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Index to African American Soldiers: Double Victory
by Rodney Lamar Atkins
compiled by Jeanie Sellers and Scott Fitzgerald
of East Texas Genealogical Society

100th FS - 35
101st Airborne - 143
10th Calvary - 32
10th Mountain Division - 96
112th Calvary Regiment - 97
116th Tank Destroyer battalion - 96
120th Tank Destroyer battalion - 96
13th Sustainment Command - 82
159th Field Artillery - 51
15th Sustainment Brigade - 82
168th Station Hospital - 25
169th Infantry - 83
1855 WAC Det. - 92
1st Marine Division - 45
24th Infantry - 32, 51
24th Infantry Regiment - 53, 140
25th Infantry Division - 51, 53
2nd Infantry division - 51
332nd Fighter Group - 22, 23, 34, 49
369th Infantry Regiment - 88
36th Squadron - 26
370th Infantry - 20
374th Engineer Battalion - 74
383 Nurse Corps - 88
3rd Army Special Troops - 88
3rd Infantry - 51
49th Transportation Battalion - 82
4th Inantry Division, European Command - 1
51st Composite Defense Battalion - 25
51st Defense Battalion - 94
52nd Defense Batallion - 25
564th Artillery - 99
5th Air Force - 26
6888th (Postal Battalion) - 25, 46, 47
761st Tank Battalion - 3, 24, 51
777th Field Artillery battalion - 24
77th Engineer Combat Company - 51
82nd Airborne Division - 105
92nd and 93rd Dividions - 24
92nd Division - 53, 60
92nd Infantry Division - 32
93rd Division - 24
999th Field Artillery battalion - 24
99th Fighter Group - 34
99th Fighter Squadron - 22, 35
99th Pursuit Squadron - 36
9th Calvary - 32, 97, 106
A Soldier's Story - 57
A. N. Cullum Company - 115
A. W. Cullum Company - 103
Abernathy, Fannie (Lackey) - 24
Abernathy, James W. - 24
Abernathy, Joseph J. - 24
Accoo, Bill (S/Sgt.) - 35
Adams County, Mississippi - 106
Adams, Marguerite - 18
Adkins, Earl - 146
Adkins, John W. - 146
Adkins, Marvin - 146
Adkins, Nathaniel - 146
African American woman, first officer CAP - 36
African American woman, first private pilot - 36
African-American Soldiers in World War I - 32
Air Force - 100, 107, 111, 118, 140, 142
Alabama, Birmingham - 105
Alabama, Tuskegee - 49
Albert Lee High School - 109
Albright, Lacy F. - 146
Alexander, Walter - 164
Alexander, Walter (Pfc.) - 91
Ali, Muhammad - 36
Allen, Alfred A. - 146
Allen, Jerlene - 112
Allen, Loyce E. - 146
Allen, Loyce E. (Pvt.) - 90
Allen, Robert - 164
Allen, Sam - 95, 100
Allen, Will Burks (Mrs.) - 95, 100
American Expeditionary Forces - 32
American Legion - 107
American Transportation Corporation - 15
Anderson, Alvin - 84
Anderson, Alvin V. - 83
Anderson, Bessie Mae - 112
Anderson, Luella - 111
Anderson, Ralph B. - 146
Anderson, Warren G. - 164
Angelo State University - 100
Anthony, Ardell Simpson - 98
Anthony, James Alon - 98, 119
Ardennes, Belgium - 113
Arizona, Ft. Huachuca - 19, 88, 92
Arizona, Tucson - 19
Arkansas, Penrose - 104
Arlem Grove Baptist Church - 85
Arlington National Cemetery - 41
Armed Forces Information and Education Program - 105
Armstrong High School - 105
Army 383 Nurse Corps - 38
Army Air Corps - 16, 33, 34, 104
Army Nurse Corps - 25, 88
Army Signal Corps - 76
Arno, Italy - 20
Arp, Texas - 85, 112
Arrow Trailways - 82
Atascadero, California - 51
Athens, Texas - 33, 109
Atkins, Yvonne Turner - 11, 15
Atlanta University - 18, 98
Atlanta, Georgia - 116
Atlanta, Texas - 36
Ausborne, James L. - 119
Ausborne, James Lewis - 98
Ausborne, Jerry - 98
Ausborne, LaTishe - 98
Ausborne, Sherman S. - 146
Austin, Reggie - 58
Austin, Robert C. - 164
Austin, Sam - 164
Austin, T. J. (Rev.) - 117
Austin, Texas - 85, 86, 96, 116
Babero, Bert B. (Pvt.)- 72
Bagneris, Julia - 117
Bailey, Jessie Catherine - 105
Bailey, Lois E. - 118
Bailey, Ronald (Maj.) - 45
Baker, Newton D. (Secretary of War) - 32
Baker, Vernon - 42
Baker, Vernon Joseph - 43
Ballinger, Essie D. - 102
Banks, Clarence - 146
Barrett, Flora D. - 109
Barron, James F. - 98, 199
Bastrop County - 96
Bateman, Marvin - 146
Baton Rouge, Louisiana - 49, 103
Battery B, 598th Field Artillery - 20
Battle of the Bulge - 113
Battles, Chris - 146
Battles, Loveless - 146
Beaty Funeral Home Memorial Chapel - 107
Belgium, Ardennes - 113
Bell, Bular Williams - 98
Bell, Jack - 98
Bell, Jimmy L. - 98, 199
Bell, Maggie - 113
Bell, Triphrosia - 146
Bellwood Baptist Church - 116
Ben Wheeler, Texas - 118
Bernard, Barclary - 164
Berry, Charles - 98
Berry, Charles Albert, Jr. - 98, 119
Berry, Nancy - 98
Bethel A. M. E. Church - 105
Bethlehem Baptist Church - 104
Bethlehem School - 95, 104
Bethlehem United Methodist Church - 105
Biddle, (Attorney General) - 76
Big Eight Conference - 19
Big Sandy Lions Club - 111
Big Sandy, Texas - 99, 111
Biggs, William A. - 146
Birmingham, Alabama - 105
Bishop College - 95, 105, 106
Bismark, New Guinea - 92
Bizor, Algia - 98
Bizor, Charlie, Sr. - 98, 119
Bizor, Joanna Chaffin - 98
Bizzell, S. K. (Rev.) - 109
Black Brigade - 57
Black Panthers - 51
Black pilot WWI, first - 31, 33
Black Seminole scouts - 97
Black, Maurice - 146
Blackshear High School - 95, 116
Blackstone Hotel - 94, 110
Blaylock, Aquilla - 112
Bolton, Frances Payne - 25
Bonar Packing Company - 103
Booker T. Washington High School - 50
Borrow, Joe Louis - 41
Bowie, Cora - 100
Bowie, Doug Jessie - 99
Bowie, Fannie Godlock - 99
Bowie, Jim, Sr. - 99, 120
Bowie, L. K. - 146
Boy Scouts Troop #148 - 117
Brackettville, Texas - 97
Bradley, Bettye Jayne - 106
Bragg, Jubie B., Jr. (Pfc.) - 75
Branch, Frederick (1st Pvt) - 94
Brewer, Herbert L. - 94
Brewer, Johnnie - 146
Brfooks, Ula Mae - 99
Brisby, Alicia Glover - 99
Brisby, Harrison C., Jr. - 99, 120
Brisby, Harrison C., Sr. - 99
Brisby, Preatha Demar - 99
Broadnax Truck & Trailer - 106
Broadway Furniture Store - 103
Brooklyn Dodgers - 82
Brooklyn, New York - 95
Brooks, Alex - 99
Brooks, Nancy - 117
Brooks, Ruthie - 99
Brooks, Sammie Lee - 99, 120
Brookshire's - 109
Brookshire's Groceries of Tyler - 103
Brooks-Sterling Funeral Directors - 109
Broughton, Harry - 146
Brown Bomber - 41
Brown Chapel CME Church - 101
Brown, Arlester - 146
Brown, Arthur Lee - 164
Brown, Artie V. - 164
Brown, Gennie V. - 118
Brown, Grady - 146, 152
Brown, Henry H. - 165
Brown, Ira - 99, 120
Brown, James W. - 146, 152
Brown, Jesse L. (Capt. Ensign) - 26
Brown, Lennon C. - 165
Brown, Milton M. - 164
Brown, Miriam Ann - 115
Brown, Naymon - 165
Brown, Newel (STM 1/c) - 91
Brown, Newel, Jr. - 146, 152
Brown, Newel, Jr. (STM 1/c) - 40
Brown, Willa Beatrice - 30, 36
Buffalo Division - 60
Buffalo Soldiers - 29, 30, 60, 97, 102, 106
Buffalo Soldiers - 53, 57
Buffalo Soldiers in Italy - 60
Bullard, A. J. (Col.) - 58
Bullard, Eugene - 31, 33, 58
Bullard, Texas - 91, 95, 99, 100, 104, 113
Burley Day Care Center - 108
Burley, Ethel M. - 108
Burley, John F. - 165
Burley, Noble Lee - 165
Burley, Robert T. - 165
Burnett High School - 93, 95
Burns High School - 104
Busan, South Korea - 52
Bush, Jamima - 19
Bussey, Charles (Capt.) - 26, 140
Butler College - 19, 58, 85, 95, 108, 110, 114, 116
Butler, Lucy - 16
Caesar, Adolph - 57
Cairo, Georgia - 51
California, Atascadero - 51
California, Fort Ord - 101
California, Ft. Ord - 91
California, Los Angeles - 103
California, March Field - 91
California, North Island - 112
California, Richmond - 113
California, San Diego - 85
California, San Francisco - 105
California, Stevenson - 113
Calloway, Tenner - 100
Camp Atterbury, Indiana - 88
Camp Barkeley, Texas - 70
Camp Barkley - 90
Camp Beauregard, La. - 28
Camp Bliss - 90
Camp Bowie - 90, 91, 93
Camp Carson - 93
Camp Claiborne, Louisiana - 91, 92
Camp Forest, Tenn. - 88
Camp Hood - 51, 82, 90
Camp Lejune, North Carolina - 45, 94, 95
Camp Maxey - 90
Camp Shelby, Miss. - 64
Camp Stewart - 91
Camp Swift, Texas - 86, 88, 92, 96
Camp Wallace - 90, 91
Camp Wolters - 88, 90, 92, 93, 96
Carol, Richard - 146, 152
Carpenter, Eliza Dotson - 99
Carpenter, H. C. - 99, 120
Carpenter, Hence - 99
Carpenter, Sadie B. James - 99
Carter, Adams, 146, 152
Carter, Gladys - 46, 47
Carter, J. (President) - 3
Carter, Lee A. - 90, 153
Carter, Leonard - 100
Carter, William - 146, 152
Carver High School - 95, 100
Carver, Georege Washington - 109
Casen, Texas - 101
Caster, Lee A. - 146
Castle Aghinolfi - 42
Center Point High School - 92
Center United Methodist Church - 115
Central High School - 98
Chaffin, Joanna - 98
Challenger Air Pilot's Association - 36
Champion Rebuilders - 96
Chandler schools - 115
Chandler, Texas - 116
Chanute - 50
Chapel Hill CME Church - 118
Chapel Hill ISD - 102
Chatfield, Texas - 116
Chester, Earnest - 146, 152
Chester, Edward R. - 146, 152
Chester, Leroy - 146, 152
Chester, Travis - 146, 152
Cheyenne, Wyo. - 43
Chicago Bears - 83
Chicago Tribune - 11
Chicago, Illinois - 15, 105
Chicago's Aeronautical University - 36
Chicago's Girl's Flight Club - 36
Chism, Belton E. - 165
Chism, Stafford - 165
Choice, Effie - 104
Choice, Ernest - 146
Christ Episcopal Church - 110
Christopher, Andrew - 100
Christopher, Andrew, Sr. - 121
Christopher, Cora Bowie - 100
Christopher, Pearl - 100
Christopher, Sam - 100
Church, Arlem Grove Baptist - 85
Church, Bellwood Baptist - 116
Church, Bethel A. M. E - 105
Church, Bethlehem Baptist - 104
Church, Bethlehem United Methodist - 105
Church, Brown Chapel CME - 101
Church, Center United Methodist - 115
Church, Chapel Hill CME - 118
Church, Christ Episcopal - 110
Church, Clear Springs Baptist - 109
Church, Cole Hill CME - 104
Church, College Hill Baptist - 110
Church, County Line Baptisat - 101, 114
Church, Ebenezer African Methodist Episcopal - 95
Church, El Bethel Baptist - 85
Church, El Bethel Missionary Baptist #1 - 100
Church, El Bethel No. 1 Baptist - 103
Church, Ernest S. Sterling Memorial Chapel - 33, 104
Church, Fairview Baptist - 98
Church, Faith Mission Hole - 113
Church, Fellowship Baptist - 114
Church, First Bethel Temple Church of God in Christ - 98
Church, Fleming Street Church of Christ - 111
Church, Friendship Baptist - 111
Church, Friendship CME - 102, 117
Church, Full Gospel Holy Temple - 106
Church, Greater St. Mary Baptist - 32, 99, 101, 104, 113, 116
Church, Harvey Avenue Bapist - 96
Church, Hopewell Valley Baptist - 114
Church, J. N. Ervin Chapel - 111
Church, John R. Harmon Chapel - 114
Church, Jones Valley Church of God in Christ - 98
Church, Larissa CME - 110
Church, Lewis Temple CME - 98
Church, Liberty Baptist - 16, 109, 143
Church, Macedonia Baptist - 115
Church, Metropolitan Missionary Baptist - 113
Church, Miles Chapel CME - 33, 101, 102, 113
Church, Miracle Center - 108
Church, Mount Olive Baptist - 100, 103, 105, 114
Church, Mount Rose Baptist - 107, 112
Church, Mt. Calvary Church of God in Christ - 102
Church, Mt. Moriah Baptist - 111
Church, Mt. Nevelton CME - 99
Church, Mt. Olive Baptist - 99, 111
Church, Mt. Sinai Baptist - 109
Church, Muddy Creek Baptist - 107
Church, New Beginning Church of God in Christ - 94
Church, New Generation Baptist - 98
Church, New Hope Baptist - 100
Church, New Hope Conglee Baptist - 112
Church, New Jerusalem Baptist - 112
Church, New Life Church of God in Christ - 101
Church, New Life Missionary Baptist - 102
Church, New Zion Baptist - 103
Church, North Star Baptist - 99, 103
Church, North Star Missionary Baptist - 99, 103, 108, 109
Church, North Tenneha Church of Christ - 50, 103, 108, 116
Church, Prairie Creek CME - 118
Church, Rising Star Church of God in Christ - 100
Church, Saint Paul United Methodist (Dallas) - 110
Church, Sandflat Baptist - 112
Church, Smith Howard Chapel - 115
Church, St. James Baptist - 99
Church, St. James CME - 52, 106, 112, 117
Church, St. Louis Baptist - 103, 110
Church, St. Louis Missionary Baptist - 106
Church, St. Mary's Baptist - 114
Church, St. Paul Baptist - 114
Church, St. Violet Baptist - 85, 108, 109, 117
Church, Starrville CME - 117
Church, Thompson's Rose Chapel - 107
Church, True Light Baptist - 106
Church, True Vine Baptist - 109, 117
Civil Air Patrol - 36
Civil War - 29, 53, 57
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) - 15, 94
Civilian Pilot Training Act - 24
Clark University - 19
Clark, Henry D. - 166
Clark, Howard M. - 165
Clark, Jasper C. - 165
Clark, Olner R. - 165
Clarksville, Texas - 107
Clay, Lewis C. - 146, 153
Clay, Marshall, Jr. - 146, 153
Clear Springs Baptist Church - 109
Cleaver, Amos D. - 85
Cleaver, Artie Lee - 85
Cleaver, Billy P. (Rev.) - 85, 87
Cleaver, Thomasine - 85
Cleveland, Joe - 100
Cleveland, Johnnie "Ted" - 100, 121
Cleveland, Willie Mae McKissic - 100
Clinton, (President) - 3, 42
Clyde, Wylie (Dr. and Mrs.) - 109
Coast Guard - 25, 58, 95, 139
Coast Guard Cutter Seacloud - 25, 26
Cobb, Blondell Holmes - 100
Cobb, Clarence - 100
Cobb, Elmer - 100, 121
Cobb, Georgia - 100
Cobb, Katherine Ford - 100
Cobb, Tenner Calloway - 100
Coca-Cola Company - 109
Coca-Cola Bottling Company - 116
Coffey School - 36
Cole Hill CME Church - 104
Cole Hill school - 104
Coleman, Bessie - 36
College Hill Baptist Church - 110
College Station, Texas - 24, 115
Colorado, Denver - 110
Colorado, Ft. Logan - 16, 92
Columbus, Georgia - 33, 88
Columbus, Massachusetts - 19
Community Printing School - 33
Conger, Albert - 166
Congressional Gold Medal Awarded - 45
Congressional Medal of Honor - 3, 62
Cooke County, Texas - 88
Corpus Christi, Texas - 85, 90
County Line Baptist Church - 101, 114
court martial - 51
Courtesy Pontiac - 110
Crawford, Emerson M. - 146, 153
Crawford, Nellie Gray - 19
Crayton, Arthur C. - 146, 153
Crayton, Arthur C. (Pfc.) - 91
Crayton, Dearmon - 146, 153
Crear, Clyde - 94, 100, 121
Crear, Leonard - 94
Crenshaw, Theodora - 33
Criss, Decatuer - 100
Criss, Emmett C. - 100, 121
Criss, Fannie L. - 100
Crittenden, Cora Bell - 93
Crittenden, Eddie L. (S. C. 3/c) - 40, 93
Crittenden, Nathaniel - 93
Crockett, Texas - 98
Crowe, Melissa - 52
Crutchfield, Arthur L., Sr. - 101, 122
Crutchfield, Dave - 101
Crutchfield, Rosalee Norfleet - 101
Cuero, Texas - 62
Cullar, Mary E. - 106
Cullum, A. N., Company - 115
Cullum, A. W., Company - 103
Cuney High School - 99
Cuney schools - 95
Cuney, Texas - 110
Cunningham, Harvin N. - 166
Cunningham, Julian (Col.) - 97
Daingerfield, Texas - 111
Daley, Plyllis Mae - 26
Dallas Morning News - 11
Dallas, Texas - 50, 94
Darden, A. J. (Mr.) - 92
Darden, A. J. (Mrs.) - 92
Darden, Miles, Jr. - 166
Darden, Willie (Pfc.) - 92
Darlington County - 114
Davidson, Frederic E. (Gen.) - 142
Davis, (Mr.) - 88
Davis, (Mrs.) - 88
Davis, Benjamin O. (Brig. Gen.) - 23
Davis, Benjamin O., Jr. (Col.) - 22, 34
Davis, Benjamin O., Jr. (Lt. Gen.) - 27
Davis, Benjamin O., Sr. (Brig. Gen.) - 142
Davis, Betty Jane - 113
Davis, Esau (Mr.) - 93
Davis, Esau (Mrs.) - 93
Davis, Madine H. (1st Lt.) - 39, 88
Davis, Ossie - 58
Davis, R. L., Manufacturing Company - 113
Davis, W. H. - 16, 92
Davis, Wylon - 93
Daye, McClelland (Cpl.) - 92
Dean, Geroge - 21
Dean, Jewetta C. - 108
Dear Mrs. Jackson - 6
Deckard, Ernest - 83, 84
Decoration and Citations - 6
Delley, Alma (Mrs.) - 85
Dennis, James L. - 166
Dennis, Lawrence - 76
Denver, Colorado - 110
Department of Parks and Recreation, Director - 106
Derrick, Avery - 101, 122
Derrick, J. B. - 122
Derrick, Pearlia (Dr.) - 101
Des Moines, Iowa - 92
Deveraux, Julian - 101, 122
Deveraux, Ruby Lee - 101
Dillig, Elizabeth - 76
Distinguished Flying Cross - 62
Distinguished Service Cross - 62
Distinguished Service Medal - 62
Dixie High School - 113
Dixon, Alyce - 46, 47
Dogan Jr. High School - 116
Dogan Middle School - 109
Dotson, Eliza - 99
Douglas Elementary School - 113
Douglas, Collie D. - 166
Douglas, Jerry - 166
Douglas, Jerry (S 1/c) - 91
Douglass, Texas - 116
Downs, Thomas (Mrs.) - 95
Dunbar School - 15
Dunn, Cora Jackson - 101
Dunn, Curtis Eddie - 101, 122
E. J. Campbell High School - 116
Earley, Charity Adams (Maj.) - 46
East Texas Baptist Heritage Building - 105
East Texas State University - 83, 105
Ebenezer African Methodist Episcopal Church - 95
Ebony Brass - 141
Echols, Howard Lee - 102, 122
Eddington, Wayne - 166
Editorial Association Award - 58
Edward, Martin Luther - 31
Edwards Clinic - 19
Edwards, Archie - 102
Edwards, Charles - 102, 122
Edwards, James - 57
Edwards, Jamima (Bush) - 19
Edwards, Josephine - 102
Edwards, Martin Luther - 19
Edwards, Pauline - 102
Edwards, Simon S. - 19
Edwardsville, Illinois - 85
Eighteenth Infantry - 97
Eisenhower, Dwight (President) - 100
El Bethel Baptist Church - 85
El Bethel Missionary Baptist Church #1 - 100
El Bethel No. 1 Baptist Church - 103
El Paso Community College - 82
Elgin Field, Florida - 91
Elizabeth City, North Carolina - 58
Ellis Island - 95
Ellis, Johnnie - 166
Ellis, Laura Delois - 102
Ellis, Lorenza, Jr. - 166
Emmett J. Scott High School - 94, 102, 112
Emmett Scott High School - 33, 112, 116, 117
Emmett Scott Schools - 103, 108
England, Manchester - 25
English, Tommie L. - 167
Enlisted Man's Identification Card - 29
Ernest S. Sterling Memorial Chapel - 33, 104
European theater - 91, 104
Evans, Albert (2nd Lt.) - 88
Evanston, Illinois - 101
Everett, Willie J. - 167
Evergreen Memorial Park - 113
Everlee, Erma Jean - 114
Exxon Oil Company - 99
F105 fighter planes - 100
Fair Employment Practices Commission - 24
Fairview Baptist Church - 98
Faith Mission Holy Church - 113
Fellowship Baptist Church - 114
Field, Bennie James - 102, 122
Fields, Andrew - 102
Fields, Artie - 102
Fields, Bennie - 167
Fields, John E. - 146, 153
Fields, John E. -91
Fifth Cavalry - 97
Fiji Islands - 105
First Bethel Temple Church of God in Christ - 98
Fishburne, Laurence - 57
Fisher High School - 109
Fisher High School - 33
Fleming Street Church of Christ - 111
Fletcher, Author C. - 167
flight calculator - 21
Flint, Michigan - 102
Flint, Texas - 104
Florida Island - 91
Florida, Elgin Field - 91
Flournoy, Earnest - 167
Flournoy, Lafeyette - 167
Flournoy, Phinese - 146, 153
Flournoy, Rogers E. - 167
Fluellen, Marie A. - 18
Flyboys - 58
Ford Motor Company - 102
Ford, Katherine - 100
Forsyth, Ga. - 19
Fort Bliss - 83
Fort Clark - 97
Fort Des Moines, Iowa - 38
Fort Hood Sentinel - 11
Fort Jackson Station Hospital - 36
Fort Jackson, South Carolina - 36
Fort Ord, California - 101
Fort Polk - 83
Fort Riley, Kansas - 51, 97, 106
Fort Sill, Oklahoma - 101
Fort Worth ISD - 110
Fort Worth, Texas - 62, 100, 110, 115
Fort, Jeff (Pvt.) - 95
Fort, Lula Fort (Mrs.) - 95
Fort, Vines - 95
Fortson, Henry L. (Pfc.) - 55
Foster, Vera Chandler - 60
Fouke Community - 103, 107
Fouke High School - 96
Fouke Memorial Cemetery - 107
Fouke School - 103
Frank, Linnie Mae - 110
Franklin, (Pvt.) - 57
Frankston, Texas - 94, 95, 100
Fransaw, Estella - 102
Fransaw, Thomas, Jr. - 102
Fransaw, Thomas, Jr. (Rev.) - 122
Fransaw, Thomas, Sr. - 102
Frazier, Joe - 37
Freedom Fighter - 11
Freeman, Lee James - 167
Freeman, Morgan - 57
French War Zone - 24
Friendship Baptist Church - 111
Friendship CME Church - 102, 117
Frost, Thelma - 105
Ft. Benning, Georgia - 88
Ft. Clark, Texas - 92
Ft. Des Moines, Iowa - 88
Ft. Dix, New Jersey - 88
Ft. Huachuca, Arizona - 19, 88, 92
Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri - 91
Ft. Logan, Colorado - 16, 92
Ft. Ord, California - 91
Full Gospel Holy Temple Churh - 106
Fuller, Earl D. - 146, 153
Gammon University - 116
Gardner, Will - 110
Garrison, Emma Dunn - 103
Garrison, Lorran - 50
Garrison, Sam (Capt.) - 49
Garrison, Samuel - 56
Garrison, Samuel M. - 103, 124
Garrison, Samuel M., Jr. - 103
Garrison, Willie - 49
Garrison, Willie "Cookie" - 103
Garvey, Marcus - 11
Gary, Indiana - 36
Gatson, Warren - 146, 154
Gay, Cleveland J. - 146, 154
General Mills - 83
General Staff College - 141
Georgia, Atlanta - 116
Georgia, Cairo - 51
Georgia, Columbus - 33, 88
Georgia, Forsyth - 19
Georgia, Ft. Benning - 88
Georgia, Oglethorpe - 88
German prisoners - 20, 25, 96
Germany - 32
Gibson, T. K., Jr. - 64
Gibson, Truman - 51
Gibson, Truman K. (Atty.) - 70
Gilmer, Texas - 92, 93, 95101, 111
Gilstrap, Nancy Jane Ellen - 112
Gladewater War Veterans Memorial - 55
Gladewater, Texas - 99, 100
Glasgow, Kentucky - 36
Glaspie, Eddie (CK 1/c) - 92
Glory - 57
Glover, Alicia - 99
Glover, Danny - 57
Godlock, Fannie - 99
Goldstein, Richard - 43
Gooch, Kelly - 49
Goodacre, Mollie - 108
Gooding, Cuba, Jr. - 58
Grambling, Louisiana - 98
Grant, Alvis - 168
Grant, Columbus, Sr. - 103
Grant, Harding Robert - 168
Grant, Harolie, Jr. - 167
Grant, Leon - 103
Grant, Leon "Pap" - 125
Grant, Lillie Mae - 103
Grant, Vernice - 167
Gravely, Samuel L., Jr. - 26
Great Lakes Naval Training Station - 26
Great Lakes, Illinois - 93
Greater Shiloh Baptist Church - 113
Greater St. Mary Baptist Church - 33, 99, 101, 104, 113, 116
Green, O. C. - 146, 154
Greene, Sarah Janet - 98
Greenville, Texas - 104
Gregg County, Texas - 88, 92, 102
Grice, Henry (Sgt.) - 20
Griffin, Ina Mae - 117
Griffith, David (Col.) - 37, 46
Groveton, Texas - 102
Guadacanal Islands - 19
Gulf Oil - 99
Guyes, Zephyrim - 109
Guzman, Jessie Parkhurst - 59
H. D. Lee Maintenance Company - 106
Hackett, Coke - 103
Hackett, Doris - 103, 125
Hackett, Ida - 103
Hackett, Mattie - 103
Haggerty, Finis - 28
Haggerty, Finis L. - 90, 102, 124
Haggerty, George - 102
Haggerty, Hattie - 102
Haley, Alexander P. - 58, 139
Hall, Harry - 103
Hall, Mary Bell (Mrs.) - 103
Hall, Preshious - 103, 125
Hallmark, Joan - 11, 54
Halton, Frank A. - 102, 124
Halton, Rosie - 103
Hamlet, North Carolina - 94
Hammond, Ray - 146, 154
Hammons, Henry - 146, 154
Hampson, Janell - 104
Hampton Institute - 141
Hampton, Archie - 103, 125
Hampton, Edward - 104
Hampton, Effie Choice - 104
Hampton, Elbert - 103
Hampton, Hattie Woods - 103
Hampton, Janell - 125, 126
Hampton, Virginia - 141
Hancock, Adie - 82
Hancock, Chester - 82
Hancock, Forest - 168
Hancock, Timothy - 56
Hancock, Timothy L. - 82
Hargrove, Hondon B. - 60
Harlem - 57
Harmon, Leonard Roy - 62
Harmony Hill School - 110
Harold, Virgil - 146, 154
Harper Clothing - 94
Harper, Ernest - 168
Harper, Helen Marie - 111
Harper, James B. - 168
Harper, Walter, Jr. - 44, 94
Harper, Willie M. - 94
Harriesburg Southern Railroad Station - 64
Harris, Leola - 110
Harris, Mary - 19
Harris, R. D. (Cpl.) - 95
Harvey Avenue Baptist Church - 96
Hattiesburg, Mississippi - 141
Hawkins High School - 111
Hawkins, Texas - 18, 19, 91, 96, 103, 105, 110, 111, 114, 115
Hayes, Edward W. (Rev.) - 18
Hayes, George C. - 168
Hayes, Marie A. (Fluellen) - 18
Hayes, Wilbur Leon - 18
Haynes, Roscoe H. - 168
Hays, George - 168
Hays, James D. - 168
Hayter, Charlie D. - 146, 154
Hearne, Texas - 19, 95, 116
Henderson County, Texas - 115
Henderson, Bennie, Jr. - 146, 154
Henderson, Pearlie - 83, 84
Henry, Alfred - 52
Henry, Arthur - 52
Henry, Clifton - 52
Henry, Dixie - 110
Henry, Gerald - 52
Henry, Irejean - 52
Henry, Lee Dona, Jr. (Sgt.) - 52, 56
Henry, Vernon - 169
Henry's Chapel school - 106
Henson, Lewis - 169
Hervey, Jeffie - 169
Hickman, Newlyn - 114
Hickory Hill Elementary School - 94
Hicks, Maxine - 50
Hill, Emmett - 146, 154
Hill, Fletcher R. - 169
Hill, Robert - 146, 154
Hinton, John R. - 143
Holcomb, Thomas (Maj. Gen.) - 45
Holly, Clifford, Jr. - 104, 125
Holly, Clifford, Sr. - 104
Holly, Izola Morgan - 104
Holly, Willa - 104
Holmes, Blondell - 100
Hooks, Texas - 104
Hopewell Valley Baptist Church - 114
Hopkins County - 106
Hospice of East Texas - 49
House, Frank Daniel, Jr. - 104
House, Frank Daniel, Jr. - 126
House, Frank, Sr. - 104
House, Nettie - 104
Houston County - 98
Houston, Texas - 19, 83, 109, 115
Houston, W. B. (Bishop) - 101
Houston, Willie L. - 169
Howard University - 19
Howard, Terrence - 58
Hubbard, Australia C. - 104, 126
Hubbard, Mary - 105
Hudson, Choctaw, Sr. - 104, 126
Hudson, George - 104
Hudson, Ninnie Stripling - 104
Hudson, Odessia - 104
Hughes, Arthur - 147, 155
Hughes, David - 147, 155
Hughes, W. Hardin - 60
Hunt, Earnestine E. (Pfc.) - 39, 88
Hunt, George, Sr. (Mr.) - 88
Hunt, George, Sr. (Mrs.) - 88
Hunter, Arnett - 169
Hunter, Walter T. - 169
Huntsville, Texas - 24, 109
Hurdle, Andrew Jackson - 104
Hurdle, Jessie Catherine Bailey - 105
Hurdle, Timothy Hughes - 104, 126
Huston-Tillotson College - 116
Idaho, St. Maries - 42
Illinois, Chicago - 15, 105
Illinois, Edwardsville - 85
Illinois, Evanston - 101
Illinois, Great Lakes - 93
Illinois, Madison - 15
India, Burma, China - 91
Indiana State Teachers College - 36
Indiana University - 82
Indiana, Camp Atterbury - 88
Indiana, Gary - 36
Indiana, Indianapolis - 105
Indiana, Terre Haute - 36
Indianapolis, Indiana - 105
Interregional Athletic Conference - 105
Iowa, Des Moines - 92
Iowa, Fort Des Moines - 38
Iowa, Ft. Des Moines - 88
Isabel, Arceloa - 147, 155
Isabel, Ardelia - 105
Isabel, Isaiah - 105
Isabel, Matthew - 147
Isabel, Matthews - 155
Isabel, Odel - 147, 105, 155
Italy, Arno - 20
Italy, Naples - 34
Italy, Viareggio - 42
Ithaca, New York - 58
Iwo Jima - 45
J. N. Ervin Chapel - 111
Jackson Elementary School - 102
Jackson High School - 100, 102, 104, 113
Jackson schools - 117
Jackson, Algert - 147, 155
Jackson, Arthur Lee - 88
Jackson, Charles Lee (Dr.) - 127
Jackson, Ernest - 105
Jackson, Leonard M. (Capt.) - 62
Jackson, Libbie Tuck - 105
Jackson, Lou J. - 106
Jackson, Maggie B. - 105
Jackson, Marion Cecil - 105
Jackson, Thomas Frost - 105, 127
Jackson, Willie (Sgt.) - 88
Jacksonville, Texas - 101
James, Daniel "Chappie", Jr. (Capt.) - 26, 140
James, Lonnie, Jr. - 169
James, Sadie B. - 99
Japan, Okinawa - 95, 101
Jarvis Christian College - 19, 33, 92, 98, 101, 105, 110, 111, 115
Jefferson College, Washington - 92
Jobe, Dortha - 96
Jobe, Gertrude - 96
Jobe, Leroy - 96
Jobe, Mildred - 111
Jobe, Perry - 96
John R. Harmon Chapel - 114, 116
Johnson, Allen - 106
Johnson, Callie Sanders - 95
Johnson, Eldridge, Sr. - 106, 127
Johnson, Ellie - 95
Johnson, Eula Powell - 32
Johnson, Finis F. D. - 32
Johnson, Gus M. - 147, 155
Johnson, Henry - 32
Johnson, Jesse J. - 141, 143
Johnson, Jesse, Jr. (Pfc.) - 91
Johnson, Jessie - 169
Johnson, Joyce Starling - 32
Johnson, L. A., Sr. - 95
Johnson, Mack Ed - 106, 127
Johnson, Mary E. Cullar - 106
Johnson, Robert L. - 147, 155
Johnson, Robert L. (Pvt.) - 90
Johnson, Rouhie P. - 169
Johnson, T. J. (Mr.) - 95
Johnson, T. J. (Mrs.) - 95
Johnson, Velma J. Smith - 95
Johnson, Willie, Jr. - 99
Johnsoon, Freeman R. (Y 1/c) - 95
Joliet College - 82
Jones Valley Church of God in Christ - 98
Jones Valley Schools - 113
Jones, Arzelia M. - 19
Jones, Bennard - 147, 156
Jones, Bennard (Sgt.) - 90
Jones, Ferd - 106, 128
Jones, Herbert - 170
Jones, Hubert - 170
Jones, Jim - 115
Jones, Leonard A. - 147, 155
Jones, Nolan - 147, 155
Jones, Tenola - 147, 156
Jurgens, (Cpl.) - 57
Kansas City, Kansas - 19
Kansas State College - 24
Kansas, Fort Riley - 51, 97
Kansas, Kansas City - 19
Kansas, Wichita - 85
Kaufman County, Texas - 50, 88, 95
Kelley, Eugene - 170
Kelley, Jessie Marie - 110
Kelley, Lonnie B. - 170
Kemp, Buford Leon - 170
Kennedy, Jihmi - 57
Kennedy, Matilda - 19
Kentucy, Glasgow - 36
Kerr Community Center - 96
Kerr, Baeverly - 96
Kerr, Lula - 96
Kershaw County, South Carolina - 114
Kimbrough, James - 97
Kimbrough, James "Jim" - 106, 128
King, Jimmie - 117
King, Osceola - 103
Kingsberry, Maude Genore - 109
Kingston School - 106
Kirven, Joel Rogers - 106, 128
Kirven, Rithia B. - 106
KLTV - 11, 54
Knox, Frank (Secretary of the Navy) - 81
Korea - 54, 97, 106
Korean Conflict - 107
Korean War - 18, 29, 51, 52, 54, 83, 94, 99, 101, 105, 107, 110
KZEY - 101
Lackey, Fannie - 29
Lacy, Clarence - 147, 156
Lacy, John Henry - 106, 128
Lacy, Mamie Green - 106
Lafayette Flying Corps - 33
Land, Bobby, Sr. (Rev.) - 85, 87
Langston University - 19
Larissa CME Church - 110
Larissa Community - 99
Larissa, Texas - 110
Las Moras Creek - 97
Lasters - 109
Latexco, Texas - 107
Lawson (company) - 109
Lawson, Jessie B. - 170
Lawson, Lewis C. - 170
Layne, Mae - 19
Leach, J. L. (Rev.) - 85
Leach, Julius - 85
Leach, Leona Homes - 85
Leach, Martha Reed - 85
Lee, H. D., Maintenance Company - 106
Lee, Jim - 107
Lee, Laura - 107
Lee, Willie - 107, 128
Legion of Merit - 62
Leonard, Sugar Ray - 37
Lester, Clarence D. (Lt.) - 23
letter carrier, first African-American - 33
Lewis Temple CME Church - 98
Lewis, Almond (Mr.) - 92
Lewis, Almond (Mrs.) - 92
Lewis, Almond (Pfc.) - 92
Lewis, Farley V. - 170
Lewis, Joe - 71
Liberty Baptist Church - 16, 109, 143
Lidia, Ida Bell - 107
Lidia, J. T. - 107, 128
Lidia, Rossetta - 107
Lidia, Shelby - 107
Lilinston, Jimmie L. - 170
Lincoln High School - 99
Lindale, Texas - 86, 102, 109, 114, 117
Lions Club, Big Sandy - 111
Loan Collection Officer - 111
Longview High School - 19
Longview News Journal - 11
Longview Photography Club - 99
Longview, Texas - 111
Los Angeles Rams - 83
Los Angeles, California - 103
Louis, Joe - 30, 37, 51
Louisiana, Baton Rouge - 49, 103
Louisiana, Camp Beauregard - 28
Louisiana, Camp Claiborne - 91, 92
Louisiana, Grambling - 98
Louisiana, Minden - 18
Louisiana, Shreveport - 113
Love, Marvin, - 147, 156
Love, Medearo - 147, 156
Love, Otis L. - 147, 156
Ls Moras Springs - 97
Lubbock AAF - 16, 92
Lynn Springs - 103
Lynn Springs School - 103, 111, 118
Lyons, John Sheldon - 171
Lyons, Lenon - 171
Lyons, Nolan B. - 171
Macedonia Baptist Church - 115
Madison, Illinois - 15
Manchester, England - 25
Manhattan Beach, New York - 25
Manila University - 111
Manley, Albert - 171
March Field, California - 91
Marine Corps - 25, 45, 94, 100, 142
Marine, first black - 44
Marlin, Texas - 107
Marshall, Texas - 19, 94, 117
Marshalls - 95
Mason, Bessie - 107
Mason, C. L. (Mrs.) - 39
Mason, Cleveland - 147, 156
Mason, Cora - 107
Mason, Erman J. - 107, 129
Mason, James E. - 147, 156
Mason, Roscoe (Pfc.) - 28
Mason, Roscoe C. - 147, 156
Mason, Roscoe C. (Pvt.) - 90
Mason, Thomas - 107
Mason, Thomas (Mr.) - 28
Mason, Thomas (Mrs.) - 28
Mason, Weldon - 147, 156
Massachusetts, Columbus - 19
Mattison, Bill (Capt.) - 35
Mayfield, Edward T. (1st Lt.) - 66
Mayfield, Melvin G. - 147, 157
McAfee, John - 147, 157
McAlester, Oklahoma - 19
McCalla, Anna Parker - 107
McCalla, Jewel Richard - 107
McCalla, M. C. - 107, 129, 171
McCalla, Marcus Randolph, Jr. - 107, 129
McCalla, Marcus, Sr. - 107
McCauley, Linnie - 16
McClelland, (Cpl.) - 16
McCormick, Claude G. - 147, 157
McCormick, Harvey Lee - 147, 157
McCuin, Arnell - 99
McDowell, Emma Lee - 107
McDowell, Maxine - 82
McFarland High School - 82
McGee, Charlie - 171
McGee, Chester - 171
McGee, Major - 109
McGee, Sylvester - 109
McKissic, Willie Mae - 100
McMillan, Maurice - 171
McMillan, Walter R. L. - 171
Medal of Honor - 42
Meharry Medical College - 19
Melontree, Andrew, Sr. - 83, 84, 107, 127
Melton, Lula - 108
Melton, Marvin F. - 108, 130
Melton, William - 108
Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church - 113
Meuse-Argonne Offensive - 24
Mexia - 94
Michaels, Jim - 45
Michigan, Flint - 102
Michigan, Selfridge Field - 16, 34, 92
Midway Public Schools - 109
Midway, Texas - 109
Miles Chapel CME Church - 33, 101, 102, 113
Miller, Amanda - 108
Miller, Conery - 81
Miller, Dorie - 56, 62
Miller, Doris (Dorie) - 81
Miller, Freddie B., Sr. - 108, 129
Miller, Henrietta - 81
Mills, Dociles M. (T/Sgt.) - 39, 92
Minden, Louisiana - 18
Mineola - 82
Mineola Sports Hall of Fame - 107
Mineola, Texas - 107, 114
Mineral Wells, Texas - 88, 90
Miracle Center Church - 108
Mississippi, Adams County -106
Mississippi, Camp Shelby - 64
Mississippi, Hattiesburg - 141
Mississippi, Natchez - 106
Mississippi, Port Gibson - 15, 98
Missouri, Ft. Leonard - 91
Mitchell, Charles (Mr.) - 95
Mitchell, Charles (Mrs.) - 95
Montford Point - 45
Montford Point Camp - 94
Montford Point, N. C. - 25
Montgomery, Beverly R. - 172
Montgomery, Carlee - 172
Montgomery, Joseph B. - 171
Montgomery, Robert Lee - 172
Montgomery, Samuel - 172
Moore High School - 81
Moore, Amanda Miller - 108
Moore, Edward Charles - 108, 129
Moore, Jewel O. Palmer - 108
Moore, Plummer R. - 108, 130
Moore, Scott - 108
Morgan Barber School - 116
Morris County, Texas - 111
Morris, Alfred (S/Sgt.) - 35
Mosely, Effie Timms - 109
Mosley, Eddie - 147, 157
Mosley, Laney - 109
Mosley, Leotha "Chunky" - 109, 130
Mosley, Virginia - 109
Moss, Maggie - 19
Motor Transport Service - 24
Mount Enterprise - 33, 94
Mount Olive Baptist Church - 100, 103, 105, 114
Mount Rose Baptist Church - 107, 112
Mount Vernon, Texas - 111
Mount Zion School - 107
Mt. Calvary Church of God in Christ - 102
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church - 111
Mt. Nevelton CME Church - 99
Mt. Olive Baptist Church - 99, 111
Mt. Sinai Baptist Church - 109
Muddy Creek Baptist Church - 107
Mumphrey, Maso - 96, 147, 157
Mumphrey, Rosco - 147, 157
Murphy, August - 109
Murphy, Carl - 67
Murphy, Eddie - 109
Murphy, Leroy - 109, 131
Muskogee, Oklahoma - 104
NAACP - 19, 51, 83
Nacogdoches, Texas - 112
Naples High School - 107
Naples, Italy - 34
Narasota [Navasota?], Texas - 24
Nasa Space Station - 83
Natchez, Mississippi - 106
Nation community - 115
National Airmen's Association of American - 36
National Association of Black Military Women - 47
National Youth Administration - 51
Nauls, Allen Julian - 109
Nauls, Lloyd V. - 109, 131
Nauls, Maude Genore Kingsberry - 109
Naval Air Base - 112
Naval Training Station - 81, 93
Navy - 98, 107, 110, 114, 115, 142
Navy Nurse Corps - 26
Navy's V-12 program - 94
Neal, Hamilton - 71
Negro Civ. Community Chest - 19
Negro Strength in the Army - 61
Negro Strength in the Marine Corps - 61
Negro Strength in the Navy - 61
Negro Veteran - 63
Negro Year Book - 60
Neighborhood Initiative Director, PATH - 110
New Beginning Church of God in Christ - 94
New Caledonia, New Hebrides - 19
New Generation Baptist Church - 98
New Guinea, Bismark - 92
New Guines - 97, 106
New Hebrides, New Caldeonia - 19
New Hope Baptist Church - 100
New Hope Conglee Baptist Church - 112
New Hope School - 112
New Jersey, Ft. Dix - 88
New Jerusalem Baptist Church - 112
New Life Church of God in Christ - 101
New Life Missionary Baptist Church - 102
New Mexico State Univesity - 85
New Mountain School - 92
New River, N. C. - 94
New York, Brooklyn - 95
New York, Ithaca - 58
New York, Manhattan Beach - 25
New York, Staten Island - 88
New Zion Baptist Church - 103
Nichols, Julies Joe - 172
Nineteenth Infantry - 97
Ninth Cavalry - 29
Nixon, Bertha - 98
Nobles, Billie - 98
Nolan, Samuel - 109, 131
Norfolk, Virginia - 81, 91, 92
North Carolina, Camp Lejune - 45, 94, 95
North Carolina, Elizabeth City - 58
North Carolina, Hamlet - 94
North Carolina, Montford Point - 25
North Carolina, New River - 94
North Island, California - 112
North Koreans - 53
North Star Baptist Church - 99, 103, 108, 109
North Tenneha Church of Christ - 50, 103, 108, 116
Northwestern University - 19, 36
Nurse Training Bill - 25
Obama, (President) - 45
Obama, Michelle - 46
Ofori, Crystal - 46
Oglesby, Louise - 105
Oglethorpe, Georgia - 88
Ohio - 25
Okinawa, Japan - 95, 101
Oklahoma City, Okla. - 19, 94
Oklahoma Natural Gas Company - 19
Oklahoma, Fort Sill - 101
Oklahoma, McAlester - 19
Oklahoma, Muskogee - 104
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City - 19, 94
Oliphant, Rose Louise - 105
Omaha Beach - 3
Omaha High School - 103
Omaha, Texas - 103
Ore City, Texas - 16, 92
Out Post - 58
Overton, Texas - 85, 100, 103
Owens, Dixie Henry - 110
Owens, Harvey - 110
Owens, Harvey, Jr. - 110, 131
Owens, Mabel Lee - 15
Owens, T. M. - 21
Owens, Thomas M. - 15, 17
P-40 Warhawk - 62
P-51 Mustang - 62
P51 Mustant Figher Pilot - 50
Pacific theater - 104
Palestine, Texas - 99
Palmer, Jewel O. - 108
Palmer, Lasalle - 172
Panola County - 32
Paradise Funeral Home - 98
paratrooper - 105
Park Highland Nursing Center - 113
Parker, Anna - 107
PATH - 110
Patrick, Icom - 147, 157
Patton, (General) - 3
Patton, George S., Jr. - 97
Patton, Henry - 147, 157
Patton, Ovarlee D. - 147, 157
Payne, Allen - 57
Pearl Harbor - 62, 81, 94
Pennsylvania State University - 33
Penrose, Arkansas - 104
Pershing, John J. (Gen.) - 32
Phelps, Ruby O. - 24
Philippines - 91, 11
Phillips, L. C. - 147, 158
Pierce, Ella - 110
Pierce, Mattie - 110
Pierce, Samuel, Jr. ( Lt. Col.) - 26, 140
Pierce, Troy - 110, 132
Pinkerton, Earline - 117
Pittsburgh Corning Corporation - 99
Plano, Texas - 19, 94
Pleasant Grove Community - 117
Pleasant Grove School - 108
Poe, Wilie Jeremane - 102
Pork Chop Hill - 57
Port Gibson, Mississippi - 15, 98
Porter, Jesse - 110
Porter, Mary Robinson - 110
Porter, Pierce William - 131
Porter, Vera Williams - 110
Porter, William Pierce - 110
Portsmouth, Virginia - 93
Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr. (Rev. Dr.) - 72
Powell, Colin - 143
Prairie Creek CME Church - 118
Prairie Creek Community - 118
Prairie View A&M College - 95, 107
Prairie View A&M University - 82, 95, 100, 101, 104, 106
Prairie View College - 19, 83
Prear, Bessie Mae - 114
Presidential Unit Citation - 3
President's Citation - 95
Presley, Darwin Crayton (Rev.) - 85
Presley, Esther L. Davis (Mrs.) - 85
Presley, J. W. - 85
Presley, Mary Ellen Pullins - 85
Preston, Dolly Ann - 100
Pre-Trial Release program, Director - 105
Prince, Ellis - 110
Prince, Mattie Faye - 111
Prince, Susanna Scott - 110
Prince, Wendell Webster - 110, 132
Proud - 58
Provisional Committee on Veterans Affairs - 19
Pruitt, Cleoliver - 172
Pruitt, Cleoliver (S/Sgt.) - 40, 91
Pruitt, Curtis - 172
Pruitt, Simon - 172
Purple Heart - 90
Pyle High School - 50
Pyramid of Honor - 27
Quartermaster Corps - 24
Queen Bess - 36
Quitman, Texas - 102, 107
R. L. Davis Manufacturing Company - 113
Radford, Mildred Jobe - 111
Ragland, Mary - 37
Ragland, Mary Crawford - 46, 47
Randall, Arthur - 173
Randall, Elmer - 173
Randall, Ernest - 173
Randall, James C. - 172
Randle, Albert Joe - 110, 132
Randle, Josephine - 110
Randle, Willie, Sr. - 110
Rawl, Cecelia - 52
Ray, Clifton - 110, 132
Ray, Frank - 110
Raze, Robert - 31
Raze, Robert, Sr. - 33
Reagan, Ronald (President) - 41
Red Ball Express - 24
Red Rock Community - 99
Red Springs, Texas - 118
Red Tails - 58
Redland Community - 101
Redland School - 114
Redland, Texas - 114
Reed, Linda M. - 55
Reeder, Nathaniel - 147, 158
Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit Citation - 55
Rhodes, Henry L. - 147, 158
Rhymes, Joe - 173
Richard, Oda - 173
Richards, Eddy D. - 173
Richmond, California - 113
Riley, Ernest - 173
Rising Star Church of God in Christ - 100
Rivers, General - 111
Rivers, Playmon - 111, 132
Rivers, Rosie - 111
Robert A. Waller High School - 105
Robert E. Lee High School - 109
Robertson , Elihue (Babe) - 111
Robertson, Elie - 111
Robertson, Elihue (Babe), Jr. - 132
Robertson, Elnora - 111
Robertson, Indie - 111
Robertson, Thomas - 111, 133
Robertson, Tom, Sr. - 111
Robinson, Jack "Jackie" R. - 51
Robinson, Jackie - 56, 82
Robinson, Mary - 110
Robinson, Odell A. - 147, 158
Robinson, Sugar Ray - 51
Rogers, Braick H. - 147, 148
Rollins, Howard E., Jr. - 57
Roosevelt, (President) - 24
Roosevelt, Eleanor (Mrs.) - 74
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (President) - 25
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (President) - 75
Roosth and Genecov Rental - 110
Ross Grocery & Market - 33
Ross, Fronia - 33
Ross, Ray - 147, 158
Ross, Ray - 31, 33
Ross, Theodora Crenshaw - 33
Rouen - 47
Runnels, Audrew - 147, 158
Runnels, Leggett - 147, 158
Runnels, Thelma - 147, 158
Runyon, John (Capt.) - 43
Rusk County, Texas - 110
Russell, Calvin James - 173
Russell, Dorse E. - 174
Russell, Joe Allen - 173
Russell, John T. - 174
Russell, Karene - 174
Russell, W. T. - 173
Rutherford, Ivey - 111
Rutherford, Ivey Hugh - 111, 133
Rutherford, Julius Cozier - 111, 133
Rutherford, Mattie - 111
SAACC - 16, 92
Saint Paul United Methodist Church (Dallas) - 110
Saipan - 95
Samuel Houston High School - 109
San Angelo, Texas - 101
San Antonio - 16, 21, 83, 90, 92, 94
San Antonio-El Paso Road - 97
San Diego, California - 85
San Francisco, California - 105
Sanders, R. A. - 147, 159
Sandflat Baptist Church - 112
Sanford, Annie H. Butler - 85
Sanford, Jodie C. (Rev.) - 85
Sanford, R. B. (Rev.) - 85
School of Modern Photograpy - 99
School St. Louis - 110
School, Albert Lee High - 109
School, Angelo State University - 100
School, Armstrong High - 105
School, Atlanta University - 18, 98
School, Bethlehem - 95, 104
School, Bishop College - 95, 105, 106
School, Blackshear High - 95, 116
School, Booker T. Washington High - 50
School, Burnett High - 93, 95
School, Burns High - 104
School, Butler College - 95, 108, 110, 114, 116
School, Carver High - 95, 100
School, Center Point High - 92
School, Central High - 98
School, Chicago's Aeronautical University - 36
School, Clark University - 19
School, Coffey - 36
School, Cole Hill - 104
School, Cuney - 95
School, Cuney High - 99
School, Dixie High - 113
School, Dogan Jr. High - 116
School, Dogan Middle - 109
School, Douglas Elementary - 113
School, Dunbar - 15
School, E. J. Campbell High - 116
School, East Texas State University - 83, 105
School, El Paso Community College - 82
School, Emmett J. Scott - 94
School, Emmett J. Scott High - 102, 112
School, Emmett Scott High - 33, 112, 116, 117
School, Emmett Scott Schools - 103, 108
School, Fisher High - 33
School, Fouke - 103
School, Fouke High - 96
School, Gammon University - 116
School, General Staff College - 141
School, Hampton Institute - 141
School, Harmony Hill - 110
School, Hawkins High - 111
School, Henry's Chapel - 106
School, Hickory Hill Elementary - 94
School, Howard University - 19
School, Huston-Tillotson College - 116
School, Indiana State Teacher College - 36
School, Indiana University - 82
School, Jackson - 117
School, Jackson Elementary - 102
School, Jackson High - 100, 102, 104, 113
School, Jarvis Christian College - 19, 33, 92, 98, 101, 105, 110, 111, 115
School, Joilet College - 82
School, Jones Valley - 113
School, Kansas State College - 24
School, Kingston - 106
School, Langston University - 19
School, Lincoln High - 99
School, Longview High - 19
School, Lynn Springs - 103, 111, 118
School, Manila University - 111
School, McFarland High - 82
School, Meharry Medical College - 19
School, Midway Public - 109
School, Moore High - 81
School, Morgan Barber - 116
School, Mount Zion - 107
School, Naples High - 107
School, New Hope - 112
School, New Mexico State University - 85
School, New Mountain - 92
School, Northwestern University - 19, 36
School, Omaha High - 103
School, Pennsylvania State University - 33
School, Pleasant Grove - 108
School, Prairie View A&M College - 95, 107
School, Prairie View A&M University - 116
School, Prairie View A&M University - 82, 95, 110, 101, 104, 106
School, Prairie View College - 19, 83
School, Pyle High - 50
School, Redland - 114
School, Robert A. Waller High - 105
School, Robert E. Lee - 109
School, Samuel Houston High - 109
School, School of Modern Photography - 99
School, Shiloh High - 88
School, St. Louis Junior High - 102
School, Stanton - 104
School, Stanton High - 100
School, State Teacher's College - 58
School, Swan - 113
School, Texas A&M University - 115
School, Texas College -19, 32, 83, 99, 101, 102, 103, 107, 109, 110, 113, 114, 116, 118
School, Texas Southern University - 33, 109, 115
School, Texas Southern University of Law - 107
School, Tillotson College - 116
School, Tougaloo College - 141
School, Troup - 107
School, Tuskegee Institute - 24, 59, 60, 95
School, Tuskegee University - 109
School, Tyler Barber - 110
School, Tyler Junior College - 100, 102
School, U. C. L. A. - 19
School, University of Indiana - 98
School, University of Michigan - 117
School, University of Texas - 85
School, University of Texas at Tyler - 100, 102
School, Valley View High - 92, 93, 95
School, W. A. Peete - 116
School, W. A. Peete Elementary - 118
School, War College - 141
School, Washington and Lee University - 65
School, Webster High - 19
School, Wichita High - 19
School, Wiley College - 18, 19, 105, 117
School, Wiley High - 36
School, Winona - 115
Schools, Chandler - 115
Scott, Adolphus K. - 174
Scott, Erving - 112
Scott, Howard - 174
Scott, J. D. - 174
Scott, Johnnie Martin - 112, 133
Scott, Morris S. - 174
Scott, Roy Jester - 47, 159
Scott, Shannon J. - 174
Scott, Shannon J. (1st Sgt.) - 91
Seacloud, Coast Guard Cutter - 25
Seals, Luther Thomas, Jr. - 174
Seas Beas - 25
Selective Service Commission - 19
Selfridge Field, Michigan - 16, 34, 92
Sergeant Rutledge - 57
Session, Cleo - 174
Session, Horatia - 175
Session, Spurgeon - 175
Seventh U. S. Cavalry - 97
Shaw, Henry L., Jr. - 175
Shaw, Robert Gould - 57
Sheppard Field - 90
Sheppard, Pauline - 114
Sherfield, Norman - 147, 159
Sherfield, T. C. - 147, 159
Sherman, William L. - 147, 159
Shiloh High School - 88
Shreveport, Louisiana - 113
Sicily - 91
Silver Star - 62
Simmons, Bessie Mae Anderson - 112
Simmons, Joe - 112
Simmons, Maurice S. - 175
Simmons, Richard Franklin - 112, 133
Simpkins, Hermon I. - 175
Sims, Lola Faye - 116
Skief, Thelma - 115
Skinner, Carlton, (Lt.) - 25
Slaton ISD - 110
Smith County African American Soldiers - 145-162
Smith County Central Labor Council - 83
Smith County Sheriff's Department - 105
Smith Howard Chapel - 115
Smith Steel Company - 94
Smith, Cleaster Cleo, Sr. - 112, 134
Smith, Ellis Leon, Sr. - 112
Smith, Emma L. - 112
Smith, Eugene Field - 112, 134
Smith, Horace - 147, 159
Smith, Jessie - 113
Smith, Jim B. - 147, 159
Smith, L. G. - 54, 56
Smith, Minnie Clay - 112
Smith, Parthina - 112
Smith, Richard - 19
Smith, Robert T. - 112, 134
Smith, Sarah - 19
Smith, Shirley (Master Sgt.) - 47
Smith, Ulysses Charles - 19
Smith, Val Quince Augustus - 113, 134
Smith, Velma J. - 95
Smith, William - 147, 159
Smith, Willie - 112, 113
Soil Conservaton Service - 104
Soldier's Medal - 62
Solomon Islands - 91
South Carolina, Fort Jackson - 36
South Caroline, Kershaw County - 114
South County Commissioner - 107
South Korea - 53
South Korea, Busan - 52
Southern Aluminum Foundries - 94
Southward High School - 107
Southwest Conference Athletic Association - 19
Spanish-American War - 140
SPARS - 58
Spigner, Curtis R. T. - 175
Spring Creek Community - 105
Square, Ernest - 113, 135
St. Die Sector - 24
St. James Baptist Church - 99
St. James CME Church - 52, 106, 112, 117
St. Louis Community - 113, 117
St. Louis Junior High School - 102
St. Louis Missionary Baptist Church - 106, 117
St. Louis School - 110
St. Maries, Idaho - 42
St. Mary's Baptist Church - 114
St. Paul Baptist Church - 114
St. Violet Baptist Church - 85, 108, 109, 117
Stance, Emmuelle (Maj.) - 58
Stanton High School - 100
Stanton School - 104
Starling, Joyce - 32
Starrville CME Church - 117
State Teacher's College - 58
Staten Island, New York - 88
Station Hospital #1 - 19
Steele, Clarence - 113, 135
Steele, Lorene - 113
Steele, Rubin - 113
Steele, Sadie - 113
Steels, Ida Lee - 113
Stephens, Betty Jane Davis - 113
Stephens, Cassie - 113
Stephens, Larry L. - 113
Stephens, Wilburd - 113
Stephens, Willie Louis - 113, 135
Stevenson, California - 113
Steward, Ray - 175
Stewart, James E., Sr. - 44, 94
Stewart, James Edward - 19
Stewart, Maggie (Moss) - 19
Stewart, Maggie Feglee - 94
Stewart, Paul J. - 175
Stewart, Zena - 19
Stewart, Zena T. (Rev.) - 94
Stripling, Ninnie - 104
Stroke, Woody - 57
submarine chaser (PC 1264) - 26
Sulphur Springs, Texas - 106, 114
Swan Schools - 113
Swan, Texas - 114
Tatum, Texas - 111
Taylor, Allie - 50
Taylor, Dennis - 50
Taylor, Eddie, Jr. - 175
Taylor, Emmitt B. - 177
Taylor, Sam, Jr. - 175
Taylor, Ulyssses S. (Capt.) - 50
Teague, Texas - 106
Temple Texas - 101, 110
Tennessee, Camp Forest - 88
Tenth Cavalry - 29
Terre Haute, Indiana - 36
Texas A&M University - 115
Texas Bus Company - 82
Texas College - 19, 32, 33, 83, 99, 101, 102, 103, 105, 107, 110, 111, 113, 114, 116, 118
Texas Department of Transportation/Maintenance - 100
Texas Eastman Kodak Company - 110
Texas Hawkins - 18
Texas National Guard - 97
Texas Southern University - 33, 109, 115
Texas Southern University of Law - 107
Texas Teachers State Association - 19
Texas, "Nation" community - 115
Texas, Arp - 85, 112
Texas, Athens - 33, 109
Texas, Atlanta - 36
Texas, Austin, - 85, 86, 96, 116
Texas, Bastrop County - 96
Texas, Ben Wheeler - 118
Texas, Big Sandy - 99, 111
Texas, Brackettville - 97
Texas, Bullard - 91, 95, 99, 100, 104, 113
Texas, Camp Barkeley - 70
Texas, Camp Hood - 82
Texas, Camp Swift - 86, 88, 92
Texas, Camp Wolters - 92
Texas, Casen - 101
Texas, Changler - 116
Texas, Chatfield - 116
Texas, Clarksville - 107
Texas, College Station - 24, 115
Texas, Cooke County - 88
Texas, Corpus Christi - 85
Texas, Crockett - 98
Texas, Cuero - 62
Texas, Cuney - 110
Texas, Daingerfield - 111
Texas, Dallas - 50, 94
Texas, Douglass - 116
Texas, Flint - 104
Texas, Fort Bliss - 83
Texas, Fort Worth - 62, 100, 110, 115
Texas, Fouke Community - 103, 107
Texas, Frankston - 94, 95, 100
Texas, Ft. Clark - 92
Texas, Gilmer - 92, 93, 95, 101, 111
Texas, Gladewater - 99, 100
Texas, Greenville - 104
Texas, Gregg County - 88, 92, 102
Texas, Groveton - 102
Texas, Hawkins, 18, 19, 91, 96, 103, 105, 110, 111
Texas, Hearne - 19, 95, 116
Texas, Henderson County - 115
Texas, Hooks - 104
Texas, Hopkins County - 106
Texas, Houston - 19, 83, 109, 115
Texas, Houston County - 98
Texas, Huntsville - 24, 109
Texas, Jacksonville - 101
Texas, Kaufman County - 50, 88, 95
Texas, Larissa - 110
Texas, Larissa Community - 99
Texas, Latexo - 107
Texas, Lindale - 86, 102, 109, 114
Texas, Longview - 111
Texas, Marlin - 107
Texas, Marshall - 19, 94, 117
Texas, Mexia - 94
Texas, Midway - 109
Texas, Mineola - 82, 107, 114
Texas, Mineral Wells - 88, 90
Texas, Morris County - 111
Texas, Mount Enterprise - 33, 94
Texas, Mount Vernon - 111
Texas, Nacogdoches - 112
Texas, Narasota [Navasota?] - 24
Texas, Omaha - 103
Texas, Ore City - 16, 92
Texas, Overton - 85, 100, 103
Texas, Palestine - 99
Texas, Panola County - 32
Texas, Plano - 19, 94
Texas, Pleasant Grove Community - 117
Texas, Prairie Creek Community - 118
Texas, Quitman - 102, 107
Texas, Red Rock Community - 99
Texas, Red Springs - 118
Texas, Redland - 114
Texas, Redland Community - 101
Texas, Rusk County - 110
Texas, San Antonio - 16, 21, 83, 92
Texas, San Antonio - 94
Texas, Spring Creek Community - 105
Texas, St. Louis Community - 113, 117
Texas, Sulphur Springs - 106, 114
Texas, Swan - 114
Texas, Tatum - 111
Texas, Teague - 106
Texas, Temple - 101, 110
Texas, Trinity - 102
Texas, Troup - 85, 91, 98, 106, 112
Texas, Whitehouse - 85, 102, 113
Texas, Winnsboro - 91
Texas, Winona - 16, 99, 103, 104, 108, 118, 143
Texas, Wood County - 19, 102
The Tuskegee Airmen - 57
Third Army - 3, 96
Third Calvary - 97
Thomas, Elihue - 147, 159
Thomas, James - 177
Thompson, Douglas - 177
Thompson, Edward, Sr. - 19
Thompson, George - 114
Thompson, Ira, Sr. - 113, 135
Thompson, Johnie - 114, 135
Thompson, Katie Rhone - 113
Thompson, Mack - 113
Thompson, Matilda (Kennedy) - 19
Thompson, Pauline - 114
Thompson, Trudie Lynch - 114
Thompson's Rose Chapel - 107
Thurman, Warren G. - 177
Thurman, Willis - 177
Tigner, Erma Jean Everlee - 114
Tigner, Estell/Ester - 114
Tigner, Eva Boyd - 114
Tigner, George Henry - 114, 136
Tillman Willmon - 148, 160
Tillman, Gilbert - 148, 160
Tillman, Quiency - 148, 160
Tillman, Willmon - 148
Tillotson College - 116
Timms, Effie - 109
Tompson, Floyd, Sr. - 19
Tougaloo College - 141
Townsend, Robert - 57
Tracy, Lorran Garrison - 50
Trane, Inc. - 100
Travis E. Watkins Post 281 - 55
Trinidad Benham - 107
Trinity, Texas - 102
Troup schools - 107
Troup, Texas - 85, 91, 98, 106, 112
True Light Baptist Church - 106
True Vine Baptist Church - 109, 117
Truscott, Lucian K., Jr. (Lt. Gen.) - 53
Tryler Courier Times - 49
Tucker, Bertha - 114
Tucker, Clemos - 114, 136
Tucker, Jo Ann - 114
Tucker, McKinnley, Sr. - 114
Tucker, Rodney, Jr. - 57
Tucker, Willie C. - 160
Tucson, Arizona - 19
Turman, Glynn - 57
Turner, Harry H. - 148, 160
Turner, Paul Lawrence - 15, 17
Turner, Reginald - 15
Turner, Robert L. - 177
Turner, Viola (Westin) - 15
Tuskegee - 34
Tuskegee Airmen - 24
Tuskegee Airmen - 3, 33, 49, 56, 103
Tuskegee Institute - 24, 59, 60, 95
Tuskegee Training Program - 24, 58
Tuskegee University - 109
Tuskegee, Alabama - 49
Twenty-Fourth [Cavalry?] - 29
Tyiska, Burnett D. - 148, 160
Tyiska, John W. - 148, 160
Tyiska, Nathan A. - 148, 160
Tyler Barber College - 110
Tyler Candy Company - 101
Tyler Courier Times - 11
Tyler Junior College - 100, 102
Tyler Morning Telegraph - 52
Tyler Packing House -100
Tyler Pipe - 32, 98, 112
Tyler Pipe Industries - 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114
U. C. L. A. - 19
U. S. Army Freedom Team Salute Commendation Program - 46
U. S. Cadet Nurse Corps - 25
U. S. Calvary Troop H - 57
U. S. Department of Agriculture - 104
U. S. M. C. - 19
U. S. Marshal Service - 105
UCLA - 51
Union Pacific Railroad - 107
University of Indiana - 98
University of Michigan - 117
University of Texas at Tyler - 100, 102
University of Texas, Austin - 85
USA Today newspaper - 45
USCGC Campbell - 25
USS Jesse Brown - 26
USS Leyte Gulf (CV - 32) - 26
USS Mason - 26
USS Nevada (BB-36) - 81
USS Newrus AS17 & AS18 - 86
USS Pyro (AE-1) - 81
USS Sperry - 86
USS West Virginia (BB-48) - 81
Valley View High School - 92, 93, 95
Vaughn Lawn Service - 114
Vaughn, Charles - 148, 160
Vaughn, Effie Jones - 114
Vaughn, Lee Roy - 114, 136
Vaughn, Newlyn Hickman - 114
Veasey, Johnnie R. - 114
Veasey, William B. - 114, 136
Veterans of Foreign Wars - 11
Viareggio, Italy - 42
Vierack, George Sylvester - 76
Vietnam - 55
Vietnam War - 143
Vinson, Elijah - 114, 136
Vinson, Henry - 114
Vinson, James Z. - 148, 160
Vinson, Ruby Bell - 114
Vinson, Sadie - 114
Virginia, Hampton - 141
Virginia, Norfolk - 81, 91, 92
Virginia, Portsmouth - 93
W. A. Peete (school) - 116
W. A. Peete Elementary School - 118
WAAC training center - 38
WAC - 46, 88, 92
Waco, Texas - 51, 62, 81
Waddleton, Garland - 96, 148, 161
Waddleton, Valentiine - 177
Walker, Julius - 16
Walker, Lucy Butler (Mrs.) - 16
Walker, Melvin - 148, 161
Walker, Stuford - 16
Wallace, Freddie H. - 116, 137
Wallace, J. B. - 116
Wallace, John M. - 115, 136
Wallace, Josephine Warren - 116
Wallace, Margie - 116
Wallace, Thelma - 115
Waller, Robert A. High School - 105
Walton, Charles O. - 177
Walton, Cumby - 177
War College - 141
Ware, Jessie - 148, 161
Warner, Malcolm-Jamal - 57
Warre, Langston - 148, 161
Warren, Anna Austin - 117
Warren, Archie - 116
Warren, Carrie Wynn - 116
Warren, Jesse - 117
Warren, Joe C., Jr. - 148, 161
Warren, Josephine - 116
Warren, Lawrence C. (L. C.) - 116, 137
Warren, Phillip L. - 148, 161
Warren, Smith - 117
Warren, Wardell - 117, 137
Warren, William A. - 117, 138
Washington and Lee University - 65
Washington, Booker T. - 60
Washington, DC - 19, 105
Washington, Denzel - 57
Washington, Jefferson College - 92
Washington, Therelee - 83, 84
Watkins, Travis E., Post 281 - 55
WAVES - 26
Webster High School - 19
Weingarten - 109
Wesley, Clemon H., Jr. - 2
Wesley, Edween - 103
Wesley, Ernest Bryant - 115
Wesley, Ethel Doddy - 115
Wesley, Jodie Lee - 115, 136
Western Foundry - 100, 104, 108
Western Pacific - 85
Westin, Viola - 15
Wheat, Bessie Mae Anderson Simmons - 112
Wheeler, Manola - 98
Where's My Man To-Nite - 57
whitaker, Buford - 116
Whitaker, Cleotha - 116, 137
Whitaker, Hettie - 116
Whitaker, Horace L. (Pfc.) - 95
White, Florine J. - 115, 137
White, Florine J. (Dr.) - 2
White, General, Jr. - 177
White, Joe B. - 176
White, Lacy - 148, 161
Whitehouse, Texas - 85, 102, 113
Whiting, William H. C. (Lt.) - 97
Whitmill, Willie V. - 148, 161
Wichita High School - 19
Wichita, Kansas - 85
Wiley College - 18, 19, 105, 117
Wiley High School - 36
Williams, Bular - 98
Williams, Cathrine Bickens - 116
Williams, Clarence - 176
Williams, Clarence, III - 57
Williams, Ella Miles - 116
Williams, Herman K. - 176
Williams, Herman K. (T/Sgt.) - 91
Williams, James L. - 148, 161
Williams, Jerry - 116
Williams, Jessie B. (Sgt.) - 40, 92
Williams, John H. - 116, 137
Williams, John H. - Front Cover
Williams, John H. (Rev.) - 58, 95
Williams, John W., Jr. - 148, 161
Williams, John Westley - 116, 137
Williams, Johnny - 116
Williams, Lowell - 148, 162
Williams, Odis - 176
Williams, Oscar D. - 176
Williams, Russel E. - 148, 162
Williams, Spencer - 57
Williams, Vera - 110
Willis, Brady W. (Cpl.) - 92
Wilson, Charles F. (Pvt.) - 79
Wilson, Floyd - 175
Wilson, Woodrow (President) - 32
Winnsboro - 91
Winona schools - 115
Winona, Texas - 16, 99, 103, 104, 108, 118, 143
Wofford, Georgia - 94, 100
Women's Army Corps (WAC) - 25, 38
Women's Auxiliary Army Corps (WACC) - 25
Wood County African American Soldiers - 163-177
Wood County Airport Board - 111
Wood County Crimestoppers - 111
Wood County, Texas - 19, 102
Woods, Carrie Wynn Warren - 117
Woods, Ernest C. - 117, 138
Woods, Hattie - 103
Woods, John W. - 148, 162
Woods, Nancy Brooks - 117
Woods, Samuel A., Jr. (Col.) - 25
Woods, Willie - 117
Wooten, Artis (Rev.) - 86, 87
Wooten, Edgar C. - 148, 162
Wooten, Frank Thomas - 117, 138
Wooten, Ina Mae Griffin - 117
Wooten, Lenora - 102
Wooten, Lonnie T., Jr. - 90, 148, 162
Wooten, Thomas - 117
Wooten, Willie Fay - 117
Worchel, Dayne - 49
World War I - 3, 24, 29, 33, 58, 60, 140
World War II - 15, 16, 18, 24, 29, 34, 46, 57, 92, 85, 96, 101, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, 140
World War II letters - 64
Wright, Jurice - 92
Wright, Lowry G. - 64, 65
Wright, Robert L. (Pvt.) - 92
Wynn, Earline Pinkerton - 117
Wynn, Eddie Lee - 117, 138
Wynn, Lille Warren - 117
Wynn, Messiah - 117
Wynne, Elmer J. - 118, 138
Wyoming, Cheyenne - 43
Yechon - 52
YMCA, North Tyler - 116
Young, Booker T. - 118
Young, Cottrell - 118
Young, Mary O. - 118
Young, Milus B. (Roe) - 118, 138
Young, Ollie J. (Mrs.) - 118
Young, Thurman, Sr. - 118, 139

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