousa's band - 136
Southwest Texas State Normal - 18
St. Louis Southwestern Railroad - 133, 134
Star Circle - 136
Starley Drug Company - 153
Starnes, Genie - 59
State Normal - 14
State University [University of Texas] - 14, 137
States' Rights Sentinel [newspaper] - 138
Stody, Malga - 69
Stone, ___ (Miss) - 143
Stone, Gladys - 97
Stone, Paul - 59
Stone, Segie - 53
Student News Staff - 25, 27, 28, 30, 34,
Suford, Agnes - 144
Summerville, Howard - 59
Swann, Harry - 77
Swann, Thomas R. (Mr.) - 133
Swann's General Merchandise - 133
T. H. S. Float - 144
Taylor, Gus - 38, 43, 95, 102
Taylor, Josephine - 28, 42, 77, 144
Taylor, Mitch - 61
Taylor, Pope - 77
Tewsbury, Beth - 143
Texas and Pacific Railroad - 133
Texas Democrat [newspaper] - 138
Texas, Belzora - 133
Thatcher, (Miss) - 13, 19
Thatcher, Laura Lee (Miss) - 139
The Boy, the Cow and the Bumble Bee [poem] - 118
The Class of 1915 [poem] - 127
The Faculty [poem] - 116
The Hornet [newspaper] - 138
The Old High School vs The New - 10, 11
The Pirate Story [poem] - 132
The Sea [poem] - 122
The Times [newspaper] - 138
Thedford, Gladys - 33, 44
Thomasson, ___ - 114
Thomasson, Allie Mae - 65, 144
Thomasson, H. - 102
Thomasson, Horace - 41, 83, 95, 145, 147
Thomasson, Horace B. - 8, 34
Thompson, Margarette - 65
To a Senior [poem] - 106
To Mother [ poem] - 110
To The Alcalde [poem] - 120
Todd, Helen (Miss) - 123
Tukesbury, Beth - 53
Turner, C. H. B. (Rev.) - 137
Tyler Community College - 137, 152
Tyler Courier [newspaper] - 138
Tyler Creamery - 151
Tyler Democrat [newspaper] - 138
Tyler High [poem] - 112
Tyler Literary and Social Club - 136
Tyler Reporter [newspaper] - 137, 138
Tyler Telegraph [newspaper] - 137
Tyler Times [newspaper] - 138
Tyler, John (President) - 135
Union Woolen Mills - 156
University of Chicago - 18, 19
University of Iowa - 15
University of Nashville - 19
University of Texas - 17
University Y. M. C. A. - 142
Urquhart, ___ (Mrs.) - 13, 18
Verner, Lena - 37, 44, 97
Wadel, Helen - 69, 144
Walker, Frank - 61
Walker, Noriene - 61
Walker, Tom - 53
Walker, Will - 95
Walker, Willie - 143
Walsh Hardware Company - 157
Walsh, Billy - 157
War vs. Peace [poem] - 107
ward schools - 137
Waterman, Askew - 61
Waterman, Eskew (Mrs.) - 79
Waterman, Katie - 141
Waterman, Katy - 8, 23, 30, 43, 79, 97, 147
Watkins, Willie Buck (Mrs.) - 79
Watson, B. B. - 77
Wells, Nita (Miss) - 136
Whisinant, Pane - 61
White, Willie May - 65
Wiggins, ___ (Miss) - 143
Wiggins, Ruth - 55, 97
Wild, Ernest - 136
Wiley, Rudolph - 69
Wiley, Walter (Mrs.) - 136
Wilkes, Ernest - 69
Williamson, Vera - 65
Willingham, Esten - 95
Wilson, ___ - 114, 115
Wilson, Lanta - 25, 42, 48
Wilson, T. - 91
Wilson, Tom - 59, 62
Wilson, Tommy - 86
Winchester Normal College - 18
Woldert, Alex - 36, 41, 95, 102
Woldert, Alex (Mrs.) - 136
Woman Suffrage League of Tyler - 123
Woman's Foreign Missionary - 136
Wooten, Artie - 65
Wright, K. W. (Mr.) - 137
Yarbrough, Letia - 53
Yarbrough, Minnie - 56
Young, ___ - 114, 115
Young, ___ (Mr.) - 100, 134
Young, Albert - 28, 84, 95, 103, 107, 141, 142, 146, 147
Young, Albert R. - 8, 111
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