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Tyler, Smith County, Texas

Submitted by Scott Fitzgerald

Index compiled by Jeanne Sellers

A&M College - 112
A.K.K. - 75
Acker, Butch - 146
Adam, J. E. - 146
Adams, Alice - 125
Adams, Don - 125
Adams, Eddy - 125
Adams, Glenda - 146
Adams, John - 146
Adams, Phil - 125
Adams, Steve - 146
Adkins, Carolyn - 146
Adkins, Mary - 146
Adkins, Mary Lou - 45
Ads - 168-175
Akers, Harry - 125
Alexander, Jessie - 146
All-College Favorites - 60-61
Allen, Elva - 146
Alston, Bill - 146
Alston, Emmett - 146
Alto, Texas - 155, 159, 161
Anderson, Betty - 146
Anderson, James - 125
Anderson, Judy - 33, 51, 75, 85
Anderson, Pattie - 146
Anderson, Terry - 146, 175
Anderson, Tom - 99
Apache Association - 70
Apache Band - 78
Apache Belles - 17, 74
Apache Co-Editors - 66
Apache Guard - 17, 74
Apache Guard Association - 24-27
Apache Guard Sponsor - 24
Apache Princess - 17
Apache Staff - 3, 36-37, 77, 175
Arlington, Texas - 163
Arnold, Jerry - 3, 26, 146, 175
Arnold, Prudence - 118
Arp, Texas - 128, 133, 138, 140, 142, 144, 148, 150, 158, 162, 165, 166
Arrington, Camille - 125
Ashlock, Robert - 146
Askew, Mary Beth - 33, 85
Athens, Texas - 161
Atkerson, G. W. - 146
Atkinson, Hayward - 146
Atta Kula Kula - 48
Atwood, Bryan - 146
Bagwell, Cecil - 114
Bailey, Earl - 29, 38, 146
Bailey, James - 125
Bain, Drucilla - 118
Bain, Melba - 146
Baker, Bonnie - 146
Baker, R. C. - 146
Baldwin, Phyllis - 85, 146
Balestevi, David - 45
Baleton, Tennessee - 103
Balfour, Myra - 46, 125
Band - 18
Band and Belles - 82-92
Band Leader - 84
Baptist Student Union - 55
Baptist Student Union Building - 9
Barbee, Truman - 39
Barnes, James F. - 118
Barnes, Michael - 146
Barnett, Earl - 146
Barrett, Gerry - 33, 144
Barrett, Richard - 112
Barrier, Don - 125
Barron, James - 125
Barron, Jimmy - 55
Barrow Beauty School - 174
Basketball Team - 103-108
Basketball Trophies - 1961 - 103
Bass, Ava - 146
Bates, Janina - 147
Bean, Dwain - 99, 147
Beard, Ken - 126
Beasley, Robert - 126
Beaty, Linda - 147
Beaumont, Texas - 103
Beauties - 68-80
Beauty Semi Finalists - 74-78
Becknell, Gene - 126
Bedinger, John - 147
Beeman, James - 126
Beeville, Texas - 133, 161
Belles - 18, 85-87
Belles Schedule - 87
Bellmead, Texas - 142, 148
Ben Wheeler, Texas - 136, 148, 154, 157, 158, 159, 162
Bender, Raymond - 147
Bentley, Russell - 147
Betts, (Mr.) - 49
Betts, Jack - 118
Betts, Sue - 126
Bickerstaff, Shirley - 147
Bicknell, Gene - 26
Big Chiefs (Administration) - 110-117
Big Sandy, Texas - 140, 149, 154, 159, 164, 165
Biggers, Sue - 33, 147
Bird, Betty - 45, 47
Birdsong, Lawrence (Jr.) - 118
Birdwell, Tab - 147
Bizzell, Bobby - 26, 35, 126
Black, Carole - 147
Blackman, Frances - 3, 37, 147, 175
Blackman, Francis - 33, 45
Blalock, Sandra - 147
Bluebonnet Bowl - 87
Board of Trustees - 114
Boat 'n Bike Corral - 169
Boaz, Whan - 147
Boom, Lynn - 148
Boone, Carolyn - 126
Boone, Charlotte - 148
Boring, Sharon - 147
Boshers, Wayne - 126
Bouterse, Marshall - 147
Bouterse, Patsy - 147
Bowie, Texas - 141
Bowlin, Diane - 147
Bowman, James - 36, 147, 175
Box, William - 147
Boxley, Henry - 99, 147
Boyd, Arlen - 147
Boyd, Mary - 147
Boyett, Bill - 147
Boys' Dorm Christmas Patry - 58
Bradley, "Frog" - 24
Bradley, Kenny - 126
Bradley, Kenny "Frog" - 26
Braham, Marylen - 153
Braly, Nickey - 147
Braswell, Sarah - 126
Brewer, Frank - 96, 126
Bridges, Bill - 46, 126
Briggs, Milton - 148
Brinkley, Pat - 101, 126
Brogdon, Dale - 147
Bronaugh, David - 127
Brooks, A. C. - 148
Brooks, Mary - 148
Broom, Paul - 148
Broughton & Colins Gulf Service Station - 174
Brown, Frank - 127
Brown, Galyia - 148
Brown, Mary Alice - 127
Brown, Ronald - 148
Brown, Steve - 29, 148
Brown, Tommy - 97
Brown, Tommy Charles - 127
Browne, Jeane - 116
Browning, Cecil - 127
Browning, Ed - 127
Browning, Paul - 127
Brownsboro, Texas - 147, 159, 162
Bryan, Texas - 147
Bryant, Carolyn - 78, 148
Bryant, Nancy - 127
Bryarly, Elizabeth (Miss) - 48, 116
BSU - 74
Buchanan, Julius, A. - 118
Buerger, Jerry - 148
Buford, Nancy - 147
Bugg, Billy Ray - 38, 66, 127
Bullard, Texas - 147, 152, 159, 160, 163, 164
Burk, Greg - 148
Burkett, Marshall - 148
Burks, Mike - 148
Burleson, Linda - 148
Burns, Terry - 148
Burroughs, Lynn - 45, 77, 148
Butcher, Billy - 148
Butler, Leroy - 148
Byeers, Jerry - 148
Byrd, Betty - 127
Cade, Juanita - 33, 50, 85, 148
California, Pasadena - 87
Callender, Jean - 148
Camera Mart, The - 170
Camp, Bert - 25, 26, 148
Campbell, Carol - 45, 148
Campbell, Earl - 127
Canalizo, Gene - 127
Cannefax, David - 148
Cannon, Richard - 127
Canterburry, Maxine - 148
Canton, Texas - 125, 130, 152, 153, 155, 157, 160
Capps, Freddie - 149
Career Day - 21
Carlton Hotel - 172
Carnes, Mack - 149
Carpenter, Jimmy - 26, 149
Carr, Judy - 82, 83, 148, 149
Carroll, Bill - 149
Carroll, Billy - 149
Carroll, Loy - 149
Carter, Ann - 149
Carter, Camille - 3, 31, 36, 90, 149, 175
Carter, Glenda - 31, 145, 149
Carthage, Texas - 135, 138, 156, 160, 163
Cartlidge, Thomas - 149
Caskey, Cliff - 24-26, 35, 60, 128
Cates, Laurel - 128
Celeste, Texas - 164
Center, Texas - 146
Chadwick, Tommy - 149
Chairman, Business Dept. - 116
Chairman, English Dept. 116
Chairman, Mathematics Dept. - 117
Chairman, Science Dept. - 116
Chairman, Social Science Dept. - 116
Chairmen of Departments - 116-117
Chambless, Joe - 149
Chandler, Texas - 128, 137, 146, 149, 150, 152, 159
Chapman, Jane - 33
Chapman, Jane - 33, 85
Cheerleders - 65, 77
Cherry, Tommy - 149
Chesley, Stuart - 149
Chitsey, C. D. - 149
Chrietzberg, Charles - 149
Chrietzberg, Janet - 149
Christian Student Fellowship - 54
Christmas Dance - 15, 58
Christmas Princesses - 64
Christmas Queen - 64
Christopher, Larry - 45, 49
Church of Christ Bible Chair - 8
Cindy Spruiell - 31
Citizens First National Bank of Tyler - 171
Clanton, Nelda - 33, 85, 90, 175
Clark, A. D. (Jr.) - 114
Clark, Gail - 33, 65, 77, 128
Clark, Sue - 85, 149
Clayton, Sylvia - 30, 118
Cleburne, Texas - 26, 126, 128
Clifton, Dan - 128
Clinkscales, Louise - 116
Cllender, Betty - 45
Cluett, Barbara - 149
Cobb, Jerry - 149
Cobb, John - 29, 149
Cobbs, Neva - 149
Coca-Cola Bottling Co. - 173
Coffman, Dave - 47
Coffman, David - 128
Cohagen, Jimmy - 149
Cole, Genneseret - 128
Cole, Mike - 149
Coleman, Larry - 26, 38, 128
Connor, Linda - 45, 150
Cook, John - 149
Coomer, Annie - 150
Coon, Owen - 150
Cooper Interests - 169
Cooper, Glynne - 150
Cope, Mack - 62, 96
Corn, Cindy - 30, 31, 85
Corn, Cynthia - 68-69, 90
Cornelison, Mack - 150
Corpus Christi, Texas - 139
Cosby, Dale - 128
Cosby, Gayle - 150
Costello, Joe - 128
Costin, Kaye - 45, 150
Cotton Bowl - 87
Couch, Larry - 128
Cowan, Denny - 150
Cowan, Paul - 150
Cox, Beth - 33, 129
Cox, Claud - 150
Cox, Ernest - 150
Cox, Judy - 128
Cox, Linda - 3, 30, 31, 37, 61, 65, 77, 128, 175
Crawford, Gene - 150
Crawford, Rebecca - 150
Crawford, Rolan - 3, 175 
Creekmore, Dick - 129
Crockett, Texas - 134
Crone, Alice - 150
Crow, Herman - 118
Crter, Glenda - 71
Curley, Sue - 150
Curtis, Charles - 129
Dallas Texas - 26, 27, 87, 103, 127, 130, 131, 138-140, 144, 146-153,
  155-157, 159, 161, 165, 165 
Dalrymple Prescription Pharmacy - 172
Dambon, Mike - 45, 129
Dark, Ruth - 150
Darneill, Billy - 150
Darnell, David - 129
Davenport, Judy - 150
David, Mollye - 31
Davidson, Jim - 24-26, 39, 129
Davis, Charles - 150
Davis, Ed - 45
Davis, Edward - 150
Davis, Kenneth - 150
Davis, Mollye - 30, 70, 80, 85, 90, 129
Davis, Nancy - 45
Davis, Sharon - 150
Davis, Walter - 150
Davis, Wayne - 129
Dean of Women - 116
Dean, Betty - 50, 150
Dean, John - 129
Decker, Charles - 129
Dedication - 4
Deek, David - 150
Deen, Sarah - 150
Dempsey, W. A. - 151
Dennard, (Mr.) - 42
Dennis, Bobby - 129
Denver City, Texas - 27, 156
Deslatte, Joe - 151
Detwiler, Shirley - 151
Devine, Mike - 38, 39
Dickey, Polly - 74, 151
Dingler, Gaylon - 151
Director, Apache Belles - 117
Director, Athletics - 117
Director, Counsel and Guidance - 117
Director, Evening College - 116
Director, Music - 117
Director, Nursing - 117
Director, Publicity - 117
Director, Singing Apaches - 44
Director, Speech Dept. - 116
Director, Student Activities - 117
Director, Vocational Ed. - 116
Directors, Band and Belles - 84
Disneyland - 19
Dockendorf, Robert - 151
Dodd, Joe - 129
Dodd, Sandra - 151
Domm, Ernest - 129
Donnell, Calvin - 24, 26, 130
Dorst, Kenneth - 130
Dostal, Rose Marie - 73
Doster, James - 151
Dover, Loretta - 130
Doyle, James - 130
Duckett, Jane - 151
Duke, Ronald - 130
Dure, Marcus - 150
Dusek, Jean - 45, 55, 130
Dyer, Carolyn - 151
Dyer, James - 151
Dykes, Gene - 151
Dykes, Mary Alice - 42
Earth Science Club - 51
East Texas Baptist College - 111
East Texas Day - 87
East Texas Savings and Loan Association - 173
East Texas State College - 112
Easton, Paula - 130
Echols, Pat - 151
Eckleman, Don - 103, 151
Edgewood, Texas - 154
Eikner, Homer, W. - 114
Elkhart, Texas - 129, 152
Elliot, Susan - 151
Elliott, Joe - 151
Ellison, Dale - 45
Ellison, Dell - 47, 130
Ellzey, Elizabeth - 151
Emerson, Bob - 151
Emmons, Nancy - 151
Emmons, Thurman - 151
Engineers' Club - 53, 74
England, Larry - 151
England, William - 151
Enos, Larry - 151
Epperson, Sandra - 151
Ernest, Forest - 151
Euterpe - 77
Evans, Kenneth, A. - 119
Everett, Jeanette - 75, 130
Everett, Massachusetts - 103, 138, 152
Exum, Lena - 46, 119
Faculty Members - 118-122
Fails, Francine - 130
Fairfield, Texas - 164, 166
Falgout, Tim - 151
Fallacaro, Mike - 151
Farris, Richard - 96, 130
Fergason, Lee Roy - 130
Ferrell Sanders Gulf Service Station - 172
Fife, James R. - 119
Fincher, Kelley - 130
First Runner-Up - 70
Fite, Mignon - 152
Fitzgerald, Mary - 152
Fitzgerald, Mary - 85
Flint, Texas - 137, 152, 154, 166
Football Parada - 15
Football Schedule - 94
Forsyth, W. C. - 152
Fort Worth, Texas - 134, 138-140, 143, 148, 154, 161
Foshee, Jack - 152
Foster, George - 152
Fourth Runner-Up - 73
Fowler, Edwin "Pinky" - 4, 84, 113
Frank, Eloise - 152
Frank, Melosese - 152
Franklin, Sammy - 45
Franklin, Texas - 128
Frankston, Texas - 26, 126, 138, 144, 146, 149, 154
Freshman Class - 76
Freshman Class Officers - 145
Freshman Favorites - 63
Freshmen - 145-166
Friedman, I. L. - 116
Fulgha, Marcha - 152
Gaberiel, Bobby - 45
Gaiser, Joe - 152
Gallatin, Texas - 153
Gambill, Audrey - 115
Gardner, Mark - 152
Gardner, Mike - 152
Garland, Texas - 154, 157, 158
Garner, Joe - 103, 105
Garner, Joe Bob - 152
Garner, John H. - 118
Garner, Sally - 152
Garrison, Cuba - 31, 131
Gavriel, Bobby - 152
Geddie, Arlis - 131
Gentry Gym - 8
Gentry, Ava Lea - 113
Geology Club - 75
Germany, Ronnie - 24-26, 131
Giannino, Tom - 103, 106, 152
Gibson, Anna Lee - 152
Gibson, Barbara - 152
Gibson, Mary - 152
Gilbert, Ken - 152
Gilbreath, Dave - 26, 47, 65
Gilbreath, David - 131
Gilbreath, Kenneth - 152
Gilbreath, Maudie - 152
Gilley, Robert - 44, 45, 131
Gilliam, Al - 84
Gilmer, Texas - 160
Gilpin, Sidney - 152
Gilstrap, Barbara - 152
Gimble, Mac - 152
Gladewater, Texas - 130
Glaspie, Sue - 131
Glover, Minnie - 38, 76, 131
Golden, Texas - 152, 153
Goodwin, Peggy - 152
Graham, Allen - 152
Graham, Gordon - 152
Graham, Marilyn - 45
Graham, Sallie - 153
Graham, Sally - 33
Graham, Thomas - 131
Graham, Tom - 47
Graham, Violet - 131
Graham, William - 175
Grand Saline, Texas - 125, 129, 131, 134-136, 138, 141, 146, 149, 150,
  153, 158, 160, 161, 163
Gray, Don - 44
Gray, Donald - 45
Green, James - 153
Green, Tim - 131
Greener, Robert - 153
Greenhaw, (Mrs.) - 32
Greenhaw, Averille - 118
Greenwood, James - 153
Griffin, Forest E. - 116
Groesbeck, Texas - 156
Gross, Franklin - 153
Groves, Texas - 151
Grubbs, Dicky - 131
Grubbs, Scherie - 153
Gurney, Francis - 153
Haesly, Patricia - 153
Hairgrove, Jewel - 131
Hairston, Jimmy - 153
Hal, Troy - 153
Halbert, Travis - 131
Haley, Francis (Mr.) - 57, 119
Haley, Joan - 119
Hall, Wynn - 153
Hallmark, Babe - 95
Hallmark, James - 119
Hallsville, Texas - 139
Hamilton, Linda - 85, 132
Hamm, James - 132
Hammer, Bobby - 132
Hammer, Larry - 132
Hamrick, James - 132
Hand, Sylvia - 153
Handley, Mary - 153
Haney, Henry - 54, 132
Hanna, Jerry - 132
Hardesty, David - 153
Harlingen, Texas - 143
Harper, Nancy - 153
Harr, Meki Tar - 42
Harrison, James - 153
Harrison, Marquetta - 153
Harvey Pontiac Company - 170
Harwood, Larry - 99, 153
Hasely, Pat - 33
Hassell, Douglas - 153
Hassell, Hilton - 26
Hawkins, Jimmy - 153
Hawkins, Texas - 130, 131, 135, 136, 137, 141, 144, 148, 149, 153, 158,
Hayden, Iris - 153
Hayden, Moore - 153
Hazel, Ann - 153
Heard, Larry - 153
Heinen, William - 153
Hendereson County Junior College - 94
Henderson, J. C. - 116
Henderson, Jerry - 153
Henderson, Texas - 136, 142
Hendley, Alice - 50, 154, 175
Henley, Alice - 37
Henniger, Nancy - 132
Henson, Carole - 132
Herber, Mary Ann - 31, 85, 90, 175
Herridge, Kenneth - 154
Herron, Frank - 45
Herron, Franklin - 132
Herron, Wayne - 24-26, 132
Herwig, Delores - 36, 175
Herwig, Dolores - 154
Hester, Deloris - 154
Hester, Phillip - 154
Hewett, Jerry - 154
Hewitt, Don - 132
Hicklem, Graham - 154
Hickman, David - 154
Hicks, Linda - 115
Higginbotham, Dubley - 154
Hightower, Robert - 132
Hildebrand, Ira - 114
Hildreth, Harold - 133
Hill, Frances - 133
Hill, James - 154
Hill, Jimmy - 154
Hill, Mike - 53
Hill, Pat - 154
Hillis, Steve - 63, 154
Hindi, Mahmud - 154
Hitt, Zoe Ann - 154
Hix, Charles M., Jr. - 119
Hixson-Ellis Incorporated - 172
Hobbs, Ann - 154
Hobbs, Billy - 154
Hobbs, Jean - 133
Hobbs, Larry - 154
Hodes, Robert - 39
Hogenmiller, Mike - 53
Hogenmiller, R. M. - 154
Hogue, Mike - 154
Holbrook, Bruce - 154
Holcomb, Geneva - 154
Holton, Robert - 133
Home Economics Club - 50
Homecoming Queen - 64
Hood, Edith - 154
Hooker, Carolyn - 133
Hooker, Joe - 154
Horsley, Joe Bob - 154
Horsley, Kay - 154
House, Gary - 154
Houser, Danny - 155
Houston Oilers - 87
Houston, Texas - 103, 128, 132, 135, 151, 155, 159, 163, 165
Howard, Fred - 26, 144
Howard, Jo Ann - 55, 155
Howdy, (Miss) - 12
Howdy, (Mr.) - 12
Howell, Mildred - 120
Hubert, Clara - 45, 155
Huffstulter, Howard - 155
Hunter, (Mr.) - 44
Hunter, Gary - 155
Hunter, John (Mr.) - 80, 120
Hunter, Patsy - 32, 33, 85, 155
Huntington, Texas - 103, 166
Huntsberger, Calvin - 155
Hurley, Jack - 155
Hurwitz Man's Shop - 168
Indian Dancer - 25
Ingram, Bill - 155
Irene, Texas - 147
Isbell, Phil - 100
Itasca, Texas - 161
Ivey, Sue - 37, 85, 155
Jackson, Frank - 44, 45, 54, 97, 124, 133
Jackson, Gloria - 120
Jackson, Peggy - 155
Jacksonville, Texas - 134, 150, 152, 153, 155, 158, 162-165
James, Lou Ann - 48
James, Louann - 33, 64, 85, 90, 133
James, Winford - 155
Jefferson, Texas - 153
Jena, Louisiana - 136
Jenkins, Eddie - 27
Jenkins, Edwin - 155
Jenkins, H. E. (Dr.) - 110
Jenkins, Judy - 33, 85, 155
Jenkins, Wiley - 116
Jeter, Carolyn - 155
Johns, Wendell - 133
Johnsen, Norman - 155
Johnson, Allen - 155
Johnson, Edna - 155
Johnson, Glynne - 29
Johnson, Janet - 155
Johnson, Kenneth - 27, 133
Johnson, Kent - 103, 104, 133
Johnson, Loyd - 155
Johnson, Norma - 31, 75, 85, 133
Johnston, Glynne - 155
Johnston, James - 156
Johnston, Jim - 175
Joinerville, Texas - 132, 147, 155
Jolly, James - 155 
Jones, Charlotte - 155
Jones, Gene Ann - 3, 36, 54, 75, 80, 124, 133, 175
Jones, Jesse - 155
Jones, Kenneth - 98, 133
Jones, Thomas - 134
Jones, Tommy - 103, 106, 155
Jones, William - 29, 65, 155
Jordan, John - 156
Joyner-Fry - 170
Junior Rose Bowl - 87, 91
Junior Rose Bowl Parade and Game - 17
K. Wolens Department Shop - 170
Kansas State Teachers College - 110
Kansas, Wichita - 152
Kappa Sigma Lambda Fraternity - 28-29, 75
Kattness, Bobby - 156
Kay, Annette - 156
K-DOK - 173
Keahey, Gwen - 156
Keats, John - 103, 106, 107, 156
Keener, Betty - 33, 85, 134
Kell, Freddie - 134
Kelly, Frank - 38, 39
Kelly, Robert - 156
Kennedy, Larry - 156
Kennedy, Mary Lea - 31, 156, 175
Kennever, La Joy - 156
Kenney, Gary - 101
Kenney, Rose - 84
Kent, Leon - 156
Kidd, Martha - 33, 86
Kilgore Junior College - 94
Kilgore Week - 14
Kilgore, Texas - 146, 162
Killion, Alice - 156
Kimbrell, Bobby - 27, 56
Kincaid, Mildred - 120
King Chevrolet - 173
King, Kathy - 156
Kingston, David - 134
Kinne, Gary - 134
Kinny, Rose - 31, 63, 76, 156
Kircher, Harry - 156
Kirkpatrick, Carol - 156
Kirkpatrick, Dixie - 134
Kirshbaum, Joseph - 117
Kittrell, Mary - 156
Klein, Nancy - 156
Knight, Gary - 134
Knight, Patricia - 156
Koelling, Judy - 45, 76
Kortman, Tyrone - 27, 156
Krause, Henry - 103, 156
KTBB - 169
Kuwait-Arabia - 154
La Marque, Texas - 143
Laird, Ruth Ann - 75
Lamon, Robert - 156
Lampkin, L. D. - 36, 156, 175
Lancaster, Neal - 156
Lancaster, Texas - 142
Lane, "Bronco" - 17
Laneville, Texas - 155
Larner, Sandy - 86, 156
Larson, Sherilyn - 134
Las Mascaras - 47, 77
Latimer, Sherian - 156
Lawerance, Janie - 33
Lawhorn, Jimmy - 27, 134
Lawrence, Estal - 134
Lawrence, Janie - 86, 157
Lawrence, Linda - 157
Le Gory, Pat - 134
Leard, Celia - 134
Leard, Robby - 157
Leesburg, Texas - 143
Legory, Pat - 29
Levelland, Texas - 158
Leverett, Arthur, Jewelers - 174
Levingston, Jeanette - 157
Lewis, Billy - 157
Lewis, Charles - 157
Lewis, Darrell - 135
Lewis, Dennis - 135
Lewis, James - 24, 120
Lewis, Kenneth - 120
Lindale, Texas - 26, 126, 127, 132, 137, 139, 146, 147, 149, 150,
  152-155, 157, 159, 160, 162, 163, 166
Lindsey, Hildegarde - 46
Linn, James C. - 120
Lionette, Melvin - 157
Lipsomb, Wallace - 157
Little, Carrie Sue - 45, 157
Lively, A. D. - 135
Livingston, Jeannette - 45
Lloyd James Funeral Home - 173
Loinette, Melvin - 27
Long Beach City College, California - 94
Longacre, Bill - 135
Longview, Texas - 156
Lorena, Texas - 165
Louisiana, Jena - 136
Lovelady, Jimmy - 49, 157
Lovelady, Texas - 166
Lovett, Dorothea - 135
Loving, Craig - 157
Lowe, Jimmy - 97, 135
Lowrance, Mary - 135
Lowrance, Tommy - 157
Luby's Cafeteria - 174
Lufkin, Texas - 143, 151, 162
Lukenbill, Barbara - 31, 86, 157
Lumley, Billy - 29
Lust, Mary K. - 120
Lwelling, Walter - 29
Lynn, Julie - 33, 45, 86
Lyon, Beth - 157
Lyons, Jimmy - 96, 135
M.S.M. - 78
Mahaffey, Bennett - 157
Main Building - 6
Malden, Massachusetts - 103, 156
Mallard, Dick - 157
Malone, Dennis - 157
Malone, Folly - 103, 104, 108
Malone, Linda - 157
Malone, Patrick - 157
Malone, Rosella - 157
Manchester, Carlee - 136
Marlin, Texas - 146, 156
Marsh, Neil - 136
Marshall, Texas - 161
Marshall, Windel - 136
Martin, Marian - 33, 86, 90, 157
Martin, Stanley - 157
Massachusetts, Everett - 103, 138, 152
Massacusetts, Malden - 103, 156
Massad's - 174
Matthew, Linda - 31
Matthews, Beth - 157
Matthews, Linda - 157
Maxfield, Charles - 136
Maxfield, Gary - 157
Maxwell, Tim - 136
May, Bobby - 157
May, Sandra - 157
Mayfield, Brenda - 136
Mayfield, Carolyn - 31, 158
McBee, Robert - 158
McBrayer, Sharon - 86, 158
McCallum, Bette - 158
McCarroll, Bobby - 25, 27, 158
McCaslin, Betty - 158
McClain, Joe - 135
McClenny, Tony - 158
McCord, David - 158
McCoy, John - 159
McCray, Robert - 135
McCreary, John - 159
McCulloch, Alex - 29
McCullock, Sylvia - 159
McDaniel, Jimmy - 159
McDaniels, Jimmy - 107
McDow, Sandra - 159
McDowell, John - 159
McGregor, Johnny - 135
McGregor, Texas - 155, 158, 163, 166
McKay, Thomas - 159
Mckinney, Reba - 159
Mckinnon, Martha - 86, 159
McKinnon, Sharon - 30, 31, 86, 135
McKinzie, Kay - 32, 34, 86 - 135
McLain, Foster - 159
McLane, Roy - 136
McManus, Evelyn - 120
Mcmanus, Melba - 34, 159
McMullen, Dale - 159
McNair, Ronnie - 29, 36
McNeill, Carolyn - 136
McQuaid, James - 136
Meadows, Mary - 158
Measles, Gerald - 158
Medlem, Kenneth - 158
Men's Dorm - 41
Men's Residence Hall - 78
Mercer, June - 136
Meroney, Reggie - 158
Merrill, Larry - 158
Mesquite, Texas - 132, 150
Methodist Student Center - 9
Methodist Student Movement - 56
Midkiff, Harlin - 136
Midlothian, Texas - 26, 144
Millard, Katy - 34, 35, 77
Miller, Becy - 158
Miller, Celesta - 136
Miller, Geneva - 158
Miller, Sue - 137
Mills, H. F. - 121
Mills, Virginia - 78
Milner, Linda - 45, 158
Mineola, Texas - 127, 128, 132, 139, 141, 144, 146, 148-152, 154, 156,
Mings, Zelma - 34, 48, 64, 76, 86, 90 - 137
Minter, Dan - 158
Miss Jr. Rose Bowl - 17
Missouri, Poplar Bluff - 143
Mitcham, Jerry - 137
Mitchell, Dorothy - 158
Mitchell, Sharon - 158
Montgomery Ward - 169
Montgomery, Sue - 137
Moon, James - 137
Moor, Terry - 39
Moore, Becky - 86, 158
Moore, Don - 137
Moore, Robert - 158
Moreland, Olga - 137
Morrow, Fanna Jane - 137
Most Beautiful on Campus - 68
Mt. Enterprise, Texas - 137
Mullino, Felix - 137
Murphy, Clinton - 158
Murphy, Lynnetta - 34, 64, 158
Murray, James - 121
Murry, Tommy - 158
Musslewhite, Jan - 31 - 78 - 158
Myers, Thomas - 137
Myrick, Kenny - 158
Nacogdoches, Texas - 103, 126, 165
Navarro Junior College - 94
Neaville, Suzanne - 159
Neches, Texas - 155
Nederland, Texas - 126, 158
Neeley, Peggy - 31, 74, 159
Neely, Mary - 137
Neill, Mary Kathlyn - 115
Nelson, Sue - 34
New Jersey, Short Hills - 149
New London, Texas - 103, 153
New Summerfield, Texas - 138
New York Store - 173
Newburn, Lynda - 159
Newland, Jerry - 159
Newman Club - 57, 74
Newsom, Charles - 159
Newsom, Paul - 137
Newton, Arvinell - 3, 36, 66, 159, 175
Nicholas, Callie - 3, 31, 36, 62, 66, 86, 137
Nicholson, Ann - 159
Nicholson, Roena - 45, 138
Nixon, James - 159
Northcutt, Jo - 31, 45, 47, 86
Northcutt, Mamie Jo - 138
Northwastern Oklahoma College - 94
Nowell, Renda - 31, 37, 86, 138, 175
Nunn, Bobby - 159
Nutter, James - 45, 138
Oelze, Marie - 45
Oelze, Mary - 159
Oil Bowl - 87
Oldham, Bob - 138
Olson, Harvey - 159
O'Neal, Charles - 159
Orange, Texas - 148, 159
Organizations - 24-58
Oswald, William - 159
Overton, Texas - 155
Owens, Rusty - 100, 138
Pagsdill, Tom - 45
Palestine, Texas - 127, 129, 130, 132, 135, 136, 141-144, 148-151, 155,
  157, 163, 166
Pardue, Rebecca - 45, 159
Paris Junior College - 94
Paris, Texas - 146
Parker, Charles - 138
Parker, Frank - 160
Parker, Jerrol - 159
Parsons, Byron - 138
Parsons, J. D. - 160
Partney, Kenneth - 160
Pasadena, California - 87
Pasadena, Texas - 146
Patridge, Johnny - 160
Patterson, Eugene - 98, 138
Payne, Charles - 160
Payne, Mary Ruth - 86, 90
Peebles, Judith - 160
Pena, David - 121
Pennsylvania, Pittsburg - 162
Peoples National Bank of Tyler, The - 171
Perkins, Terry - 160
Perry, Larry - 160
Personalities - 60-66
Peters, Beverly - 31, 138
Peters, Diana - 160
Peters, Robert - 46, 138
Peterson, Ann - 160
Petrou, Pete - 103, 104, 108, 138
Phelan, Kitty - 3, 30, 31, 37, 57, 74, 86, 90, 138, 175
Phelps, Nelda - 34
Phi Theta Kappa - 46, 77
Phillips, Freddie - 160
Phillips, Richard - 160
Pickard, Davis - 139
Pierce, Marcie - 160
Pike, Glenda - 160, 175
Pinkerton, Sue - 34, 72, 160
Pinson, Barbara - 160
Pirtle, George W. - 114
Pitts, Flora - 160
Pitts, Nikki Sue - 34, 45, 160
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania - 162
Pitzer, Michael - 160
Plessinger, Gerhard - 139
Plunk, Benny - 139
Pope, Dorothy - 160
Poplar Bluff, Missouri - 143
Port Neches, Texas - 147
Potter, E. M. (Dr.) - 111
Potter, Suzanne - 139
Pow Wow - 38-39
Pow Wow Editors - 66
Pow Wow Staff - 72
Powell, Nancy - 32, 34, 38, 139
Praytor, Homer - 160
Prejean, (Mrs.) - 38
Prejean, Blanche - 117
Presley, Jerry - 160
Prestwood, Jan - 160
Price, Bobby - 96, 139
Price, Harold - 98, 139
Price, J. Paul - 114
Price, Texas - 128, 143, 156
Prichard, Donald - 160
Prichard, Ronald - 160
Pritchard, Donald - 99
Pritchard, Ronald - 100
Pruett, Lanny - 139
Puckett, Gerald - 160
Puckett, Larry - 55, 139
Pulcher, Robert - 139
Pyle, Patricia - 160
Quitman, Texas - 130, 147, 148, 152, 154, 159, 165
Ragdsale, Charles - 161
Ragsdill, Thomas - 139
Raley, Gayle - 161
Ramsey, Stephen - 139
Ranger Junior College - 94
Rawls, Aubrey - 61, 100
Ray, Evelyn - 161
Red, Sandra - 32, 64
Red, Sandy - 139
Redfern, Rosemary - 161
Reece, Paul - 161
Reedy, Carol - 140
Reeves, Bill - 140
Regan, Judy - 1991:161
Regan's - 173
Reynolds, Gordon - 140
Reynolds, Robert - 121
Rhame, Carolyn - 161
Rhodes, Robert - 66, 140
Richardson, Herbert - 121
Richardson, Texas - 160
Richardson, William - 121
Ricks, Carolyn - 140
Rinehart, Charles - 140
Ritchie, George - 161
Ritchie, Janelle - 54, 76, 140
Robert E. Lee High School - 42
Roberts, Ronnie - 140
Roberts, Ted - 140
Robinson, Maxene - 115
Robinson, Robbie - 161
Robinson, Tommy - 24, 121
Rockwall, Texas - 159, 164
Rodeo Queen - 24
Rodieck, Mike - 161
Rogers, Charles - 161
Rogers, Glenda - 161
Rogersville, Tennessee - 141
Rohloff, Herbert (Jr.) - 121
Romack, Ronald - 140
Romberg, Mary - 3, 37, 86, 161, 175
Roosth & Genecov Production Company - 168
Rose Bowl lanes - 169
Rose Parade - 87
Ross, Laura - 3, 37, 140, 175
Rothlesberger, Herbie - 45, 161
Roy, Agnes - 117
Royce, Gerald - 161
Rucker, Brenda - 161
Rucker, Earl - 161
Rudd, Leo S. - 55, 121
Rusk, Texas - 26, 27, 126, 129, 139, 143, 144, 149, 151, 153, 158, 159,
  162, 165
Russell, Pat - 31, 55, 140
Safe, Lynn - 141
Saleh, Michele - 161
Sanders, Sandra - 32, 34, 45, 74, 140
Sanders, Sandy - 86
Sans Souci Sorority - 30-31, 68
Satterwhite, Nancy - 161
Saunders, Eva (Mrs.) - 42, 122
Sawyer, William - 161
Scalp Pole - 25
Scarborough, Betty - 141
School, A&M College - 112
School, East Texas Baptist College - 111
School, East Texas State College - 112
School, Henderson County Junior College - 94
School, Kansas State Teachers College - 110
School, Kilgore Junior College - 94
School, Long Beach City College - 94
School, Navarro Junior College - 94
School, Northweatern Oklahoma College - 94
School, Paris Junior College - 94
School, Ranger Junior College - 94
School, Texarkana Junior College - 94
School, University of Texas - 110, 111
School, Victoria Junior College - 94
Scott, Karen - 161
SEA - 75
SEA, Mary Wallace Chapter - 42
Seal, Conney - 141
Seal, Conny - 97
Second Runner-Up - 71
Sellars, Travis - 161
Selman City, Texas - 147
Sessions, Sherrill - 161
Shaffer, Rebecca - 161
Shamrock, Texas - 159
Shelton, Donald - 29, 141
Sheppard, Martha - 45
Sherman, Texas - 26, 128, 162
Shipp, Oscar - 141
Shirley, Jean - 161
Shirley, Rex - 141
Shop - 10
Short Hills, New Jersey - 149
Shuttlesworth, Donny - 162
Shuttlesworth, Tommy - 141
Sides, Harold - 162, 175
Sides, Preston - 141
Sieber, Bobby - 162
Sieber, Carolyn - 162
Sifuentes, Raul - 29, 141
Sigma Sigma - 52, 78
Sikes, Jerry - 162
Simmen, Edward - 122
Simms, James - 141
Simpson, Mike - 162
Sims, James - 54
Singing Apaches - 44-45, 76
Singletary, Don - 162
Sinks, Bobby - 141
Sjerven, Barbara - 162
Sloan, Max - 162
Sloan, Ronald - 141
Sloan, Ronnie - 39
Sloan, Ruddy - 162
Smith, Frank - 142
Smith, Fred - 53, 141
Smith, Gary - 162
Smith, Jerry Don - 162
Smith, Lyndall - 142
Smith, Mac - 162
Smith, Rex, (Jr.) - 122
Smith, Walter - 122
Smyrl, Sammie - 122
Soape, Jerry - 162
Socia, Gwen - 162
Sommer, Rod - 29, 145, 162
Sommer, Ron - 29, 145, 162
Sophomore Class - 75
Sophomore Class Officers - 124
Sophomore Favorites - 62
Sophomores - 124-144
Southside State Bank - 171
Sparkman, Eva - 162
Speer, John - 162
Spivey, Etta - 122
Sports - 94-108
Spuiell, Cindy - 162
Squyres, Arthur (Mrs.) - 114
Stallings, Charlotte - 162
Stamps, Rivvie Lou - 162
Stamps, Sue - 34, 86, 162
Standley, Alton - 101, 162
Standley, Glen - 27
Stanford, Charles - 162
Stanley, Glen - 162
Stanton, Texas - 163
Staples, Gene - 97, 142
Stapleton, Cathey - 90, 162
Statham, Charlotte - 163
Steffans, Sondra - 90
Steffens, Sondra - 24, 31, 87, 163
Steffins, Sondra - 74
Stelter, Doug - 27, 175
Stephens, Billy - 38, 63
Stewart, Charlotte - 163
Stewart, James - 55, 142
Stiers, William - 163
Stiles, George - 3, 122
Stokes, Ethel - 122
Stone, Carol - 163
Stone, Jimmy - 163
Stone, Ruthie - 163
Story-Wright Incorporated - 170
Strain, Mary Lou - 44, 142
Streetman, Karen - 163
Strickland, Patsy - 45, 55, 142
Stringer, Lynda - 142
Stringer, Mildred B. - 84, 117
Stripling, Linda - 163
Stroud, Sharon - 142
Stuart, Mike - 163
Student Council - 34, 71
Student Education Association - 42
Suggs, William - 44, 142
Sullivan, Ragna - 163
Sulphur Springs, Texas - 132, 153
Summer, Hoyt - 163
Swinney, Bruce - 142
Swoveland, Duane - 163
T & F Bigaburger - 174
Table of Contents - 2
Tadasa, Kay - 45
Tadassa, Kay - 142
Taliaferro, Lee - 38, 39, 163
Talley Cadillac Company - 171
Tarno, Jeanne - 142
Tarrant, Bary - 163
Tate, Freddie - 142
Taylor, Donna - 45, 50, 55, 163
Taylor, Ray - 143
Taylor, Tom - 163
Teasdale, Gay - 163
Teasdale, Kai - 163
Technology Building - 10
Technology Club - 78
Television Cable Service Co. Inc. - 168
Tennessee, Baleton - 103
Tennessee, Rogersvlle - 141
Tennison, Wayne - 163
Tepee - 7 
Terrell, Texas - 129, 133, 149, 163
Terry, Clarlynn - 163
Texarkana Junior College - 94
Texas City, Texas - 26, 126
Texas Distributors, Inc. - 174
Texas Eastern School of Nursing - 10, 73
Texas, Alto - 155, 159, 161
Texas, Arlington - 163
Texas, Arp - 128, 133, 138, 140, 142, 144, 148, 150, 158, 162, 165, 166
Texas, Athens - 161
Texas, Beaumont - 103
Texas, Beeville - 133, 161
Texas, Bellmead - 142, 148
Texas, Ben Wheeler - 136, 148, 154, 157, 158, 159, 162
Texas, Big Sandy - 140, 149, 154, 159, 164, 165
Texas, Bowie - 141
Texas, Brownsboro - 147, 159, 162
Texas, Bryan - 147
Texas, Bullard - 147, 152, 159, 160, 163, 164
Texas, Canton - 125, 130, 152, 153, 155, 157, 160
Texas, Carthage - 135, 138, 156, 160, 163
Texas, Celeste - 164
Texas, Center - 146
Texas, Chandler - 128, 137, 146, 149, 150, 152, 159
Texas, Cleburne - 26, 126, 128
Texas, Corpus Christi - 139
Texas, Crockett - 134
Texas, Dallas - 26, 27, 87, 103, 127, 130, 131, 138-140, 144, 146-153,
  155-157, 159, 161, 165, 165 
Texas, Denver City - 27, 156
Texas, Edgewood - 154
Texas, Elkhart - 129, 152
Texas, Fairfield - 164, 166
Texas, Flint - 137, 152, 154, 166
Texas, Fort Worth - 134, 138-140, 143, 148, 154, 161
Texas, Franklin - 128
Texas, Frankston - 26, 126, 138, 144, 146, 149, 154
Texas, Gallatin - 153
Texas, Garland - 154, 157, 158
Texas, Gilmer - 160
Texas, Gladewater - 130
Texas, Golden - 152, 153
Texas, Grand Saline - 125, 129, 131, 134-136, 138, 141, 146, 149, 150,
  153, 158, 160, 161, 163
Texas, Groesbeck - 156
Texas, Groves - 151
Texas, Hallsville - 139
Texas, Harlingen - 143
Texas, Hawkins - 130, 131, 135, 136, 137, 141, 144, 148, 149, 153, 158,
Texas, Henderson - 136, 142
Texas, Houston - 103, 128, 132, 135, 151, 155, 159, 163, 165
Texas, Huntington - 103, 166
Texas, Irene - 147
Texas, Itasca - 161
Texas, Jacksonville - 134, 150, 152, 153, 155, 158, 162-165
Texas, Jefferson - 153
Texas, Joinerville - 132
Texas, Kilgore - 146, 162
Texas, La Marque - 143
Texas, Lancaster - 142
Texas, Laneville - 155
Texas, Leesburg - 143
Texas, Levelland - 158
Texas, Lindale - 26, 126, 127, 132, 137, 139, 146, 147, 149, 150,
  152-155, 157, 159, 160, 162, 163, 166
Texas, Longview - 156
Texas, Lorena - 165
Texas, Lovelady - 166
Texas, Lufkin - 143, 151, 162
Texas, Marlin - 146, 156
Texas, Marshall - 161
Texas, McGregor - 155, 158, 163, 166
Texas, Mesquite - 132, 150
Texas, Midlothian - 26, 144
Texas, Mineola - 127, 128, 132, 139, 141, 144, 146, 148-152, 154, 156,
Texas, Mt. Enterprise - 137
Texas, Nacogdoches - 103, 126, 165
Texas, Neches - 155
Texas, Nederland - 126, 158
Texas, New London - 103, 153
Texas, New Summerfield - 138
Texas, Orange - 148
Texas, Overton - 155
Texas, Palestine - 127, 129, 130, 132, 135, 136, 141-144, 148-151, 155,
  157, 163, 166
Texas, Paris - 146
Texas, Pasadea - 146
Texas, Port Neches - 147
Texas, Price - 128, 143, 156
Texas, Quitman - 130, 147, 148, 152, 154, 159, 165
Texas, Richardson - 160
Texas, Rockwall - 159, 164
Texas, Rusk - 26, 27, 126, 129, 139, 143, 144, 149, 151, 153, 158, 159,
  162, 165
Texas, Selman City - 147
Texas, Shamrock - 159
Texas, Sherman - 26, 128, 162
Texas, Stanton - 163
Texas, Sulphur Springs - 132, 153
Texas, Terrell - 129, 133, 149, 163
Texas, Texas, City - 26, 126
Texas, Three Rivers - 103, 156
Texas, Throckmorton - 129
Texas, Troup - 127, 134, 137, 140, 141, 144, 146-149, 151, 153, 155,
  156, 158, 161-164
Texas, Van - 125, 136, 138, 140-144, 151, 157, 162
Texas, Waco - 136, 147, 155, 156, 159
Texas, Whitehouse - 144, 150, 161, 166
Texas, Wichita Falls - 87
Texas, Wills Point - 135, 143, 148, 150, 153, 158, 165
Texas, Winnsboro - 125, 129, 132, 137, 141, 149, 156, 159, 161
Texas, Winona - 152, 153, 156, 158
Texas, Wright City - 161
Texas, Wylie - 152
Texas, Yantis - 155
Thacker, Cranston - 143
Thedford, Donna - 143
Thiel, Melba - 163
Third Runner-Up - 72
Thomas, Linda - 31, 87, 163
Thomas, Sandra - 34, 163
Thompson, Alyne - 143
Thompson, Dwayne - 163
Thompson, Judy - 34, 87, 164
Thompson-Hicks Insurance - 173
Thornton, Don - 164
Thornton, Royce - 164
Three Rivers, Texas - 103, 156
Throckmorton, Texas - 129
Tillerson, Charles - 164
Tillman, Ben - 164
Timmons, William - 143
Tindell, Lee - 164
Tinsely, Robert - 164
Tinsley, Lawrence - 164
Tisdale, Sherry - 164
Todd, Darlene - 164
Todd, Jane - 164
Todd, Renna - 164
To-Kalon Sorority - 32-34
Tomlin, Joy - 164
Tomlin, Kenny - 65, 64
Tomlinson, Martha - 164
Tomlinson, Tony - 164
Toothman, Sandra - 164
Towles, Linda - 164
Townley, Ruth - 164
Townsend, Billye - 164
Trammell, Bobby - 29
Traylor, Andy - 45, 143
Treadaway, Emory - 29, 164
Tremont, A. J. - 101, 164
Triplett, Donna - 31, 175
Tritton, Patsy - 164
Troup Texas - 127, 134, 135, 137, 140, 141, 144, 146-149, 151, 153,
  155, 156, 158, 1161-164
Tucker, Carol - 164
Tucker, Charles - 164
Tucker, Robert - 143
Tunnell, Hubert - 114
Turbeville, Glendon - 164
Turner, Amanda (Mrs.) - 164
Turner, Henry - 143
Turner, James - 165
Turner, Larry - 45, 143
Turner, Leslie - 34
Turner, Mary Leslie - 143
Turner, Sara - 87, 90, 165
Turney, Joe - 98
Tyler Bank and Trust Company - 171
Tyler Clearing House Association - 171
Tyler Uniform Co. - 174
Underwood, Carol - 143
University of Texas - 110, 111
Van De Carr, Don - 143
Van Dover, Lee - 143
Van, Texas - 125, 136, 138, 140-144, 151, 157, 162
Vance, Sam - 165
Vaughn, Diane - 143
Vaughn, Dianne - 77
Vaughn, Jim (Dr.) - 114
Victoria Junior College - 94
Vincent, Harry - 143
Vontsteen, Skip - 29, 165
Waco, Texas - 136, 147, 155, 156, 159
Wagstaff, Floyd - 95, 117
Wagtech, Joyce - 166
Walker, Bettye - 37, 165, 175
Walker, Glenda - 78, 165
Walker, Glynda - 87
Wallace, Britton - 165
Wallace, Donnie - 97, 100
Wallace, Mary (Mrs.) - 42, 117
Walters, Kay - 165
Walton, Bobby - 165
Wanamaker, George - 165
Wanamaker, Sturdy - 103, 105, 107
Ward, Emily - 165
Wardrup, Paul - 165
Ware, Byron - 45
Ware, Carolyn - 165
Warner, Mike - 54, 124
Warren, Frank - 165
Watkins, Pat - 143
Watkins, Paul - 165
Watkins, Sandra - 165
Watson, John - 143
Watson, John Paul - 27
Webb, Amanda - 34
Webb, Mandi - 165
Webb, Mandy - 87
Weeks, Kerry - 24, 27, 144
Weesner, Larry - 144
Welch, Barba - 34, 65, 144
Welch, Bob - 165
Welch, Bruce - 144
Welch, Delbert - 165
Welch, Suzanne - 45, 144
Wells, Lawrence - 165
Welmaker, Patricia - 165
Werner, Roy - 165
Western Week - 20, 58
Wheeler, Kenneth - 165
Whisenhunt, Jimmy - 165
White, Cathey - 34, 165
White, Cordell - 49, 144
White, Harry - 144
Whitehouse, Texas - 144, 150, 161, 166
Whitley, Allen - 27, 144
Whitley, Walley - 101
Wichita Falls, Texas - 87
Wichita, Kansas - 152
Wieland, Mike - 144
Wilkens, Penny - 32, 34, 87, 165
Wilkinson, Gregory - 165
Wilkinson, Joel - 144
Wilkinson, Judy - 36, 175
Williams, Dan - 144
Williams, Doug - 103, 105
Williams, Frank - 103, 166
Williams, Mabel - 117
Williams, Margaret - 166
Williams, Patricia - 166
Williams, Walter - 144
Williams, Wayne - 144
Williamson, Charles - 166
Willman, Don - 166
Wills Point, Texas - 135, 143, 148, 150, 153, 158, 165
Wilson, Barbara - 166
Wilson, Charles - 166
Wilson, Lougene - 115
Wimberly, Larry - 144
Wimperly, Mary - 166
Winnsboro, Texas - 125, 129, 132, 137, 141, 149, 156, 159, 161
Winona, Texas - 152, 153, 156, 158
Wise Auditorium - 7
Wise, Watson W. - 114
Women's Dorm - 40
Women's Residence Hall - 76
Wood, Janet - 34, 87, 166
Woodall, Lyndon - 166
Woody, Carolyn - 166
Wortham, William - 166
Wright City, Texas - 161
Wright, Darrell - 166
Wright, Edna - 166
Wright, James - 98, 144
Wyatt, Sandra - 34, 166
Wylie, Texas - 152
Wyly, Bettye - 144
Wynne, Sandra - 166
Wynne, Sharon - 31
Yantis, Texas - 155
York, Jerry - 166
Young Motor Company - 170
Young, Jan - 31, 87
Young, John - 144

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