Family Bible of James Speer & Penelope Jacks.
Submitted by Bill Wallace

This Bible was bought by Allen Freeman about 1992 in a book store sale in Tyler, Smith County Texas. He bought it as a car lot load and had it in storage until May 2012. He had moved to Georgia and decided to go through all the books he had when he found it and decided to look through it. When he found the family records he went online to FindaGrave and that’s when he found
James Speer Sr. memorial that I had placed and he contacted me.
Inside Cover: James Speer his book 2th day of Janary 1833. Below possible signature of Nellie E Speer.
James Speer the son of John Speer was borne the 11th day of October 1790. Penelope Speer the daurter of John Jacks was born 15th day of October 1793. John Speer the son of James Speer was born July 25 1814. George Speer son of James Speer Penelope his wife was bourne October the 8th day 1815. Sary Speer the dauter of James Speer an Penelope his wife was borne Aprile the 17th day 1817. Dennis A Speer the son of James Speer an Penelope his wife was borne the 7th day of Janowary 1819. Tibetha Speer the daurter Jame Speer an Penelope his wife was borne July the 7 day 1820. James Speer the son of James Speer an Penelope his wife was borne December the 10 day 1821. Simson T Speer the son of James Speer an Penelope his wife was borne October 24 day 1823. Elizabeth Speer the daurther of James Speer an Penelope his wife was bourn November 10 day 1824. William Speer the son of James Speer an
Penelope his
wife was bourne July 7 1826. Penelope Speer the daurther of James Speer an Penelope was bourne March 28th day 1828. Nancy Speer the daurter of James Speer an Penelope his wife was borne October 16th day 1830. Levene Speer the daurter of James an Penelope his wife was bourn the June 4th day 1832. (Writing that is unreadable) Andrew Jackson son of James Speer bornd the 4 th January 1837. John Speer the son of James Speer was marred on the 26th of December 1838. Son Dennis Speer was married on the 15 November in 1838. Sally Speer the Daughter of James Speer was married o 17th of December in 1831.Tibbitha Speer the Daughter of James Speer was married on the 16ht of Augus 1838. James Speer the son of James Speer was married 1 of December 1837. Nellie E Speer was born January 12th 1859. Mollie E Speer was born September the 5 1861.
Thomas Nutt the son of William Nutt was bornre December 3th 1811. Penelope Nutt the daughter of Thomas Nutt and Sally his wife was borne January 6th 1834. Mary Jane Nutt the daughter of Thos Nutt and Sally his wife bornd September the 9th 1835. Tabbitha Nutt was bornd the 26 Dec. 1837 William Nutt son of Thos Nutt bornd Oct 18 1839. James Thomas Nutt was born 25 Nov. AD 1840.John T. D. Nutt son of Thomsa Nutt and Sally his wife was borne 3 November 1842. Martha Ann Yarbrough was bornd September the 23 1848.
Mollie E Speer the daughter of James Speer died October the 22 1870. James Speer died 17 May 1863(head stone 1865). Penelope Speer wife of James Speer died June 22th 1865. James Speer Jr died November the 17 1887. Tabitha Speer wife of James Speer Jr died April 28th 1893. William Nutt son of Thos Nutt died 2 December 1839. Mrs. Nellie Seastrunk died the 24th January 1934 Tyler Texas. She was the daughter of James and Tabitha Speer.
I tried to write it down as it was entered.
Bill Wallace (James Pleasant SPEER Sr. is the 3rd great grandfather of Billy Dan WALLACE)
August 1, 2012