Indexed by Jeanne Sellers
Formatted by Scott Fitzgerald

(Not Intended for Poetry) (No Title Given) - 116
A Degeneration of Macbeth - 98-99
A Drunkard's Reform - 106
A True Story - 92
A. & M. - 76
A. C. I. [school] - 82, 83
A. Zeese Engraving Company - 128
Abbott, Helen - 46
Adams, J. H., & son, Hardware - 125
Adams, Jno. H. - 125
Adams, W. T. (Mrs.) - 122
Adams, W. T. (Supt.) - 17
Advertisers - 122
Ainsworth, Carrie (Patterson) (Mrs.) - 23
Albertson, Amelia (Miss) - 23
Albertson, Elif - 105
Albertson, Emma (Miss) - 23
Albertson, Orelia (Miss) - 23
Albertson, Tom - 105
Alcalde Asst. Manager - 10
Alcalde Manager - 10
Alcalde Society Editor - 32
Alcalde Staff - 10
Alcalde, the - 71
Alexander, Myrtle - 60
Alexander, Wayne - 60
Algebra - 21
Allen, Mary - 50
Allen, Meta (Wilkes) (Mrs.) - 24
Allen, Willie - 58
Alston, Georgia (Beaird) (Mrs.) - 24
Alston, Georgia Lee - 62
Alumni - 23-26
Alumni Yell - 26
Anderson, Inez - 52
Anderson, Odessa - 54
Andrews, ___ (Miss) - 113
Andrews, Alice - 46
Andrews, Dick - 54
Andrews, Laura Lee - 62
Andrews, Leah Belle (Miss) - 20
Andrews, Will - 58
Anti-Suffragettes - 112
Ardis, Gladys - 62
Armstrong, Irene (Miss) - 25
As Cupid Told It - 96
Ass't. Editor - 33, 36, 71
Asst. Manager, Alcalde - 71
Athens of Texas - 104
Athletic - 73-83
Athletic Department - 67
Athletic Editor - 71
Badlwin, A. P. (M. D.) - 125
Baer, Fannie - 52
Bailey, ___ - 77
Bain, ___ - 82
Bain, Thos. A. - 32
Bain, Tom - 90
Baker, Nettie (Miss) - 23
Baker, Ruth (Miss) - 25
Baker, Susie (Miss) - 25
Baldwin, Farve - 25
Baldwin, Fred - 52
Ballew, May (Smith) (Mrs.) - 23
Baptist - 104
Barcroft, Josie (Vaughn) (Mrs.) - 25
Barro, Fannie (Miss) - 25
Barron, ___ - 74, 76, 77, 81
Barron, Annie Laurie (Miss) - 25
Barron, Effie (Miss) - 25
Barron, Louie - 64
Barron, Lula (Miss) - 23
Barron, Nellie (McCool) (Mrs.) - 23
Barron, Vestina (Miss) - 25
Barton, Jack - 58
Barton, Nothera (Miss) - 24
Barton, Satis (Miss) - 23
Basket Ball [boys] - 82
Basket Ball Squad - 30, 31, 33
Basket Ball Team - 32, 34, 67
Baskin, Lucile - 46
Bauer, Vela (McMurry) (Mrs.) - 23
Beaird, Bryant - 24
Beaird, Georgia (Miss) - 24
Beaird, Jack - 50
Beaird, Lexie (Miss) - 23
Beaird, Mamie - 33
Beaird, Pat H. - 54
Bell, "Skeet" - 79
Bell, ___ - 77
Bell, Anna Mary (Miss) - 25
Bell, Bennie - 46,
Bell, Henry Marsh - 26
Bell, Marion (Miss) - 25
Benden, Jessie - 58
Bergfield, A. - 105
Bernhardt, Sarah - 105
Bibby, Leora (Miss) - 25
Bibby, Lexie - 35
Bibby, Lola (Miss) - 25
Bischoff, Elizabeth (Butler) (Mrs.) - 24
Bishop, Kitty (Presley) (Mrs.) - 24
Blackwell, Edith (Mersereau) (Mrs.) - 25
Bloomberg, Samuel - 25
Board of Trustees - 72
Bonner School - 119
Bonner School Yell - 119
Bonner, ___ - 104
Bonner, Lizzie (Wiggins) (Mrs.) - 23
Bonner, Mary (Miss) - 23
Bonner, T. R. (Col.) - 119
Bonner, Thomas D. - 24
Boon, Abbott - 24
Boon, Charles W., Jr. - 31
Boon, Turin - 24
Boon, Welborn - 25
Boone, Geraldine - 46
Booner, Francis (Miss) - 25
Bostick, Irma - 50
Bostick, Willie - 50
Bothwell, Frankie (Miss) - 24
Bothwell, Harry - 24
Bowles, Chief - 103
Boyette, Ada (Miss) - 23
Boyette, Ibzan - 25
Boyette, Lucille (Miss) - 25
Boys' Basket Ball reporter - 71
Boys' Debating Club - 30-35, 67, 86
Boys' Debating Club photo - 87
Bradshaw, Nora (Rice) (Mrs.) - 25
Brazelton, Elanor - 60
Brazelton, Geo. G. - 125
Brazelton, Pryor & Co., Lumber - 125
Brett, Lottie (Miss) - 24
Broughton, Clara Belle (Miss) - 25
Brower, Corrie (Miss) - 24
Brown, Albert - 64
Brown, Birdie (Miss) - 23
Brown, Charlotte (Goldstein) (Mrs.) - 24
Brown, Harry - 23
Brown, Isador - 23
Brown, R. H., Jr. - 24
Brown, Willette (Miss) - 24
Browne, Mabel (Miss) - 24
Brown's regiment - 103
Bryan, The Book Man - 126
Bryant, Bonnie - 50
Burge, Lola (Miss) - 23
Burgess, Anna (Miss) - 24
Burke, Kate (Grinnan) (Mrs.) - 23
Burke, Nettie (Baker) (Mrs.) - 23
Burke, Pledger - 24
Burnett, John R. - 125
Burnett, Pat - 67, 71, 83, 90
Burnette, James - 64
Burns, Florrie (Miss) - 25
Business Men's Life Association - 125
Butler, Beulah (McMurry) (Mrs.) - 23
Butler, Carrie Lee (Miss) - 26
Butler, Elizabeth (Miss) - 24
Butler, Lee - 24
Byrne, H. E. - 124, 125
Cain, Earl - 90
Cain, Earl S. - 32
Caldwell, Celeta - 46
Caldwell, Eugene - 64
Caldwell, Girlie (Miss) - 24
Caldwell, Lillie Cordelia (Miss) - 25
Caldwell, Lucile - 62
Caldwell, Lucy - 62
Caldwell, Pink (Patterson) (Mrs.) - 23, 24
Calhoun, Charles Galloway - 30
Calhoun, Galloway - 67, 71, 86
Calhoun, Jack - 79
Cambers, Florence - 50
Campbell, "Manager" - 81
Campbell, Gillies - 64
Campbell, Moneta - 60
Carlton College - 18
Carlton, Erie (Miss) - 24
Carlton, Willie (Miss) - 25
Caspary, Claude - 24
Caspary, Lee - 24
Caspary, Paul - 25
Cheatam, John - 60
Cherokee Indians - 103
Cherry, Ruby (Miss) - 24
Cherry, Will - 50
Chilton, ___ - 104
Chitwood, Roy - 46,
Christian, Lillie (Miss) - 25
Christian, Rubie - 46
Christian, Ruby - 67
Clark, Lucille (Boyette) (Mrs.) - 25
Clark, Robert, Jr. - 24
Class Historian - 29
Class History - 40
Class of 1888 - 23
Class of 1889 - 23
Class of 1890 - 23
Class of 1891 - 23
Class of 1892 - 23
Class of 1893 - 23
Class of 1894 - 23
Class of 1895 - 23
Class of 1896 - 23
Class of 1897 - 24
Class of 1898 - 24
Class of 1899 - 24
Class of 1901 - 24
Class of 1902 - 24
Class of 1903 - 25
Class of 1904 - 25
Class of 1905 - 25
Class of 1906 - 25
Class of 1907 - 25
Class of 1909 - 25
Class of 1910 - 25
Class of 1911 - 26
Class of 1912 - 26
Clay, James - 24
Clayton, Bessie (Miss.) - 24
Clough, George O. - 24
Clubs - 86-90
Clyde, Calvin - 64
Clyde, Kittie (Miss) - 23
Cochran, ___ - 77
Coker, ___ - 77
Coker, Kathleen - 50
Coker, Lit - 60, 78
Coker, Littleton - 67
Coleman, Satis (Barton) (Mrs.) - 23
Confederate prison - 103
Connally, Arthur - 23
Connally, E. G. - 2
Connally, Gerry - 25
Cook, Corrie (Parks) (Mrs.) - 24
Cook, Eddie (Miss) - 25
Cook, Ella (Miss) - 24
Cook, Minnie (Miss) - 25
Cook, Nellie (Miss) - 24
Cooley, Pauline (Fleishel) (Mrs.) - 23
Corbin, Gladys - 52
Corbin, Lucile - 46
Courier-Times Pub. Co. - 125
Cox, Florrie (Watkins) (Mrs.) - 24
Cox, Sallie (Miss) - 25
Cox, Sam - 25
Crutcher, Ike - 64
Currie, Ed - 60
Curry - 81
Daily Courier-Times Job Office - 128
Daily, Jessie (Johnson) (Mrs.) - 23
Dances - 70
Daniel, Dora (Miss) - 23
Daniel, Wadel - 24
Daniels, Zonetta (Miss) - 25
Darracott, Joe - 24
Dashiel, ___ - 1913:82
David Korkmas' Store - 127
Dawson, Glen (Miss) - 24
Day, Tunnel - 64
Dean, Fannie (Miss) - 26
Dean, Jeter I. - 34
Dean, Rosa (Miss) - 25
Dean, Wayne - 52
Dean, Winnie (Miss) - 26
Debating Clubs - 70
DeBolt, Annie Laura - 60
Deets, (Rice) - 24
Deland, Shirley - 58
DeLay, Mary (Johnson) (Mrs.) - 23
Denison, Robert - 25
Dennison, Carrol - 64
Dennison, May (Miss) - 23
DeShong, Ione (Miss) - 23
Deweese, Cornelius - 23
Dobbs, Francis (Miss) - 23
Dorough, Robert - 23
Doss, Maggie (Humphrey) (Mrs.) - 23
Douglas School - 121
Douglas, ___ - 104
Douglas, ___ (Miss) - 113
Douglas, Alice (Miss) - 21, 25
Douglas, Comelia - 62
Douglas, James P. (Major) - 121
Douglas, Lucia (Miss) - 8, 19, 24
Douglas, Mary (Miss) - 23
Douglas, Winona (Miss) - 23
Duke, Lalla (Miss) - 23
Duke, Laura (Miss) - 24
Durst, Ruth (Baker) (Mrs.) - 25
Durst, Zephie (Miss) - 23
Eagle, Lottie (Smith) (Mrs.) - 24
Eagles' Hall - 70
Eason, Margaret (Miss) - 120
Eaton, Fannie (Miss) - 25
Eaton, Helen (Miss) - 24
Edding, Anna (Burgess) (Mrs.) - 24
Edge Clothing Co. - 1
Editor-in-Chief - 10, 33, 71
Edwards, Helen - 44, 46
Edwards, Inez - 62
Eisen, Jacob - 50
Emblem Bearer - 34
Emmet & Emmet Dry Goods and Clothing - 122
Evans, Willie (Miss) - 25
Faber, Arthur - 25
Faber, Gertrude (Miss) - 25
Faculty - 16-22
Fain, Clara (Miss) - 24
Fain, Maud (Swann) (Mrs.) - 23
Farewell, Old Hubbard [poem] - 38
Faulkner, Florence (Miss) - 25
Federal court-house - 103
Ferrell, Charles W. - 26
Ferrell, Vera (Miss) - 25
Fisher, Irene (Human) (Mrs.) - 23
Fitzgerald, Butler & Bullock, Lawyers - 125
Fitzgerald, J. W. - 125
Fitzgerald, Lois (Miss) - 120
Fleishel, Allie (Miss) - 23
Fleishel, Nellie (Miss) - 23
Fleshner, Ella Mae - 50
Fleshner, Hattie - 50
Fletcher, Olive (Caspary) (Mrs.) - 23
Flowers, Lola (Burge) (Mrs.) - 23
Fondren, Eva - 46
Foot Ball reporter - 71
Foot Ball Team - 30, 33, 67
Ford, Johnnie (Miss) - 26
Ford, Mabel - 62
Ford, Nellie - 54
Ford, Ruth - 28, 36-38
Foreword - 11
Foscue, Augustus W. - 30
Foseus, Gus - 86
Foster, Willie (Swann) (Mrs.) - 23
Frazer, Kate (Miss) - 23
Frazier, Anna (Miss) - 23
Frazier, Ethelywn, (Miss) - 26
Frazier, Harris - 67, 70, 86
Frazier, Harris Lamar - 10, 28, 33, 67, 71, 90
Frazier, Hortense (Miss) - 122
Frazier, Irwin - 46
Freeman, Sallie Lou (Miss) - 23
Freshman Class I - 58
Freshman Class I Officers - 58
Freshman Class I photo - 59
Freshman Class II - 60
Freshman Class II Officers - 60
Freshman Class II photo - 61
Freshman Class III - 62
Freshman Class III Officers - 62
Freshman Class III photo - 63
Freshman Class IV - 64
Freshman Class IV - 64
Freshman Class IV Officers - 64
Freshman Class IV photo - 65
Freshman Notes - 66
Freshmen - 58-64
Friedlander, Sadie (Miss) - 25
Frierson, Kate (Miss) - 24
Frierson, Minto - 25
Frierson, Sallie (Miss) - 24
Fuller, Willie Bell - 60
Fun Well Done - 115
Funderburg, Walkter - 25
Fuquay, Blanch (Miss) - 25
Fussy - 76
Games, The - 76
Gans, Beulah (Miss) - 23
Gans, Carrie (Lipsitz) (Mrs.) - 23
Gans, Stella (Miss) - 23
Garnet, Genevieve - 62
Garnet, Vivian - 60
Garnett, Mary - 28, 103
Garnett, Mary Elizabeth - 29
Garnett, Vivian - 60, 83
Garnett, Vivienne - 67
Gary faculty - 120
Gary School - 120
Gary, Hampson (Hon.) - 122
Gaston, Alliene (Miss) - 25
Gaston, Roy - 24
Gaton, Maggie (Miss) - 24
Gentry, ___ - 74, 82
Gentry, A. C. - 26
Gentry, Joe - 64
Gentry, Nat - 54, 67, 70, 78, 86, 90
Gentry, Nat A. - 10, 71
Gentry, Nathaniel - 67
Gentry, Nellie - 35
German - 20
Gideon, ___ (Mr.) - 113
Gideon, S. E. - 18, 122
Gilliam, Annie (Miss) - 25
Gilliam, Brookie Marie (Miss) - 26
Gilliam, Ewd. - 64
Gilliam, Fred - 46,
Gilliam, Helen (Miss) - 26
Gilliam, Lelia (Miss) - 23
Gilliam, Mabel (Miss) - 25
Gilliam, Nollie (Miss) - 24
Gilliam, Pearl (Miss) - 24
Gilliam, Sibyl (Miss) - 25
Ginners Underwriters Ass'n - 125
Girls' Basket Ball - 83
Girls' Basket Ball reporter - 71
Girls' Basket Ball Team - 67
Girls' Debating Club - 32, 67
Glenn, Bettie (Miss) - 25
Glenn, Carrie - 46
Glenn, Frank - 46
Glenn, John - 26
Glenn, Margaret Louise (Miss) - 26
Glenn, Mary (Miss) - 25
Goldsmith, ___ - 16
Goldstein & Brown building - 105
Goldstein, Birdie (Brown) (Mrs.) - 23
Goldstein, Charlotte (Miss) - 24
Goldstein, Pauline (Miss) - 24
Goldstrucker, Pearl (Miss) - 25
Goldstucker, Amalie (Miss) - 25
Goldstucker, Nathan - 52
Golenternek, Philip - 64
Golsan, Carrol - 67
Golsan, Edwin - 58
Golsan, Raymond - 58
Goodman, Marjorie - 52, 83
Goodman, William G. - 23
Gorman, Evelyn (Miss) - 26, 52
Green Brier - 70
Greines, Jacob - 25
Grimes, Daisy (Thompson) (Mrs.) - 24
Grimes, Julia (Miss) - 24
Grimes, Millard - 24
Grinnan, Belle (Miss) - 23
Grinnan, Kate (Miss) - 23
Grinnan, Maggie (Miss) - 23
H. B. White Mfg. Co. - 127
Haddix, Ada (Miss) - 24
Hale, ___ - 82
Hale, Averline - 25
Hale, Mary Pearl (Miss) - 26
Hale, Minnie (Smith) (Mrs.) - 23
Hale, Richard - 60
Hale, Tom - 34
Hall, Edna (Miss) - 24
Halverson, Louise (Miss) - 24
Hambrick, Ruth - 52
Hamilton, "Fuzzy" - 46, 80
Hamilton, ___ - 76, 77, 82
Hamilton, Mark - 46, 67, 71
Hamilton, Paul - 26
Hamilton, W. T. - 20, 122
Hammand, Mazie (Miss) - 25
Hammond, Lois Nella (Miss) - 26
Hanchett, Leon - 25
Haney, Ruth - 62
Hanson, Bill - 64
Hanson, Gordon - 26
Harding, Adaline (Miss) - 24
Harmony Hall - 70
Harrington, Claude - 64
Harrington, Royal - 26
Harris, Essie (Miss) - 24
Harris, Julia (Grimes) (Mrs.) - 24
Harris, Lillie (Miss) - 25
Harris, Lizzie (Miss) - 23
Harris, Mollie (Miss) - 24
Harris, Ora May (Ivy) (Mrs.) - 23
Harris-Lipsitz Company - 126
Harrison, Vera - 46, 67, 83
Hayth, Edna Amanda - 36
Hayth, Emile - 46
Hemphill, Grover - 25
Hemphill, Kate (Miss) - 26
Hemphill, Pettus Harvey - 26
Henderson, Alice (Miss) - 24
Henry, ___ - 104
Henry, Elizabeth (Miss) - 25
Henry, Milton - 25
Her Downfall - 100
Herndon, Charles - 23
Herndon, Hugh - 24
Herndon, Robinson - 104
Herring, Girlie (Caldwell) (Mrs.) - 24
Hicke, Florence, (Miss) - 25
Hicks, Howard - 25
Hicks, Lottie (Brett) (Mrs.) - 24
Hight, Clay - 125
Hight, Mamie - 60
Hight, Nannie - 60
Hill, Otelia (Sholden) (Mrs.) - 25
Hilsman, Ellen (Miss) - 25
Hippodrome, The - 125
His Examination - 100
History - 19, 29-36
Hix, Ivan - 25
Hogan, Gertrude (Miss) - 25
Hogg, ___ (Governor) - 104
Holland, Lois - 54
Holland, Monte Gene - 26
Hollingsworth, M. - 122
Hollingsworth, N. - 18
Holly, Sallie (Shaw) (Mrs. - 24
Holme, Lucile - 54
honor pupil, fifth - 30
honor pupil, first - 29
honor pupil, fourth - 30
honor pupil, second - 29
honor pupil, sixth - 30
honor pupil, third - 29
Hoybrook, Doug - 46,
Hubbard, ___ (Governor) - 104
Hubbard, R. B. (Gov.) - 114
Huckins, Olive (Mills) (Mrs.) - 23
Huggins, W. O. - 23
Hughes, Vincent - 64
Hughey, Blanche (Miss) - 26
Human, Florence (Miss) - 24
Human, Irene (Miss) - 23
Humphrey, Maggie (Miss) - 23
Hunt, Elsie (Miss) - 25
Hunter, Mary (Patterson) (Mrs.) - 23
Illinois - 18
Ingraham, Clyde - 64
Iron, J. D. - 124
Ivy, Ora May (Miss) - 23
J. D. Iron's - 124
J. H. Adams & Son, Hardware - 125
Jackson, Ethel - 58
Jacksonville [school] - 83
Jacqson, Francis (Miss) - 24
Jameson, Gladys - 83
Jenkins, Lida (Miss) - 24
Jester, John - 25
Jester, Levin - 25
Johnson, ___ (Dr.) - 71
Johnson, Alfred - 64
Johnson, Bertie - 24
Johnson, Clide - 25
Johnson, Davenport - 25
Johnson, Idell (Miss) - 23
Johnson, Isabelle (Miss) - 24
Johnson, Jessie (Miss) - 23
Johnson, Jozelle (Miss) - 23
Johnson, Kirby - 24
Johnson, Mary (Miss) - 23
Johnson, Ruby - 62
Johnson, Thos. - 24
Johnson, Willie (Miss) - 25
Jones - 104
Jones, Fleida - 52
Jones, M. L. (Miss) - 122
Jones, Mattie (Miss) - 19
Joyner, Darwin - 60
Joyner, Ernest - 54
Judge, Elizabeth (Miss) - 24
Judge, Eugene - 24
Judge, Ivan - 25
Judge, James C. - 25
Junior class photo - 45
Junior Class Roll - 46
Junior Facts - 47
Junior Notes - 48
Junior Officers - 44
Junior Prom - 70
Junior yell - 44
Juniors - 44-46
Kayser, Albert - 23
Kayser, Annie (Miss) - 23
Kayser, Mina (Miss) - 25
Kayser, Paul - 25
Kayser, Therese (Miss) - 23
Kee, Edward - 26
Kemper, W. H. - 125
Kendrick, Allen B. - 26
Kendrick, Grace - 52
Kennedy, ___ - 80
Kennedy, Gene - 60
Kickapoos Indians - 103
Kilfoyle, Ione (DeShong) (Mrs.) - 23
King, Florence - 58
Korkmas, David, Store - 127
Kyle Clothing Company - 127
Kyle, Ella (Cook) (Mrs.) - 24
Lambright, Annie Lee - 52
Lanford, ___ - 76
Lanford, Carrie Mae - 62
Lanford, Della - 71
Lang, Zephie (Durst) (Mrs.) - 23
Langford, Della - 32
Lassater, ___ (Mrs.) - 120
Latham, Helen - 46
Latham, Julia (Miss) - 25
Latin - 21
Lawrence, Leita (Miss) - 25
Layceum Officers - 90
Lester, S. J. - 120
Levy, Zerlina - 46
Liberty Hill - 70
Liebriech, Nathalia - 62
Lindsey, Bernadine - 58
Lindsey, Louise - 50
Lindsey, Louise E. - 50
Lindsey, Therese (Kayser) (Mrs.) - 23
Lipsitz, Carrie (Miss) - 23
Lipstate, Phillip - 25
Lipstate, Wadel - 25
Lisle, Claude - 24
Literature - 19, 92-110
Littlejohn, Lucile - 67
Littlejohn, Maurine - 54
Lockwood, Walter - 25
Loftin, Elizabeth - 58
Loftin, Mary (Wiggins) (Mrs.) - 23
Loftin, Sophie (Miss) - 26
Logan, Lucile - 44, 46
Logan, Marbury - 46, 67, 90
Logan, Samie (Miss) - 24
Long, Hattie (Miss) - 24
Long, John - 46
Long, Leah - 62
Longview [school] - 74, 76, 77
Lorance, Mac - 60
Loring, Susie (Miss) - 24
Louisiana, New Orleans - 104
Louisiana, Shreveport - 104
Loving, Louise - 54
Loving, Maud (Miss) - 26
Loyal Sons of Rest - 90
Lyceum - 90
Mahon, ___ - 82
Major, Gladys - 60
Manager, Alcalde - 71
Manly, Bessie - 31
Manry, Lucile (Miss) - 25
Mansfield, Richard H. - 24
Marsh School - 118
Marsh School Yell - 118
Marsh, Bryan - 52, 78
Marsh, Bryan (Hon.) - 118
Marsh, Ethel (Miss) - 24
Marsh, Harold - 24
Marsh, Henry B. (Hon.) - 118
Marsh, Louise - 52
Marsh, Mittie (Miss) - 26
Martin, Mary - 119
Marvin Church - 114
Mathematics - 18
Mathematics - 18, 29-34
Mathis, Forrest - 24
Mathis, Hattie (Miss) - 25
Matthews, Maggie - 98
Matthews, Maggie L - 29, 67, 88
Maxwell Park - 74
Mayer & Schmidt, front & back cover
Mayfield, Hattie (Patterson) (Mrs.) - 23
Mayfield, Thomas - 24
McCammon, Mabel (Miss) - 24
McCammon, Mary (Miss) - 24
McCarthy, John - 64
McCarthy, Oden - 10, 50, 67, 71, 90
McCartle, Don - 60
McClendon, Annie B. - 54
McClendon, Annie Bonner - 14
McClendon, Patience - 62
McClendon, Sidney - 26
McClendon, Whitaker - 25
McCool, Nellie (Miss) - 23
McCord, Hallie (Miss) - 24
McElroy, Alma (Woldert) (Mrs.) - 24
McGhee, Geo. S. - 23
McLean, Harry - 25
McLean, James M. - 26
McLean, Katherene (Miss) - 25
McMinn, Hope (Miss) - 25
McMinn, Hudson - 54
McMurphy, Francis W. (Miss) - 25
McMurry, Anna Lee (Miss) - 25
McMurry, Berta (Miss) - 25
McMurry, Beulah (Miss) - 23
McMurry, Demel - 24
McMurry, Vela (Miss) - 23
Mermod, Jaccard & King Co. - 123
Mersereau, Edith (Miss) - 25
Mersereau, Edward - 25
Methodist - 104
Meyer, Ben - 24
Meyer, Pauline (Goldstein) (Miss) [sic] - 24
Mills, Olive (Miss) - 23
Mims, Irvin - 64
Mims, Joel - 54
Mims, Joel L. - 90
Mims, W. H. - 64
Mineola [school] - 74, 76, 77
Miscellaneous - 112-116
Mississippi river - 103
Mitchell, Willie Stell (Miss) - 25
Mittenthal, Essie (Harris) (Mrs.) - 24
Moffat, ___ - 77
Montgomery, Tennie (Miss) - 26
Moore, Aldrich - 25
Moore, Amelia (Albertson) (Mrs.) - 23
Moore, Clarence - 60
Moore, Gladys - 83
Moore, Johnny - 83
Moore, Leta (Miss) - 25
Moore, Lula (Barron) (Mrs.) - 23
Moore, Mollie E. - 104
Moore, Vernon - 26
Morein, Israel - 52
Morris, Alice - 62
Morris, Anne - 62, 83
Mosby, Edw. - 64
Mothers' Club - 118-120
Mouney, Ada (Haddix) (Mrs.) - 24
Mullins, Francis (Dobbs) (Mrs.) - 23
Murphy, Corine - 60
Nelson, Otha Parish (Miss) - 25, 26
New Orleans, Louisiana - 104
Niblack, Annie Bell (Miss) - 26
Niblack, Gus - 24
Niblack, Maggie (Miss) - 25
Niblack, Roberta (Miss) - 24
Niblack, William - 25
Noonday [school] - 82
Norton, Nettie - 31
Norton, Ruth - 52
O'Connell, ___ - 77
Oden, Fones (Miss) - 26
Oden, Morgan - 50
Oden, Ruby Anne - 28, 29, 67, 73, 77, 88, 108
Odom Drug Company - 126
Oehler, ___ (Captain) - 77
Old T. H. S. Building - 12
O'Leary, Hannah (Miss) - 25
Oman, Mabel (Miss) - 26
Omen, Vera - 62
One of the "Gang" - 94-95
opera house - 105
Overton, Lillian - 60
Palestine [school] - 74, 76, 77
Palmer, Pauline - 28, 34
Palmore, Lexie (Beaird) (Mrs.) - 23
Parker & Pinkerton Groceries and Grain - 124
Parker, Elizabeth (Miss) - 25
Parker, Lois (Miss) - 26
Parks, Charles - 25
Parks, Clancy - 46
Parks, Corrie (Miss) - 24
Parks, Sam - 25
Parks, Tracy - 26
Parten, Floyd - 25
Patrons-Teachers' Club Reception - 70
Patterson, Carrie (Miss) - 23
Patterson, Fred - 24
Patterson, Hattie (Miss) - 23
Patterson, Joe D. - 24
Patterson, Lamar - 25
Patterson, Mary (Miss) - 23
Patterson, Pearl (Miss) - 25
Patterson, Pink (Miss) - 23, 24
Patterson, Ruth - 28, 33, 67, 71, 88
Peabody College - 19
Perry, Dell (Miss) - 24
Perry, Jennie May (Miss) - 23
Peters, Anna (Miss) - 25
Peters, Horace - 26
Peters, Vesta (Miss) - 25
Peyton, Reilly - 23
Philips, Henry - 24
Philips, John F. - 24
Philips, Kate - 62
Philips, Willie - 62
Phillips, Ross T. - 23
Phillips, Royal - 54
Phillips, Winnie (Miss) - 26
Picnic - 70
Pinkerton, Bettie - 50
Pinkle, Ella (Tomlinson) (Mrs.) - 24
Poet-Laureate, Senior Class - 36
Pope, Sunshine - 52
Porter, Hazel (Miss) - 26
Porter, Mildred - 62
Porter, Opal - 52
Prater, Lorene - 118
Presbyterians - 104
Presley, Kitty (Miss) - 24
Prestwood, Belle (Riviere) (Mrs.) - 24
Prestwood, Francis - 54
Prestwood, Mary (Miss) - 25
Pritchett, Nina (Miss) - 23
Pullum, ___ - 82
Pyne, Nita (Miss) - 24
Pyrtle, Elizabeth - 50
Quinn, James - 25
Quinn, Joseph - 24
Quinn, Mary (Strayhorn) (Mrs.) - 24
Quinn, Wilie Stell (Mitchell) - 25
Rady, ___ - 77
Rafferty, Gladys - 46, 67, 83
Rafferty, Sadie (Miss) - 26
Ramey, Tom - 25
Ray, Annie (Miss) - 26
Ray, Mary (Miss) - 25
Ray, Pauline - 46
Reaves, Gould - 24
Reaves, Stephen - 104
Reed, Lulu (Miss) - 26
Reedy, Daisy (Miss) - 24
Reese, Mary Maud - 62
Reese, Nellie (Miss) - 25
Reporters - 71
Rhyme - 105
Riviere, Belle (Miss) - 24
Riviere, Paul - 46
Riviere, Roy - 26
Roberts, ___ - 76, 77, 82
Roberts, ___ (Governor) - 104
Roberts, Joseph - 54
Roberts, Louise - 10, 28, 37, 67, 71, 88
Roberts, Lovie - 54, 83
Roberts, Mamie (Miss) - 24, 120
Roberts, Paul - 25
Roberts, Rod - 79
Roberts, Roderic - 44, 46, 71
Roberts, Rodric - 67, 86
Roberts, Sadie (Miss) - 25
Robinson, Joseph - 24
Roderick, Charles - 26
Rogers, Sallie Lou (Freeman) (Mrs.) - 23
Rosemary - 103-105
Rosenbaum, Dora (Daniel) (Mrs.) - 23
Rosenfield, Bella (Miss) - 24
Rosenstein, Florence (Miss) - 25
Rosenstein, Sarah - 46
Rowland, Bessie (Clayton) (Mrs.) - 24
Rowland, Floy (Miss) - 24
Rowland, Park - 23
Rowland, Whitney - 25
Rushing, Gay (Miss) - 24
Rusk [school] - 74
Rusk Academy - 76
Rusk High School - 76
Rusk, (General) - 104
Russell, Winnie (Miss) - 25
S. H. U. - 29, 31-36, 90
S. S. S. [frat.] - 30-35, 90
S. S. S. Officers - 90
Salmon, Annie Bee - 62
Samuels, Mollie (Harris) (Mrs.) - 24
Sanders, Isaac - 26
Schmidt, William - 54, 90
School, A. & M. - 76
School, A. C. I. - 82
School, Bonner - 119
School, Carlton College - 18
School, Douglas - 121
School, Gary - 120
School, Jacksonville - 83
School, Longview - 74, 76, 77
School, Marsh - 118
School, Mineola - 74, 76, 77
School, Noonday - 82
School, Palestine - 74, 76, 77
School, Peabody College - 19
School, Rusk Academy - 76
School, Rusk High - 76
School, Shutleff College - 18
School, Southwestern - 18
School, University of Chicago - 18-221
School, University of Colorado - 19
School, University of Nashville (Peabody) - 19-22
School, University of Texas - 18, 20, 21
School, Vanderbilt University - 22, 75
School, Washington University - 18
Science - 20, 29-31, 33-36
Scott, Ella Belle - 25
Scott, Florence (Miss) - 24
Scott, Susie - 121
Scott, Velma - 58
Screst, Claudine - 62
Scrygley, H. - 22
Seale, Allie (Fleishel) (Miss.) [sic] - 23
Seeton, Marion - 52
Senior Basket Ball Team - 30-34
Senior Class Poem - 36
Senior Dramatic Club - 29-36
Senior Girls' Debating Club - 29, 33-36, 40, 88
Senior Girls' Debating Club photo - 89
Senior Officers - 28
Senior Picnic - 70
Senior Will - 42
Seniors - 28-37
Seuddy, Mattie (Miss) - 26
Shank, Henry - 52
Shaumlefel, Vera (Miss) - 26
Shaw, James D. - 30, 101-102
Shaw, L. E. - 125
Shaw, Sallie (Miss) - 24
Shayn, Annie (Miss) - 25
Shayn, Ruby (Miss) - 25
Shayne, Isaac - 25
Shelton, Nonie (Miss) - 24
Shoenfield, Sophie - 46
Sholden, Otelia, (Miss) - 25
Shreveport, Louisiana - 104
Shuford, Agnes - 60
Shuford, Levy (Miss) - 25
Shuford, Marie - 60
Shull, Annie Lee (Miss) - 26
Shull, Velma - 50
Shutleff College - 18
Simmons, J. D. - 127
Simon, Ben - 23
Simon, Ida (Miss) - 24
Simon, Leila (Miss) - 23
Simon, Mamie (Miss) - 24
Simon, Meyer - 24
Simpson, Marguerite (Miss) - 26
Sledge, Margaret - 44, 46
Smith County - 103
Smith, ___ (Dr.) - 122
Smith, ___ (Mrs.) - 122
Smith, Bernice - 58
Smith, Cade - 50
Smith, Georgia (Miss) - 23
Smith, James (Gen.) - 103
Smith, Jozelle (Johnson) (Mrs.) - 23
Smith, Kittie Bridge (Miss) - 26
Smith, Lottie (Miss) - 24
Smith, Margaret - 50, 58
Smith, Margaret (Miss) - 24
Smith, Marie (Miss) - 25
Smith, Miaena - 54
Smith, Minnie (Miss) - 23
Smith, Nellie - 52
Smith, Nonie (Shelton) (Mrs.) - 24
Sneed, Bessie (Miss) - 26
Sneed, Frank - 26
Society - 70
Society Editor, Alcalde - 32, 71
Somerville, Howard - 58
Sophomore Class I - 50
Sophomore Class I Officers - 50
Sophomore Class I photo - 51
Sophomore Class II - 52
Sophomore Class II Officers - 52
Sophomore Class II photo - 53
Sophomore Class III - 54
Sophomore Class III Officers - 54
Sophomore Class III photo - 55
Sophomore Classes - 50-55
Sophomore Notes - 56
Southwestern - 18
Spain, Joe Mac - 25
Srygley, H. F. - 122
Srygley, H. F. (Coach) - 74, 75
St. John, Sue (Miss) - 23
Stanley, Minnie (Miss) - 25
Stanley, Oma - 50
Starley Drug Company - 125, 128
Starley, L. A. - 125
Starley, Leta (Miss) - 26
Starley, Rebecca - 50, 83
Starley, W. R. - 23
Starr, Bertha (Miss) - 24
Starr, Carrie (Miss) - 25
Starrville road - 103
State Oratorical Contest - 67
Stevens, Anna (Miss) - 25
Stocker, Charles - 60
Stocker, Fay (Miss) - 25
Stone, Legie - 62
Stone, Paul - 64
Stone, Segie - 62
Strange, Pearl - 58
Strayhorn, Ada (Miss) - 25
Strayhorn, Mary (Miss) - 24
Suffragettes - 112
Swann Furniture Co. - 125
Swann, Alicia (Miss) - 23
Swann, Bess (Miss) - 120
Swann, Bessie (Miss) - 25
Swann, Mamie (Miss) - 23
Swann, Maud (Miss) - 23
Swann, Nancy Lee (Miss) - 24
Swann, T. A. - 125
Swann, Thomas E. - 23
Swann, Willie (Miss) - 23
T. H. S. on the Gridiron - 74
T. H. S. yell - 28
T. H. S. Yells - 84
Tarbutton, Affie (Miss) - 25
Tarbutton, Robert - 26
Tate, Lizzie (Harris) - 23
Tate, Tennessee (Miss) - 24
Taylor, Clara (Miss) - 25, 120
Taylor, Grace (Miss) - 25, 120
Taylor, Gus - 52
Taylor, Josephine - 52
Tejas Indians - 103
Terrell Election Law - 113
Texas Commercial Union, The - 125
The Big Strike or, When the "Movies" Came to Town - 114
The New Impetus to Liberty - 101
The Pennant - 41
The Road to Success - 107
The Village School Master [poem] - 16
Thedford, Gladys - 52
Thomas, R. L. - 21
Thomas, R. L. (Prof.) - 122
Thomasson, ___ - 77, 82
Thomasson, Horace - 50, 80
Thomasson, Hortense - 46
Thompson, Daisy (Miss) - 24
Thornton, Anna (Miss) - 24
Thornton, Lena (Miss) - 23
Thornton, Stella (Miss) - 24
Tipton, Edna (Hall) (Mrs.) - 24
To the Old Folks at Home - 110
To Whom We Owe Thanks - 122
Tomlinson, Ella (Miss) - 24
Torrens, Anna (Thornton) (Mrs.) - 24
Torti, Maurice - 26
Torti, Philip - 26
Torti's Café - 125
Towns, Carrie - 50
track - 67
Tukesburry, Beth - 62
Tullis, Robert - 25
Tunnell, Vonnie - 52
Two Seniors - 97
Tyler Commercial College - 124, 125
Tyler Cremery - 2
Tyler High School - 13-14, 104
Tyler High School, old - 114
Tyler Literary and Social Club - 104
Tyler Photo Company - 2
Union Woolen Mills - 127
University of Chicago - 18-21
University of Colorado - 19
University of Nashville (Peabody) - 19-22
University of Texas - 18, 20, 21
Valedictory - 108-109
Vanderbilt University - 22, 75
Varner, Della (Miss) - 25
Varner, Joie (Miss) - 25
Varner, Roy - 26
Vaughn, Josie (Miss) - 25
Wadel, Beulah (Gans) (Mrs.) - 23
Wadel, Ernest G. - 26
Wadel, Felix - 52
Walker, Tom - 64
Walker, Willie - 64
Waller, Maggie (Grinnan) (Mrs.) - 23
Ward Schools - 118-121
Ward, Zula (Miss) - 120
Warren, Gladys - 46
Washington University - 18
Watkins, Buck - 52
Watkins, Florrie (Miss) - 24
Wells, Winona (Douglas) (Mrs.) - 23
Wheless, Inman - 46
Whitaker, Annie (Miss) - 24
White, Dadney - 125
White, Joe - 23
White, Kate (Miss) - 23
White, Sammie (Miss) - 24
Whitney, Raymond - 46,
Whitten, Hattie V. (Miss) - 23
Whizenant, Edith - 62
Who's Who in T. H. S.? - 67
Wiggins, Eddie (Miss) - 23
Wiggins, Lizzie (Miss) - 23
Wiggins, Mary (Miss) - 23
Wiggins, Ruth - 58
Wiggins, Sophie - 46
Wilcox, Mildred, (Miss) - 25
Williams, Clarence - 24
Williams, Edgar - 23
Williams, Frank - 23
Williams, Lida (Jenkins) (Mrs.) - 24
Williams, Mildred (Wilcox) (Mrs.) - 25
Williams, Ruth (Cobb) (Mrs.) - 24
Williams, Thell - 23
Wilson, Lanta - 54
Wilson, Samie (Logan) (Mrs.) - 24
Wilson, Tom - 25, 64
Witt, Inez (Baker) (Mrs.) - 24
Wofford, Ethel (Marsh) (Mrs.) - 24
Woldert, Alex - 52
Woldert, Alma (Miss) - 24
Wolfe, Floy (Rowland) (Mrs.) - 24
Womack, Daisy (Perry) (Mrs.) - 25
Woman Suffrage - 70, 113
Wood, Florence (Human) (Mrs.) - 24
Woodward, Clyde - 64
Writing a Verse - 93
Y. M. C. A. - 83
Yarbrough, Lela - 62
Yarbrough, Minnie - 62
Young, Albert - 54
Zeese, A., Engraving Company - 128
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