Indexed by Jeanne Sellers
Formatted by Scott Fitzgerald
A Modern Cinderella - 49-51
Abbott, Helen - 40
Abernathy, (Miss) - 7
Adams, E. M. (Dr.) - 75
Adams, Jas. R. - 80
Adams, W. T. (Mr.) - 5, 7, 9
Advertisements - 74-81
Albertson, E., & Sons - 75
Alcalde Board - 6
Alcalde staff - 14, 15
Allen, Billy - 61
Ambassador of Japan - 8
Andrews, (Miss) - 26-28, 46
Andrews, Alice - 40
Andrews, Leah (Miss) - 7, 12
Armstrong Druggist - 79
Athletics - 52-63
Austin College - 12
Bain, Tom - 32
Baker, Ruth - 60
Barron, ___ - 53
Barron, E. - 62
Barron, Emmett - 36, 58
Base Ball - 61-62
Base Ball team - 20, 22
Basket Ball - 59-60
Basket Ball Squads - 25
Baskin, Lucille - 40
Beaird & Price - 79
Beaird, Mamie - 36
Bell, ___ - 54, 55, 56
Bell, ___ (Mr.) - 62
Bell, Ben - 44
Bell, Frank - 42
Bell, H. - 62
Bell, H. M - 53
Bell, Henry M. - 6, 22, 46, 57
Bell, Smith & Bell - 81
Bergfeld, R. - 81
Bergfeld, R. (Mr.) - 7
Bibby, Lexie - 30
Billikens - 21, 60
Bloomquist, (Mrs.) - 7, 11
Board of Trustees - 7
Bonner, Edmund - 30
Boone, Chas. W. - 36
Boone, Geraldine - 40
Boren, O. M. - 81
Borgoitti, John - 44
Bostick, Irma - 44
Bostick, Willie - 44
Broughton, Ed - 64
Brown, "Farmer" - 56
Brown, Lotta - 58
Bryan, "The Bookman" - 81
Bullock, ___ - 55
Burks Bicycle Store - 78
Burks, ___ - 59
Burks, Daisy - 6, 24, 46, 60
Burks-Walker Fur. Co. - 76
Burnett, Norma - 42
Butler, Carrie Lee - 30, 60
Cain, ___ - 56
Cain, E. - 62
Cain, Earle - 36
Cain, F. - 62
Cain, L. - 62
Caldwell Hughes & Patterson - 80
Caldwell, Celeta - 42
Calhoun, Galloway - 32
Calloway, ___ - 59
Calloway, Marie - 60
Carlton, E. E. - 81
Carnegie Hero Medals - 64
Chambers, Winnie - 42
Chief Justice, Texas Supreme Court - 3
Chitwood, Roy - 44
Christian, Ruby - 44
Citizens National Bank - 81
Clark, Milton - 64
Class Poet - 16
Cobb, R. D. - 81
Connally, Walter - 81
Cooney, Charlie - 40
Cooney, Jennie - 36
Corbin, Lucille - 44
Cotton Belt Clerks - 54
Cotton Belts - 62
Cox, ___ - 54, 56
Cox, T. - 53
Cox, Thos. W. - 57
Crews, C. C. (Dr.) - 75
Crutcher, Henry (Mr.) - 64
Crutcher, Henry (Mrs.) - 64
Davids, ___ - 55
Dean, Fannie - 30, 46
Dean, Jeter - 32
Dean, Winnie - 30
Dedication - 4
Delaney, Sarah - 36
Denman, Helen - 60
Dewitt, A. L. (Dr.) - 75
Douglas, Ellen - 44
Douglas, Lucy - 44
Douglass, Lucia (Miss) - 7, 10
Durst & Hight - 77
Durst, Louise (Mrs.) - 64
Durst, Paul - 44
Edwards, J. M. (Mr.) - 7
Eleventh Texas, C. S. A. - 3
Elliot Tailoring Co. - 79
English, Nellie - 44
Fabor, Edwin - 32
Faculty - 7
Ferrell, ___ - 54, 56
Ferrell, C. - 53, 62
Ferrell, Charles - 20, 46
Ferrell, Charles W. - 57
Fleck, ___ - 54
Fleck, Olive - 36
Fondern, Eva - 40
Foot Ball - 18, 19, 22, 54-58
Foot Ball Players - 57-58
Foot Ball Squad picture - 53
Foot Ball Team - 23, 25
Ford, Johnnie - 16, 46
Ford, Ruth - 32
Foreword, 2
Foscue, Gus - 32
Fraternal Brotherhood Hall - 64
Frazier, Ethelwyn - 30
Frazier, Irvin - 40
Freshmen Class - 38-45
Freshmen Class pictures - 41, 43, 45
Freshmen Notes - 38
Friedlander, Lena - 36
Garnett, Mary - 32
Garrity, ___ - 55
Gentry, A. C. - 18
Gentry, N. A. - 79
Gentry, Nat - 40
Gideon, ___ (Mr.) - 26, 27, 38
Gideon, S. E. (Mr.) - 4-7
Gilliam, ___ - 59
Gilliam, Brooksie - 6, 19, 46
Gilliam, Fred - 42
Gilliam, Helen - 21, 46, 60
Gilliam, Mabel - 60
Glee Club - 64
Glenn, Carrie - 42
Glenn, Frank - 42
Glenn, John - 17
Glenn, Louise - 17, 46
Goldstein & Brown - 76
Goldstucker, Nathan - 44
Golenternek, Celia - 44
Golsan, Carroll - 32
Golsan, Edward - 32
Goodman, William - 75
Gorman, Evalynne - 30
Governor - 3, 8
Graduating Essays - 65-73
Graham, Clara - 60
Graham, L. - 59
Graham, Louise - 60
Hale, Clyde - 40
Hale, Pearl - 6, 20, 46
Hale, Tom - 36
Hamilton, H. - 53, 54, 56
Hamilton, Harry - 56
Hamilton, Harry A. - 58
Hamilton, M. - 62
Hamilton, P. - 53, 56, 62
Hamilton, Paul - 30, 58
Hammond, Lois - 16, 25, 46, 68
Hanson & Butler - 79
Hanson, Gordon - 30, 46
Harrington, Royal - 6, 30
Harrington, Royal C. - 58
Harris, Ethel - 40
Harrison, Vera - 42
Havenkott, Nellie Gentry - 32
Hayth, Emily - 36, 44
Hemphill, ___ - 55, 56, 61
Hemphill, Katie - 30, 64
Hemphill, P. - 53
Henry, __ - 54
Henry, Goodman - 32
Hensley, Ruth - 40
Herndon, Grace - 30, 60
Herzfeld, Bertha - 32
Hitt's Lake - 62
Hodges, ___ - 61
Hodges, W. - 62
Hodges, Whaley - 40
Hogan, Celia - 36
Hollies, Winifred - 51
Holt, I. F. - 78
Howard [University] - 8
Hoybrook, Douglas - 42
Hubbard High School - 8, 64
Hubbard, Richard B. - 8
Hughes, Marguerite - 44
Hughey, Blanche - 30
Hutchinson, Lettie - 36
Irion Drug Company - 77
Jenkins, G. - 62
Jenkins, Gadston - 36
Johnson, Chas. - 30
Johnson, Sam - 40
Jones, Corriene - 42
Jones, Mattie L. (Miss) - 7, 11, 27
Jones, the Barber - 79
Joseph, Bernard - 44
Junior Class - 29-32
Junior Class Officers - 30
Junior Class picture - 31
Junior Notes - 29
Junior Prom - 63
Just As You Like - 47-49
Kalabagus Club - 14, 19-24, 46
Kee, ___ - 53
Kee, Edward - 19, 57
Kendrick, Marvin - 32
Key , ___ - 55, 56
Key, Ed - 64
King & Horner - 78
Kleine, B. - 79
Korkmas, David - 78
Kyle Clothing Company - 78
Lacy, Horace - 40
Langford, Della - 32
Lasseter & McIlwaine - 75
Latham, Helen - 42
Lauren County, South Carolina - 3
Lavender, Hazel - 36
Leibreich, I. (Mr.) - 7
Levy, Zerlina - 44
Linehan, Catherine - 30
Lipstate, J. - 81
Littlejohn, Lucille - 44
Loftin, Sophie - 30
Long, John - 40
Loving, Sallie - 42
Lyceum - 14, 15
Lyceum and Clubs - 46
Malavansos & Vagenos - 78
Mann, Amelia - 42
Marsh, H. B. - 81
Marsh, Lucy - 30
Marsh, Mittie - 23
Marsh, Will (Mr.) - 7
Mathews, Grace - 30
Mathews, Maggie - 36
Mayer & Schmidt - 74
Mays, ___ - 55
McClellan, ___ - 55
McClendon, C. N. - 53
McClendon, Charles N. - 57
McClendon, Sidney - 23, 46, 55, 56
McClendon, Sidney S., Jr. - 58
McCord, Claribel - 60
McFarland, Oscar (Mr.) - 7
McLean, Jno. - 42
McLean, Sam - 42, 64
McLendon, Charles N. - 6
McMahon's Chili Parlor - 79
Miller, ___ - 55
Mimms, Joel - 44
Montgomery, Tennie - 22, 46
Moody, C. - 62
Moody, Clifton - 61
Moore, Vernon - 30
Morgan, R. O. (Dr.) - 80
Morris, ___ - 59
Morris, Lucy - 30, 46, 60
Naler, Bernice - 30
Naler, Loyd - 40
Neal, Nellie - 42
Norton, Nettie - 30
Oden, F. - 59
Oden, R. - 59
Oden, Ruby - 32, 60
Oman, Mabel - 30
Our Teachers [poem] - 28
P. D. Q. Club - 14-17, 19-23, 46
Palmer, Pauline - 36
Parker, ___ - 56
Parker, C. N. - 53
Parker, Cyril H. - 57
Parker, J. B. (Mr.) - 7
Parks, ___ - 54
Parks, C. - 53
Parks, Clancy - 42
Parks, Frances - 40
Parks, Tracy - 30
Patterson, J. D. - 81
Patterson, Ruth - 30
Pay, Pauline - 44
Pearson, Darnell - 40
Perdue, Katie - 42
Perry, Annie - 40
Peters, Horace - 21, 25, 26
Phillips, Winnie - 30
Pinkerton, Gladys - 40
Poore, A. P. (Mr.) - 7
Porter, Hazel - 14, 46, 65
Pounds, James - 36
Principal - 7
Proctor, Louise - 32
Pursley, Rhex - 42
Rafferety, Sadie - 30
Rafferty, Gladys - 44
Rafferty, Sadie - 60
Ramey, T. B. - 78, 81
Ray, Annie - 30, 46
Reed, ___ - 59
Reid, Lulu - 30
Republic of Texas - 3
Reviere, ___ - 62
Reviere, R. - 62
Reviere, Roy - 30
Riviere, Frank - 42
Roberts, Oran Milo - 3
Roberts, Roderic - 40
Rodieck, Chas. - 30
Rose, Douglas - 44
Rose, Evalynne - 30
Rosenstein, Sarah - 40
Rusk Masonic Institute - 9
Sam Houston Normal [College] - 9
Sanders, Ike - 25
Sanders, Isaac - 6, 15, 64, 70
Satterfield, Inez - 42
School, Austin College - 12
School, Howard [University] - 8
School, Hubbard High - 8, 64
School, Peabody Institute - 9-11
School, Rusk Masonic Institute - 9
School, Sam Houston Normal [College] - 9
School, Texas University - 3
School, Tyler Commercial College - 62
School, University of Alabama - 3
School, University of Chicago - 10, 11
School, University of Colorado - 11
School, University of Missouri - 9
School, University of Nashville - 9, 10
School, University of Texas - 8, 11, 12
School, University of Virginia - 8
Scuddy, ___ - 59
Scuddy, Mattie - 60
Senior Class History - 25
Senior Dramatic Club - 14-25
Senior Notes - 27-28
Senior Picnic - 62
Senior Will - 26
Seniors - 14-28
Shaumlefel, Vera - 30
Shaw, J. D. - 32
Shoenfield, Sophia - 44
Shuford, ___ - 54
Shull, Annie - 6, 18, 46
Simpson, Marguerite (Miss) - 60
Singheiser, ___ - 53
Sledge, Margeret - 40
Smith, ___ - 54
Smith, Bonner - 40
Smith, Kittie B. - 30
Smith, L. - 62
Smith, Langston - 42, 58
Smith, Nellie - 40
Sneed, Bessie - 15, 46, 71
Sneed, Frank - 30
Sneed, John F. - 58
Sneed, Marion - 42
Sophomore Class - 32-37
Sophomore Class pictures - 35, 37
Spain, ___ - 54
Spurlock, ___ - 55
Starley, Leta - 30
Starr Mayfield Co. - 75
Steger Land Company - 76
Superintendent - 7
Supreme Court, Texas - 3
T. H. S. Yells - 24
Taylor, Gus F. - 81
Taylor, Helen - 36, 60
Texas University - 3
Texas, Supreme Court - 3
Thomas, ___ (Mr.) - 27
Thomas, Horace - 42
Thomas, R. L. (Mr.) - 5, 7, 9
Thomasson, Hortense - 42
Torti, Maurice - 30
Torti, Paul - 75
Torti, Phillip - 30
Tunnell, Vonnie - 42
Tyler Commercial College - 62
Tyler High School - 8
Tyler House Furnishing Co. - 77
University of Alabama - 3
University of Chicago - 10, 11
University of Colorado - 11
University of Missouri - 9
University of Nashville - 9, 10
University of Texas - 8, 11, 12
University of Virginia - 8
Varner, Roy - 30
Wadel, Ernest - 6, 14, 46, 67
Wallace, P. E. (Mr.) - 7, 12
Wallace, P. E. (Prof.) - 64
Warren, Gladys - 42
Watkins, ___ - 54
Whitaker, Bessie - 32
Whitenton, ___ (Mr.) - 46
Whitenton, R. O. (Mr.) - 7, 10
Whitenton, R. O. (Prof.) - 64
Whitney, Raymond - 42
Wiggins, Sophia - 44
Wilfe, R. - 62
Wilfe, Ralfe - 40
Wilfe, Ralph - 61
Woldert, J. - 62
Woldert, Jack - 46
Wood, C. B. - 81
Wood, May - 44
yell leader - 21
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