Back Row:Virgil Kyles, Willie Haralson, J. Wallace Kirby, Teacher Jim Kay, Lucille Johnson, Willie Bell Gaisser Langford, Marry Cashion, Kate Gaiser, Vera Roberts, Buleah Harelson, (mother was a Warren) married Willie Ervin Johnson, Kitty Allen
Front Row:George Gaiser, unknown, unknown, Aschsah Johnson, Evelyn Kyles, Gussine Mae Kirby (third over to right of teacher), Alveretta Johnson (married Buck Baron) Leona Kyles, Laura Kirby, Katherine Hill, Thompson, Middie Thompson, Bessier Gaisser (?)
Back Row:Bertha Johnson (young Hiram Johnson - son of Kate and Hiram, unknown, Laura Kirby, Ronsah Johnson, Alveretta Johnson, Gussie Mae Kirby, Katherine Lolly
Front Row:unknown, Webb Kirby, unknown, unknown, Lois Thompson, Mittle Lee Thompson (?)
Lois and Mittle Lee Thompson are sisters.