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Tyler     {Seal}     Texas

Be it known that

Lillian Francis Mask

having honorably completed the study as prescribed by the Faculty
and Board of Trustees and having complied with all other requirements of
the College has been declared a

Bachelor of Arts

and is entitled to all the rights and privileges appertaining thereto
In Testimony Whereof, the Board of Trustee, upon recommendations of the
Faculty has granted this diploma, bearing the seal of the College.

Done at Tyler, Texas, this the 28th day of July 1948.

/s/ Bishop Randall A. Carter                     /s/ Daminion R. Glass

CHAIRMAN  OF THE BOARD                                   PRESIDENT

/s/ S. Mallard


The original document shown above was donated to the
Smith County Historical Society.

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East Texas Genealogical Society and the Individual Contributors

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County Coordinator
Scott Fitzgerald

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