How to Post a Query

Submit the query to the right location - To the county
and state where the people were or you thought they lived.
Follow Directions - Read the directions FIRST and follow
the directions for that page.
This is especially true when you are filling out a form.
If you are sending a query to an e-mail address:
- In the subject line enter Smith Co. Query
- On the first line of your message enter the date, your e-mail
address and your full name
- Enter your query as you want it to appear using capital letters
for surnames and states only.
Query Body:
- Direct and to the point - narrow in scope!
- Give time period and approximate location.
- Clearly state what you are looking for.
- After you have clearly definied what you are looking for,
then you should give what informa- tion you do have within reason
to help the researcher find a connection.
- If you are looking for parents - you need to list all of
the children and spouses if you know them.
- A query should be specific enough to identify a particular
person or family line.
- Be very careful about "Living People" on the Internet.
Respect their privacy.
Except for surnames - ALL CAPS on the Internet is
shouting and impolite!
Copyright 2005 -
East Texas Genealogical Society and the Individual Contributors