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PARISHIONERS - 1880-1901

These records are kept in a safe at the Cathedral office. Members of the family may request to look at the records.

D-G, H-L, M-O,P-W

Adams J. L. & Anna Brennan Adam   Anna Mary Adam 1890
Andreaski, Andreas & Rosa Hoffman   Valentine Andreaski 1896
Andeski, Henry & Rosa Andeski   Congonia Andeski 1900
Andryespewsky, Andreas & Maria Bandurka   Pelagia Andryespewsky 1895
Armitage, Anna 1884    
Armitage, W. L & Fannie T. Armitage   Katherine Armitage 1887
Bannon, Michael & Anna Haly Bannon   William Michael Bannon 1891
Bauer, G 1891    
Belinge, Joseph Andrew 1899    
Berg, Mathilda      
Berry, J. H. 1890    
Besh, Joseph & Flora McDoald Besh   Mary Magdalen Besh  
Bowker, Charles & Mary Walker BOWKER   James Alfred Bowker 1882
Boyette, J. M. & A. Hall Boyette   Sylvester Boyette 1900
Bradley, John & Maria Mullolland B.   Ann Bradley 1892
Breen, Thomas & Louisa Wilson B.   John Breen
Michael Breen
Leo Breen
Brelianey, Sarah      
Broderick, James & Elizabeth      
Brodwick, James      
Bryant, Robert & Isabella Kearney B.   Charles Robert Bryant
Catherine I. Bryant
Burks, Charles & ____Johnson Burks   Winifred Mary Burks  
Buckland, Charles Leverett & Maria Slowey Buckland Wilson Humphrey Buckland  
Calahan, Louisa Marie      
Camel, Joseph      
Carroll, John & ____Carroll   Mary Carroll  
Cassidy, Patrick & Sarah Cassidy      
Cavitt, Anna      
Cawthron, Anna Catherine      
Chandry, Antoinette      
Chavarria, Joseph & Antonia Sungo C.   Petronella Chavarria  
Chidester, VanBuern & Anna C. Maria Chidester      
Clemens, Odelia Celeste      
Coffey, Mrs. M.      
Coffey, Patrick & ______      
Coler, Andrew & Theresa Bergmayer   Ann Teresa Coler 1889
Collier, Solomon & Mary Nolan C   Mary Catherine Collier  
Collyer, James & Elizabeth 1898    
Colson, Agnes      
Connally, Francis & Anna Cavin C.   Daniel Francis Joseph  
Connerton, Joseph & Catherine Bretano C.   Catherine Ann Connerton
Ethel Margaret Connerton
Robert Joseph Connerton
Edward C. Connerton
James Connerton
Thomas Connerton
Agnes Connerton
Alphonsa Connerton
Cooney, Barnabas & Marguerite James   Charles Cooney
Peter Cooney
James Cooney
Mary Cooney
Cooney, Patrick & Matilda Clements C.   Michael Edward Cooney
Eugene Anthony Cooney
Jane Cooney
Corcoran, Edward & Maria Corcoran      
Corcoran, Patrick & Mary Calahan C.   Daniel Corcoran  
Crumby, Thos. & Sarah Crumby   James Crumby  
Cupiack (Cupjack) Francis & Anna Wasak (Washak) Cupiack   Jane Cupiack
Martha Cupiack

D-G, H-L, M-O, P-W

Copied by Mary Jane McNamara & Sue Corbin

These files are submitted by volunteers just like you! I make it a habit that anytime I work with records, whether for myself or to share with others, I submit them to the USGenWeb/TXGenWeb project. It doesn't take much extra effort and it really can help many people. I'm very grateful to the many volunteers for all the great info provided.
If you agree, please email, Scott Fitzgerald with your submission.

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