3SMan (Spiritual Soul Singer) - 94 |
4-H Clubs - 68, 102 |
A. Phillip RandolphInstitute, The - 58, 63 |
A. W. Orr Elementary - 133 |
AAUW ScholarshipResearch - 116 |
Abbot, T. A., Award for Faculty Excellence - 140 |
Abney, "Ellee" - 135 |
Abney, (Mr.) - 134 |
Abney, (Mrs.) - 134 |
Abney, George - 135 |
Abney, Harold - 324 |
Abney, Harold Erwin - 134 |
Abney, Harolyn - 135 |
Abney, Heather - 135 |
ACA Club - 127 |
Academic All-American - 153 |
Acrey, Autry - 322 |
Adams, Barbara - 206 |
Adams, Clemmie - 94 |
Adams, Effie K. (Dr.) - 323 |
Adams, Helen - 156 |
Adams, Jersey, Jr. - 208 |
Adams, John Q. (Rev) - 44 |
Adams, John Quincy, Jr. - 156 |
Adams, Teddy Ray - 74, 151 |
Adams, Willis - 45 |
Adamson, Norman - 72 |
Adventures in Homemaking - 68 |
Affiliated Gas Equipment Inc. - 156 |
AFL-CIA - 158 |
African American cowboys - 11 |
Air Force Squadron #4121 - 39 |
Akron, Ohio - 142 |
Alabama, Fayette - 193 |
Alabama, Mobile - 46 |
Alabama, Tuskegee - 128 |
Alamo City, Texas - 175 |
Albert Sterling & Associates, Inc. (Sterling Faucet Company) - 201 |
Albuquerque, New Mexico - 85 |
Alexander, Barbara - 253 |
Alexander, Barbara Daniels - 24 |
Alexander, Bennie (Mrs.) - 148 |
Alexander, Billy Lizine - 148 |
Alexander, Billy, Jr. - 148 |
Alexander, Warren (Mr.) - 148 |
Alexander, Warren (Mrs.) - 148 |
Alford, Easter - 207 |
Alien Memorial Public Library - 141 |
All Girl Orchestra - 111 |
Allen, Burrell - 39 |
Allen, Clark - 39 |
Allen, Columbus, Sr. - 163 |
Allen, Darlene (Miss) - 148 |
Allen, Elvis (Elder) - 39 |
Allen, Elzie - 287 |
Allen, Hollice - 39 |
Allen, Jack Clark - 39 |
Allen, Jacquelyn - 39 |
Allen, James - 39 |
Allen, Leathia - 39 |
Allen, Mary, Seminar [Seminary?] - 99 |
Allen, Maudell - 163 |
Allen, Norma - 39 |
Allen, Pauline (Ms.) - 51 |
Allen, Robert - 305 |
Allen, Sandra - 305 |
Allen, Sandra J. - 25 |
Allen, Tanya - 39 |
Allen, Wanda L. (Mrs.) - 39 |
Allentown, Pennsylvania - 182 |
Allred, James (Governor) - 75 |
Alpha Civic and Art Club - 125 |
Alpha Civic of Art Club - 127 |
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority - 113, 119, 124, 127, 147, 150 |
Alpha Kappa Mu National Honor Society - 116, 129, 152 |
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity - 118, 130 , 182 |
Alto, Texas - 111, 153 |
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education - 130 |
American Association of Highed Education - 143 |
American Association of Retired People - 39 |
American Association of University Professors - 113, 129 |
American Association of University Women - 69, 69, 125, 127, 143 |
American Band Directors Association - 145 |
American Baptist Theological Seminary, The - 83, 154 |
American Bible College - 79 |
American Cancer Society - 141 |
American Home Economics Association - 147 |
American Legion Lodge Post 842 - 208, 210 |
American Legion Post No.804 - 191 |
American Library Association - 119 |
American Medical Association - 182 |
American Red Cross - 69 |
American Rose Society - 185 |
American School Band Directors Association - 145 |
American Woodman - 89, 198 |
American Woodmen - 180 |
American Woodmen Lodge - 165 |
Ames, Iowa - 100 |
Amie, Jacob Oliver - 185 |
Anagbogu, Lawanda - 76 |
Anderson County - 46, 86, 103 |
Anderson High School - 112 |
Anderson, Alvin - 107 |
Anderson, Alvin J. - 107 |
Anderson, Alvin V. - 10, 266 |
Anderson, Archie Ray (Miss) - 44 |
Anderson, Edison - 49, 310 |
Anderson, Ethel D. - 336 |
Anderson, Jean (Sister) - 86 |
Anderson, Juanita - 10 |
Anderson, Juanita Love - 107 |
Anderson, Ruth Finley - 107 |
Anderson, Willie J. - 107 |
Andrews Riviere Company - 33, 281 |
Andrews, Annie Bell - 208 |
Andrews, Betty - 39 |
Antioch High School - 79 |
Antioch Junior High School - 137 |
Antioch School - 105 |
Antique Rose Emporium - 185 |
Antique Roses for the South - 185 |
Aqqaba Temple No. 173 - 201 |
Ardmore, Okla. - 59 |
Arizona, Fort Huachuaca - 45 |
Arkansas, Dumas - 163 |
Arkansas, Helena - 137 |
Arkansas, Malvern - 95 |
Arkansas, Nashville - 22 |
Arkansas, Ogden - 148 |
Arkansas, Pine Bluff - 198 |
Arkansas, Texarkana - 153 |
Arlington, Texas - 63, 155 |
Armstrong, JBN - 46 |
Armstrong, Marvin - 46 |
Armstrong, Timothy - 321 |
Arp Industrial High School - 93 |
Arp ISD - 148 |
Arp, Texas - 51, 79, 93 |
Arterberry, Ellen - 41 |
Arterberry, Jessie - 183 |
Arterberry, Jessie B.Dunn - 182 |
Arthur Leverett Jewelers - 20 |
Arthur, Victor - 167 |
Asberry, L. G. - 53, 230 |
Assemblies of God Theological Seminary - Back Cover |
Association for the Study of Negro Life and History - 17 |
Association of High Education - 130 |
Association of Teacher Educators - 152 |
Associaton of High Education - 130 |
Atchison, Herise - 67 |
Ates, Alice - 198 |
Ates, Bud (Elder) - 198 |
Ates, Bud H. - 88 |
Ates, Demetrius - 70 |
Ates, Devoria - 41 |
Ates, Essick - 198 |
Ates, Jessie - 198 |
Ates, Marlyn - 198 |
Ates, Monroe - 198 |
Ates, Smith Anna Warren - 198 |
Ates, Terrance - 76 |
Ates, Will - 198 |
Athens, Texas - 42, 45, 89, 198 |
Atkins, Marissa - 5 |
Atkins, Paul J. - 5 |
Atkins, R. - 289 |
Atkins, Rodney Lamar - 10, 65, Back Cover |
Atkins, Yvonne Turner - Back Cover |
Atlanta University - 101, 105, 112, Back Cover |
Atlanta, Georgia - 101, 122, 155, 170 |
Atlantic International Records (AIR) - 92 |
Atlantic Richfield Company - 192 |
Austin, Mary L. - 146 |
Austin, Minnie (Mrs.) - 149 |
Austin, Nine Ree (Miss) - 199 |
Austin, Roger S. - 149, 300 |
Austin, Roger Samuel - 107 |
Austin, Samuel David (Reverend) - 149 |
Austin, Texas - 42, 44, 94, 102 |
Bailey, Charles - 96 |
Bailey, Curlie - 346 |
Bailey, E. K., Ministries - 140 |
Bailey, Mabel Brown (Mrs.) - 79 |
Bailey, Mable - 85 |
Bailey, Sheila - 140 |
Bailey, Tasco - 163, 276 |
Bailey, Willie - 334 |
Baker, Cassandra - 185 |
Baker, Daniel - 185 |
Baker, David - 185 |
Baker, Dolly - 185 |
Baker, Earsie - 185 |
Baker, Faye - 185 |
Baker, Joseph, Jr. - 185 |
Baker, Joseph, Sr. - 185, 335 |
Baker, Linda - 185 |
Baker, Louie - 185 |
Baker, Ora Beatrice - 185 |
Baker, Reola - 39 |
Baker, Samuel - 185 |
Baker, Timothy - 185 |
Baker, Tommy, Sr. - 185 |
Baker, Walter - 185 |
Baker, Walter Faye - 185 |
Baker, Yolanda - 185 |
Ballard, Larry - 310 |
Bank of America - 22, 26, 27 |
Banks, Delma - 206 |
Banks, Ruby Sanders (Sister) - 83 |
Banks, Willie - 91 |
Baptist Ministers Union - 86 |
Barefield, T. H. (Mrs.) - 152, 299 |
Barefield, T. H. (Rev.) - 152 |
Barker, Ara - 308 |
Barnes, J. B. - 56 |
Barnes, Kathrine (Mrs.) - 56 |
Barnes, Lawrence - 56 |
Barnes, Linda (Miss) - 56 |
Barnes, Lonzo - 53, 231 |
Barnes, Lonzo (Elder) - 56 |
Barnes, Lowell - 56 |
Barnes, R. L. - 56 |
Barnes, Sonja (Miss) - 56 |
Barrett, Jerome - 312 |
Barrett, William - 163 |
Barron, Charles - 313 |
Barron, D. F. (Elder) - 148 |
Barron, Emma Bradley (Mother) - 147 |
Barron, Kenneth (attorney) - 55 |
Bartholomew, Joseph - 174 |
Basher, Betty (Claude) - 44 |
Baton Rouge, LA - 84 |
Battles, Cindy - 77 |
Battles, Johnny C. - 77 |
Battles, Johnny C. II - 77 |
Battles, Katie Mae Ross "Aunt Katie" - 77 |
Battles, Tony R. - 77 |
Battles, Willie C. - 77 |
Baxter, Ann M. Ware - 205 |
Baxter, Audrey S. - 205 |
Baxter, Lawana - 29, 342 |
Baxter, LaWanda - 45 |
Baxter, Marilyn D. - 205 |
Baxter, Sherea V. - 205 |
Baxter, Toneous - 205 |
Baxter, Willie E. - 205 |
Baxter, Willie Earl - 176 |
Baylor University - 69 |
Beal, Felicia - 51 |
Beal, James E. - 107 |
Beal, Marlin - 314 |
Beal, Rebecca - 62 |
Beal, Ruth - 49, 316 |
Beall, Ray - 212 |
Beall, Tiffany - 49 |
Beamon, Addie B. - 45 |
Beard, Robert - 46 |
Beasley, Blommie (Mrs.) - 164 |
Beasley, Christine - 170 |
Beasley, Lametriss - 252 |
Beasley, Lonnie - 208, 356 |
Beasley, Norris - 252 |
Beasley, Paul - 96 |
Beasley, Shatoia - 252 |
Beasley, Stephanie - 252 |
Beaumont, Texas - 45, 59 |
Beavers, Quincy (Judge) - 10 |
Beck, Govie - 163, 164 |
Beck, Vina Marie - 164 |
Beckville ISD - 153 |
Beckville School - 172 |
Bell, Henry, Jr. - 24 |
Bell, Henry, Sr. - 24, 75, 211 |
Bell, Jessie - 21, 343 |
Bell, Jimmy - 65, 259, 260 |
Bell, Treva - 70 |
Bella Donnas - 111 |
Ben Wheeler - 29 |
Ben Wheeler, Texas - 29, 45, 62, 69, 80, 150, 196 |
Bendy, Anthony - 38 |
Bendy, Clifton - 38 |
Bendy, Curtis, Jr. - 38 |
Bendy, Dennis - 38 |
Bendy, James - 38 |
Bendy, Kerry - 38 |
Bendy, Rodney - 38 |
Bendy, Thomas - 38 |
Bennett, Faye - 46 |
Bennett, Lerone - 13 |
Benson, Barbara - 27 |
Benson, Elois - 117 |
Benton, Mary - 156 |
Bergfeld, Rudolph - 23 |
Berkeley, California - 116, 139 |
Berry, A. J. - 34 |
Berry, Billie Middlebrook - 33 |
Berry, C. A. (Dr.) - 143 |
Berry, C. C., Jr. (Bishop) - 33 |
Berry, C. C., Sr. (Bishop) - 33 |
Berry, Calvin - 34 |
Berry, Charles Albert - 178 |
Berry, Dave - 10 |
Berry, Florence (Mrs.) - 154 |
Berry, Nero (Mrs.) - 154 |
Berry, Nero (Rev.) - 154 |
Berry, Richard N. - 154 |
Berry, Steve - 34 |
Berry's Place - 154 |
Berry's Temple COGIC - 192 |
Best of East Texas - 1983 (finest baker) - 161 |
Beta Kappa Chi Scientific Honor Society - 113, 116, 121 |
Bethel Baptist Church - 126 |
Bethel Church - 56 |
Bethel Temple Church of God in Christ - 33, 41, 55, 77, 82, 144 |
Bethlehem Baptist Church - 32, 127, 137, 150, 189 |
Bethlehem Community - 117, 128 |
Bethlehem Elementary School - 128 |
Bethlehem First Baptist Church - 60, 149, 150 |
Bethlehem Schools - 27 |
Bethlehem United Methodist Church - 140 |
Bettie, Texas - 128 |
Bickems, Susie - 137 |
Bickems, York - 137 |
Big Sandy Elementary School - 140 |
Big Sandy, Texas - 177, 210 |
Biggs, Ellis - 32 |
Biggs, Hambrid - 32 |
Biggs, Sally - 32 |
Bill Meazell Barber Shop - 188 |
Bishop Chapel Church of God in Christ - 87 |
Bishop College - 83, 103, 104, 111, 126, 128, 139, 146, 154, 180 |
Bishop State College - 69 |
Bivins, Roy (Rev.) - 80 |
Black Academic Bowl - 142 |
Black Business and Professional Women's Club - 125 |
Black Business Owners - 190 |
Black Christian (Disciples of Christ) - 179 |
black industrial workers - 15 |
Black Ministers - 85 |
Black pioneers - 13 |
black Texans income - 15 |
black unemployment rate - 15 |
Black Woman of the Month, McDonald's - 115 |
black workers - 14 |
Black, Adell - 48 |
Black, Doris - 20, 23, 226, 227 |
Black, Tommy - 48 |
Blackburne ProduceCompany - 161 |
Blackjack Community - 181 |
Blackjack school - 98 |
Blacks And The PGA - 174 |
Blackstone Building - 165 |
Blackstone Hotel - 75, 76, 77, 161, 164, 188, 214, 223 |
Blair, (Mr.) - 149 |
Blair, (Mrs.) - 149 |
Blair, Chester (Mr.) - 137 |
Blair, Chester (Mrs.) - 137 |
Blair, Doris - 304 |
Blair, Robert - 91 |
Blair, Sam, Jr. - 26 |
Blanton, Earline - 188 |
Blaylock, Georgie - 63 |
Blaylock, Nancy - 96 |
Blaylock, Simon, Jr. - 31 |
Blaylock, Velma - 321 |
Blaylock, Velma Wilmore - 46, 58 |
Blessing In Store for You - 93 |
Bloc Metals Inc - 34 |
Block, Matthew (Dr.) - 172 |
B-Mart - 54 |
Bolton, Lee - 39 |
Bolton, Molly - 39 |
Bonner, Thomas - 211 |
Booker T. Washington High School - 13, 145, 153, 194 |
Booker, Arsadie - 28 |
Booker, C. Earl - 57 |
Booker, Charles Earl - 318 |
Borden Milk Company - 55 |
Boren, O. M. - 211 |
Born Again - 92 |
Boswell, Luther C. - 29 |
Bothwell, S. H. (Mrs.) - 203 |
Boulder, Colorado - 151 |
Boulter Middle School - 49, 118 |
Bowers, Allen M. - 10 |
Bowie - 313 |
Bowie, Erma J. - 53 |
Bowie, Jean - 54 |
Bowie, JoAnn - 34 |
Boy Scout Master - 172 |
Boy Scouts of America - 118, 121, 130, 149, 155, 197 |
Boyd, Evelyn - 60 |
Boyd, Phillip L. - 60 |
Boyd, Willie H. - 321 |
Boyd, Willie H. "W. H." - 59 |
Bradley, Delsia - 111 |
Bradley, John - 111 |
Bradley, Lillian K. - 124 |
Bradley, Mary - 77 |
Bradley, Rosie (Mrs.) - 147 |
Bradley, S. H. (Professor) - 147 |
Bradshaw, (Sarah) Alice - 80 |
Bradshaw, Alice Hill - 10 |
Bragg Morris High School - 55, 150 |
Bragg Morris School - 40, 99 |
Branch, Bernice Cornelia - 116 |
Branch, Doris Adele - 116 |
Branch, Ethel - 115 |
Branch, Langston N., Jr. - 115 |
Branch, Langston N., Sr. - 115 |
Branch, Rose Moss - 115 |
Brandon, Gertie - 45 |
Branham, Benita - 28 |
Braxton, Georgia Ann - 207 |
Bray, Paulette - 66 |
Breedlove Nursery - 90 |
Breedlove, Jesse - 90 |
Breedlove, Laurie - 90 |
Breedlove, Paul - 90 |
Breedlovoe, Ray - 90 |
Brenham, Texas - 185 |
Brewer, Alvina M. - 119 |
Brewer, Barbara L. - 119 |
Brewer, Helen - 302 |
Brewer, Helen Lorraine Ross - 119 |
Brewer, Melvin - 119 |
Brewster, M. F. (Dr.) - 134 |
Bridges, Terri Marie Samples - 146 |
Brinson, Johnnie - 208 |
Britt, Bessie - 164 |
Britt, Ison - 164 |
Britt, Simon (Mr.) - 164 |
Britt, Simon (Mrs.) - 164 |
Broadnax, Ethel Branch - 115 |
Broadway Square Mall - 22, 226 |
Brock Chapel United Methodist Church - 121 |
Brock, Jessie Marie - 207 |
Brooks Brothers Self Service Grocery Store - 53 |
Brooks, Anthony Dewayne - 208 |
Brooks, Clayton L. (Rev.) - 110 |
Brooks, Daniel L. - 108 |
Brooks, George - 211 |
Brooks, George "Slick" - 176 |
Brooks, Jerome - 163 |
Brooks, Joan - 108 |
Brooks, Lola (Mrs.) - 164 |
Brooks, Naoma - 20, 27, 331 |
Brooks, Robert Earl - 208 |
Brooks, Sherly E. - 27 |
Brooks, Z. C. (Mrs.) - 76 |
Brookshaven Nat'l Laboratory - 112 |
Brookshire Grocery Company - 53, 55 |
Brookshire, Brad - 53 |
Brookshire, Britt - 53 |
Brookshire, Bruce - 53 |
Brookshire, Helen Louise Rhein (Mrs.) - 54 |
Brookshire, Mark - 53 |
Brookshire, S. W. "Woody" - 53 |
Brookshire, Tim - 53 |
Brookshire, Wood T. - 53 |
Brookshires - 228 |
Brookshire's Food Store No. 2 - 53 |
Brookshires Grocery Company - 56 |
Brooks-Sterling & Garrett Funeral Directors - 192 |
Brooks-Sterling Funeral Home - 192 |
Broom Factory - 94 |
Broookshire, Wood - 53 |
Brotherhood Male Chorus - 210 |
Brow, Bertha - 170 |
Brown Spring Baptist Church - 210 |
Brown, Albert - 77 |
Brown, Anderson, Jr. - 77 |
Brown, Aneva - 170 |
Brown, Bill Ray - 10 |
Brown, Charles - 91 |
Brown, Christopher "Chris" - 170 |
Brown, Claude Raye - 170 |
Brown, Cleveland - 77 |
Brown, D. C. - 310 |
Brown, D. C. (Rev.) - 49 |
Brown, Dorothy - 46 |
Brown, E. V. (Mrs. ) - 54, 231 |
Brown, Floncie Kemp - 45 |
Brown, Gary L. - 46 |
Brown, George "Bo" III - 51 |
Brown, Gerald W. - 45 |
Brown, Golia Lee Tilley - 77 |
Brown, Gracie Lee Warren - 170 |
Brown, H. L. - 277 |
Brown, Ira - 10, 266 |
Brown, James - 95 |
Brown, James, Jr. - 77 |
Brown, James, Sr. - 77 |
Brown, Jeannette - 322 |
Brown, Jesse D. - 201 |
Brown, John Henry - 98 |
Brown, Johnnie - 170 |
Brown, Juanita Delois - 197 |
Brown, L. (Rev.) - 339 |
Brown, L. B. - 122 |
Brown, Lennon (Reverend) - 85 |
Brown, Leroy - 45 |
Brown, Linda - 34 |
Brown, Mable (Mrs.) - 85 |
Brown, Marilee - 156 |
Brown, Marilyn - 20, 23 |
Brown, Marilyn Smith - 335 |
Brown, Mary - 50 |
Brown, Mary L. - 45 |
Brown, Nathaniel - 209, 210 |
Brown, R. (Supt.) - 339 |
Brown, Roosevelt (Supt.) - 79 |
Brown, Roy - 45 |
Brown, Roy Lee - 45 |
Brown, Tennie - 188 |
Brown, Willie T. - 264 |
Browne, Calester P. - 98 |
Browne, L. B. - 261 |
Browning, Deborah - 95 |
Browning, John Thomas - 189 |
Browning, Sophie Williams - 189 |
Browning, Stephen, Jr. - 49 |
Browning, Velmon - 21, 31 |
Browning, Velmon - 285 |
Brownsboro High School - 137 |
Brownsboro ISD - 133 |
Brownsboro schools - 154 |
Bryant Heater Company - 156 |
Bryant, Howard (Dr.) - 30 |
Buchanan, Mithcell [Mitchell?]- 176 |
Buckenfield, Beatrice L.David - 150 |
Buffalo Soldiers - 215 |
Buffalo Soldiers - 37, 111 |
Bullard schools - 89 |
Bullard, Texas - 27, 39, 48, 51, 84, 87, 89, 146, 209 |
Burbank Elementary School - 113 |
Burnett, Harvetta - 160 |
Burns High School - 172 |
Burns, Leverta - 34 |
Burton, Alma - 47 |
Busby, Debra - 27 |
Busby, Reedie B. - 49 |
Business Owners - 237 |
Butler College - 5, 33, 65, 67, 73, 76, 79, 83, 85, 98, 100, 102, 105, 106, 107, 111, 115, 117, 126, 134, 117, 126, 134, 137, 139, 155, 164, 180, 181 |
Butler College Buildings - 234 |
Butler College Community Service Organization - 40 |
Butler College Parade - 235 |
Butler College ReunnionCommittee - 111 |
Butler College Homecoming Queen - 234 |
Butler College Staff - 236 |
Butler, (Judge) - 203 |
Butler, Alvin R. - 24 |
Butler, Jimmy - 350 |
Butler, Jimone - 34 |
Butler, Melvin - 163 |
Butler, Sarah C. (Mrs.) - 203 |
Butler, T. B., Publishing Company - 21 |
Butler, Thomas - 203 |
Butler, Thomas B. - 204 |
Butler, Thomas Booker - 203 |
Butler, Tom B., Jr. - 203 |
Butler, Yvonne - 33 |
Byrd, Billie - 248 |
Byrd, Billie J. - 156 |
C. H. Daniels High School - 69 |
Caddo Mill - 144 |
Cadlwell, Leamon A. - 20 |
Caesar, Shirley - 93 |
Cai, Mattie Mae Goss - 208 |
Cain, Billy J. - 208 |
Cain, Celestine - 208 |
Cain, Charles E. - 208 |
Cain, Evelyn - 208 |
Cain, John P. - 208 |
Cain, Lewis - 208, 356 |
Cain, Maurice V., Sr. - 208 |
Cain, Nick - 208 |
Cain, Noella - 70, 71, 208, 341 |
Cain, Oliver - 208 |
Cain, Vasley F. - 208 |
Cain, W. G. - 26 |
Cain, Zola McCormick - 208 |
Cairo, Illinois - 162 |
Caldwell Interests - 287 |
Caldwell, Cheryl - 55 |
Caldwell, Clara I. (Mrs.) - 80 |
Caldwell, Corey - 142 |
Caldwell, Dorothy - 54 |
Caldwell, Glenn - 142 |
Caldwell, Jessyca Holmes - 142 |
Caldwell, Lauren - 142 |
Caldwell, Leamon - 281 |
Caldwell, Noel - 175, 176, 317 |
Caldwell, Noel (Supt.) - 82 |
Caldwell, Norris - 54, 55, 232, 284 |
Caldwell, Ophel - 175, 176 |
Caldwell, Ophel - 317 |
Caldwell, Ross, Jr. - 36 |
Caldwell, Ross, Sr. - 35, 36, 350 |
Caldwell, Sandra K. - 55 |
California Institute of Medical Technology - 146 |
California Western University - 147 |
California, Berkeley - 116, 139 |
California, Compton - 190 |
California, Gardena - 43 |
California, LakeEllsinore - 60 |
California, Lakewood - 66 |
California, Long Beach - 41, 43 |
California, Los Angeles - 41, 79, 83, 95, 107, 111, 130, 144, 146, 160, 198, 206 |
California, Oakland - 46, 199 |
California, Palm Springs - 83 |
California, San Diego - 83 |
California, SanFrancisco - 139 |
California, Santa Anna - 147 |
California, Stockton - 199 |
Calip, Herman - 186 |
Callow, Marvin A. - 108 |
Calloway, Ethel L. Warren - 108 |
Calvert, Texas - 81 |
Calvin, Lois (Mrs.) - 80 |
Cameron, Lizzie Elizabeth - 127 |
Cameron, Texas - 63, 105 |
Camp County, Texas - 50 |
Camp Fannin - 175 |
Camp Fire Girls Board - 115 |
Campbell - 316 |
Campbell Elementary School - 126 |
Campbell, Robert W., Jr. - 204 |
Campbell, Robert, Jr. (Reverend) - 340 |
Cannon, Alfred - 31, 237 |
Cannon, Annie Mass (Mrs.) - 31 |
Cannon, Ollie - 31 |
Cannon's Café - 31 |
Canon City, Colorado - 145 |
Canton, Texas - 45, 151 |
Caraway, Ralph - 315 |
Caraway, Ralph (Rev.) - 49 |
Career Academy - 95 |
Carlton Hotel - 59, 76, 78, 161, 214, 246 |
Carnegie Library - 279 |
Carnegie Public Library - 65, 67 |
Carpenter, Diedra Eubanks - 51 |
Carpenter, Prentice L. - 51 |
Carr, Rufus Kate - 41 |
Carrier - 248 |
Carrier Air Conditioning Company - 156 |
Carrier Corporation - 156 |
Carrier Employees - 248, 249 |
Carter Temple CME Church - 63 |
Carter, Berneice - 308 |
Carthage, Texas - 125, 146 |
Cartwright, Robert - 315, 316 |
Carver School - 98 |
Casen, Texas - 94 |
Cass County, Texas - 103 |
Cates, Melvin J. - 30 |
Cedar Grove Court 228 - 205 |
Celestial Singers Sacred Wonders - 96 |
Center public schools - 30 |
Central High School - 98, 103, 105 |
Century of our Lives - 10 |
Chamaber, Carolyn Sanders - 33 |
Chamber of Commerce, Hawkins - 140 |
Chambers, Ivan - 313 |
Chancellor, Abram - 26 |
Chandler ISD - 102 |
Chandler, Finis L. - 31 |
Chandler, Hannah (Mother) - 147 |
Chandler, Texas - 45, 60, 102, 118, 133, 181 |
Chapel Hill Church of God in Christ - 172 |
Chapel Hill Community - 61 |
Chapel Hill Elementary School - 99 |
Chapel Hill High School - 99 |
Chapel Hill ISD - 61, 103, 106, 152, |
Chapel Hill Junior High School - 99, 146 |
Chapel Hill School - 100, 144 |
Chapman, Derrell W. - 25 |
Chapparal Civic & SocialClub - 70 |
Chappel, Ruth J. - 24 |
Chappell, Kay - 74 |
Charleston Pollard High School - 59 |
Charlton Methodist Hospital - 195 |
Charter Review Committee - 173 |
Chastains Dept. Store 1947 - 278 |
Cheatham, Bishop - 161 |
Cheatham, Bishop H. - 161, 163, 273 |
Cheatham, Mittie - 210 |
Checker label (record) - 91 |
Chefs of Tyler - 161 |
Cherokee County, Texas - 45, 77, 152, 180, 184 |
Chess Recores - 91 |
Chicago University - 105 |
Chicago, Il. - 77 |
Child Welfare Board - 129 |
Childers, Charles - 29 |
Childers, Terry - 65 |
Children Are You Ready - 92 |
Children's Clinic - 49 |
Chirena ISD - 126 |
Choice Shine Parlor - 188 |
Choice, Edgar - 88 |
Choice, Lorenzo - 35 |
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) - 178 |
Christian Woman's Board of Missions - 178 |
Christopher, Erwin - 188 |
Church First COGIC - 79 |
Church for the Fellowship of All Peoples - 139 |
Church of God in Christ Ministerial Alliance - 82 |
Church of the Living God - 33, 40, 50, 93 |
Church Without Walls, The - 140 |
Church, Berry's Temple COGIC - 192 |
Church, Bethel - 56 |
Church, Bethel Baptist - 126 |
Church, Bethel Temple Church of God in Christ - 33, 41, 55, 77, 82, 144 |
Church, Bethlehem Baptist - 32, 77, 127, 137, 150, 189 |
Church, Bethlehem Church of God in Christ - 144 |
Church, Bethlehem United Methodist - 140 |
Church, Brock Chapel United Methodist - 121 |
Church, Brown Spring Baptist - 210 |
Church, Carter Temple CME - 63 |
Church, Chapel Hill Church of God in Christ - 172 |
Church, Church for the Fellowship of All Peoples - 139 |
Church, Church of the Living God - 33, 40, 50, 93 |
Church, Church Without Walls, The - 140 |
Church, Clear Springs Baptist - 42, 84, 94 |
Church, Cole Hill - 198 |
Church, Cole Hill CME - 134, 147 |
Church, College Hill Baptist - 22, 110, 13, 154 |
Church, College Hill Missionary Baptist - 50, 171 |
Church, Corinth Baptist - 44, 48, 188, 195 |
Church, Cottrell Chapel CME - 194 |
Church, County Line Baptist - 62, 84 |
Church, County Line Missionary Baptist - 69 |
Church, Duck Creek - 94 |
Church, East Church of God in Christ - 198 |
Church, East Side Baptist - 145 |
Church, Eastside Church of God in Christ - 87 |
Church, Ebenezer AME - 77 |
Church, Ebenezer Baptist - 154 |
Church, El Bethel Missionary Baptist #1 - 205 |
Church, Elbethel Baptist - 82 |
Church, Eunes Chapel COGIC - 79 |
Church, Fair Park Churchof God in Christ - 148 |
Church, Fairview Baptist - 186 |
Church, Faith Temple C.O.G.I.C. - 39 |
Church, Family Circle Church of God in Christ - 45 |
Church, Family of Faith Christian - 28 |
Church, Fellowship Baptist - 85 |
Church, First Baptist - 137, 166 |
Church, Flint C.O.G.I.C. - 27, 87 |
Church, Friendship Baptist - 41 |
Church, Friendship Church of God in Christ - 45 |
Church, Friendship CME - 48 |
Church, Friendship Methodist - 160 |
Church, Friendship WestBaptist - 140 |
Church, Galilee Baptist - 84 |
Church, Galilee Missionary Baptist - 146 |
Church, Gee's Memorial Church of God in Christ - 87 |
Church, Gee's Memorial Gethsemane Church of God in Christ - 172 |
Church, General Assembly Church of the Living God - 161, 166 |
Church, Grace Temple Church of God in Christ - 86 |
Church, Greater Hopewell Baptist - 186, 195 |
Church, Greater Love Temple Church of God in Church - 60 |
Church, Greater Love Temple COGIC - 81 |
Church, Greater Shiloh Missionary Baptist - 96 |
Church, Greater St. Mary Baptist - 32, 49, 82, 129, 145, 151, 165, 173, 183, 191, 193 |
Church, Harmony Pirtle Baptist - 208 |
Church, Highland Park Missionary Baptist - 208 |
Church, Hill Crest Church of God in Christ - 41 |
Church, Hillcrest Church of God in Christ - 161 |
Church, Hopeful Baptist - 81 |
Church, Hopewell Baptist - 126 |
Church, Hopewell Valley - 208 |
Church, Hopewell Valley Missionary Baptist - 45, 119 |
Church, Houston Temple Church in God in Christ - 41, 51, 66, 81, 87, 137, 144, 191 |
Church, Ideal Baptist - 85 |
Church, Independent Hope Baptist - 40 |
Church, Israe lMetropolitan CME - 147 |
Church, Jackson SpringHill Baptist - 84 |
Church, Jackson Springhill Baptist - 208 |
Church, Jackson Springhill COGIC - 192 |
Church, Jackson Springhill Holiness - 96 |
Church, Jacksonville No.2 Church of God in Christ - 198 |
Church, Jones Valley Community Church of God in Christ - 55 |
Church, Julia Dews Temple Church of God in Christ - 63, 66 |
Church, Kilgore Churchof God in Christ - 87 |
Church, Lane Chapel CME - 45 |
Church, Liberty Baptist - 45, 72, 85, 194, 208 |
Church, Liberty Missionary Baptist - 47, 50, 59 |
Church, Liberty Winona Baptist - 164 |
Church, Lindale Church of God in Christ - 28 |
Church, Little Zion Baptist - 51, 71, 85, 126 |
Church, Love Chapel Church of God in Christ - 83 |
Church, Mabank COGIC - 79 |
Church, Macedonia Baptist - 66, 118, 181 |
Church, Macedonia COGIC - 79 |
Church, Mary Memorial Church of God in Christ - 56 |
Church, Mary's Memorial Church of God In Christ - 207 |
Church, McDonald COGIC - 87 |
Church, Metropolitan Baptist - 139 |
Church, Metropolitan CME - 147 |
Church, Miles Chapel CME Church - 30, 72, 124, 125, 143, 144, 147, 14, 152, 182, 185, 193, 194, 201 |
Church, Miracle Temple - 79 |
Church, Mother Zion Baptist - 84 |
Church, Mount Comfort CME - 143 |
Church, Mount Elem Baptist - 71 |
Church, Mount Hermon Baptist - 60 |
Church, Mount Olive Baptist - 46 |
Church, Mount Rose Baptist - 32 |
Church, Mount Zion CME - 41, 80 |
Church, Mt. Elm Baptist - 85 |
Church, Mt. Moriah Baptist - 51 |
Church, Mt. Olive Baptist - 37, 81, 185, 197 |
Church, Mt. Vernon Baptist - 42 |
Church, Mt. Zion #1 Baptist - 77 |
Church, Mt. Zion CME - 45, 55, 60 |
Church, Mt. Zion COGIC - 79 |
Church, New Baptist Evangelistic - 84, 154 |
Church, New Bethel Baptist - 202 |
Church, New Canaan Baptist - 39, 181, 182 |
Church, New Chapel Baptist - 84 |
Church, New Holland Baptist - 94, 136 |
Church, New Hope Baptist - 38, 84, 134, 146 |
Church, New Hope CME - 45 |
Church, New Jerusalem COGIC - 79 |
Church, New Jerusalem Baptist - 44, 59, 60, 69, 95 |
Church, New Life COGIC - 94 |
Church, New Mountain CME - 45 |
Church, New Zion Baptist - 48, 134, 146, 15, 210 |
Church, New Zion No. 1 - 34 |
Church, New ZionPenecostal - 38 |
Church, North Star Baptist - 48, 55, 67, 81, 148, 181 |
Church, North Star Missionary Baptist - 65, 151, 190, 210 |
Church, North Tenneha Church of Christ - 40, 43, 207 |
Church, Northside Christian - 78 |
Church, Oak Grove Church of God in Christ - 87 |
Church, Parkway Garden Presbyterian - 180 |
Church, Pleasant Green Baptist - 85, 154 |
Church, Pleasant Hill Baptist - 89, 138, 198 |
Church, Prairie Creek CME - 45, 73 |
Church, Prayer House, The - 196 |
Church, Progressive Baptist - 208 |
Church, Progressive Missionary Baptist - 72 |
Church, Promised Land CME - 45 |
Church, Rock Hill Baptist - 180 |
Church, Rosedale COGIC - 79 |
Church, Runnels Chapel CME - 96 |
Church, Running Springs Baptist - 42 |
Church, Sand Flat Baptist - 39 |
Church, Sandflat Baptist - 66 |
Church, Sandflat CME - 45 |
Church, Seventh Day Adventist - 82 |
Church, Sixth Avenue Baptist - 190 |
Church, Smith Temple Church of God in Christ - 42, 83, 130, 210 |
Church, Smith Temple COGIC - 61 |
Church, South Central Church of Christ - 170 |
Church, South Union Missionary Baptist - 81 |
Church, Spring Creek Baptist - 52, 205 |
Church, St. James Baptist - 67, 84, 89, 110, 152 |
Church, St. James CME - 31, 73, 78, 115, 116, 137, 165, 181, 191 |
Church, St. James Missionary Baptist - 163 |
Church, St. Louis Baptist - 37, 47, 94, 164, 180, 182, 196 |
Church, St. Louis Missionary Baptist - 32 |
Church, St. Mary Baptist - 44, 180, 181 |
Church, St. Paul AME - 77 |
Church, St. Paul Baptist - 85 |
Church, St. Violet Baptist - 43, 85, 96 |
Church, Starrville Church of God in Christ - 198 |
Church, Starrville Church of the Living God - 73 |
Church, Sunshine Baptist - 61, 93 |
Church, Sweet Home Missionary Baptist - 80 |
Church, Thompson Hill Baptist - 48 |
Church, True Light Baptist - 152, 158 |
Church, True Vine Baptist - 32, 34, 46, 69, 83, 84, 119, 126, 137, 148, 149, 152, 153, 154, 155, 158, 164, 165, 166, 190, 196, 209 |
Church, Twelfth Street Christian - 139 |
Church, Union Grove Baptist - 44 |
Church, United Missionary Baptist - 84 |
Church, Universe CME - 45 |
Church, Victory Temple Church of God in Christ - 26, 27, Back Cover |
Church, Walnut Springs Baptist - 40 |
Church, Warren Chapel CME - 134 |
Church, Wayside COGIC - 87 |
Church, White Oak Baptist - 154 |
Church, Whitehouse Church of God in Christ - 64 |
Church, Whitehouse COGIC - 34 |
Church, Woodville CME - 152 |
Church, Zion Baptist - 76, 93, 127 |
Church, Zion Hill First Baptist - 126 |
Cicero, Larry - 35 |
Citizens Bank - 75 |
Citizens First National Bank - 20, 24, 27 |
Citizens for Community Improvement - 140 |
Citizens National Bank - 23, 24, 253 |
City Garbage Department - 43 |
City Hall - 65 |
City of Tyler - 65, 357 |
City of Tyler Board of Adjustment - 173 |
City of Tyler Revitalization Board - 134 |
City Parks & Recreation - 65 |
City Parks Board - 119 |
City Police Department - 65 |
City Trash & Garbage Dept. - 65 |
Civic Leaders - 158, 270, 271 |
Civic Workers - 358 |
Civil Rights Movement - 15 |
Civil War - 11, 14, 19 |
Clark, Kato M. - 296 |
Clark, Lottie L. - 42 |
Clark, Ruby - 170 |
Clark, Ruth (Mrs.) - 56 |
Clark[s]ton Elementary School - 202 |
Clarksdale, Miss. - 142 |
Classroom Teachers Association - 153 |
Classroom Teachers of Tyler - 76 |
Claude, Betty - 44 |
Clay, Eleanor - 72 |
Clay, Jessie C. - 165 |
Clay, Marshall - 72 |
Clay, Marshall, Jr. - 72, 332 |
Clay, Martha - 26 |
Clay's Janitorial Service - 72 |
Clay's Kiddie Academy Daycare - 72 |
Clayton Community - 34 |
Clear Spring Baptist Church - 42 |
Clear Spring School - 150 |
Clear Springs Baptist Church - 84, 94 |
Clear Springs Community - 150 |
Clearwater, Oklahoma - 152 |
Cleaver, Amos D. - 85 |
Cleaver, Artie Lee - 85 |
Cleaver, B. (Rev.) - 343 |
Cleaver, Billy P. (Reverend) - 85 |
Cleaver, Thomasine (Mrs.) - 85 |
Clement, Pauline - 236 |
Clement, Pauline (Mrs.) - 150 |
Clement, Pauline L. - 10 |
Clemons High School - 210 |
Clemons, Russell - 163 |
Cleveland, James (Rev.) - 93 |
Cleveland, Ohio - 156 |
Clinton, Bill (President) - 122 |
Clovis, New Mexico - 85 |
Clyde, Andrew - 204 |
Clyde, Calvin (Sr.) (Mrs.) - 203 |
Clyde, Calvin, Jr. - 203 |
Clyde, Nelson III - 203, 204 |
Clyde, Nelson IV - 203, 204 |
Coahoma Junior College - 142 |
Coat Barber Shop - 188 |
Coats, Allen - 137 |
Coats, Augustine Bickems - 137 |
Coats, Augustine Bickens - 290 |
Cobb, Marquis - 62 |
Coffey, Mecherial - 108 |
Cofield Prison Ministry - 40 |
Cole Hill Church - 198 |
Cole Hill CME Church - 134, 147 |
Cole Hill Community - 198 |
Cole Masonic Lodge No.398 - 191 |
Coleman, C. D. (Bishop) - 80 |
College English Association - 138 |
College Hill Baptist Church - 22, 110, 137, 154 |
College Hill Missionary Baptist Church - 50, 171 |
College Station, Texas - 139 |
Collegiate Club - 119, 124, 125 |
Collier, Frances (Mrs.) - 80 |
Collier, Georgia M. (Mrs.) - 76 |
Collins Women's Apparel - 33 |
Collins, Bill - 317 |
Collins, Carolyn - 46 |
Collins, Cleo (Ms.) - 186 |
Collins, Genevia - 98, 99 |
Colonial Tyler Care Center - 170 |
Colorado State - 104 |
Colorado, Boulder - 151 |
Colorado, Canon City - 145 |
Colorado, Denver - , 45, 106, 127 |
Colorado, Ft. Collins - 104, 107 |
Colordo State University - 107 |
Columbia University - 100, 105 |
Columbian Mutual Life - 95 |
Columbus, Georgia - 38 |
Combs, Clarence - 186 |
Combs, Willie Mae - 186 |
Commerce, Texas - 103, 118, 151 |
Commercial College - 69 |
Community Building - 194 |
Community Building Barber Shop - 188 |
Community Funeral Home - 192, 193 |
Community Garden Community Block Captain - 40 |
Community School of Radio - 59 |
Compton, California - 190 |
Concord Community - 144 |
Concord High School - 126, 144 |
Coney, Leo - 91 |
Conley, Juanita H. - 108 |
Connecticut, New Haven - 139 |
Connecticut, Torrington - 81 |
Conoco Gas Station - 192 |
Consistory of Knights of Temple - 201 |
Continental Can Company - 160 |
Cook, Daisy - 58 |
Cook, Labren - 312 |
Cook, Shirely Shields - 108 |
Cooper, Boysie - 27, 188 |
Cooper, Ella Faye - 118 |
Cooper, George P. - 46 |
Cooper, Laura Mae - 50 |
Cooper, Lias (Mr.) - 177 |
Cooper, Lias (Mrs.) - 177 |
Cooper, Nathan - 50 |
Corinth Baptist Church - 44, 48, 188, 195 |
Corpus Christi, Texas - 80 |
Corsicana, Texas - 32, 190 |
Cotton Belt - 88 |
Cotton Belt Railroad - 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 190 |
Cotton Belt Railroad Company - 198 |
Cotton Belt Railway - 165, 273 |
Cotton Belt Route, The - 88 |
Cotton, Marie (Miss) - 165 |
Cottrell Chapel CME Church - 194 |
Country Boy, The - 96 |
County Line Baptist Church - 62, 84 |
County Line Missionary Baptist Church - 69 |
County Workers - 277 |
Courier - 203 |
Courier-Times - 203 |
Cowan, R. Don, CPA - 30 |
Craddock, Berdine Lane - 108 |
Craig, Dorothy - 41 |
Crawford, Bobby Joe - 160 |
Crawford, Johnston - 160 |
Crawford, Ollie - 108 |
Crawford, Ollie M. - 10 |
Crawford, Ollie Mae - 127, 299 |
Crawford, Theresa - 144 |
Crawford, Willie C. - 183 |
Crescent Laundry - 21, 34 |
Criss, Josephine - 54 |
Criss, Ola J. - 137 |
Criss, Willie - 137 |
Crockett public schools - 94 |
Crockett, John - 176 |
Crockett, Texas - 31, 33, 99, 146 |
Cross, Letisha - 28 |
Crutchefield, Arthur Lee - 69 |
Crutchfield, Leo - 69 |
Crutchfield, Leonard - 69 |
Crutchfield, Texanna - 68, 220 |
cum laude - 118 |
Cumberland, Maryland - 57 |
Cummings, Louise P. - 47 |
Cuney, Texas - 42, 79, 180, 198 |
Currington, Joyceland - 255 |
Curry, Mattie Lois - 28 |
Curry, N. S. (Bishop) - 80 |
Curtice, Harlow - 214 |
Curtis, Alva - 60 |
Curtis, Bobby J. - 317 |
Curtis, Bobby Joe - 57, 60 |
Curtis, Claudia - 60 |
Curtis, Joseph - 60 |
Curtis, Ronnie L. - 196 |
Custodian Home - 146 |
Custom Truckers, The - 60, 192 |
Daily Courier - 203 |
Dale Chapel Community School - 74 |
Dale City, VA. - 160 |
Dallas Air Motors - 50 |
Dallas County - 69 |
Dallas Institute of Funeral Services - 192, 194 |
Dallas Schools - 70 |
Dallas, Texas - 21, 42, 43, 47, 55, 56, 61, 66, 83, 101, 116, 137, 140, 144, 154, 175, 195, 196 |
Dancy, (Elder) - 86 |
Danforth Graduatge Fellowship - 124 |
Daniel, Evie Mae - 67 |
Daniel, Percy - 315 |
Daniel, Percy J. - 49 |
Daniel, Sanders - 67 |
Daniel, Sandra Fae - 67 |
Daniel, Tettsy - 182 |
Daniels Record Shop - 191 |
Daniels, A. D. - 353 |
Daniels, Alvin - 40 |
Daniels, Andrew - 191 |
Daniels, Barbara (Alexander) - 24 |
Daniels, C. H., HighSchool - 69 |
Daniels, Fred (Reverend) - 191 |
Daniels, Geneva - 166, 199 |
Daniels, Rosemary Oliver - 40 |
Daniels, Rosie (Mrs.) - 191 |
Daniels, Sanders - 269 |
Daniels, Willie B. - 350 |
Daniels, Willie B. "Doc"- 40 |
Dansby School District - 208 |
Dansby, Lera H. - 99 |
Darden, Cynthia - 34 |
Daucett, Texas - 67 |
David, Billy Joe - 309 |
Davis, Andy F. - 258 |
Davis, Ara Williams (Mrs.) - 180 |
Davis, Beatrice L. - 150 |
Davis, Bernice - 144 |
Davis, Charles, Jr. - 89, 198 |
Davis, Doris M. (Miss) - 191 |
Davis, Edwin A. (Reverend) - 146 |
Davis, Ellis, Sr. - 180 |
Davis, Elsie - 266 |
Davis, Espanola - 99 |
Davis, Everhart - 266, 348 |
Davis, Fancelia - 81 |
Davis, Homer - 54, 229 |
Davis, Jennifer - 94 |
Davis, LeRoy - 161 |
Davis, Leroy - 78, 246 |
Davis, Micheal - 183 |
Davis, Myrtle - 177 |
Davis, R. L. - 52 |
Davis, R. L., Manufacturing Co. - 201 |
Davis, Ramona E. Vaughn - 119 |
Davis, Renee - 41 |
Davis, Roderick - 41 |
Davis, Ruth Ann - 54 |
Davis, Sherman (Elder) - 147 |
Davis, Will - 150 |
Dawson, Jackie - 46 |
Day & Night (company) - 156 |
Day, Faye - 57 |
Dean, Cassandra - 30 |
Dean, Harold - 20 |
Dean, Harold "Bud", Jr. - 20, 29 |
Dean, Harold "Robie", Jr. - 30 |
Dean, Harold (Robie) - 342 |
Dean, Harold Dewayne - 30 |
Dean, Mildred P. - 30 |
Dean, Nollie V. - 138 |
Dearborn Brass - 42 |
Deckard, Beulah MaeJohnson - 158 |
Deckard, E. Mevin - 318 |
Deckard, Earnest - 158 |
Deckard, Ernest - 270 |
Deckard, James - 158 |
Deckard, Mattie - 158 |
Deckard, Ronald - 158 |
Deckhard, E. Melvin - 163 |
Delley, Alma - 290 |
Delley, Alma V. - 117 |
Delley, Alma V. (Mrs.) - 76 |
Delley, Alma Vaughn - 83, 154 |
Delley, Arthur - 154 |
Delley, J. C. (Rev.) - 83 |
Delley, J. C. (Reverend) - 117 |
Delley, John A. - 83 |
Delley, Mary J. Nelson - 83 |
Delley, Mary Jane Nelson - 154 |
Delta Drilling Company - 75 |
Delta Mu Delta National Honor Society - 140 |
Delta Pi Epsilon - 140 |
Delta Sigma Theta - 125 |
Delta Sigma Theta - 125, 127 |
Delta Sigma Theta Outstanding Citizen Award - 121 |
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority - 69, 111, 115, 116, 119, 125, 127, 134, 140 |
Denmore, Dorothy - 186 |
Denton, Texas - 118, 128, 151 |
Denver, Colorado - 45, 106, 127 |
Department of Institutional Missions of the United Christian Missionary Society - 178 |
Department of Parks and Recreation - 94 |
Deputy Sheriff, Smith County - 70 |
Derrick, Johnny B. - 122, 128 |
Derrick, Pearlia Mae Wallace (Dr.) - 123, 128 |
DeShields, Wilson - 91 |
Desota Parish - 126 |
Detroit, MI - 91 |
Deveraux, Edwin - 136 |
Deveraux, Jennifer - 136 |
Deveraux, Jerry - 94, 136 |
Deveraux, JoAnn - 136 |
Deveraux, Julian - 333 |
Deveraux, Julian "Jerry"Willie (Rev.) - 94 |
Deveraux, Kenneth - 94 |
Deveraux, Kennety - 136 |
Deveraux, Ralph - 94, 136 |
Deveraux, Rand - 136 |
Deveraux, Randy - 94 |
Deveraux, Ruby - 289 |
Deveraux, Ruby (Mrs.) - 135 |
Deveraux, Ruby Lee - 94 |
Devereaux, Abraham L., Jr. - 181 |
Devereaux, Albirtha (Mrs.) - 56 |
Devereaux, Donald - 20 |
Devereaux, Edna Earl - 181 |
Devoe, Celestine Cain - 208 |
Dewberry - 325 |
Dewberry, Charlene Yvonne - 151 |
Dewberry, Clara (Mrs.) - 322 |
Dewberry, Loretta - 10, 108 |
Dewberry, Opal (Mrs.) - 164 |
Dews, Alvin - 42 |
Dews, Andre Green - 42 |
Dews, Bonny - 42 |
Dews, Calvin - 42, 346 |
Dews, Charles - 42 |
Dews, Chilton (Mr.) - 39 |
Dews, Chilton, Jr. - 39 |
Dews, Chilton, Sr. - 39 |
Dews, Clintard - 39 |
Dews, Deloris - 42 |
Dews, Elbert - 42 |
Dews, James - 42 |
Dews, John - 42 |
Dews, Leara Edwards - 42 |
Dews, Ned - 42 |
Dick Hightower Construction Company - 167 |
Dictionary of American Scholars - 138 |
Dillard Department Stores Inc. - 22 |
Dillard, William - 22 |
Dillard's - 327 |
Dillard's Store - 22 |
Dilley, Jocephus (Reverend) - 154 |
Dilworth, Henry - 80 |
Dilworth, Henry C. - 81 |
Dilworth, T. (Dr.) - 343 |
Dilworth, T. L. (Dr.) - 80 |
Dilworth, T. L. (Reverend) - 151 |
Dilworth, Tony Leon - 80 |
Dilworth, Willie - 80 |
Disabled American Veterans Association - 39 |
Dismukes, Woodrow W. - 127 |
Distinguished Service Award - 68 |
Dixie Carver School - 74 |
Dixie Colored High School - 195 |
Dixie Elementary School - 102 |
Dixie Elementary, Middle and High School - 160 |
Dixie High School - 185, 196 |
Dixie School (Carver School) - 98 |
Dixon, Albert - 207 |
Dixon, George - 207 |
Dixon, Georgia Ann Braxton - 207 |
Dixson, Jerlean - 63 |
Dixson, Lisa - 157 |
Doc's Steak House - 108 |
Doctor's Memorial (hospital) - 183 |
Dogan Jr. High School - 172 |
domestic workers - 15 |
Donaldson, Barbara - 42 |
Donaldson, Don - 176 |
Dorsey, Bennie Lewis - 335 |
Dorsey, Billie Jean - 40 |
Dorsey, Essie B. - 336 |
Dorsey, Lula Gant - 74 |
Doty, Charles - 309 |
Douglas Community - 205 |
Douglas Elementary School - 101, 201 |
Douglas High School - 38, 39 |
Douglas School - 61 |
Douglas, Fred F. & A.M. Lodge #0111 - 46 |
Douglas, James P. - 162 |
Douglass High School - 116 |
Douglass, Fred, F & AM Lodge #111 - 149 |
Douglass, Frederick - 1 |
Doverfield, (Mr.) - 48 |
Downbeat restaurant - 77 |
Downtown Tyler - 19 |
Downtown Tyler 1950's - 280 |
Doyle, B. W. (Bishop) - 80 |
Dr. Jesus - 92 |
Drawhorn, Eugene - 10, 338 |
Drawhorn, Eugene, Jr. - 349 |
Drawhorn, Eugene, Sr. - 21, 200 |
Dresser Industries - 156 |
DuBois, W. E. B. (Dr.) - 12 |
Duck Creek Church - 94 |
Duckenfield Home - 238, 239 |
Duckenfield House - 244 |
Duckenfield, Beatrice - 237 |
Duckenfield, John - 241 |
Duckenfield, Johnny - 150 |
Duckenfield, Millie (Mrs.) - 150 |
Dudley, Choice - 78, 205, 286 |
Duhon, Maxine - 44 |
Dumas, Ark. - 163 |
Dunbar Elementary - 134, 150 |
Dunbar High School - 41, 103, 135, 159 |
Dunbar Junior High School - 102 |
Duncan, Vernon - 188 |
Dunlap, Annie - 328 |
Dunlap, Joycie Lipscomb - 11, 180, 330 |
Dunn, Celia (Mrs.) - 125 |
Dunn, Curtis - 72, 331, 332 |
Dunn, Isaac - 183 |
Dunn, Joyce - 183 |
Dunn, Suzette - 183 |
Dunn, Tillie Jane - 182 |
Dunn, Tracie - 183 |
Dunning, Lois Alford - 38 |
Dupree, Johnnie L. Rove - 196 |
Dwain, Carolyn - 44 |
E. D. Pickle Barber Shop - 188 |
E. Frankford Store - 22 |
E. J. Campbell Elementary - 56 |
E. J. Campbell High School - 100, 152 |
E. J. Scott High School - 98 |
E. K. Bailey Ministries - 140 |
Eagle Scout - 55 |
Early Childhood Learning Center - 105 |
East Church of God in Christ - 198 |
East Side Baptist Church - 145 |
East Texas Academy - 105, 196 |
East Texas Baptist Association - 85, 86 |
East Texas Baptist Association and Congress - 154 |
East Texas Chest Hospital - 181 |
East Texas Fair - 168, 288 |
East Texas Farm & Ranch Club - 173 |
East Texas Funeral Directors Association - 191 |
East Texas Layman Oreganization - 59 |
East Texas Levi Strauss-Sewing Corp - 63 |
East Texas Ligthouse for the Blind - 138 |
East Texas Medical Center - 60, 183 |
East Texas Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Auxiliary - 124 |
East Texas Minority Business Developers, Inc. - 191 |
East Texas Oil Field - 74 |
East Texas Savings & Loan Association - 24, 25 |
East Texas Savings and Loan - 202 |
East Texas School of Women's Council - 127 |
East Texas Singers - 90 |
East Texas State Fair Association, Executive Board - 173 |
East Texas State University - 14, 69, 102, 103, 104, 115, 116, 118, 127, 127, 136, 137, 146, 151 |
East Texas Tuberculosis Hospital - 181 |
Eastern Federal Judicial District of Texas - 205 |
Eastern Star - 127, 205 |
Eastern Star Masonic Lodge - 183 |
Eastside Church of God in Christ - 87 |
Easy Way Grocery - 76 |
Ebenezer AME Church - 77 |
Ebenezer Baptist Church - 154 |
Economy Café - 152, 195 |
Eddie (Deputy Sheriff) - 336 |
Edmonson, Leola - 45 |
Educators - 289 |
Edward, Henry - 29 |
Edwards, Arzelia - 322 |
Edwards, Evelena - 44 |
Edwards, Frank - 176 |
Edwards, Freddie, Sr. - 155 |
Edwards, Hazel - 188 |
Edwards, Kathy A. - 155 |
Edwards, Martin L., Jr. (Dr.) - 323 |
Edwards, Mississippi - 178 |
Edwards, Rena D. - 155 |
Edwards, Rhomie - 316 |
Edwards, Sarah - 154, 301 |
Edwards, Sarah J. - 108 |
Edwards, Simon - 324 |
EEC Beauty and Barbershop - 51 |
El Bethel Missionary Baptist Church #1 - 205 |
El Paso, Texas - 208 |
Elam Springs Schools - 210 |
Elbethel Baptist Church - 82 |
Electron Microscopy Society of America - 113 |
Ella Reid Public Library - 150 |
Ellis, Walter - 263 |
Ellis, Willie - 163 |
Elmore, Harry - 344 |
Elmore, Harry T. - 35 |
Emmett J. Scott School - 22 |
Emmett J. Scott High School - 19, 33, 37, 47, 59, 65, 98, 105, 117, 119, 127, 134, 149, 205 |
Emmett J. Scott High School, Teachers - 107 |
Emmett J. Scott Junior High School - 72 |
Emmett Scott Cultural Center, Board - 62 |
Emmett Scott High School - 30, 31, 38, 45, 50, 62, 67, 73, 74, 76, 96, 102, 104, 106, 111, 135, 138, 143, 148, 151, 152, 154, 164, 155, 183, 186, 192, 198, 202 |
Emmett, Hill, Jr. - 74 |
Epsilon Beta - 134 |
Epsilon Sigma Phi - 69 |
Ervin, Alphonso, Jr. - 41 |
Ervin, Alphonso, Sr. - 41 |
Ervin, Catherine - 41 |
Ervin, Charles - 318 |
Ervin, Cynthia - 206 |
Ervin, James Nelson - 178 |
Ervin, James Nelson, Religion and Cultural Center - 179 |
Ervin, Tabatha - 34 |
Erwin, Lillian J. (Mrs.) - 146 |
Ethel Ransom Club - 147 |
Etoil de Hollande (rose) - 184 |
Eubanks Salvage Yard - 51 |
Eubanks, Louie, Jr. - 50 |
Eubanks, Louie, Sr. - 50 |
Eubanks, Nona Walker - 50 |
Eunes Chapel COGIC - 79 |
Evans High School - 194 |
Evans, Alma - 161 |
Evans, Antoinette - 186 |
Evans, Cleveland - 186 |
Evans, Cortess - 186 |
Evans, Denise - 81 |
Evans, Freeman - 186 |
Evans, Kimberly - 186 |
Evans, Lakeisha - 186 |
Evans, Leola - 186, 335 |
Evanston, Illinois - 155 |
Everett, Johnny - 54 |
Everett, Larry - 54, 324 |
Everhart, Myra Lemons - 28 |
Everhart, Percy - 28 |
Everhart, Percy, Janitorial Service - 28 |
EverReady - 93 |
Everspring, Texas - 46 |
Ewing, Pamela - 81 |
Excelsior Life Insurance Company - 32 |
ex-slave - 125 |
Fair Foundation Building - 188, 304 |
Fair Park Church of God in Christ - 148 |
Fair, James - 78 |
Fairview Baptist Church - 186 |
Fairview High School - 103 |
Faith Temple C.O.G.I.C. - 39 |
Family Circle Church of God in Christ - 45 |
Family of Faith Christian Church - 28 |
Fantastic Violinaire - 91 |
Farmers and Merchants National Bank - 23 |
Farmington, New Mexico - 85 |
Farris, M. C., Jr. - 313 |
Fayette, Alabama - 193 |
Fellowship Baptist Church - 85 |
Ferguson Hotel - 22 |
Ferguson, Lavator - 99, 100 |
Ferguson, Les - 73 |
Ferguson, Robert - 72, 73 |
Ferguson, Robert Earl - 332, 339 |
Ferguson, Rose - 73 |
Fields, John - 170 |
Fields, Nathaniel - 36, 47, 349 |
Finley, Ruth - 107 |
Finley's - 222 |
Finn, William F. and Associates - 30 |
First Baptist Church - 137, 166 |
First City Bankcorp ofTexas - 24 |
First COGIC - 79 |
First Commercial Corporation - 24 |
First Federal Bank - 25 |
First Federal Savings and Loan of Texas - 25 |
First Federal Savings and Loan - 305 |
First Federal Savings and Loan Association - 25 |
Firstbank - 25 |
Fisher High School - 42 |
Fisk University - 104 |
Fitz Simmons Hospital - 127 |
Fitzgerald & Butler - 203 |
Five Ways of Joy Gospel Singers, The - 96 |
Flap Jack House, Blackstone Hotel - 279 |
Fleetside - 60 |
Flint C.O.G.I.C. - 27 |
Flint COGIC - 87 |
Flint High School - 102 |
Flint Hill High School - 103 |
Flint public schools - 189 |
Flint, Texas - 27, 32, 43, 63, 66, 77, 84, 87, 117, 207 |
Florence, Christopher - 94 |
Florence, Cornelius - 94 |
Florence, Lena Mae - 93 |
Florence, Lucille - 94 |
Florence, Warren - 94 |
Florence, WarrenChauncey - 93 |
Florence, Warren Eugue, Sr. - 33, 333 |
Florida A&M - 122 |
Florida Memorial College - 128 |
Florida Normal & Industrial Memorial College - 122 |
Florida, St. Augustine - 122, 123, 128 |
Florida, St. Petersburg - 160 |
Flournoy, Bobby - 22 |
Flournoy, Ed - 43 |
Flournoy, Henry - 22 |
Flournoy, Viola - 43 |
Floyd, Melvin - 108 |
Floyd, Ruth C. - 108 |
Fludd, Shawana - 160 |
Foley, James E. - 53 |
Foley, M. C. - 314 |
Fonza, Arnie Austin (Sister) - 86 |
Fonza, Ella M. - 207 |
Fonza, Ella Mae - 56 |
Fonza, Johnny - 35, 348 |
Ford, Betty - 67 |
Ford, Broshel (Tahaud) McGee - 94 |
Ford, C. E. - 44 |
Ford, Charles - 44 |
Ford, Charlotte - 44 |
Ford, Clarence - 57 |
Ford, Crawford - 163 |
Ford, Crawford - 273 |
Ford, Darlene - 60 |
Ford, David - 44, 164 |
Ford, Demetrius King - 38 |
Ford, Dessie, Sr. - 345 |
Ford, Freddie - 44 |
Ford, Georgia - 196 |
Ford, Gerald R. [President] - 205 |
Ford, Heloyce - 44 |
Ford, James W. - 11, 35, 346 |
Ford, James William - 44 |
Ford, Janis - 44 |
Ford, Jurine - 44 |
Ford, Khakie - 44 |
Ford, LaSonia McGee - 94 |
Ford, Leo - 164 |
Ford, Marion - 44 |
Ford, Marjorie - 44 |
Ford, Nathaniel - 44 |
Ford, Prince - 196 |
Ford, Ray - 164 |
Ford, Russell - 164 |
Ford, T. C. - 163 |
Ford, Terri Lorraine Thomas - 38 |
Ford, Tommie - 164 |
Ford, Vickie - 1166, 99 |
Ford, Willie - 57 |
Ford, Willie D. - 196 |
Ford, Willie D. (Mr.) - 163 |
Ford, Willie D. (Mrs.) - 163 |
Ford, Willie Mae (Mrs.) - 196 |
Foreign Study International School System - 147 |
Fort Bliss - 208 |
Fort Huachuaca, Arizona - 45 |
Fort Worth - 28 |
Fort Worth, Texas - 42, 46, 65, 82, 83, 120, 130, 144, 150, 154, 160, 208 |
Foster, Alvin - 60 |
Foster, Ann - 188 |
Foster, Darlene Ford - 60 |
Foster, Earl - 60 |
Foster, Lela - 60 |
Foster, Peg - 188 |
Foundry Workers - 355 |
France, Normandy - 34 |
Francis, Annie Ruth - 44 |
Francis, Leroy, Sr. - 192, 193 |
Frank Reece Grocery - 194 |
Franklin, Adrain - 94 |
Franklin, John Hope (Dr.) - 18 |
Franklin, Vera Ray (Miss) - 32 |
Frankston, Texas - 42, 45, 50 |
Fred Douglas F.&. A.M. Lodge #0111 - 46 |
Fred Douglas Lodge F&AM #0111 - 165 |
Fred Douglass F & AM Lodge #111 - 149 |
Freeman, B. Naomi Lee - 55 |
Freeman, Bennie - 54 |
Freeman, Benny - 233 |
Freeman, Benny A. - 53 |
Freeman, Benny Alvin - 55 |
Freeman, Don Ella - 45 |
Freeman, Frances - 210 |
Freeman, Hubert - 55 |
Freeman, Naomi (Mrs.) - 76 |
Freeman, Ray, Jr. - 210, 221 |
Freeman, Rozelle Weldon - 55 |
Freeney, Frankie Everhart - 156 |
Fridie, Jerry L. - 28 |
Friendship Baptist Church - 41 |
Friendship Church of God in Christ - 45 |
Friendship CME Church - 48 |
Friendship Methodist Church - 160 |
Friendship West Baptist Church - 140 |
Frost, Thomas Buchanan - 178 |
Fry, John William - 27 |
Fry, Johney Ester Kemp - 27 |
Fry, Roddie R. - 20, 27, 284 |
Fry, S. G. - 176 |
Ft. Collins, Colorado - 104, 107 |
Ft. Worth, Texas - 22, 51 |
Ft. Worth, Texas - 51, 63, 80 |
Fuller, Dorothy - 208 |
Fuller, Kerry - 208 |
Future Homemakers of American - 147 |
G. H. Lasater's Food Store - 21 |
Gaines, Donnie - 65 |
Gaines, James - 57, 319 |
Galilee Baptist Church - 84 |
Galilee community - 96 |
Galilee High School - 33, 102 |
Galilee Missionary Baptist Church - 146 |
Galilee School - 96 |
Galilee schools - 207 |
Gallup, New Mexico - 85 |
Galveston, Texas - 28, 105 |
Gamble, Bessie Britt - 164 |
Gant, George F. (Dr.) - 174 |
Gardena, Calif. - 43 |
Gardner, Miera Lee - 55 |
Garland, Texas - 160 |
Garmon, A. W. Jack - 25 |
Garrison, Earl - 316 |
Gary Elementary School - 101 |
Gaston, A. G. - 215 |
Gates, Francis - 32 |
Gause, Texas - 147 |
Gay Ladies Club - 22 |
Gee, Darlene - 23 |
Gee, Luella (Mrs.) - 55 |
Gee, Sleetie - 134 |
Gee, Solon (Elder) - 147 |
Gee's Memorial Church of God in Christ - 87 |
Gee's Memorial Gethsemane Church of God in Christ - 172 |
Geneeral Electric Company - 310 |
General Assembly Church of the Living God - 161, 166 |
General Electric - 72, 307 |
General Electric (Trane) - 49 |
General Electric Co. - 50 |
General Electric Plant - 212 |
General Electric/Trane Company - 50 |
General Mills Inc. - 159 |
General Motors - 214 |
George Washington Carver High School - 167 |
Georgia, Atlanta - 101, 122, 155, 170 |
Georgia, Columbus - 38 |
Germany, Rhineland - 34 |
Gibbons High School - 148 |
Gibson, Althea - 1 |
Gilley, Charlie - 310 |
Gilmer, Texas - 46, 128 |
Gipson, Lorine - 51 |
Gipson, McKinley, Jr. - 161 |
Gipson, McKinley, Sr. - 161 |
Gipson, Mela - 156 |
Gipson, Rena Ervin - 161 |
Gipson, Richard - 54, 232 |
Gipson, Willie - 156 |
Girl Scout Council of the Colonial Coast - 113 |
Girl Scout Troup Leader - 205 |
Gladewater, Texas - 40, 45 |
Glass, Willie Lee Dorothy Campbell - 100 |
Glaze, Bob (State Representative) - 62 |
Goldberg's - 281 |
Goldberg's Shoe & Men'sFurnishings - 20 |
Golden State Mutual Insurance Co. - 196 |
Golden State Mutual Life - 95 |
Golden, (Mr.) - 170 |
Golf and African Americans - 317 |
Good Shepherd Hospital - 138 |
Goodacre, Alice B. (Mrs.) - 76 |
Goodacre, Alice Boyd - 101 |
Goodfellow Air Force Base - 208 |
Goodman Museum - 66 |
Goodman Tomato Farm - 222 |
Goodwill Board - 119 |
Goodyear - 58, 61 |
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company - 57 |
Gordon's Jewelers - 20 |
Gospel Aires - 76 |
Gospel Falsetto Singers - 91 |
Gospel Kaynotes - 94 |
Gospel Keynotes, The - 96 |
Gospel Music Charts - 91 |
Gospelettes Gospel Group - 186 |
Goss, Ann Ester (Mrs.) - 56 |
Goss, Chevante - 61 |
Goss, Era (Miss) - 89 |
Goss, Mattie Mae - 208 |
Goss, Oscar T., Sr. - 20 |
Goss, Tambelynn - 61 |
Gossett, Ruby - 304 |
Gossett, Shirley A. - 77 |
Gossett, Vanell - 285 |
Governor's State University - 72 |
Grace Temple Church of God in Christ - 86 |
Grambling University - 148 |
Grambling, Louisiana - 148 |
Granberry, J. W. - 249 |
Grand Marshall Of The Year - Back Cover |
Grand Rose of the East, Court No. 61 - 134 |
Gray, Ida Mae - 240 |
Gray, Walter - 53 |
Gray's Tailoring School - 73, 196 |
Greater Hopewell Baptist Church - 186, 195 |
Greater Hopewell Male Chorus - 76 |
Greater Love Temple Church of God in Church - 60 |
Greater Love Temple COGIC - 81 |
Greater Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church - 96 |
Greater St. Mary BaptistChurch - 32, 49, 82, 129, 145, 151, 165, 173, 183, 191, 193 |
Green Acres Bowling League - 63 |
Green Acres Village - 54 |
Green Construction Company - 208 |
Green Top Café - 194 |
Green, Andre - 42 |
Green, J. P. - 203 |
Green, L. M. - 203 |
Green, Lucille - 60 |
Green, Pat - 262 |
Greenberg Smoked Turkey Company - 207 |
Greensburg, Pennsylvania - 141 |
Gregg County, Texas - 129, 184 |
Grelling, Louis - 75 |
Griffin, Bernice - 160 |
Griffin, Charlie - 160 |
Griffin, Elsie - 35, 345 |
Griffin, Harvey - 160 |
Griffin, L. T. - 160 |
Griffin, Robert Ross - 160 |
Griffin, Roger - 160 |
Griffin, Sussie Mae - 160 |
Griffin, Torian - 160 |
Griffith, Lillian (Ms.) - 32 |
Gross, Katie L. - 77 |
Guillory, Patricia - 166 |
Guthrie, Alford - 46 |
Guthrie, Alfred, Sr. - 197 |
Guthrie, Anderson - 46 |
Guthrie, Bobby - 19 |
Guthrie, Bobby Ray - 19 |
Guthrie, Christine - 46 |
Guthrie, Crystal - 19 |
Guthrie, Daisy - 19 |
Guthrie, James - 46 |
Guthrie, John L. - 19 |
Guthrie, Lewis - 19 |
Guthrie, Margaret - 46 |
Guthrie, Ray - 46 |
Guthrie, Rodgers - 46 |
Guthrie, Ruth - 19 |
Guthrie, Ruth Moore - 197 |
Guthrie, W. R., Construction Company - 197 |
Guthrie, Walter R. - 46 |
Guthrie, Walter Ray, Sr. - 197 |
Guy Shackelford - 190 |
Guy Shackelford Service Station - 190 |
H. G. Smith High School - 172 |
H. M. Bell Elementary School - 133 |
Habitat For Humanity of Smith County - 40 |
Hadley, Carole - 108 |
Hagen, Don - 316 |
Haggerty, Christene - 38 |
Haggerty, Christine - 34 |
Haggerty, Clemmie - 37 |
Haggerty, Finis - 215, 345 |
Haggerty, Finis L. "Doc", "Boss" - 37 |
Haggerty, George - 37 |
Haggerty, George (Bishop) - 38 |
Haggerty, Hattie - 37 |
Haggerty, Kennard L. - 37 |
Haggerty, Michael L. - 37 |
Haggerty, Raymond (R.D.) - 37 |
Hall, Delilah (Mrs.) - 321 |
Hall, Dora Mae - 43 |
Hall, Dora Mae - 66 |
Hallelujah - 93 |
Hallman, Carrie - 52 |
Hallman, Frances - 50 |
Hallman, Roy - 52 |
Hallsville, Texas - 102 |
Hamilton, Geraldine - 59 |
Hampton Institute - 152 |
Hampton University - 112 |
Hampton, Alice - 149 |
Hampton, Altha - 130 |
Hampton, Clemmit - 210 |
Hampton, Danny - 52 |
Hampton, Doris - 52 |
Hampton, Edward - 147 |
Hampton, Effie Choice - 147 |
Hampton, Eric V. - 149 |
Hampton, Fairy Everlene "Ema Jean" - 52 |
Hampton, Jay W. - 149 |
Hampton, JoAnn - 52 |
Hampton, Joe W. - 148 |
Hampton, Karlous - 52 |
Hampton, Kevin - 52 |
Hampton, Lorenzo, Jr. - 52 |
Hampton, Lorenzo, Sr. - 52 |
Hampton, Lorenzo, Sr. (Mr.) - 186 |
Hampton, Lorenzo, Sr. (Mrs.) - 186 |
Hampton, Nellie - 52 |
Hampton, Sherlon Curtis - 196 |
Hampton, Virginia - 152 |
Hampton, William - 10, 324 |
Hancock, Allen C. - 152 |
Hancock, Jewel Hazel Thompson (Dr.) - 151, 152 |
Hancock, Jewell Hazel Thompson - 296 |
Hand, Archie Lee - 176 |
Handy, W. C. - 244 |
Harmon Field Invitation Golf Tournament - 176 |
Harmon, Cora Bradley - 328 |
Harmon, John R., Undertaking Co. - 41 |
Harmon, John R., Undertaking Company - 193, 194 |
Harmon, John, Undertaking Co. - 242 |
Harmony Pirtle Baptist Church - 208 |
Harper, James - 110 |
Harper, Romie - 110 |
Harper, Walter - 11 |
Harper, Walter, Jr. - 337 |
Harper, Willie B. - 46 |
Harrell, Leona - 67 |
Harris, Dreyfuss - 45 |
Harris, E. W. F. - 80 |
Harris, George - 27 |
Harris, John III - 45 |
Harris, John, Jr. - 45 |
Harris, John, Sr. - 45 |
Harris, Melva - 63 |
Harris, William H. - 14 |
Harrison County, Texas - 184 |
Hart, Kathy A. Edwards - 155 |
Hart, William - 49 |
Hartley, B. G. - 27 |
Harvest Food Stores - 53 |
Harvey, Frederick - 108 |
Harvey, Leon C. - 194 |
Harvey, Leonard - 194 |
Harvey, M. J. "Mike" - 35 |
Harvey, Marty - 194 |
Harvey, Zelton - 257 |
Harvey, Zelton W., Jr. - 24, 28 |
Hasty, Frances - 313 |
Hawkins Colored High School - 140 |
Hawkins Elementary School - 140 |
Hawkins Heping Hand - 141 |
Hawkins ISD Board of Trustees - 140 |
Hawkins, (Rev.) - 126 |
Hawkins, A. L. - 350 |
Hawkins, A. L. "Hawk" - 35 |
Hawkins, D'Jana - 71 |
Hawkins, Estelle - 30 |
Hawkins, Mark - 71 |
Hawkins, Sunshine - 34 |
Hawkins, Texas - 41, 112, 123, 131, 134, 152 |
Hawkins, Thomas - 176 |
Hawkins, Webb - 34 |
Hawkins, Wendell - 156, 251 |
Hawkins, Willie S. - 21 |
Hawkins, Willie Stovall - 34 |
Hay, Sharyon - 25, 306 |
Hayes, Dottie - 29 |
Hayes, Ermogene - 186 |
Haynes, F. L. (Bishop) - 148 |
Haynes, Fredrick (Dr.) - 140 |
Hayter, Frances - 24 |
He Touched Me - 92 |
Head Start Program - 118 |
Hearne, Virginia - 178 |
Heath, Frances - 152 |
Heath, Joe - 163 |
Heaven Seekers - 76 |
Heavenly Gospel Singers, The - 333 |
Heggins, Curtis - 311 |
Helena, Arkansas - 137 |
Hempstead, Texas - 118, 144, 149 |
Henderson County - 90, 168 |
Henderson ISD - 113 |
Henderson, Alena - 22 |
Henderson, Angela - 159 |
Henderson, Bennie - 357 |
Henderson, Dorothy Louise Jackson - 205, 292 |
Henderson, Dorothy Mae - 21, 329 |
Henderson, I. D. (Rev.) - 159 |
Henderson, James - 205 |
Henderson, Joyce (Mrs.) - 159 |
Henderson, Lizzie - 49 |
Henderson, Loren - 159 |
Henderson, Pearlie - 10, 159, 270 |
Henderson, Rosie - 49 |
Henderson, Texas - 50, 61, 79, 84, 87, 94, 144, 148 |
Henderson, William Ben - 22 |
Henderson, Williams - 159 |
Hendrick, Ervin - 280 |
Henrdon, Willie - 244 |
Henry James - 164 |
Henry, C. O., Jr. (Dr.) - 10 |
Henry, C. O., Jr. (Dr.) - 75, 223 |
Henry, J. C. (Reverend) - 80 |
Henry, June - 96 |
Henry, Lelia Bowens (Mrs.) - 80 |
Henry, Leo - 72 |
Henry, Mary Ward (Mrs.) - 164 |
Henry, Patricia Record - 60 |
Henry, Roger - 316 |
Henson, Doris - 41 |
Henson, Goldie (Mrs.) - 195 |
Henson, Jason - 94 |
Henson, Lois W. (Mrs.) - 195 |
Henson, McKellar Crystal - 152 |
Henson, Milton P. - 65 |
Henson, N. G. - 57 |
Henson, Ruthie - 58 |
Henson, Terry - 163 |
Henson, Vernon - 316 |
Henson, Vernon L. - 49 |
Henton, Charlie Rose - 291 |
Henton, Charlie Rose (Mrs.) - 150 |
Henton, Joe Cephus - 150 |
Here I Am Again Lord - 92 |
Heritage National Bank - 73 |
Heroines of Jericho - 140, 146, 205 |
Heroines of Jericho, West Erwin Court #278 - 115 |
Hickory Hill School - 125 |
Hicks, Leon (Mrs.) - 171 |
Hicks, Raymond E. - 82 |
Hicks, Ruth Bernice (Mrs.) - 82 |
Highland Park Missionary Baptist Church - 208 |
Hill Crest Church of God in Christ - 41 |
Hill, Bobbie L. - 27 |
Hill, Emmett, Jr. - 74, 326 |
Hill, Emmett, Sr. - 74 |
Hill, Etta Faye Jackson - 74 |
Hill, John A. - 163 |
Hill, Judy Alexander - 80 |
Hill, Preston - 80 |
Hill, Willie Mae - 74 |
Hillard, A. G. II - 298 |
Hillcrest Church of God in Christ - 161 |
Hillird, Asa Grant, Jr. - 107 |
Hillis, R. L. - 163 |
Hillsboro school system - 147, 149 |
Hillsboro, Texas - 84, 149 |
Hines, Frank (Mr.) - 32 |
Hines, Frank (Mrs.) - 32 |
Hines, Fred - 239 |
Hines, Fred Douglas - 32 |
Holley, Claude - 78 |
Hollie, Bud - 46 |
Hollis, Jeff Lee - 46 |
Hollis, Lizzie Mae Williams - 46 |
Hollis, Louise - 35, 46, 347 |
Hollytree Country Club - 32 |
Holmes School - 183 |
Holmes, Allison - 142 |
Holmes, Amanda - 142 |
Holmes, Ashley - 142 |
Holmes, Charles - 142 |
Holmes, Charles M., Sr. - 142 |
Holmes, Dora - 41 |
Holmes, Evelyn Joyce - 41 |
Holmes, Gerry - 41 |
Holmes, Glynn - 309 |
Holmes, James - 142 |
Holmes, Jannie - 41 |
Holmes, Jessie James, Sr. - 40, 41 |
Holmes, Jessie, Jr. (Elder) - 41 |
Holmes, Jessyca - 142 |
Holmes, Lorene (Dr.) - 322 |
Holmes, Lorene B. (Dr.) - 140 |
Holmes, Minnie - 41 |
Holmes, Randall - 142 |
Holmes, Regina - 142 |
Holmes, Sandra - 142 |
Holt, Francine - 48 |
Holt, Willie Dean - 48 |
Homecoming Queen, Butler College - 234 |
Hood, A. C. (Reverend) - 41 |
Hood, Albert - 41 |
Hood, Annie B. - 152 |
Hood, Eugene - 41 |
Hood, Harvey - 41 |
Hood, Inell Porter - 41 |
Hood, James - 41 |
Hood, Sharon - 41 |
Hood, Tuwanda - 41 |
Hood, Vera - 41 |
Hooks, Texas - 172 |
Hope Elementary School - 167 |
Hopeful Baptist Church - 81 |
Hopewell Baptist Church - 126 |
Hopewell Central Association - 82 |
Hopewell Elementary School - 100 |
Hopewell Valley Church - 208 |
Hopewell Valley Missionary Baptist Church - 45, 119 |
Houston Art Gallery - 127 |
Houston County, Texas - 31 |
Houston Temple Church of God in Christ - 41, 51, 66, 81, 137, 144, 191 |
Houston Training School - 103 |
Houston, Arthur H. - 176 |
Houston, Bob - 176 |
Houston, David A. (Dr.) - 130 |
Houston, David R. (Bishop) - 66, 82 |
Houston, David R. (Dr.) - 176, 289 |
Houston, Elephair - 229 |
Houston, Elephair - 54 |
Houston, Lee (Rev.) - 21 |
Houston, Maude (W. B.) (Mrs.) - 56 |
Houston, Roy - 300, 340 |
Houston, Roy L. - 204 |
Houston, Sam (Dr.) - 10, 76 |
Houston, Sam (Dr.) - 225 |
Houston, Susie A. - 101 |
Houston, Texas - 33, 61, 63, 67, 77, 103, 112, 122, 126, 145, 149, 195, 199, 201, 206 |
Houston, W. B. - 56 |
Houston, W. B. (Bishop) - 81, 94 |
Houston, Walter B., Jr. - 204, 267 |
Houston-Tillotson College - 117 |
Howard Temple Church of God in Christ - 86 |
Howard University - 5, 127, 139, 147, 148 |
Howard, Betty Sue (Sister) - 86 |
Howard, Beverly (Sister) - 87 |
Howard, Beverly Jean (Sister) - 86 |
Howard, Charles - 86 |
Howard, Claude (Brother) - 86 |
Howard, Frank - 78 |
Howard, Lavern (Brother) - 86 |
Howard, Lorenza (Brother) - 86 |
Howard, Louise (Sis.) - 86 |
Howard, Marvell - 87 |
Howard, Mary - 78 |
Howard, N., Sr. (Supt.) - 339 |
Howard, Nathaniel, Sr. (Supt.) - 86 |
Howard, Robert - 31, 78, 247 |
Howard, Samuel (Elder) - 86 |
Howard, Willie (Rev.) - 86 |
Howard, Willie (Supt.) - 86 |
Hubbard, Australia - 10 |
Hubbard, Australia C. - 172, 220 |
Hubbard, Carlton - 173 |
Hubbard, Deborah - 10, 24, 255 |
Hubbard, Mary - 10, 27, 173, 331 |
Hubbard, Michael - 173 |
Hubbard, Regenia - 173 |
Hubbard, Ronald - 173 |
Hubbard, Stephen - 173 |
Hudson, Lee Bubba - 62, 63 |
Hudson, Lockhart - 63 |
Hudson, Lola - 63 |
Hughes, Cliffie - 194 |
Hughes, Jennie Evelyn - 45 |
Hughes, Marshall - 194 |
Hughes, T. C. - 176 |
Hughey - 325 |
Humble Oil & Refining Co. - 177 |
Humphrey, Eugene - 310 |
Hunter, Annie Bell - 32 |
Hunter, Budweiser - 32 |
Hunter, Francis Gates - 32 |
Hunter, I. T. (Dr.) - 115, 116 |
Hunter, Martha - 298 |
Hunter, Martha "Peggy" Branch - 115 |
Hunter, Vera - 206 |
Hunter, Willie O'Neal - 32 |
Huntsville High School - 103 |
Huntsville, Texas - 103 |
Hurwitz Men's Shop - 20, 286 |
Huston Tillotson College - 112 |
Hyter, Narita - 314 |
I Cant' Refuse You - 92 |
I. M. Terrell High School - 28 |
Ideal Bakery - 32 |
Ideal Baking Company - 60 |
Ideal Baptist Church - 85 |
Illiinois, Cairo - 162 |
Illinois, Chicago - 77 |
Illinois, Evanston - 155 |
Illinois, Park Forest - 72 |
Illinois, Schaumburg - 52 |
I'm Black and I'm Proud - 95 |
In The Service Of The Lord - 93 |
Independent Funeral Directors Association - 191 |
Independent Hope Baptist Church - 40 |
Indianola, Mississippi - 155 |
industrial work force - 14 |
Institutional Advancement & Development - 112 |
Institutional School of Ministry - 83 |
Interfirst Bank - 29 |
International Federation of Home Economics - 147 |
International Plant Propagators' Society - 185 |
Investex - 32 |
Iowa State College - 100, 103, 124 |
Iowa, Ames - 100 |
Irion Drug Store - 358 |
Irion, E. D. - 211 |
Irons, Ed - 76 |
Isabell, Liz - 152 |
Isabell, Lois - 20 |
Israel Metropolitan CME Church - 147 |
IUE local 782 - 212 |
IUE-CVA Local 86782 - 212 |
IUE-CWA Local 86782 Hallof Fame - 212 |
J. C. Penney Co. - 282 |
Jackson Community - 102 |
Jackson District - 99 |
Jackson Elementary School - 61 |
Jackson High School - 39, 44, 61, 63, 96, 104, 106, 120, 134, 146, 147, 195, 196, 201, 205 |
Jackson Junior High School - 61 |
Jackson Public Schools - 63, 73 |
Jackson School - 100 |
Jackson Spring Hill Baptist Church - 84, 208 |
Jackson Springhill COGIC - 192 |
Jackson Springhill Holiness Church - 96 |
Jackson, A. L. "Buddy" - 41 |
Jackson, Allesandro - 52 |
Jackson, Alma - 63 |
Jackson, Andrew - 209 |
Jackson, Ben - 168, 288 |
Jackson, Benjamin - 169, 288 |
Jackson, Bennie - 41 |
Jackson, Bobby - 10, 224 |
Jackson, Bobby - 76 |
Jackson, C. W. - 49 |
Jackson, C. W. (Rev.) - 96 |
Jackson, Captoria - 96 |
Jackson, Celestine - 61 |
Jackson, Cinda (Mrs.) - 209 |
Jackson, Clemestine (Dr.) - 61 |
Jackson, Diannia - 52 |
Jackson, Dorothy - 38, 313 |
Jackson, Dorothy Louise - 205, 292 |
Jackson, Etta Faye - 74 |
Jackson, Evelyn - 10 |
Jackson, Everlene (Miss) - 61 |
Jackson, Finis - 209 |
Jackson, Gary Don - 74 |
Jackson, George J. - 204 |
Jackson, Harold - 61 |
Jackson, Harvey L. - 319 |
Jackson, Harvey Lee - 61 |
Jackson, Howard - 38 |
Jackson, Inez - 205 |
Jackson, Jessie - 205 |
Jackson, Leroy "Red" - 188 |
Jackson, Lester "Byrd" - 38 |
Jackson, Lone Star - 61 |
Jackson, Lonzo - 96 |
Jackson, Lue Nettie (Mrs) - 190 |
Jackson, Mable - 34 |
Jackson, Marilyn - 27 |
Jackson, Marilyn - 331 |
Jackson, Mary - 153 |
Jackson, Marzell Bowie (Mrs.) - 38 |
Jackson, Narvell - 38 |
Jackson, Ollie J. - 153, 333 |
Jackson, Ollie Mae Owens (Mrs.) - 209 |
Jackson, Oren Lee - 29 |
Jackson, Pam - 61 |
Jackson, Rose - 38 |
Jackson, Rosie - 41 |
Jackson, Rufus Kate Carr - 41 |
Jackson, Ruthie - 160 |
Jackson, Viola - 61 |
Jackson, Willis Charles Lee - 29 |
Jackson-Chapel Hill High School - 102 |
Jacksonville - 15 |
Jacksonville District of Texas Northeast Juridiction No. 11 - 39 |
Jacksonville Lodge - 201 |
Jacksonville No. 2 Church of God in Christ - 198 |
Jacksonville, Texas - 67, 86, 94 |
Jagger, Mick - 92 |
James Nelson Ervin Religion and Cultural Center - 179 |
Jamestown Public School - 82 |
Jamestown, Texas - 183 |
Jarvis Christian College - 5, 76, 98, 112, 116, 117, 120, 123, 131, 135, 138, 139, 140, 145, 146, 152, 178, 179, 321, Back Cover |
Jarvis Christian College Pioneer Hall of Fame - 141 |
Jarvis Christian College, Board of Trustees - 121, 140 |
Jarvis Christian College, Residence Hall - 325 |
Jarvis, Ida Van Zandt - 178 |
Jarvis, James Jones (Maj.) - 178 |
JCC [Jarvis Christian College] Scholars - 325 |
Jefferson, Texas - 34 |
Jeffery, Claudia - 39 |
Jeffery, Elihue Alexander, Sr. - 293 |
Jeffery, June - 10 |
Jeffrey, Anna - 46 |
Jeffrey, Dora - 43 |
Jeffries, Deborah Ann (Miss) - 56 |
Jeffries, Loatrice - 231 |
Jeffries, Loatrice (Mrs.) - 56 |
Jeffries, Paul - 56 |
Jenkins - 325 |
Jenkins, Loa - 170 |
Jenkins, Rachel - 179 |
Jenkins, Sebetha - 179 |
Jenkins, Sebetha (Dr.) - 142, 321 |
Jennings, Gina R. - 10 |
Jennings, Reginald - 78 |
Jerry's Café - 161 |
Jester Guaranty State Bank - 26 |
Jester National Bank - 26 |
Jester, L. L. - 26 |
Jesus I'll Never Forget (What You've Done For Me) - 92 |
Jett, Ruby - 76 |
Jett's Clothing Store - 20 |
Jewel label (record) - 92 |
Jim Dandy Fried Chicken Restaurant - 30 |
Jim Fay Institute - 131 |
Joe E. "Spanky" Oliver - 191, 192 |
Joes, Marilynn - 96 |
John D. Mangram Minister's Institute - 139 |
John Harmon Undertaking Co. - 242 |
John R. Harmon Undertaking Co. - 41 |
John R. Harmon Undertaking Company - 19, 194 |
John Tyler High School - 102, 119, 145, 153, 172 |
Johnigan, Pauline - 50 |
Johnigan, Veronica (Mrs.) - 56 |
Johnnie's Pretty Hair - 196 |
Johnson City, Tennessee - 178 |
Johnson Prairie School - 39 |
Johnson, Adelle D. - 10 |
Johnson, Alston J. - 122 |
Johnson, Alvin - 204 |
Johnson, Amanda - 45 |
Johnson, Betty - 39 |
Johnson, Beulah Mae - 158 |
Johnson, Beverly Waddleton (Dr.) - 122 |
Johnson, Bobbie Wade - 258 |
Johnson, Bobbie Wade (Mrs.) - 66 |
Johnson, Booker T., Sr. - 119 |
Johnson, Brenda - 65 |
Johnson, Charles Edward - 57 |
Johnson, Claude - 45 |
Johnson, Dorothy Henderson - 20 |
Johnson, Dorothy Mae Henderson - 21, 329 |
Johnson, Dorothy Nell - 94 |
Johnson, Effie M. - 208 |
Johnson, Evelyn - 186 |
Johnson, Evelyn - 51 |
Johnson, Floyd - 22 |
Johnson, Gladys - 101, 102 |
Johnson, Gladys A. (Mrs.) - 28 |
Johnson, Ike - 54, 229 |
Johnson, Jasper L. - 337 |
Johnson, John F. - 78, 120 |
Johnson, John F. (Dr.) - 76, 225, 323 |
Johnson, John Wesley - 51 |
Johnson, Judy - 185 |
Johnson, L. J. - 45 |
Johnson, L. T. - 347 |
Johnson, La Verne - 56 |
Johnson, LaQuita S. - 122 |
Johnson, Lectoy - 268 |
Johnson, Lectoy T. - 65 |
Johnson, Lorene - 195 |
Johnson, Luretia - 96 |
Johnson, Marcellus - 35, 348 |
Johnson, Margie - 51 |
Johnson, Martha - 42 |
Johnson, Mary L. - 151 |
Johnson, Molly - 46 |
Johnson, Nealson - 96 |
Johnson, Pauline - 119 |
Johnson, Robert - 176 |
Johnson, Rodney A. - 122 |
Johnson, Sherman M. - 66 |
Johnson, Travers J. - 122 |
Johnson, Trullie - 41 |
Johnson, Vernon - 24, 49, 212, 316 |
Johnson, Willie - 266 |
Johnson, Willie Neal - 334 |
Johnson, Willie Neal, Sr. - 96 |
Jones - 308 |
Jones Valley Community - 76, 87, 191 |
Jones Valley Community Church of God in Christ - 55, 56 |
Jones, Bernice - 20 |
Jones, Betty Delley - 83 |
Jones, Billy Ray - 189 |
Jones, C. J. (Supt.) - 86 |
Jones, Charity (Mrs.) - 171 |
Jones, Demetra Hicks - 130 |
Jones, Elmo - 117 |
Jones, Freddie, Sr. - 189 |
Jones, Ida Mae - 138 |
Jones, Isaiah - 91 |
Jones, J. M. W. - 138 |
Jones, Jim - 170, 221 |
Jones, Joe - 66 |
Jones, John Paul (Dr) - 137, 138 |
Jones, Johnny M. (Ph.D.) - 112 |
Jones, Johnny M. (Presentations) - 114, 115 |
Jones, Johnny M. (Publications) - 113, 114 |
Jones, Johnnye M. (Dr.) - 323 |
Jones, Joseph - 122 |
Jones, Lillie B. - 24 |
Jones, Lillie Bell - 256 |
Jones, Linda - 34 |
Jones, Linda Sanders - 33 |
Jones, Lucille Browning - 189 |
Jones, Mary - 96 |
Jones, Minnie Marie - 336 |
Jones, Nollie V. - 108 |
Jones, Nollie V. Dean - 102 |
Jones, Rhoda Marie - 138 |
Jones, Sam - 316 |
Jones, Tuwanda Hood - 41 |
Jones, Wheeler - 54, 233 |
Jones, Willie - 316 |
Jones, Willie Hugh - 49 |
Jordan, Hattie - 82 |
Jordan, Hillary - 82 |
Jordan, Hillary Louis (Mr.) - 196 |
Jordan, Hillary Louis (Mrs.) - 196 |
Jordan, Ruth Bernice - 82 |
Jordan, Willie Mae (Miss) - 196 |
Joseph, Cynthia - 199 |
Julia Dews Temple Church of God in Christ - 63, 66 |
Juneteenth Celebration - 95 |
Just To Be Alive - 92 |
Juvenile Detention Center - 40 |
K. Wolens - 281 |
K. Wolen's Department Store - 20, 21 |
KADO F.M. - 135 |
Kalamazoo, Michigan - 147 |
Kambarami, Yoland - 119 |
Kansas City, Missouri - 79, 83 |
Kansas State University - 116 |
Kansas, Olathe - 96 |
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity - 148, 155 |
Kappa Delta Pi Honorary Society - 129 |
Kappe Delta Pi - 138 |
Karnack ISD - 143 |
Kaufman County, Texas - 83 |
KBLZ (The Blaze) - 95 |
Kean, Tommy "Tom" - 212 |
KEEE A.M. (radio) - 135 |
Kelley Springfield Retiree's Club - 61 |
Kelley, Fannie - 190 |
Kelley, Willie Mae - 65 |
Kelly Springfield - 41, 158, 209, 317 |
Kelly Springfield Tire Company - 48, 61 |
KellySpringfield/Goodyear - 63 |
Kelly, Carrie - 46 |
Kelly-Springfield - 10 |
Kelly-Springfield Tire Co. - 60 |
Kelly-Springfield Tire Company - 29, 57, 58 |
Kemp, Ethel - 238 |
Kemp, Ida Bell - 207 |
Kemp, Johney Ester - 27 |
Kennedy, Dessie M. - 311 |
Kennedy, Leon, Jr. - 119 |
Kennedy, Leon, Sr. - 119 |
Kennedy, Paula - 119 |
Kennedy, Vernon Prince - 11 |
Kenney, Eurine Rena - 191 |
Kenney, Isaiah - 183 |
Kenney, Vernon (Mrs.) - 146 |
Kent, Gary - 317 |
Kerens Public Schools - 31 |
Kerens, Texas - 31, 33, 148 |
Key, Dan R. - 156 |
Keynotes, The - 96 |
Kibble, (Elder) - 153 |
Kidd, Eli - 316 |
Kilgore Church of God in Christ - 87 |
Kilgore Colored High School - 130 |
Kilgore High School - 127 |
Kilgore, Texas - 33, 39, 79, 87, 130, 143, 145, 198 |
Kimbrough, Bettye Bradley - 111, 291 |
Kimbrough, Jackie - 111 |
Kimbrough, James - 260 |
Kimbrough, James D. - 111 |
King Chevrolet - 21, 31, 285 |
King Family - 285 |
King, Danita - 94 |
King, Ed (Rev.) - 137 |
King, Helen Marie (Mrs.) - 127 |
King, Henry - 31 |
King, Jack, Jr. - 31 |
King, Jack, Sr. - 31 |
King, Lizzie Elizabeth Cameron - 127 |
King, Mabel Evelyn - 119, 297 |
King, Martin Luther, Jr., Achievement Award - 113 |
King, W. (Walter) Faye - 185 |
Kingsville, Texas - 104 |
Kirkland, Cleo - 53 |
Kirklikng, Roy - 206 |
Kirkling, Bobbie - 206 |
Kirkling, Brenda - 206 |
Kirkling, Bryan - 206 |
Kirkling, Leroy Junior - 342 |
Kirkling, Leroy, Jr. - 206 |
Kirkling, Leroy, Sr. - 206 |
Kissam, Lillian Josephine Tyler - 102 |
KISX - 95 |
KLTV-Channel 7 - 141 |
Koontz, Elizabeth D. (Mrs.) - 76 |
Korean Conflict - 55 |
Korean War - 40, 73, 96, 210 |
Kssam, W. L., Sr. - 102, 103 |
Kyle, Cassida Lashelle - 207 |
Kyle, James Hortor - 207 |
Kyle, Jane Rene - 207 |
Kyle, Rose Ella - 207 |
KZEY - 94, 115, 191 |
La Gloria Oil and Gas Co. - 326 |
La Gloria Oil and Gas Company - 74 |
labor force - 14 |
Lacy Kirk Williams Institute - 154 |
Lacy, Brenda Joyce - 195 |
Lacy, Clarence - 309 |
Lacy, Dock - 195 |
Lacy, Elizabeth Juliene - 195 |
Lacy, Evelyn - 195 |
Lacy, Helen - 156 |
Lacy, J. W. - 195 245 |
Lacy, Julia Rhone - 195 |
Lacy, Lindsay Keith - 195, 196 |
Lacy, Sharon - 58 |
Lacy, Versia Lindsay (Dr.) - 196 |
Lake Charles, La. - 166 |
Lake Donnywood Lake - 171 |
Lake Ellsinore, CA. - 60 |
Lakewood, California - 66 |
Lamar County, Texas - 172 |
Lampkin, Dora - 160 |
Land, B., Sr. (Rev.) - 343 |
Land, Bobby G., Sr. (Reverend) - 83 |
Land, Bobby, Sr. (Rev.) - 10 |
Land, Don L. - 46 |
Land, Esther - 41 |
Land, Freddy - 83 |
Land, Loriece - 23 |
Land, Tinnie Morrison - 83 |
Landers, Lamisa - 331 |
Landers, Lamisa A. - 27 |
Lane Chapel CME Church - 45 |
Lane, Con L. - 46 |
Lane, Kermit "K. W." - 46 |
Lane, Mary - 46 |
Lanes Chapel Elementary School - 146 |
Laneville Community - 44, 47 |
Langley, Hanson - 77 |
Langley, Hanson "George" - 77 |
Langley, Ozell - 65 |
Langston University - 82, 151 |
Langston, Oklahoma - 151, 152 |
Langston, Verna - 208 |
Laris, Charlene - 27 |
Lary, Thomas - 310 |
Late In The Evening - 92 |
Lawrence, Hill - 172 |
Lawson, Jean - 164 |
Lawson, Leta J. - 43 |
Lawson, Nettie Sadberry - 147 |
Lawson, Sushel - 147 |
Leach, Jeneva - 39 |
League of Women Voters - 115, 125, 205 |
Leavers, Anne Lee - 134 |
Lee Spring School - 102, 105 |
Lee, B. R. (Elder) - 56 |
Lee, Benjamin - 29 |
Lee, Charles R. - 108 |
Lee, Charlsye - 109 |
Lee, Curtis - 58 |
Lee, Curtis, Sr. - 318 |
Lee, Elijah - 338 |
Lee, Elijah (Rev.) - 28 |
Lee, Elijah Elwood (Rev.) - 28 |
Lee, Jackie - 29 |
Lee, John - 29, 176 |
Lee, John Walter - 28 |
Lee, Margie - 186 |
Lee, Randle - 76 |
Lee, Ritha - 76 |
Lee, S. D. (Bishop) - 83 |
Lee, S. D. (Superintendent) - 82 |
Lee, Tommy - 29 |
Lee, Willie - 20, 24 |
Leigh, Texas - 137 |
Lemons, Robert - 76 |
Leonard, Maggie (Mrs.) - 148 |
Leon's - 33, 283 |
Leon's Fashions - 20 |
Letourneau University - 83 |
Leverett Chapel School - 99 |
Leverett, Arthur, Jewelers - 20 |
Leverett, Larry - 228 |
Lewis, (Brother) - 86 |
Lewis, Eleanor - 72 |
Lewis, Lolie Jean - 63 |
Lewis, Raymond Von - 153 |
Lewis, Thorndyke - 76 |
Liberty Baptist Church - 45, 72, 85, 194, 208 |
Liberty Missionary Baptist Church - 47, 50, 59 |
Liberty Winona Baptist Church - 164 |
Library Board (Tyler) - 111 |
Liggins, Ella Jo - 43, 66 |
Lil Shot - 91 |
Lilly Foundation Outstanding Teacher Award - 121 |
Lilly, Bob - 54, 228 |
Lilly, James T. - 163 |
Lincoln Institute School of Business - 40 |
Lindale Church of God in Christ - 28 |
Lindale ISD - 99, 103, 151 |
Lindale, Texas - 28, 40, 48, 150, 151, 160 |
Lindsay, Versia (Miss) - 195 |
Lindsey, Dorothy - 56 |
Lindsey, Sam A. - 26 |
Links, Inc. - 115 |
Lipscomb, Joycie - 11 |
Little Zion Baptist Church - 51, 71, 85, 126 |
Littlefield, Elizabeth - 27, 29, 331 |
Littlejohn, Bobbie Jean - 207 |
Live In Atlanta - 93 |
Living Legend Award - 127 |
Lizzie - 175 |
Lloyd, Jim - 310 |
Lockney, Texas - 199 |
Logan, Bernice Cornelia Branch - 116 |
Logan, James - 207 |
Lollar, Essie - 33 |
Lollar, Mae Dell - 20, 33, 283 |
Lollar, Maedell - 10 |
Lollar, Roosevelt - 33 |
London Shop of Tyler - 32 |
London, Catherine - 143 |
London, Frank (Mr.) - 33 |
London, Frank (Mrs.) - 33 |
London, John H. - 33 |
London, Pamela - 70 |
Long Beach, CA - 41, 43 |
Long, Sam - 350 |
Longview Museum of Art - 127 |
Longview, Texas - 43, 59, 63, 69, 83, 138, 154 |
Loomis, Richard - 10 |
Los Angeles County Hospital - 146 |
Los Angeles, Calif. - 41, 79, 83, 95, 107, 111, 130, 144, 146, 160, 198, 206 |
Lott, Texas - 81 |
Louis, Jerry - 163 |
Louisiana State University - 128 |
Louisiana, Baton Rouge - 84 |
Louisiana, Desota Parish - 126 |
Louisiana, Grambling - 148 |
Louisiana, Lake Charles - 166 |
Louisiana, Norwood - 45 |
Louisiana, Ruston - 83, 154 |
Louisiana, Shreveport - 199 |
Louisiana, Shreveport - 67 |
Love Against Hate - 16 |
Love Chapel Church of God in Christ - 83 |
Love, Gertrude - 196 |
Love, Johnnie R. - 196 |
Love, Juanita - 107 |
Love, Kenneth - 196 |
Love, Nealie - 20, 22, 23, 227, 283 |
Love, O. T. - 196 |
Lubbock, Texas - 118 |
Lufkin, Texas - 159, 164 |
Lyles, Joe - 348 |
Lynch, Alberta - 48 |
Lynch, Jimmy - 48 |
Lynch, Sam - 48 |
Lynn Spring public school - 49 |
Lyons, Bernice Hughes (Mrs.) - 194 |
Lyons, Bruce E. - 74 |
Lyons, Robert - 194 |
Mabank COGIC - 79 |
Macedonia Baptist Church - 66, 118, 181 |
Macedonia COGIC - 79 |
Mackey, Jackie - 34 |
Mackey, Robert - 315 |
Madam C. J. Walker College of Cosmetology - 116 |
Madam Sweat's Beauty School - 195 |
Madison, James - 35, 346 |
Madison, Wisconsin - 100, 104, 106 |
Madlock, D. (Rev.) - 344 |
Madlock, Denise - 167 |
Madlock, Laverne Reese - 124, 296 |
Madlock, P. E. (Dr.) - 124, 271 |
magna cum laude - 131, 140 |
Mahomes, Travis - 349 |
Malaco Records - 92, 97 |
Malakoff High School - 119 |
Malakoff, Texas - 45, 119 |
Mallard, Carolyn - 41 |
Mallard, Marsha - 50 |
Malvern High School - 95 |
Malvern, Ark. - 95 |
Mamie G. Griffin Elementary School - 132 |
Mangram, John (Dr.) - 323 |
Mangram, John D. (Dr.) - 139 |
Mangram, John D., Minister's Institute - 139 |
Manhattans, The - 93 |
Manley, Clareese - 156 |
Manley, Rufus - 24 |
Manley, Ruth Ella - 69 |
Manning, Clemmie - 192, 193 |
March of Dimes - 147 |
Marks, Curtis M. (Coach) - 147, 148 |
Marks, J. J. (Mr.) - 148 |
Marks, J. J. (Mrs.) - 148 |
Marks, L. L. (Mrs.) - 148 |
Marks, Lucilla Lawson (Dr.) - 146, 147 |
Marsh Elementary School - 101 |
Marsh School - 118 |
Marsh, Catherine - 157 |
Marsh, W. B. - 211 |
Marshall public schools - 193 |
Marshall, Annette - 27 |
Marshall, Lorraine - 186 |
Marshall, Rachelle - 46 |
Marshall, Texas - 103, 104, 128, 154, 155, 167 |
Marshnor;s [sic] Cleaners - 72 |
Martin Luther King, Jr. Award - Back Cover |
Martin, Beaulah - 165 |
Martin, Bessie Marnez - 153 |
Martin, Henry Y. (Mr.) - 181 |
Martin, Henry Y. (Mrs.) - 181 |
Martin, Johnnie R. - 109 |
Martin, Lillie - 46 |
Martin, Raymond M. - 65 |
Martin, Sharon - 46 |
Martins Mill, Texas - 43 |
Mary Allen Seminar [Seminary?] - 99 |
Mary Memorial Church of God in Christ - 56 |
Mary V. Hat - 33 |
Maryland, Cumberland - 57 |
Mary's Memorial Church of God In Christ - 207 |
Mason - 44, 51, 63 |
Mason, 32 degree - 55, 165 |
Mason, 33rd degree - 182, 201 |
Mason, O. - 289 |
Mason, Orenthia (Rev.) - 324 |
Mason, R. D. - 165 |
Masonic Lodge - 63, 165 |
Masonic Lodge District III - 201 |
Masonic Lodge No. 306 - 164, 196 |
Masonic Lodge No. 41 - 196 |
Mason's Women Clothing - 20 |
Massenburge, Earnetine - 313 |
Mast, Sandra Nauls - 112 |
Master's Men's Shop - 20 |
Master's Will - 92 |
Mathis, Frinchell - 10 |
Mathis, Frinchell - 330 |
Matlock, Oscar - 314, 315 |
Matt Walker's Gospel Hour - 95 |
Maxon, Donald P. - 59 |
Maxon, Geraldine - 59 |
Maxon, Herbert L. - 78 |
Maxon, Raymond - 78 |
Maxon, Raymond L., Sr. - 59, 247 |
Maxon, Raymond, Jr. - 59 |
Maxon, Viola - 59 |
Maxon, Walter - 59 |
Maxson, Geraldine - 310 |
Mayer & Schmidt - 20, 22 |
Mayer & Schmidt (Dillard's) - 327 |
Mayer and Schmidt - 327 |
Mayer, Abraham - 22 |
Mayfield, Arlee - 96 |
Mayfield, Carl - 96 |
Mayfield, Carrie - 49, 357 |
Mayfield, Cecil Mae - 156 |
Mayfield, Charlie - 96 |
Mayfield, David - 316 |
Mayfield, Ederson - 96 |
Mayfield, Lobbria - 313 |
Mayfield, Mary Jones - 96 |
Mayfield, Rickie - 96 |
Mayfield, Sidney - 190 |
Mayfield, Tony - 96 |
Mayfield, William - 96 |
Mayfield, Willie E. - 96, 334 |
Mayflower, Texas - 79 |
Mayor's Task Force - 134 |
Mays, Bobbie (Mrs.) - 166, 199 |
McCallum Barber Shop - 188 |
McCann, Ed - 156, 250 |
McCelland, Van - 103 |
McCloud, Curtis - 309 |
McCloud, Ella - 46 |
McCormick, Zola - 208 |
McCoy, Al - 317 |
McCuin, Lee - 67 |
McCuin, Lugenie - 198 |
McCuin, Yvonne - 35 |
McCullough, Marilyn - 58 |
McDaniel, Jessie - 93 |
McDonald COGIC - 87 |
McDonald, Bettye - 20 |
McDonald, Bettye - 283 |
McDonald, Cheryl Caldwell - 55 |
McDonald, G. G. (Mrs.) - 171 |
McDonald, W. A. I. (Rev.) - 182 |
McDow, Henry - 63 |
McDow, Manie - 63 |
McDow, Margaret - 63 |
McDow, Paul L. - 63 |
McDuffie, Patsy Nauls - 112 |
McGee, Archie B. - 94, 96, 333 |
McGee, Archie Ray - 94 |
McGee, Broshel - 94 |
McGee, Danicia (Nicke) - 94 |
McGee, Danita King - 94 |
McGee, David Earl - 94 |
McGee, Ethel - 94 |
McGee, Harry - 43 |
McGee, Herman - 186 |
McGee, Herman Leon, Jr. - 186, 335 |
McGee, Jerry - 45 |
McGee, Katherine - 43 |
McGee, LaSonia - 94 |
McGee, LaWanda - 46 |
McGee, Leotha - 20 |
McGee, Morris - 181 |
McGee, Ocie - 186 |
McGee, Penny - 94 |
McGee, Polly K. - 77 |
McGee, Ralph - 96 |
McGee, Robert P. - 77 |
McGee, Roy - 94 |
McGee, Sandy - 94 |
McGee, Steve Lee - 94 |
McGowan, Larry - 96 |
McKellar, Billy J. - 152 |
McKellar, Cephus - 88, 89, 152, 273 |
McKellar, Crystal - 152 |
McKellar, Danny Carl - 43 |
McKellar, Garfield (Mr.) - 89 |
McKellar, Garfield (Mrs.) - 89 |
McKellar, Gerald - 43 |
McKellar, Gladys - 49, 310 |
McKellar, Gladys A. - 43 |
McKellar, Henry - 312 |
McKellar, Henry - 49 |
McKellar, L. T. - 35, 43, 347 |
McKellar, LaGail - 43 |
McKellar, Myrtle C. - 152 |
McKenna, E. P. - 75 |
McKenzie, Jessie Nell - 10 |
McKenzie, Joe J. - 29 |
McKenzie, John - 90 |
McKenzie, Oscar - 163 |
McKenzie, Oscar, Jr. - 78 |
McKinley school - 150 |
McKinney, Brendy JoyceLacy - 196 |
McKinney, Clyde Reynard - 196 |
McKinney, Laci Yvonne - 196 |
McKinney, Mary (Dr.) - 116 |
McKinney, Mary J. (Dr.) - 323 |
McMilan, Harrilyn - 311 |
McMillan, Florida Mae - 10 |
McMillian, Harry - 336 |
McMurrey Refining Company - 74 |
McMurrey, Marvin H. - 74 |
McMurrey, R. J. - 74 |
McNeel, Lillie - 54 |
McNeel, Tynus W. - 54 |
McNeil, Connie - 26 |
McNeill, J. E. (Mrs.) - 78 |
Meals on Wheels - 40, 50, 111, 164 |
Meany, George - 158 |
Medical Center - 182 |
Medical Center Hospital - 77, 181, 182 |
Medical Profession - 180 |
Meeks, LaWanda B. - 70 |
Meharry Medical College - 122, 182 |
Mel Haven Convalescent Home - 32 |
Mel Rose Nursing Home - 32 |
Melontree, Andrew R., Sr. - 270 |
Mel-Rose Nursing Home - 182 |
Melrose Nursing Home - 28, 183 |
Memphis, Tennessee - 180 |
Menninger, K. - 16 |
Mental Health and Mental Retardation - 116 |
Mental Health Association - 69 |
Merrick, Sherea V.Baxter - 205 |
Mesquite, Texas - 196 |
Metropolitan Baptist Church - 139 |
Metropolitan CME Church - 147 |
MHMR Board (Andrew Center) - 115 |
Michigan, Detroit - 91 |
Michigan, Kalamazoo - 147 |
Mid Wife - 327, 328 |
Middlebrook, Wendell - 34 |
Middlebrooks, Alfred - 20 |
Midwest City, Okla. - 112 |
Mighty Sons of Joy, The - 94 |
Mikel, Coriene Lizhon - 196 |
Mikel, Elizabeth Juliene Lacy - 196 |
Mikel, Lindsay Darcel - 196 |
Miles Chapel CME Church - 30, 72, 124, 125, 127, 143, 144, 147, 152, 182, 185, 193, 194, 201 |
Miller Glenn Edward - 40 |
Miller, Amanda - 49 |
Miller, Fannie M. - 50 |
Miller, Hiawatha - 20, 50, 286 |
Miller, Irma - 47 |
Miller, Irma Jean - 50 |
Miller, Joe - 165 |
Miller, Leala Davis - 40 |
Miller, Leora D. Porter - 241 |
Miller, Leora DeloisPorter - 194, 195 |
Miller, Mattie Mae - 96 |
Miller, Olee - 348 |
Miller, Olee "Sonny" - 40 |
Miller, Otto - 40 |
Miller, Sylvester, Sr. - 50 |
Miller, Thelma - 30 |
Miller, Victor Benard - 40 |
Millie Arps Court No.195 - 166 |
Mills, Alice - 19 |
Mills, JoAnn - 94 |
Mims, Fern (Miss) - 55 |
Mims, Mary Lee - 77 |
Mineola, Texas - 43, 45, 66, 140 |
Miner - 308 |
Miracle Temple Church - 79 |
Miss Juneteenth Event - 95 |
Missionary Baptist General Convention of Texas - 81 |
Mississippi State University - 142 |
Mississippi, Clarksdale - 142 |
Mississippi, Edwards - 178 |
Mississippi, Indianola - 155 |
Mississippi, Starksville - 143 |
Mississippi, Tougaloo - 139 |
Mississippi, Tyler Town - 41 |
Missouri Pacific Railroad - 72, 88 |
Missouri, Kansas City - 79, 83 |
Missouri, St. Louis - 21, 45 |
Mitchell, David - 338 |
Mitchell, George - 95 |
Mitchell, LaVetta - 77 |
Mitchell, Lera - 42 |
Mitchell, Leyo C. (Mrs.) - 20, 23 |
Mitchell, Linda - 42 |
Mobile, Ala. - 46 |
Model T Ford - 170 |
Modern Language Association - 138 |
Mogle, Danny - 10 |
Monroe, Thomas - 257 |
Monroe, Thomas W. - 24 |
Montgomery H. Bernard, Jr. (Rev.) - 111 |
Montgomery Ward - 23 |
Montgomery Ward mechanic - 192 |
Montgomery, Eloise V. - 109, 294 |
Montgomery, EloiseVivian - 110 |
Montgomery, Harold B., Sr. (Rev.) - 110 |
Montgomery, James Weldon - 111 |
Montgomery, Juan D. (Rev.) - 111 |
Monthly Labor Review - 14 |
Moody, Freddie R. - 294 |
Moody, Oville - 175 |
Moon, Edward T. - 144 |
Moon, Edward T. L., Jr. - 193 |
Moon, Edward T. L., Sr. - 193 |
Moon, Grace Pearl - 144, 239 |
Moon, Harlan - 144 |
Moon, Hester Chavers (Mrs.) - 193 |
Moon, Ozella, Sunday School - 143 |
Moond, Cedric R. - 144 |
Moon's Cleaners - 193 |
Moore, Amanda Miller - 49 |
Moore, Beverly - 58 |
Moore, Carnellus M. - 37 |
Moore, Cleveland - 207 |
Moore, Dalenika - 38 |
Moore, Edith (Mrs.) - 192, 193 |
Moore, Edward - 57, 355 |
Moore, Edward "Ed" Don - 61 |
Moore, Edward Charles - 207 |
Moore, Edward DeShun - 62 |
Moore, Elsie Mae (Miss) - 160 |
Moore, Eugene (Rev.) - 79 |
Moore, Evelyn David - 53 |
Moore, Florence - 20 |
Moore, Fred - 27 |
Moore, Genric - 38 |
Moore, Herman - 207 |
Moore, J. B. - 49 |
Moore, J. C. - 287 |
Moore, Jerry - 347 |
Moore, Jessie NellMcKenzie - 10 |
Moore, Joy W. (Mrs.) - 195 |
Moore, Lillian Jean - 62 |
Moore, Melvin Lawrence - 38 |
Moore, Plumber (Rev.) - 207 |
Moore, Robert - 53, 320 |
Moore, Ross - 49 |
Moore, Rossea - 49 |
Moore, Ruth - 197 |
Moore, Scott - 49 |
Moore, Sherry Dianne - 38 |
Morehouse College - 122 |
Morehouse College - 155 |
Morgan, Cleo - 130 |
Morgan, H. M. - 194 |
Morrie, Epmeliues (Mrs.) - 336 |
Morris, Epmeliues - 336 |
Moses, Mary (Miss) - 56 |
Mosley, Annie Bell - 167 |
Mosley, Armentha - 122 |
Mosley, Bishop 172 |
Mosley, Elzie - 57 |
Mosley, F. (Rev.) - 182 |
Mosley, Franklin - 122 |
Mosley, James Jim - 336 |
Mosley, L. B. - 51 |
Mosley, L. C. - 57 |
Mosley, Lemmie - 53 |
Mosley, Lessie - 31 |
Mosley, Lonell V., Sr. - 320 |
Mosley, Minnie - 314 |
Mosley, Minnie - 49 |
Mosley, Nola - 172 |
Mosley, Palmer - 49 |
Mosley, Palmer, Jr. - 320 |
Mosley, Stacy T., Sr. - 171, 172 |
Moss, Alonzo - 190, 191 |
Moss, Mattie - 191 |
Moss, Rose - 115 |
Moss, Sammie, Jr. - 191 |
Moten, Imogene - 144 |
Mother Frances Hospital - 78, 181, 182, 190 |
Mother Use Top Hold Me - 92 |
Mother Zion Baptist Church - 84 |
Mount Comfort CME Church - 143 |
Mount Elem Baptist Church - 71 |
Mount Hermon Baptist Church - 60 |
Mount Olive Baptist Church - 46 |
Mount Olive School - 102 |
Mount Rose Baptist Church - 32 |
Mount Selman - 45 |
Mount Zion CME Church - 41, 80 |
Mt. Elm Baptist Church - 85 |
Mt. Enterprise, Texas - 110, 144 |
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church - 51 |
Mt. Olive Baptist Church - 37, 81, 185, 197 |
Mt. Pleasant, Texas - 154, 191, 194 |
Mt. Vernon Baptist Church - 42 |
Mt. Vernon, Texas - 150 |
Mt. Zion #1 Baptist Church - 77 |
Mt. Zion CME Church - 45, 55, 60 |
Mt. Zion COGIC - 79 |
Mt. Zion Smith CountyUnion School - 99 |
Muckelroy, Damon - 130 |
Muckelroy, Danon - 129, 352 |
Muckelroy, Erby - 130 |
Muckelroy, Ernest - 129 |
Muckelroy, Willie McNeely - 129 |
Murdoch, Bob - 168 |
Murdock, Nathaniel - 103 |
Murphny, Audie Leon - 214 |
Murphy, Arline - 67 |
Murphy, Audie - 214 |
Murphy, Glenda D. (Pinke) - 27 |
Murphy, Idea - 35 |
Murphy, Leroy - 348 |
Murphy, Lola Belle - 156 |
Murphy, T. O. - 316 |
Murphy, Zephyrim - 348 |
Murray, W. F. - 211 |
Muse, Elsenia L. - 20, 24 |
Mutual of Omaha - 95 |
My Work Will be Done - 91 |
N. E. Williams Training School - 105 |
NAACP - 39, 63, 116, 130, 140, 191, 195 |
Nacogdoches High School - 100 |
Nacogdoches, Texas - 56, 65, 84, 100, 101, 120, 126, 135, 144, 145, 152 |
Naitonal Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development - 145AAA |
Nance, Ramona - 59 |
Naples, Texas - 194 |
NASA High School Science Competition - 113 |
NASA Space Craft Center - 159 |
Nashboro Records - 96 |
Nashville, Arkansas - 22 |
Nashville, Tennessee - 104, 122, 136, 182 |
Natchez College - 136 |
Nation community - 139 |
National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts and Science - 147 |
National Art Education Association - 127 |
National Association forDevelopmental Education - 117 |
National Association forFemale Executives - 117 |
National Association ofBiology Teachers - 121 |
National Association ofColored Women's Club - 115 |
National Association ofExtension Home Economist - 68, 69 |
National Association ofSecondary School Principals - 145 |
National Baptist Congress - 154 |
National Baptist Publishing House - 136 |
National Baptist Sunday School Literature - 136 |
National Coalition of100 Black Women - 147 |
National Council for Social Studies - 152 |
National Council of Negro Women - 124, 127 |
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics - 153 |
National Education Association - 118, 127, 130, 145 |
National Federation of Business and Professional Womens Clubs, Inc. - 205 |
National Homes - 185 |
National Junior Science Competition - 113 |
National Mattress Company - 33 |
National Medical Association - 182 |
National Negro Councilof Women - 117 |
National Science Foundation Faculty Fellowship - 124 |
National Science Teacher Association - 121 |
National Security Bankof Tyler - 197 |
National Technical Association - 113 |
National Top Lady of the Years - 141 |
National Urban League - 140 |
Nauls, Christopher - 112 |
Nauls, Flora - 10, 109 |
Nauls, Flora Dean - 111, 112, 294 |
Nauls, Lloyd - 112 |
Nauls, Lloyd V. - 109 |
Nauls, Patsy - 112 |
Nauls, Sanddra - 112 |
Nauls, Thomas - 112 |
NDEA English Institute Scholar - 143 |
NDEA French Institute Scholar - 143 |
Nebraska Wesleyan University - 117 |
Nebraska, Omaha - 46, 160 |
Neches area - 42 |
Neches River Bridge - 90 |
Neches, Texas - 210 |
Needs God's Love - 93 |
Negro Business and Professional Women - 129 |
Negro Disciples of Christ in Texas - 178 |
Negro Golf Association - 176 |
Negro Public Library - 65 |
Nelson - 310 |
Nelson, Brenda - 46 |
Nelson, Elry - 56 |
Nelson, Floyd Henry - 56 |
Nelson, Floyd, Sr. - 207 |
Nelson, Jimmy - 49 |
Nelson, Julian Whitmill - 65, 261 |
Nelson, Lee Ortri - 56, 230 |
Nelson, Mary J. - 83 |
Nelson, Mary Jane - 154 |
Nenney, William "Bill" - 176 |
New Baptist Evangelistic Church - 84, 154 |
New Bethel Baptist Church - 202 |
New Bethel Community - 166, 199 |
New Bethel School - 102 |
New Caanan Baptist Church - 39, 181, 182 |
New Chapel Baptist Church - 84 |
New Haven, Connecticut - 139 |
New Holland Baptist Church - 94, 136 |
New Home Baptist Church - 84 |
New Home Makers ofAmerica - 102 |
New Hope Baptist Church - 38, 84, 134, 146 |
New Hope Bullard Male Chorus, The - 94 |
New Hope CME Church - 45 |
New Hope Community - 38 |
New Hope Troup School - 164 |
New Jerusalem Baptist Church - 44, 59, 60, 69, 95 |
New Jerusalem COGIC - 79 |
New Life COGIC, The - 94 |
New Mexico State University - 85 |
New Mexico, Albuquerque - 85 |
New Mexico, Clovis - 85 |
New Mexico, Farmington - 85 |
New Mexico, Gallup - 85 |
New Mountain CME Church - 45 |
New Orleans Mardi Gras parade - 145 |
New Orleans, Louisiana - 5 |
New York Academy of Sciences - 113 |
New York City, New York - 180 |
New York School of Dentistry - 180 |
New York Store - 20, 21, 22, 282, 329 |
New York Store Fabric Center - 21 |
New York University - 102, 124 |
New York, New York - 102, 108 |
New Yorker, Oklahoma - 82 |
New Zion Baptist Church - 48, 134, 146, 157, 210 |
New Zion No. 1 Church - 34 |
New Zion Penecostal Church - 38 |
Newburn, Billy - 316 |
Newman, George B. - 57 |
Newman, Imogene - 45 |
N'Guessa, Betty McDonald - 10 |
Nichols, Solomon - 65, 67, 268 |
Nichols, Solomon M. - 67 |
Nimmons, Julius F. (Dr.) - 179 |
Nimmons, Julius, Jr. (Dr.) - 143 |
Nixon, Richard M. [President] - 205 |
Nobles, Alvin, Jr. - 144 |
Nobles, Alvin, Sr. - 144 |
Nobles, Annie - 10, 303 |
Nobles, Dikita - 38 |
Nobles, Don (Elder) - 144 |
Nobles, Effie Williams - 144 |
Nobles, Geraldine - 144 |
Nobles, Glenn - 144 |
Nobles, Keith - 303 |
Nobles, Kenneth - 303 |
Nobles, Kim - 303 |
Nobles, Kirk - 303 |
Nobles, Samuel - 144 |
Nobles, Willie (Reverend) - 144 |
Noonday, Texas - 207 |
Norman, Gwenette - 181 |
Norman, Johnny Lee - 347 |
Normandy, France - 34 |
North Carolina, Raleigh - 77 |
North Chapel Elementary - 145 |
North Chapel Hill High School - 145 |
North Star Baptist Church - 48, 55, 67, 81, 148, 181 |
North Star Missionary Baptist Church - 65, 151, 190, 210 |
North Tenneha Church of Christ - 40, 43, 207 |
North Texas State NDEA Institute - 118 |
North Texas State University - 98, 111, 117, 124, 130, 140, 141, 151, 154 |
North Tyler Child Development Center - 128, 129 |
North Tyler Day Nursery - 124 |
Northern California - 83 |
Northern Illinois University - Back Cover |
Northside Christian Church - 78 |
Northwestern University - 155 |
Norwood, Louisiana - 45 |
Nosley, Lemmie, Jr. - 230 |
Nursing - 330 |
O. J. Thomas School - 105 |
Oak Grove Church of Godin Christ - 87 |
Oakland, Calif. - 46, 199 |
O'Conner - 308 |
Oden, Willie, Corset Shop - 20 |
Offenbuttel, A. - 22 |
Ogden, Arkansas - 148 |
OGE Oldsmobile '69 - 280 |
Ohio, Akron - 142 |
Ohio, Cleveland - 156 |
Ohio, Springfield - 57 |
Ohio, Wilberforce - 182 |
Oklahoma Band Directors Association - 145 |
Oklahoma City, OK - 188 |
Oklahoma, Ardmore - 59 |
Oklahoma, Clearwater - 152 |
Oklahoma, Langston - 151, 152 |
Oklahoma, Midwest City - 112 |
Oklahoma, New Yorker - 82 |
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City - 188 |
Oklahoma, Okmulgee - 82, 145, 196 |
Okmulgee High School - 145 |
Olathe, Kan. - 96 |
Old Hampton & North Phoebus Community Center - 113 |
Old School Cruisers - 60 |
Old Stanton School - 146 |
Oliver Chapel School - 100 |
Oliver, Berta Watson - 47 |
Oliver, Clarence, Sr. - 47 |
Oliver, Floyd - 46 |
Oliver, George Nathan - 109 |
Oliver, Gloria J. - 192 |
Oliver, James J. - 24 |
Oliver, Joe E. - 240 |
Oliver, Joseph - 192 |
Oliver, Mae D. - 192 |
Oliver, Rosemary - 40 |
Oliver, William C. - 350 |
Oliver, William C. - 47 |
Omaha, Neb. - 46, 160 |
Omaha -Naples, Texas - 159 |
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity - 135, 149, 153 |
One Day With Jesus - 93 |
Order of the Eastern Sar - 147 |
Ore City, Texas - 193 |
Organization of Men - 201 |
Organizaton of Professional Women Development - 143 |
Orr Elementary School - 101 |
Orr School - 118 |
Oustanding Senior Tylerite Award - Back Cover |
Outstanding Black Educators of America - 130 |
Outstanding Educator of America - 129 |
Outstanding Educators of America - 130 |
Outstanding Woman Award - 127 |
Outstanding Woman in High Education - 143 |
Overcomers Support Group - 40 |
Overstreet, Darlene (Mrs.) - 84 |
Overstreet, H. (Rev.) - 344 |
Overstreet, Harlon J. (Reverend) - 84 |
Overstreet, Ivey Elizabeth Ashley - 84 |
Overstreet, John Bill - 84 |
Overton Public School - 196 |
Overton, Texas - 66, 93, 143, 161, 196, 205, 208 |
Owens, Dottie Mae - 189 |
Owens, Ollie Mae - 209 |
Owens, Willie - 74 |
Ozella Moon Sunday School - 143 |
Pacific School of Religion - 139 |
Paige, Carolyn - 61 |
Palestine Bowen District Association - 81 |
Palestine, Texas - 81, 84, 86, 87, 102 |
Pallenic Council of Sororities - 127 |
Palm Springs, California - 83 |
Palmer, V. O. (Mrs.) - 104 |
Panola County, Texas - 63, 66, 125, 146 |
Panta, Texas - 194 |
Panther City Lodge 159 - 208 |
Paramore, James W. - 162 |
Paris News - 172 |
Paris, Texas - 148 |
Park Forest, Illinois - 72 |
Park High School - 148 |
Parks, Eloyd - 176 |
Parks, Gary - 45 |
Parks, Iris F. - 208 |
Parks, James - 45 |
Parks, Willie - 176 |
Parkway Garden Presbyterian Church - 180 |
Parnell, George - 20, 21 |
Parnell, Joyce - 21 |
PATH - 40, 61, 154 |
Patton, D. V. (Reverend) - 80 |
Patton, Mitchell (Dr.) - 123 |
Paul Pewitt ISD - 159 |
Paul Quinn College - 102, 103, 124, 172 |
Paul Records - 93 |
Paula Records - 93 |
Payne (company) - 156 |
Payton, Reginald - 142 |
Peete Elementary School - 136 |
Peevy, Debra Spencer - 47 |
Peevy, J. T. - 315 |
Peltier Chevrolet - 31 |
Pemberton, Brent - 185 |
Pendleton, Dorothy B. - 109 |
Pendleton, John F. - 78 |
Pennsylvania, Allentown - 182 |
Pennsylvania, Greensburg - 141 |
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia - 139 |
Penny's - 20 |
People Get Ready - 92 |
Peoples Bank Barber Shop - 26, 27, 188 |
People's Barber Shop - 196 |
Peoples Guaranty State Bank - 26 |
Peoples National Bank - 20, 27 |
Peoples National Bank Building - 331 |
Peoples State Bank - 26 |
Pepperdine College - 107 |
Percy Everhart Janitorial Service - 28 |
Perkins, Albert - 167 |
Perkins, Aldophies - 167 |
Perkins, Bervin - 167 |
Perkins, Freddy - 167 |
Perkins, Jonathan - 167 |
Perkins, Jonetha - 167 |
Perkins, Martha - 167 |
Perkins, Teddy - 167 |
Perpener, James Oliver, Jr. (Dr.) - 178 |
Perry, Ella Faye - 109, 292 |
Perry, Ella Faye Cooper - 118 |
Perry, Robert L. "Bob" - 77 |
Perry, Undine - 150 |
Perry, Will - 150 |
Person, Oswell (Dr.) - 324 |
Petersburg, Virginia - 17, 100 |
Petlier, Robert - 31 |
Petroleum Building, The - 30 |
Petroleum Center - 30 |
Petroleum Club - 31, 78 |
Pettigrew, Addie - 64 |
Pettigrew, Alecia - 186 |
Pettigrew, Angela - 64 |
Pettigrew, Delois - 49, 212, 311 |
Pettigrew, Emmett - 320 |
Pettigrew, Emmett, Sr. - 63 |
Pettigrew, Emmitt, Jr. - 64 |
Pettigrew, Jesse - 186, 383 |
Pettigrew, Jesse "Doc" - 28 |
Pettigrew, Leslie - 64 |
Pettigrew, Robert - 72 |
Pettigrew, Roosevelt, Sr. - 262 |
Pettigrew, Sheila - 24 |
Petty, Georgia Price - 20, 342 |
Phelps, Burnett - 176 |
Phi Beta Lambda - 205 |
Phi Beta Sigma Educational Foundation - 140 |
Phi Delta Kappa - 127, 130, 134 |
Phi Delta Kappa Honor Society - 138 |
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - 139 |
Philips, Mattie (Mother) - 82 |
Phillip Randolph Institute - 62 |
Phyllis Wheatley High School - 103, 115 |
Pi Lambda Beta Theta National Honor Society - 152 |
Pickett, Wilson - 91 |
Pickle, E. D., Barber Shop - 188 |
Piedmont Schools - 46 |
Pierce, Arline Murphy - 67 |
Pierce, C. P. "Pete" - 67 |
Pierce, Curl - 67 |
Pierce, Ellen (Mrs.) - 150 |
Pierce, Florence - 67 |
Pierce, Frederick (Elder) - 51 |
Pierce, Lakeythra - 94 |
Pierce, Lloyd - 51 |
Pierce, Louis "Junior", Jr. - 212, 313 |
Pierce, Louis, Jr. - 51 |
Pierce-Moss Funeral Home - 191 |
Pine Bluff, Arkansas - 163, 198 |
Pine Community - 50 |
Pine Flat Community - 126 |
Pine public schools - 50 |
Pinke, Glenda D. - 27 |
Pinke, Jimmy - 63, 319 |
Pinke, Leroy - 63 |
Pinke, Obelia Mobley - 63 |
Pinke, Robert - 63 |
Pinke, William - 63 |
Pinton, Bertha Mae - 156 |
Pioneer Hall of Fame, Jarvis Christian College - 141 |
Piper Professor Nomnee - 121 |
Pitts, Aubrey - 165 |
Pitts, Diana - 165 |
Pitts, Eric - 165 |
Pitts, Howard - 165 |
Pitts, James R. - 274 |
Pitts, James Roosevelt - 88, 165, 274 |
Pitts, Llanna - 165 |
Pitts, Mamie - 274 |
Pitts, Selena - 165 |
Pittsburg ISD Board of Trustees - 116 |
Pittsburg, Texas - 38, 39, 116, 139 |
Plano, Texas - 43, 192 |
Pleasant Green Baptist Church - 85, 154 |
Pleasant Grove Community - 32 |
Pleasant Hill Baptist Church - 89, 138, 198 |
Pleasant Ridge Elementary School - 137 |
Poe, Willie Jeremane - 37 |
Point, Texas - 104 |
Police-Community Relations Committee - 118 |
Polk Bertha (Mother) - 147 |
Polk, Annie Bell - 31 |
Polk, Veronica - 71 |
Ponder, Texas - 208 |
Pontchartrain Park - 174 |
Ponte, Texas - 207 |
Port Lavaca, Texas - 194 |
Porter, Barbara Criss (Mrs.) - 137 |
Porter, Ciscero - 195 |
Porter, Jessica - 157 |
Porter, Jessie Lee, Sr. - 157, 251 |
Porter, Jessie, Jr. - 157 |
Porter, Preston - 157 |
Porter, William "Pete" - 21 |
Portraits of East Texas - Proud of East Texas - 141 |
Post Oak Elementary - 145 |
Potentate of the Shriners - 201 |
Pounds, A. W. "Abe" - 29 |
Pounds, W. A. - 25 |
Pounds, W. Abe, Jr. - 24 |
Powderly School - 172 |
Powell, J. S. - 211 |
Powell, Johnnie Mae - 89, 198 |
Prairie Creek CME Church - 45, 73 |
Prairie Creek School - 42, 73 |
Prairie View A&M - 84 |
Prairie View A&M College - 80, 98, 99, 100, 103, 106, 135, 148, 149, 151, 193 |
Prairie View A&M University - 60, 69, 103, 107, 111, 112, 115, 118, 125, 130, 134, 137, 143, 146, 147, 150, 172, 201 |
Prairie View College - 102, 104, 105, 117, 172 |
Prairie View State Normal and Industrial College - 150 |
Prairie View State University - 104 |
Prairie View University - 124 |
Praise Him - 93 |
Pratt Jewelers - 20 |
Prayer House, The - 196 |
Pre-Natal Clinic - 182 |
Presenting the Fantastic Violinaires - 92 |
President Hoover (rose) - 184 |
Presley, Audrey C. - 94, 333 |
Presley, Beaulah - 94 |
Pressley, J. W. (Rev.) - 271 |
Preston, Lucy - 164 |
Price, Ella - 24, 255 |
Price, Georgia (Petty) - 29 |
Pride of Tyler, The - 153 |
Prince Hall Mason P.H.A. - 201 |
Prince, Allison - 183 |
Prince, Susan Green (Mrs.) - 183 |
Printers, Ferrell - 77 |
Printers, Richmond - 77 |
Proctor, Venorise - 77 |
Progressive Baptist Church - 208 |
Progressive Missionary Baptist Church - 72 |
Prominence Records - 93 |
Promised Land CME Church - 45 |
Pruitt, Evie Starr - 143, 293 |
Pruitt, Hattie - 193 |
Pruitt, Ike "Son" - 193 |
Pruitt, Jim - 193 |
Pruitt, John W. - 143 |
Pruitt's Bar-B-Q - 193 |
Pryor, B. J. - 220 |
Pryor, Bernice Newman Starling - 60 |
Pryor, Claude D. - 74 |
Pryor, Ida - 295 |
Pugh, Mamie Odell - 165 |
Purvey, Ellen Jean - 210 |
Quitman Library Board - 121 |
Quitman School Community Organization - 121 |
Quitman United FundAdvisory Committee - 121 |
R. L. Davis Manufacturing Co - 201 |
Race to Save Black History - 6 |
Radford, Louise (Mrs.) - 165 |
Radiance (rose) - 184 |
railroad engineer - 19 |
Railroads, emergence - 19 |
Rains County ISD - 104 |
Raleigh, North Carolina - 77 |
Ramey, Tom B., Sr. - 211 |
Rammblops - 111 |
Ramsour, Mae Ellen - 40 |
Randall, Carolyn - 46 |
Randle, Albert - 10 |
Randle, Albert "Smitty" - 75 |
Randle, Albert S. - 223 |
Randle, Dorothy - 27 |
Randle, Zula - 135 |
Randolph, A. Phillip, Institute - 158 |
Randolph, Phillip, Institute - 62, 63 |
Ransom, Ethel, Club - 147 |
Ray, Henry "Wolf" - 35, 345 |
Record, Alvin Joe - 60 |
Record, George - 60 |
Record, Johnny Larue - 60 |
Record, Mamie Waters - 60 |
Record, Mayilyn - 60 |
Record, Newt - 60 |
Record, Willie George - 60 |
Redland Community - 45, 52, 80 |
Redland High School - 80, 150 |
Redland Public School - 52 |
Redland Schools - 60 |
Redwine, Flenell - 57, 319 |
Reece, Arnella Irving (Mrs.) - 194 |
Reece, Frank - 194 |
Reece, Frank, Grocery - 194 |
Reed, Lawson (Rev.) - 126 |
Regan, John E. - 23 |
Regan's - 20, 23, 227, 283 |
Regan's Women's Clothing Store - 23 |
Regions Bank - 23, 24 |
Regions Financial Corp - 24 |
Register, T. R. - 271 |
Reid, Ella, Public Library - 150 |
Religious Workers - 339, 343 |
Republic Bank Corporation - 29 |
RepublicBank Tyler - 29 |
Retired Teachers Association - 112, 115, 149 |
Rettig, Eernestine - 130 |
Reynolds, Rick - 95 |
Rhein, Helen Louise - 54 |
Rhineland, Germany - 34 |
Rice Elementary School - 98 |
Richard, Bobbye - 308 |
Richards, Ann (Governor) - 145 |
Richards, George - 176 |
Richards, Keith - 92 |
Richardson, Katie Mae (Miss) - 155 |
Rider, Andrew Lee - 165 |
Rider, Jesse E. - 20 |
Rider, Jessie - 295 |
Rider, Veretta - 302 |
Rider, Veretta S. - 10 |
Rider, Veretta Sanford - 109 |
Riggins, Eva - 69 |
Riggins, Solomon - 69 |
Ritherson, Patricia - 44 |
Rivers, Maurice - 164 |
Roberson, Arlisa Smith - 144 |
Roberson, Callie Wooten - 37 |
Roberson, Deidre - 160 |
Roberson, Fairest - 37 |
Roberson, Rufus W. - 24 |
Roberson, Shirley - 37 |
Roberson, Uris, Jr. - 37 |
Roberson, Uris, Sr. - 37, 349 |
Roberson, Willie - 37 |
Robert E. Lee Booster Club - 172 |
Robert E. Lee High School - 104, 105, 106, 149 |
Roberts, Dorothy - 58 |
Roberts, Nadine De'Lois - 330 |
Roberts, Willie - 163 |
Robertson, Alvera - 80 |
Robertson, Bud - 79 |
Robertson, L. (Supt.) - 339 |
Robertson, Lonel (Supt.) - 79 |
Robertson, Maggie - 79 |
Robinson, Burl "BlackDiamond", Sr. - 66 |
Robinson, Burl, Sr. - 259 |
Robinson, Clarence - 176 |
Robinson, Hardy Lee, Sr. - 46, 345 |
Robinson, Helen Caldwell - 66 |
Robinson, Joanna - 66 |
Robinson, Levada - 34 |
Robinson, Louisa - 46 |
Robinson, Myrtle - 109 |
Robinson, Pink - 66 |
Robinson, Ruth - 54, 232 |
Robinson, Sam - 263 |
Robinson, Stella - 65, 267 |
Robinson, Willie - 46 |
Rock Hill Baptist Church - 180 |
Rodgers, Ordean E. - 109 |
Rodgers, Purvin - 109 |
Rolling Stones - 92 |
Rollins, Lola - 10 |
Rollins, Lola B. - 46 |
Roosth/Genecov - 210 |
Rose Bud Civitans - 111 |
Rose Capital of the World - 184 |
Rose City Association of the Blind - 63 |
Rose City Civitan - 55 |
rose fields - 42 |
Rose Garden Bluebonnet Room - 180 |
Rose Growers - 335 |
Rose Growers from Spring Creek - 185 |
Rose Industry - 184 |
Rose Netta Hospital - 146 |
Rose Stadium - 168 |
Rose, Elyus - 49, 311 |
Rose, Faye H. - 104 |
Rose, Robert - 41 |
Rosedale COGIC - 79 |
Ross Shoe Shop - 197 |
Ross, Austin - 196 |
Ross, Bobbie - 35 |
Ross, Burnice - 94 |
Ross, Carl - 122 |
Ross, Chemica - 186 |
Ross, Elmer "Maude" - 77 |
Ross, Elnita - 160 |
Ross, Helen Lorraine - 119 |
Ross, Lizzie S. - 104 |
Ross, Lizzie Seals - 124, 297 |
Ross, Lou Dean Ella - 30 |
Ross, Louella - 30 |
Ross, Mabel Evelyn King - 119, 297 |
Ross, Macky R. - 20, 29 |
Ross, Macky Ray - 30, 342 |
Ross, Polly - 196 |
Ross, Robert - 30 |
Ross, Sandy McGee - 94 |
Ross, Virgil - 196 |
Ross, William McKinley - 119 |
Ross, Willie - 20 |
Roxton, Texas - 172 |
Roy, Ada - 202 |
Roy, Addie Mae - 137, 149, 290 |
Roy, Alvern - 50 |
Roy, Billy - 50 |
Roy, Dessie Kennedy - 49, 50 |
Roy, Dessie M. Kennedy - 311 |
Roy, Johnny - 50 |
Roy, Lola - 46 |
Roy, Margie Nell - 33 |
Roy, Ruby - 156 |
Roy, Walter - 137 |
Roy, Walter - 137, 149 |
Royal Hope Lodge No. 336- 152 |
Runnels Chapel CME Church - 96 |
Running Springs Baptist Church - 42 |
Rusk Concerned Citizens Organization - 113 |
Rusk County - 61 |
Rusk County, Texas - 44, 126, 143, 144 |
Rusk, Texas - 151, 152 |
Russell, Alice Davis - 53 |
Russell, Jerry - 122 |
Rustin, Bayard - 158 |
Ruston, Louisiana - 83, 154 |
Sadberry, Nettie - 147 |
Safeway - 53 |
Safeway Store - 335 |
Safeway Stores, Inc. - 187 |
Saint Louis Community - 135 |
Saint Louis Junior High School - 37 |
Saint Louis School - 102 |
Saint Paul High School - 41 |
Sam and Dave - 93 |
Samples, Cynthia Michelle - 146 |
Samples, John C., Jr. - 146 |
Samples, John Charles - 145 |
Samples, Reginald Grant - 146 |
Samples, Terri Marie - 146 |
San Angelo, Texas - 130, 208 |
San Antonio, Texas - 115 |
San Antonio, Texas - 80, 81 |
San Augustine ISD - 121 |
San Diego University - 63 |
San Diego, California - 83 |
San Francisco, California - 139 |
Sand Flat Baptist Church - 39 |
Sand Hill Community - 126 |
Sand Hill schools - 188 |
Sanders, Carrie (Mrs.) - 56 |
Sanders, Cordelia - 33 |
Sanders, Donald - 318 |
Sanders, Donald - 57 |
Sanders, Evie - 63 |
Sanders, Felder - 281 |
Sanders, Felder - 33 |
Sanders, Felder III - 33 |
Sanders, Felder, Jr. - 33 |
Sanders, Geneva - 33 |
Sanders, Henry - 65, 259 |
Sanders, Katherine - 33 |
Sanders, Kay - 61 |
Sanders, Ralph - 33 |
Sanders, Retha Spigner - 329 |
Sanders, Tom - 33 |
Sanders, Vickie - 59 |
Sanders, Walter - 316 |
Sandflat Baptist Church - 66 |
Sandflat CME Church - 45 |
Sanford, Karen - 65 |
Santa Anna, California - 147 |
Sash, Carl - 186 |
Sash, Emma Sanford - 186 |
Sash, Essie Lee - 35 |
Sayers, Joseph (Governor) - 203 |
Schaumburg, IL - 52 |
Schiff's Jewelers - 20 |
Schmidt, John - 22 |
Schneider, Vic - 201 |
Schoenbrun, Elsie (Mrs.) - 21 |
Schoenbrun, Mano - 21 |
Schoenbrun, Ronald - 21 |
School of Biblical Theo. Studies Seminary - 84 |
School, A. W. Orr Elementary - 133 |
School, Ahtioch Junior High - 137 |
School, American Baptist Theological Seminary - 83, 154 |
School, American Bible College - 79 |
School, Anderson High - 112 |
School, Antioch - 105 |
School, Antioch High - 79 |
School, Arp Industrial High - 93 |
School, Arp ISD - 148 |
School, Assemblies of God Theological Seminar - Back Cover |
School, Atlanta University - 101, 105, 112, Back Cover |
School, Baylor University - 69 |
School, Beckville - 172 |
School, Beckville ISD - 153 |
School, Bethlehem - 27 |
School, Bethlehem Elementary - 128 |
School, Big Sandy Elementary - 140 |
School, Bishop College - 83, 103, 104, 111, 126, 128, 146, 154, 180 |
School, Bishop State College - 69 |
School, Blackjack - 98 |
School, Booker T.Washington High - 137, 145, 153 |
School, Boulter Middle - 49, 118 |
School, Bragg Morris - 40, 99 |
School, Bragg Morris High - 55, 150 |
School, Brownsboro High - 137 |
School, Brownsboro schools - 154 |
School, Bullard - 89 |
School, Burbank Elementary - 113 |
School, Burns High - 172 |
School, Butler College - 5, 33, 67, 73, 76, 79, 83, 85, 96, 98, 100, 102, 105, 106, 107, 111, 115, 117, 126, 134, 137, 139, 146, 151, 154, 155, 164, 180, 181, 198 |
School, California Institute of Medical Technology - 146 |
School, California Western University - 147 |
School, CampbellElementary - 126 |
School, Career Academy - 95 |
School, Carver - 98 |
School, Center - 30 |
School, Central High - 98, 105 |
School, Chandles ISD - 102 |
School, Chapel Hill - 100, 144 |
School, Chapel Hill Elementary - 99 |
School, Chapel Hill High - 99 |
School, Chapel Hill ISD - 61, 103, 106, 152 |
School, Chapel Hill Junior High - 99, 146 |
School, Charleston Pollard High - 59 |
School, Chicago University - 105 |
School, Clark[s]ton Elementary - 202 |
School, Clear Spring - 150 |
School, Clemons High - 210 |
School, Coahoma Junior College - 142 |
School, Colorado State - 104 |
School, Colorado State University - 107 |
School, Columbia University - 100, 105 |
School, Commercial College - 69 |
School, Community School of Radio - 59 |
School, Concord High - 126, 144 |
School, Crockett public - 94 |
School, Dale Chapel Community - 74 |
School, Dallas - 70 |
School, Dallas Institute of Funeral Services - 192, 194 |
School, Daniels High - 69 |
School, Dansby School District - 208 |
School, Dixie (Carver) - 98 |
School, Dixie Carver - 74 |
School, Dixie Elementary - 102 |
School, Dixie Elementary, Middle, and High - 160 |
School, Dixie High - 185, 196 |
School, Dogan Jr. High - 172 |
School, Douglas - 61 |
School, Douglas Elementary - 101, 201 |
School, Douglas High - 38, 39 |
School, Douglass High - 116 |
School, Dunbar Elementary - 134, 150 |
School, Dunbar High - 41, 103, 135, 159 |
School, Dunbar JuniorHigh - 102 |
School, E. J. Campbell Elementary - 56 |
School, E. J. Campbell High - 100, 152 |
School, E. J. Scott High - 98 |
School, East Texas Academy - 105, 196 |
School, East Texas State University - 69, 102, 104, 115, 116, 118, 127, 136, 137, 146, 151, 154 |
School, Elam Springs - 210 |
School, Emmett J. Scott - 22 |
School, Emmett J. Scott High - 19, 33, 37, 47, 59, 65, 98, 105, 117, 119, 127, 134, 149, 205 |
School, Emmett J. Scott Junior High - 72 |
School, Emmett Scott - 101, 180, 191 |
School, Emmett Scott High - 30, 31, 38, 45, 50, 62, 73, 74, 76, 96, 102, 104, 106, 111, 127, 135, 138, 143, 148, 151, 152, 154, 164, 165, 166, 183, 186, 192, 198, 202 |
School, Emmett Scott Junior High - 107 |
School, Evans High - 194 |
School, Fairview High - 103 |
School, Fisher High - 42 |
School, Fisk University - 104 |
School, Flint High - 102 |
School, Flint Hill High - 103 |
School, Flint public - 189 |
School, Florida A&M - 122 |
School, Florida Memorial College - 128 |
School, Florida Normal & Industrial Memorial College - 122, 123 |
School, Galilee - 96, 207 |
School, Galilee High - 33, 102 |
School, Gary Elementary - 101 |
School, George Washington Carver - 167 |
School, Gibbons High - 148 |
School, Governor's State University - 72 |
School, Grambling University - 48 |
School, Gray's Tailoring - 73, 196 |
School, H. G. Smith High - 172 |
School, H. M. Bell Elementary - 133 |
School, Hampton Institute - 152 |
School, Hampton University - 112 |
School, Hawkins Colored High - 140 |
School, Hawkins Elementary - 140 |
School, Henderson ISD - 113 |
School, Hickory Hill - 125 |
School, Hillsboro - 147, 149 |
School, Holmes - 183 |
School, Hope Elementary - 167 |
School, Hopewell Elementary - 100 |
School, Houston Training - 103 |
School, Houston-Tillotson College - 117 |
School, Howard University - 5, 127, 139, 147, 48 |
School, Huntsville High - 103 |
School, Huston Tillotson College - 112 |
School, I. M. Terrell High - 28 |
School, Institutional School of Ministry - 83 |
School, Iowa State College - 100, 103, 124 |
School, Jackson - 100 |
School, Jackson District - 99 |
School, Jackson Elementary - 61 |
School, Jackson High - 39, 44, 61, 63, 96, 104, 106, 120, 134, 146, 147, 195, 210, 205 |
School, Jackson Junior - 61 |
School, Jackson Public - 63 |
School, Jackson Public - 63, 73 |
School, Jackson-Chapel Hill High - 102 |
School, Jamestown Public - 82 |
School, Jarvis Christian College - 5, 71, 98, 112, 116, 117, 120, 123, 131, 135, 138, 139, 140, 145, 152, 178, 179, 321 |
School, John Tyler High - 102, 119, 145, 153, 172 |
School, Johnson Prairie - 39 |
School, Kansas State University - 116 |
School, Karnack ISD - 143 |
School, Kerens - 31 |
School, Kilgore Colored High - 130 |
School, Kilgore High - 127 |
School, Lacy Kirk Williams Institute - 154 |
School, Lanes Chapel Elementary - 146 |
School, Langston University - 82, 151 |
School, Lee Spring - 102, 105 |
School, Letourneau University - 83 |
School, Leverett Chapel - 99 |
School, Lincoln Institute School of Business - 40 |
School, Lindale ISD - 103, 151 |
School, Louisiana State University - 128 |
School, Lynn Spring public - 49 |
School, Madam C. J. Walker College of Cosmetology - 116 |
School, Madam Sweat's Beauty - 195 |
School, Malakoff High - 119 |
School, Malvern High - 95 |
School, Marsh - 118 |
School, Marsh Elementary - 101 |
School, Marshall public - 193 |
School, Mary Allen Seminar [Seminary?] - 99 |
School, McKinley - 150 |
School, Meharry Medical College - 122, 182 |
School, Mississippi State University - 142 |
School, Morehouse College - 122, 155 |
School, Mount Olive - 102 |
School, Mt. Zion Smith County Union - 99 |
School, N. E. Williams Training - 105 |
School, Nacogdoches High - 100 |
School, Natchez College - 136 |
School, Nebraska Wesleyan University - 117 |
School, New Bethel - 102 |
School, New Hope Troup - 164 |
School, New Mexico State University - 85 |
School, New York School of Dentistry - 180 |
School, New York University - 102, 124 |
School, North Chapel Elementary - 145 |
School, North Chapel Hill High - 145 |
School, North Texas State NDEA Institute - 118 |
School, North Texas State University - 98, 111, 117, 124, 130, 140, 141, 151, 154 |
School, Northern Illinois University - Back Cover |
School, Northwestern University - 155 |
School, O. J. Thomas - 105 |
School, Okmulgee High - 145 |
School, Old Stanton - 146 |
School, Oliver Chapel - 100 |
School, Orr - 118 |
School, Orr Elementary - 101 |
School, Overton public - 196 |
School, Pacific School of Religion - 139 |
School, Park High - 148 |
School, Paul Pewitt ISD - 159 |
School, Paul Quinn College - 102, 103, 124, 172 |
School, Peete Elementary - 136 |
School, Pepperdine College - 107 |
School, Phyliss Wheatley High - 103, 115 |
School, Piedmont - 46 |
School, Pine public - 50 |
School, Pleasant Ridge Elementary - 137 |
School, Post Oak Elementary - 145 |
School, Powderly - 172 |
School, Prairie Creek - 42, 73 |
School, Prairie View A&M - 84 |
School, Prairie View A&M College - 80, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103, 106, 135, 148, 149, 151, 193 |
School, Prairie View A&M University - 60, 69, 103, 107, 80, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103, 106, 107, 112, 115, 118, 125, 130, 134, 135, 143, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 172, 193, 201 |
School, Prairie View College - 102, 104, 105, 117, 172 |
School, Prairie View State Normal and Industrial College - 150 |
School, Prairie View State University - 104 |
School, Prairie View University - 124 |
School, Rains County ISD - 104 |
School, Redland - 60 |
School, Redland High - 80, 150 |
School, Redland public - 52 |
School, Rice Elementary - 98 |
School, Robert E. Lee High - 104, 105, 106, 149 |
School, Saint Louis - 102 |
School, Saint Louis Junior High - 37 |
School, Saint Paul High - 41 |
School, San Augustine ISD - 121 |
School, San Diego University - 63 |
School, Sand Hill - 188 |
School, School of Biblical Theo. Studies Seminary - 84 |
School, Selmon - 27 |
School, Seton Hall College - 141 |
School, Shady Grove - 48 |
School, Shamrock - 154 |
School, Silmon - 27 |
School, Silver Lake - 143 |
School, Smith High - 147 |
School, Solomon M. Cole High - 80 |
School, Southern Bible Institute - 83 |
School, Southern Bible, The - 154 |
School, Southern Methodist University - 101, 107, 192 |
School, Southwestern Christian College - 72 |
School, Southwestern Theological Seminary - 154 |
School, St. Louis - 105 |
School, St. Louis Elementary - 98, 164, 180 |
School, St. Louis JuniorHigh - 96 |
School, St. Paul Industrial Training - 145 |
School, Stanton - 41, 85, 105 |
School, Stanton High - 38, 43, 45, 51, 55, 63, 71, 151 |
School, Stanton public - 34 |
School, Star Bailey - 99 |
School, Star Light Baptist - 67 |
School, Star Light Elementary - 67 |
School, Starhill public - 163 |
School, Starr Bailey School District - 208 |
School, Stephen F. Austin - 115, 118, 120 |
School, Stephen F. Austin State University - 84, 101, 102, 115, 118, 131, 134, 145, 148 |
School, Stewart Junior High - 102, 148, 149 |
School, Stone High - 47 |
School, Summer Normal - 126 |
School, Sunset Elementary - 135 |
School, Sunshine - 100 |
School, Swan - 185 |
School, Swathmore College - 139 |
School, Sweatt Beauty - 39 |
School, T. J. Austin - 118 |
School, T. J. Austin Elementary - 101, 102, 107, 119, 152 |
School, Tailoring - 44 |
School, Teachers College, Columubia University - 138 |
School, Terrell ISD - 152 |
School, Texas A&I - 104 |
School, Texas A&M at Commerce - 120 |
School, Texas A&M University - 84, 90, 124, 139 |
School, Texas Christian University - 138, 178 |
School, Texas College - 5, 27, 33, 55, 62, 69, 72, 74, 80, 81, 93, 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 115, 117, 118, 120, 121, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 134, 135, 138, 143, 144, 145, 147, 150, 151, 152, 153, 159, 166, 198, 201, 202, 205 |
School, Texas College Vocational - 196 |
School, Texas East Jurisdiction Bible Institute - 80 |
School, Texas Eastern University - 102 |
School, Texas High - 135 |
School, Texas Southern University - 98, 102, 103, 104, 117, 122, 124, 126, 127, 139, 148, 150, 192 |
School, Texas State University - 107 |
School, Texas Tech University - 69 |
School, Texas Technological University - 118 |
School, Texas Woman's University - 118, 128 |
School, Thomas R. Bonner Elementary - 132 |
School, Tillotson College (Huston-Tillotson) - 102 |
School, Tougaloo College - 139 |
School, Troup High - 32, 98 |
School, Troup public - 166, 207 |
School, Tuskegee Institute - 123, 130, 145 |
School, Tuskegee University - 63 |
School, Tyler Barber College - 32, 194 |
School, Tyler High - 145 |
School, Tyler Jr. College - 82, 210 |
School, Tyler Junior College - 37, 45, 51, 69, 71, |
School, Union Elementary - 195 |
School, University of Akron - 142 |
School, University of California - 115 |
School, University of Colorado - 151, 172 |
School, University of Denver - 106, 118 |
School, University of Houston - 117, 127, 130 |
School, University of Kansas - 148 |
School, University of Kentucky - 143 |
School, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore - 141 |
School, University of Michigan - 124 |
School, University of Minnesota - 103 |
School, University of Ohio - 104 |
School, University of Oklahoma - 124 |
School, University of Pennsylvania - 139 |
School, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain - 131 |
School, University of Southern California - 98, 106, 118 |
School, University of St. Thomas - 131 |
School, University of Texas - 117 |
School, University of Texas at Arlington - 117 |
School, University of Texas at Austin - 124 |
School, University of Texas at Tyler - 37, 118, 127, 128, 127, 128, 131, 137, 144 |
School, University of the District of Columbia - 148 |
School, University of West Tennessee - 180 |
School, University of Wisconsin - 100, 104, 106, 118 |
School, Valley View High - 128 |
School, Victory Temple COGIC - 46 |
School, Virginia State College - 100 |
School, W. A. Peete - 105 |
School, W. A. Peete Elementary - 106, 133, 155 |
School, West L. A. Junior College - 95 |
School, Western Michian University - 147 |
School, Wharton School of Business and Finance - 139 |
School, Whitehouse Elementary - 105 |
School, Wiley College - 48, 144 |
School, William & Mary College - 43 |
School, Willie ISD - 152 |
School, Willow Valley - 79 |
School, Winchester Public - 44 |
School, Winona - 139 |
School, Winona High - 46, 99, 103, 185, 207 |
School, Winona Junior-Senior High - 150 |
School, Winona Public - 197, 210 |
School, Woodville Public - 152 |
School, Wynne Elementary - 151 |
School, Xavier University - 5 |
School, Yale University - 139 |
Scott, Alice - 38 |
Scott, Allen "Scotty", Jr. - 38 |
Scott, Lillian - 130 |
Scott, Lula Mae "Hampton" - 147 |
Scott, Ruby N. (James) - 24 |
Seals, Lizzie (Miss) - 197 |
Sears - 20, 335 |
Sears Roebuck and Company - 23 |
Sears-Roebuck Teaching Excellence - 113 |
Seastrunk, Brenda - 46 |
Seaton, Clara - 77 |
Seaton, Gladys - 77 |
SEF Beta Club - 108 |
Seguin, Texas - 81 |
Selmon Schools - 27 |
Selmon Star Lodge #511 - 32 |
Separation Line - 92 |
Session, Amanda CookThompson - 151 |
Sessions, Daniels P. - 166 |
Sessions, Irene - 20 |
Sessions, Keith - 166 |
Sessions, Theola - 163 |
Sessions, Theola (Mrs.) - 163, 166 |
Seton Hall College - 141 |
Seventh Day Adventist Church - 82 |
Shackelford, Cade (Mr.) - 190 |
Shackelford, Cade (Mrs.) - 190 |
Shackelford, Guy, Service Station - 190 |
Shackelford, James - 187, 335 |
Shackelford, Ola (Mrs.) - 190 |
Shackelford, Willie W. - 190 |
Shady Grove school - 48 |
Shamrock schools - 154 |
Sharon Seventh Day Adventist Church - 153 |
Shepard, Dorothy H. - 109 |
Shephard, Louise - 49 |
Sherfield, Elbert - 42 |
Sherfield, Kathryn - 157 |
Sherfield, Mary Jane Street - 42 |
Sherfield, Raymond (Rev.) - 42 |
Sherman, Texas - 46 |
Sherow, Deborah - 24, 254 |
Shinnecock Hills Golf Club - 174 |
Shippen, John - 174 |
Shoe Shiners - 188 |
Shout - 92 |
Shreveport, Louisiana - 67, 92, 119 |
Sigma Delta International Honor Society - 140 |
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority - 127 |
Sigma Pi Phi Boule - 182 |
Sign of the Judgment - 91 |
Silver Beaver Award - 149 |
Silver Lake (school) - 143 |
Silverstone Lodge #578 - 47 |
Simmons, Ada - 181 |
Simmons, Annie - 44 |
Simmons, Ernest - 44 |
Simmons, H. D. - 44 |
Simmons, Henry - 44 |
Simmons, Henry D. - 44 |
Simmons, Larry - 44 |
Simmons, Linda M. (Petty) - 30 |
Simmons, Morris - 181 |
Simmons, Sherry - 44 |
Simmons, Tarry - 44 |
Simpson, Arah Ward - 65 |
Simpson, Gladys - 65 |
Simpson, Nathaniel - 65 |
Simpson, Nathaniel, Jr. - 66 |
Simpson, Nathaniel, Sr. - 65, 262 |
Simpson, Randolph - 66 |
Simpson, Willie - 65 |
Sims, Cordia - 41 |
Sims, Wilmer - 190 |
Sinches, Yvonne - 350 |
Sinchess, Yvonne McCuin - 35, 36 |
Sing With The Angels - 92 |
Singers - 333 |
Singleton, Daphne (Dr.) - 322 |
Sixth Avenue Baptist Church - 190 |
Skief, Thelma - 138 |
Slaton, Texas - 194 |
slaves, former - 11 |
Sledge Manufacturing - 189 |
Slief, Jim Jones - 138 |
Small, Jim - 63 |
Small, L. J., Sr. - 63 |
Small, Lessie Howard - 63 |
Small, Lolie Jean Lewis - 63 |
Smallwood, Gail Vivianette - 111 |
Smith County Agriculture - 220 |
Smith County Appraisal Review Board - 173 |
Smith County Central Labor Council - 158 |
Smith County Child Welfare Board - 173 |
Smith County Courthouse - 188 |
Smith County Democratic Party - 158, 201 |
Smith County Educators - 98 |
Smith County Extension agent - 68 |
Smith County Historical Society - 10 |
Smith County Medical Association - 182 |
Smith County Welfare Department - 70 |
Smith High School - 147 |
Smith Temple Church of God in Christ - 42, 83, 130, 210 |
Smith Temple COGIC - 61 |
Smith, Alverna - 186 |
Smith, Angelia - 38 |
Smith, Archie - 52 |
Smith, Archie Earl - 94 |
Smith, Bonita - 94 |
Smith, Carol - 63 |
Smith, Christine (Mrs.) - 56 |
Smith, Clinton - 71 |
Smith, Eric - 71 |
Smith, Erma - 71 |
Smith, Evelyn - 170 |
Smith, Evelyn Cain - 208 |
Smith, Finis - 21 |
Smith, Gary - 259 |
Smith, Geneva - 182 |
Smith, Gerald - 71 |
Smith, Geraldine - 265 |
Smith, Geraldine Nobles (Missionary) - 144 |
Smith, Gwendolyn L. - 67 |
Smith, Harrison (Mr.) - 56 |
Smith, Harrison (Mrs.) - 56 |
Smith, Horace - 71 |
Smith, Jack - 204 |
Smith, James - 80 |
Smith, Jimmye Ruth - 10 |
Smith, Leetra - 352 |
Smith, Leroy - 71 |
Smith, Mildred - 35, 352 |
Smith, Preston - 26 |
Smith, Ray - 352 |
Smith, Sam J. - 256 |
Smith, Samuel J. - 20, 24 |
Smith, Sophronia Elizabeth - 148 |
Smith, Stella - 23 |
Smith, Vernita - 52 |
Smith, Victor - 71 |
Smith, William - 144, 265 |
Smith, William E. - 35, 144 |
Smith, Willie L. - 194 |
Smith, Willie O. - 80 |
Smith, Zach (Elder) - 186 |
Smithn County Youth Advisory Committee - 155 |
So Much To Shout About - 92 |
Social Security Administration - 277 |
Social Welfare Board - 111 |
Solomon M. Cole High School - 80 |
Sommerville, Texas - 32 |
Soul Town TV - 95 |
South Central Church of Christ - 170 |
South East Male Chorus Federation - 161 |
South Union Missionary Baptist Church - 81 |
Southern Aluminum - 11, 337 |
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools - 178 |
Southern Bible Institute - 83 |
Southern Bible, The - 154 |
Southern Christian Institute - 178, 179 |
Southern Methodist University - 101, 107, 192 |
Southern Pacific - 19 |
Southern Pacific Railroad - 162 |
Southland Federation, The - 202 |
Southside Bank - 28, 338 |
Southside State Bank - 27 |
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company - 21, 200, 338 |
Southwestern Christian College - 72 |
Southwestern Theological Seminary - 154 |
Sowell, Hiram (Rev.) - 125 |
Spanky's Add-On Carpentry - 192 |
Sparks, Hester - 10 |
Sparks, Robert - 266 |
Speed, Letitia - 39 |
Spencer, Andrey - 47 |
Spencer, Annie Bell Andrews - 208 |
Spencer, Barry Daniels - 47 |
Spencer, Darryl Wayne - 208 |
Spencer, Dexter Dewayne - 208 |
Spencer, Ellis - 208 |
Spencer, Emma - 69 |
Spencer, J. D. - 44 |
Spencer, Jackson Geter - 51 |
Spencer, James A. - 69 |
Spencer, Jodell - 207, 208, 355 |
Spencer, Judge (Mr.) - 44 |
Spencer, Judge (Mrs.) - 44 |
Spencer, Laura - 51 |
Spencer, Lorene - 156 |
Spencer, Lorine - 47 |
Spencer, Naomi - 221 |
Spencer, Robert, Jr. - 35, 47 |
Spencer, Rudolphus - 47 |
Spencer, Shawana - 208 |
Spencer, Trent - 47 |
Spencer, Welton - 47 |
Spigner, Retha - 20, 329 |
Spigner, Thomas - 269 |
Spresley, Beryl (Mr.) - 73 |
Spresley, Beryl (Mrs.) - 73 |
Spresley, HenriaArmstrong (Mrs.) - 73 |
Spresley, Kendra Louise - 73 |
Spresley, William H. - 65, 72 |
Spresley, William Henry - 73 |
Spresley's Janitorial Service - 73 |
Spring Creek Baptist Church - 52, 205 |
Springer, Edna - 78 |
Springfield, Ohio - 57 |
Square, Deborah (Mrs.) - 192 |
Square, Ernest "Bud" - 201, 229 |
Square, Ernest A. - 53 |
Square, Gladys - 10 |
Square, Susie - 20 |
St. Augustine, Florida - 122, 123, 128 |
St. James Baptist Church - 67, 84, 89, 110, 152 |
St. James CME Church - 31, 73, 78, 115, 116, 137, 165, 181, 191 |
St. James Missionary Baptist Church - 163 |
St. John Baptist Church - 85 |
St. Louis Baptist Church - 37, 47, 94, 164, 180, 182, 196 |
St. Louis Community - 196 |
St. Louis Cotton Compress Company - 162 |
St. Louis Elementary School - 98, 164, 180 |
St. Louis Elementary School PTA - 98, 136 |
St. Louis Junior High - 96 |
St. Louis Missionary Baptist Church - 32 |
St. Louis School - 105 |
St. Louis School Classroom - 301 |
St. Louis Southwest Railroad - 165, 166, 199 |
St. Louis Southwest Railroad - 198 |
St. Louis Southwest Railway Company - 88, 89 |
St. Louis Southwestern Railway - 162, 198 |
St. Louis, Arkansas and Texas Railway - 162 |
St. Louis, Missouri - 21, 45 |
St. Mary Baptist Church - 44, 180, 181 |
St. Paul AME Church - 77 |
St. Paul Baptist Church - 85 |
St. Paul Industrial Training School - 145 |
St. Petersburg, FL. - 160 |
St. Violet Baptist Church - 43, 85, 96 |
Stacher, David - 122 |
Staling, Lowell - 354 |
Stallworth, Titus - 91 |
Stand By Me album - 91 |
Stanley's Women's Apparel - 33 |
Stansell, A. - 289 |
Stansell, Aiszeleen - 342 |
Stansell, Aiszeleen (Mrs.) - 29 |
Stanton High School - 151 |
Stanton High School - 38, 43, 45, 51, 55, 63, 71, 151 |
Stanton public schools - 34 |
Stanton School - 41, 85, 105 |
Stanton, Earle C. - 20, 27 |
Stanton, Fannie - 146 |
Stanton, John - 183 |
Stanton, John Thomas - 146 |
Stanton, Josephus - 146 |
Stanton, Vernon Henrietta Prince (Mrs.) - 183, 328 |
Stanton, Vernon PrinceKennedy (Mrs.) - 11 |
Staple, Foyce - 51 |
Staple, Shirley Ann Geter - 51 |
Star Bailey School - 99 |
Star Light Baptist Church - 67 |
Star Light Elementary School - 67 |
Starhill Public Schools - 163 |
Starks, Tommie (Rev.) - 300 |
Starksville, Miss. - 143 |
Starling, Bernice Newman - 60 |
Starling, Bonnie - 50 |
Starling, Enois - 49, 50, 310 |
Starling, Glenda - 50 |
Starling, Lowell - 353 |
Starling, Marilyn - 50 |
Starling, Mary - 277 |
Starling, Mary Brown - 50 |
Starling, Sherri - 50 |
Starling, Vanessa - 50 |
Starr Bailey School District - 208 |
Starr, Daisy - 143 |
Starr, Willie - 143 |
Starrville Church of God in Christ - 198 |
Starrville Church of the Living God - 73 |
State Evangelist Board - 83 |
Staton, Earnestine - 105 |
Staton, Earnestine P. - 109 |
Stell, Ruth Jessie - 105 |
Stephen F. Austin State University - 84, 101, 102, 115, 118, 120, 131, 135, 145, 148 |
Stephenson - 309 |
Stephenson, Royce - 315 |
Sterling Faucet - 339 |
Sterling Faucet Company (Albert Sterling & Associates, Inc.) - 201 |
Sterling, Albert, Jr. - 201 |
Stevens, Vivian - 28 |
Stevenson, Cynthia - 49 |
Stevenson, Ocie (Mrs.) - 56 |
Stewart Junior High School - 102, 148, 149 |
Stewart, A. T. (Dr.) - 136, 235 |
Stewart, Alva J. Smith - 34 |
Stewart, Charity (Miss) - 171 |
Stewart, Dorothy - 193 |
Stewart, Evelyn - 34 |
Stewart, Gene - 51 |
Stewart, Joe - 241 |
Stewart, Joe, Jr. - 193 |
Stewart, Joe, Sr. - 193 |
Stewart, Katie A. - 76, 105, 109 |
Stewart, Margie - 331 |
Stewart, Margie Bailey - 27 |
Stewart, Martha - 34 |
Stewart, Michael - 34 |
Stewart, Odie, Jr. - 34 |
Stewart, Odis, Sr. - 34 |
Stewart, Omila - 193 |
Stewart, Robbie - 156, 250 |
Stewart, Vivian - 34 |
Stewart's Demolition - 193 |
Still, E. B. - 211 |
Stockton, California - 199 |
Stokes, Arrie - 192 |
Stone Container - 47 |
Stone High School - 47 |
Strauss, Levi - 52 |
Street, Mary Jane - 42 |
Streetman, Texas - 190 |
Strickland, Haywood (Dr.) - 123 |
Stringer, J. D. - 29 |
Stringer, J. Harold - 29 |
Stripling, Andrew - 176 |
Stuart, Lonzella Sanders - 185 |
Sueing, Rachel - 34 |
Sulphur Springs, Texas - 72 |
Summer Normal (school) - 126 |
Summers, charles - 347 |
Sun Mutural Burial Association - 165 |
Sunset Elementary School - 135 |
Sunshine Baptist Church - 61, 93 |
Sunshine School - 100 |
Surgeon General, United States - 123 |
Swan schools - 185 |
Swan, Texas - 35, 195 |
Swann Furniture - 21 |
Swann Furniture & Carpet Co. - 202 |
Swann, Elam F. "Franklin", Jr. - 202 |
Swann, Elam F. III - 202 |
Swann, Elam F., Sr. - 202 |
Swann, T. E. - 202 |
Swann, Thomas R. "Tommy"- 202 |
Swann's Furniture Gallery - 202 |
Swanson, Earnest - 186 |
Swanson, Mira Smith - 186 |
Swanson, Nannie (Sister) - 86 |
Swanson, Peter J. - 35 |
Swathmore College - 139 |
Sweatt Beauty School - 39 |
Sweatt, Brown - 24, 254 |
Sweet Home Missionary Baptist Church - 80 |
Sweet, Eddie Eaau - 153 |
Swink, David - 318 |
Swink, David Q. - 53 |
T. A. Abbot Award for Faculty Excellence - 140 |
T. B. Butler Publishing - 340 |
T. B. Butler Publishing Co - 203, 204 |
T. B. Butler Publishing Company - 21 |
T. J. Austin Elementary - 101, 102 |
T. J. Austin Elementary School - 107, 119, 152 |
T. J. Austin Elementary School PTA - 136 |
T. J. Austin School - 118 |
Tabor, Doris Adele Branch - 116 |
Tailoring School - 44 |
Taliaferro Clinic-Hospital - 182 |
Taliaferro, Richard - 182 |
Taliaferro, T. J. (Dr.) - 336 |
Taliaferro, TheodoreJohnson (Dr.) - 182, 237 |
Taliaferro, Theodore, Jr. - 182 |
Taliaferro, William (Mr.) - 182 |
Taliaferro, William (Mrs.) - 182 |
Talisman (rose) - 184 |
Talk To Jesus - 92 |
Talley Cadillac - 34 |
Talley, J. D. (Rev.) - 96 |
Tarrant County - 63 |
Tarver, Clara - 306 |
Tarver, Clara D. - 26 |
Taylor Refinery Company - 74 |
Taylor, Ada - 181 |
Taylor, Ardie L. - 47 |
Taylor, Arthur "RedDirt" - 53, 55 |
Taylor, Arthur Joe - 228 |
Taylor, Canzada - 227 |
Taylor, Cassandra Dean - 30 |
Taylor, Clevin - 318 |
Taylor, Clevin F. - 57 |
Taylor, Clifford - 208 |
Taylor, D. V. - 90 |
Taylor, Divard - 181 |
Taylor, Dorothy Fuller - 208 |
Taylor, Ella Mae - 62 |
Taylor, Johnnie B. - 208 |
Taylor, Joseph (Mr.) - 55 |
Taylor, Joseph (Mrs.) - 55 |
Taylor, L. W. - 57, 62, 312, 320 |
Taylor, LaWanda - 70 |
Taylor, Lucille Rosie McGee (Mrs.) - 181 |
Taylor, Martin - 146 |
Taylor, Mary Alice - 34 |
Taylor, Mary E. - 146 |
Taylor, Neanette - 316 |
Taylor, Ora C. - 110 |
Taylor, Pat - 163 |
Taylor, Rena D. Edwards - 155 |
Taylor, Richard - 34 |
Taylor, Robert - 163 |
Taylor, Ruth - 208 |
Taylor, Susanna - 94 |
Taylor, Willie R. - 34 |
Teachers College, Columbia University - 138 |
Teachers, Emmett J. Scott High School - 107 |
Teague, Texas - 112 |
Teal, Era Adams - 293 |
Teal, Era Adams (Mrs.) - 125 |
Teal, O. C. - 126 |
Teals Prairie Community - 147 |
Telephone - 92 |
Tell, Deslene - 66 |
Temple, Texas - 32 |
Tennesee, Memphis - 180 |
Tennessee, Johnson City - 178 |
Tennessee, Nashville - 104, 122, 136, 182 |
Tennessee, Winchester - 44 |
Tennyson Municipal Golf Course - 175 |
Tennyson, Trikena Porter - 157 |
Terrell ISD - 152 |
Terrell, Carolyn (Dwain) - 44 |
Terrell, Luther - 242 |
Terrell, Texas - 83, 183 |
Texarkana - 22 |
Texarkana, Arkansas - 153 |
Texarkana, Texas - 134, 192 |
Texas & St. Louis Railway Company - 162 |
Texas (State) Dept. - 341 |
Texas A&I - 104 |
Texas A&M at Commerce - 120 |
Texas A&M University - 84, 90, 124, 139 |
Texas Academy of Science - 121 |
Texas Art Education Association - 127 |
Texas Association for the Education of Young Children - 129 |
Texas Association of Developing Colleges - 178 |
Texas Association of Extension Home Economists - 69 |
Texas Association of School Boards - 134 |
Texas Association of Secondary School Principals - 118 |
Texas Association of Supervision, Curriculum Development - 127 |
Texas Association of Teacher Educators - 134 |
Texas Band Directors Honor Band - 145 |
Texas black labor - 15 |
Texas Caddo Mill - 144 |
Texas Christian University - 138, 178 |
Texas Classroom Teachers Association - 145 |
Texas College - 5, 27, 33, 55, 62, 69, 72, 74, 80, 81, 93, 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 115, 117, 118, 120, 121, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 134, 135, 138, 143, 144, 145, 147, 150, 151, 152, 153, 159, 166, 198, 201, 202, 205 |
Texas College Trustees - 116 |
Texas College Vocational - 196 |
Texas College, college physician - 182 |
Texas Department of Transportation - 71 |
Texas East Jurisdiction Bible Institute - 80 |
Texas Eastern University - 102 |
Texas Education Association - 145 |
Texas Employer Insurance Association - 165 |
Texas Employers Casualty Company - 165 |
Texas Farm Bureau - 69 |
Texas Hempstead - 118, 144, 149 |
Texas Hero - 158 |
Texas High School - 135 |
Texas Home Economics Association - 147 |
Texas Music Educators Association - 145 |
Texas Power & Light - 90, 286 |
Texas Power & Light Company - 205 |
Texas Retired Officers Association - 111 |
Texas Retired Teacher Assoc - 111 |
Texas Rose Festival - 184 |
Texas Rose Festival events - 75 |
Texas School for the Visual Impaired - 94 |
Texas Southern University - 98, 102, 103, 104, 117, 122, 124, 126, 127, 139, 148, 150, 192 |
Texas State A. Phillip Randolph Institute - 62 |
Texas State NAACP Annual Convention - 158 |
Texas State Teachers Association - 121, 125, 127, 129, 130, 144 |
Texas State University - 107 |
Texas State Welfare Department - 70 |
Texas Tech University - 69 |
Texas Technological University - 118 |
Texas Upshur County - 163, 164, 184 |
Texas Women's University - 118, 128 |
Texas, Alamo City - 175 |
Texas, Alto - 111, 153 |
Texas, Anderson County - 46, 86, 103 |
Texas, Arlington - 63, 155 |
Texas, Arp - 51, 79, 93 |
Texas, Athens - 42, 45, 89, 198 |
Texas, Austin - 42, 44, 94, 102 |
Texas, Beaumont - 45, 59 |
Texas, Ben Wheeler - 29, 62, 69, 80, 150, 196 |
Texas, Bethlehem Community - 117, 128 |
Texas, Bettie - 128 |
Texas, Big Sandy - 177, 210 |
Texas, Blackjack Community - 181 |
Texas, Brenham - 185 |
Texas, Bullard - 27, 39, 48, 51, 84, 87, 146, 185, 209 |
Texas, Calvert - 81 |
Texas, Cameron - 63, 105 |
Texas, Camp County - 50 |
Texas, Canton - 45, 151 |
Texas, Carthage - 125, 146 |
Texas, Casen - 94 |
Texas, Cass County - 103 |
Texas, Chandler - 45, 60, 102, 118, 133, 181 |
Texas, Chapel Hill community - 61 |
Texas, Cherokee County - 45, 77, 152, 180, 184 |
Texas, Clayton Community - 34 |
Texas, Clear Springs community - 150 |
Texas, Cole Hill Community - 198 |
Texas, College Station - 139 |
Texas, Commerce - 103, 118, 151 |
Texas, Concord Community - 144 |
Texas, Corpus Christi - 80 |
Texas, Corsicana - 32, 190 |
Texas, Crockett - 31, 33, 146 |
Texas, Cuney - 42, 79, 180, 198 |
Texas, Dallas - 21, 42, 43, 56, 61, 66, 83, 101, 116, 137, 140, 154, 175, 195, 196 |
Texas, Daucett - 67 |
Texas, Denton - 118, 128, 151 |
Texas, Douglas Community - 205 |
Texas, East Texas State University - 69, 102, 103 |
Texas, El Paso - 208 |
Texas, Everspring - 46 |
Texas, Flint - 27, 32, 43, 63, 66, 77, 84, 87, 117, 207 |
Texas, Ft. Worth - 22, 28, 42, 45, 46, 51, 63, 65, 80, 82, 83, 120, 130, 144, 150, 154, 160, 208 |
Texas, Galilee community - 96 |
Texas, Galveston - 105 |
Texas, Gause - 147 |
Texas, Gilmer - 46, 128 |
Texas, Gladewater - 40, 454 |
Texas, Gregg County - 129, 184 |
Texas, Hallsville - 102 |
Texas, Harrison County - 184 |
Texas, Hawkins - 41, 112, 123, 131, 134, 152 |
Texas, Hempstead - 118, 144 |
Texas, Henderson - 50, 61, 79, 84, 94, 144, 148 |
Texas, Henderson County - 90, 168 |
Texas, Hillsboro - 84, 149 |
Texas, Hooks - 172 |
Texas, Houston - 33, 61, 63, 67, 77, 103, 112, 122, 126, 145, 149, 195, 199, 201, 206 |
Texas, Houston County - 31 |
Texas, Huntsville - 103 |
Texas, Jackson Community - 102 |
Texas, Jacksonville - 15, 86, 97 |
Texas, Jamestown - 183 |
Texas, Jefferson - 34 |
Texas, Jones Valley Community - 76, 87, 191 |
Texas, Kaufman County - 83 |
Texas, Kerens - 31, 33, 148 |
Texas, Kilgore - 33, 39, 79, 87, 130, 143, 145, 198 |
Texas, Kingville - 104 |
Texas, Lamar County - 172 |
Texas, Laneville community - 44, 47 |
Texas, Leigh - 137 |
Texas, Lindale - 28, 40, 48, 150, 151, 160 |
Texas, Lockney - 199 |
Texas, Longview - 43, 59, 63, 69, 83, 138, 154 |
Texas, Lott - 81 |
Texas, Lubbock - 118 |
Texas, Lufkin - 159, 164 |
Texas, Malakoff - 45, 119 |
Texas, Marshall - 103, 104, 128, 154, 155, 167 |
Texas, Martins Mill - 43 |
Texas, Mayflower - 79 |
Texas, Mesquite - 196 |
Texas, Mineola - 43, 45, 66, 140 |
Texas, Mount Selman - 45 |
Texas, Mt. Enterprise - 110, 144 |
Texas, Mt. Pleasant - 154, 19, 194 |
Texas, Mt. Vernon - 150 |
Texas, Nacogdoches - 56, 65, 84, 100, 101, 120, 126, 135, 144, 152 |
Texas, Naples - 194 |
Texas, Nation community - 139 |
Texas, Neches - 210 |
Texas, New Bethel Community - 166, 199 |
Texas, New Hope Community - 38 |
Texas, Noonday - 207 |
Texas, Omaha - Naples - 159 |
Texas, Ore City - 193 |
Texas, Overton - 66, 93, 143, 161, 196, 205, 208 |
Texas, Palestine - 81, 84, 86, 87, 102 |
Texas, Panola County - 63, 66, 125, 146 |
Texas, Panta - 194 |
Texas, Paris - 148 |
Texas, Pine community - 50 |
Texas, Pine Flat Community - 126 |
Texas, Pittsburg - 38, 39, 116, 139 |
Texas, Plano - 43, 192 |
Texas, Pleasant Grove Communty - 32 |
Texas, Point - 104 |
Texas, Ponder - 208 |
Texas, Ponte - 207 |
Texas, Port Lavaca - 194 |
Texas, Redland Community - 45 |
Texas, Redland Community - 45, 52 |
Texas, Redland Community - 45, 52, 80 |
Texas, Roxton - 172 |
Texas, Rusk - 151, 152 |
Texas, Rusk County - 44, 61, 126, 143, 144 |
Texas, Saint Louis Community - 135 |
Texas, San Antonio - 80, 81, 115, 130, 208 |
Texas, Sand Hill Community - 126 |
Texas, Seguin - 81 |
Texas, Sherman - 46 |
Texas, Slaton - 194 |
Texas, Sommerville - 32 |
Texas, St. Louis Community - 196 |
Texas, Streetman - 190 |
Texas, Sulphur Springs - 72 |
Texas, Swan - 35, 195 |
Texas, Tarrant County - 63 |
Texas, Teague - 112 |
Texas, Teals Prairie Community - 147 |
Texas, Temple - 32 |
Texas, Terrell - 83, 183 |
Texas, Texarkana - 134, 192 |
Texas, Timpson - 69 |
Texas, Troup - 32, 51, 85, 86, 148, 164 |
Texas, Van Zandt County - 43, 52, 55, 73, 80, 90, 184 |
Texas, Waco - 77, 103, 124, 198 |
Texas, Waller County - 144 |
Texas, Watersbluff Community - 198 |
Texas, Whitehouse - 34, 37, 39, 41, 51, 55, 63, 64, 66, 71, 85, 98, 151, 170, 181, 182 |
Texas, Wills Point - 42 |
Texas, Winona - 37, 41, 46, 48, 93, 96, 99, 103, 150, 157, 164, 185, 191, 195, 197, 207, 210 |
Texas, Wood County - 178 |
Thank God For Mama - 92 |
The American Baptist Theological Seminary - 154 |
The Levee - 162 |
The Manhattans - 93 |
The Might [Mighty?] Clouds of Joy - 93 |
The Old Clock On TheWall - 92 |
The Pink Tonado - 92 |
The Southern Bible - 154 |
The Texas Rose Industry - 185 |
Theus, Wieda - 161 |
Third Angle's Message - 153 |
Thomas - 308 |
Thomas - 308, 325 |
Thomas R. Bonner Elementary School - 132 |
Thomas, Annie - 352 |
Thomas, Anthony M. - 74 |
Thomas, Ashlee - 38 |
Thomas, Billie - 20 |
Thomas, Billie J. - 35 |
Thomas, Billy - 352 |
Thomas, Billy Joe - 38 |
Thomas, Billy Joe, Jr. - 38 |
Thomas, Clarence - 49, 309 |
Thomas, David - 76 |
Thomas, David A. - 117 |
Thomas, Erma - 310 |
Thomas, France - 61 |
Thomas, Gloria - 156 |
Thomas, Hardy - 38 |
Thomas, Hattie - 38 |
Thomas, Ira (Elder) - 147 |
Thomas, July - 146 |
Thomas, Kato M. Clark - 146, 296 |
Thomas, Robert - 324 |
Thomas, Terri - 352 |
Thomas, Terri Lorraine - 38 |
Thomas, Tevin - 38 |
Thomas, Waldo E. - 78 |
Thompson Hill Baptist Church - 48 |
Thompson, Amanda Cook - 151 |
Thompson, Charlie Rose - 150 |
Thompson, Enda - 34 |
Thompson, Glenda - 60 |
Thompson, Helen - 35 |
Thompson, Henry Clifford - 150 |
Thompson, Ira, Jr. - 185 |
Thompson, Ira, Sr. - 185 |
Thompson, J. J. (Reverend) - 80 |
Thompson, Jacqueline Middlebrook - 34 |
Thompson, Janice - 67 |
Thompson, Jeremiah Bendrell - 185 |
Thompson, Jewell Hazel - 296 |
Thompson, Julia Rose - 150 |
Thompson, Katie Thone - 185 |
Thompson, Leonard L. - 204 |
Thompson, Lessie Mae - 11 |
Thompson, Mack - 185 |
Thompson, Minor T. - 151 |
Thompson, Ocie - 35 |
Thompson, Patricia - 76 |
Thorne, George R. - 23 |
Thornton, Bobbie - 44 |
Thornton, Bobbie J. - 74 |
Three Pictures - 92 |
Thrift Mart - 53 |
Thurman, Juanita - 70 |
Tibbs, Marie - 94 |
Tilley, Bud (Mr.) - 77 |
Tilley, Bud (Mrs.) - 77 |
Tilley, Gloria - 20 |
Tilley, Golia Lee - 77 |
Tillman, Johnny Paul - 57 |
Tillman, Solon (Elder) - 81 |
Tillotson College (Huston-Tillotson) - 102 |
Timmons, Chasity Kalae - 55 |
Timmons, Donnie - 96 |
Timmons, LaQueta - 55 |
Timmons, Marcell - 55 |
Timmons, Marketta Rashae - 55 |
Timmons, Marquel - 55 |
Timmons, Marquez - 55 |
Timmons, Melton Ray - 55 |
Timms, Lorine - 20 |
Timms, Lorine Nixon - 282 |
Timms, Odessa - 74 |
Timpson, Texas - 69 |
Tip Down To The Altar - 92 |
Tisby, Minnien - 61 |
Today Is The Day - 92 |
Tolbert, Christene - 185 |
Toote, Christopher - 321 |
Top Ladies of Distinction - 116, 119, 121, 124, 125, 128, 120, 134, 140 |
Top Teens of American - Back Cover |
Torrington, Connecticut - 81 |
Tougaloo College - 139 |
Tougaloo, Mississippi - 139 |
Trailway Bus - 41 |
Trammell, Ernest (Mr.) - 153 |
Trammell, Ernest (Mrs.) - 153 |
Trane - 10, 212, 357 |
Trane Air Conditioning - 50, 51 |
Trane Company - 50, 52 |
Trane Corporation - 49 |
Troup High School - 32, 98 |
Troup public schools - 166, 207 |
Troup, Texas - 32, 51, 85, 86, 148, 164 |
True Light Baptist Church - 152, 158 |
True Vine Baptist Church - 46, 69, 83, 84, 119, 126, 137, 148, 149, 126, 137, 148, 149, 153, 154, 155, 164, 165, 190, 196, 209 |
Tucker, Blenda - 40 |
Tucker, Bob - 35, 36, 350 |
Tucker, Bonita - 207 |
Tucker, Clemons - 166, 199 |
Tucker, Lewis (Mr.) - 82 |
Tucker, Lewis (Mrs.) - 82 |
Tucker, Mabel B. - 110 |
Tucker, Mac - 40 |
Tucker, Mary D. - 39 |
Tucker, Ralisa - 40 |
Tucker, Willie - 176 |
Turner, Aller Mae Langley - 77 |
Turner, Dorothy - 58 |
Turner, Emma - 10, 49, 312 |
Turner, Naomi - 10 |
Tuskegee Institute - 123, 130, 145 |
Tuskegee University - 63 |
Tuskegee, Alabama - 128 |
Twelfth Street Christian Church - 139 |
TXU Electrical Co. - 205 |
Tyiska, Beatrice - 161 |
Tyiska, Neeley - 161 |
Tyiska, Octvia - 161 |
Tyiska, Samuel Delaney - 284 |
Tyiska, Samuel Delaney (DEE) - 161 |
Tyler (Masonic) Lodge No. 289 - 165 |
Tyler Association for the Education of Young children - 125, 128 |
Tyler Bank & Trust - 20, 24, 30 |
Tyler Bank & Trust1950's - 280 |
Tyler Bank & Trust Company - 27, 29 |
Tyler Bank and Trust - 342 |
Tyler Bank and Trust Company Building - 342 |
Tyler Barber & Beauty Salon - 194 |
Tyler Barber College - 32, 194 |
Tyler Barber Shop - 188 |
Tyler Beauty Shop Owners - 243 |
Tyler Building and Supply Company - 197 |
Tyler Candy Company - 94, 206, 342 |
Tyler Civic Chorale - 153 |
Tyler Civitan Club - 145 |
Tyler Council of Church Women - 134, 146 |
Tyler Courier Times Newspaper - 10 |
Tyler Courier-Times, The - 203 |
Tyler Day Nursery - 150 |
Tyler Feed & Seed Company - 21 |
Tyler Feed and Seed Store - 343 |
Tyler High School - 145 |
Tyler Historic Preservation Board - 116, 129 |
Tyler Hospital Auxiliary - 129 |
Tyler Hotel - 75 |
Tyler Interagency Project - 69 |
Tyler Jaycees - Back Cover |
Tyler Jr. College - 82, 210 |
Tyler Junior College - 37, 45, 51, 69, 71, 96, 100, 106, 107, 115, 121, 137, 144, 149, 183 |
Tyler Leader - 169 |
Tyler Leader newspaper - 68 |
Tyler Leader, The - 10 |
Tyler Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce - r Back Cover |
Tyler Ministers Union - 84 |
Tyler Morning Telegraph - 204 |
Tyler National Bank - 26 |
Tyler Organization of Men - 115, 121, 158 |
Tyler Organization of Women - 69 |
Tyler Pallet and Crate Co. - 93 |
Tyler Parks and Rec. - 268 |
Tyler Petroleum Club - 31 |
Tyler Pipe - 10, 42, 74, 192, 208, 209, 215, 265 |
Tyler Pipe & Foundry - 11, 36, 43, 44, 47 |
Tyler Pipe & Foundry Co. - 11, 35 |
Tyler Pipe (employees) - 344, 352 |
Tyler Pipe and Foundry - 41 |
Tyler Pipe Employees - 351 |
Tyler Pipe Industries - 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 163, 185 |
Tyler Pipe Newsletter - 35 |
Tyler Police Dept. - 266 |
Tyler Public Library - 65, Back Cover |
Tyler Public Library Board - 111, 129 |
Tyler Pump Service - 207 |
Tyler Rose Nursery - 61 |
Tyler Safety Commission - 121 |
Tyler Savings and Loan Association - 32 |
Tyler Southern University - 149 |
Tyler State Bank Building - 25 |
Tyler Tap Railroad - 162 |
Tyler Town Center L.L.C. - 26 |
Tyler Town, Mississippi - 41 |
Tyler Uniform Company - 74 |
Tyler Woman On the Go - 129 |
Tyler, Mason. 52 |
Tyler/Smith County NAACP - 158 |
Tyler's Barbers' Union - 196 |
Tyler-Smith County Child Welfare Board - 129 |
Tyler-Smith County Juvenile Detention Center - 116 |
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary - 147 |
U.S. Government (employees) - 352 |
U.S. Postal Office - 72 |
U.S. Postal Service - 73, 332 |
Udenze, Lakeya - 59 |
Union Elementary School - 195 |
Union Grove Baptist Church - 44 |
United Missionary Baptist Church - 84 |
United Negro College Fund - 116 |
United Negro College Fund Scholar - 121 |
United Rubber Worker Local Union - 62 |
United Rubber Workers, local 746 - 158 |
United States Surgeon General - 123 |
United Steelworkers of America - 59 |
United Steelworkers Union Local 746 - 63 |
United Technology Carrier - 157 |
Universal-International - 215 |
Universe CME Church - 45 |
University of Akron - 142 |
University of California - 115 |
University of Colorado - 151, 172 |
University of Denver - 106, 118 |
University of Houston - 117, 127, 130 |
University of Kansas - 148 |
University of Kentucky - 143 |
University of Maryland, Eastern Shore - 141 |
University of Michigan - 124 |
University of Minnesota - 103 |
University of North Texas Health Science Center - 120 |
University of Ohio - 104 |
University of Oklahoma - 124 |
University of Pennsylvania - 139 |
University of Santiagode Compostela, Spain - 131 |
University of Southern California - 98, 106, 118 |
University of St. Thomas - 131 |
University of Texas - 117 |
University of Texas at Arlington - 117 |
University of Texas at Austin - 124 |
University of Texas at Tyler - 37, 118, 127, 128, 131, 137, 144 |
University of the District of Columbia - 148 |
University of West Tennessee - 180 |
University of Wisconsin - 100, 104, 106, 118 |
Up John Company, The - 112 |
Upshur County, Texas - 163, 164, 184 |
URW Local 746 - 62 |
US Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service - 172 |
UT Hospital - 28 |
Utopia Civic and Social Club - 119 |
Utopia Club - 150 |
Valley View High School - 128 |
Vallgun, James (Reverend) - 117 |
Van De Carr, G. T. - 310 |
Van Zandt County - 43, 52, 55 |
Van Zandt County, Texas - 73, 80, 90, 184 |
VanZandt, Sheila Wooten - 27 |
Vason, Deborah - 45 |
Vaughn, Alma - 154 |
Vaughn, Catherine - 46 |
Vaughn, Dora Henson - 117 |
Vaughn, Florence E. - 110, 118 |
Vaughn, Florence E.Fowler - 106 |
Vaughn, Ramona E. - 119 |
Vaughn, Ruth E. - 119 |
Vaughn, Samuel A. - 119 |
Vernon, Emma - 316 |
Vickers, Sarah Louvenia - 43 |
Victory Temple Church of God in Christ - 26, 67, Back Cover |
Victory Temple COGIC - 46 |
Violinaires Gospel Group - 94 |
Violinaires, The - 91 |
Virginia State College - 100 |
Virginia State Higher Education Award - 113 |
Virginia, Dale City - 160 |
Virginia, Hampton - 152 |
Virginia, Petersburg - 17, 100 |
Vocational Nursing - 180 |
W. A. Peete Elementary - 106, 110 |
W. A. Peete Elementary School - 133, 155 |
W. A. Peete School - 105 |
W. R. Guthrie Construction Company - 197 |
Waco, Texas - 77, 103, 124, 198 |
Waddleton, Beverly - 122 |
Wade, Adeline - 66 |
Wade, Glovie - 43, 345 |
Wade, Kiera - 95 |
Wade, Levi - 43 |
Wade, Miles - 66 |
Wadel, B. - 211 |
Wadel-Connally Hardware - 48 |
Waggoner, Helena Martin (Mrs.) - 181- 182 |
Waggoner, Laura - 195 |
Waggoner, Robert (Mr.) - 152 |
Waggoner, Robert (Mrs.) - 152 |
Wagner Cadillac - 34 |
Waits, Sibbie (Mrs.) - 76 |
Waldert Canning Company - 186 |
Walker G. (Supt.) - 339 |
Walker Susie L. - 165 |
Walker, Bettie Ward - 65 |
Walker, Betty - 81 |
Walker, Calvin, Jr. - 69 |
Walker, Calvin, Sr. - 69 |
Walker, Charlie V. - 76 |
Walker, Del Marie - 66 |
Walker, Delmarie - 43 |
Walker, Dollie Mae - 186 |
Walker, Eddie Jane (Mrs.) - 146 |
Walker, Erick Vaughn - 96 |
Walker, Gethry (Supt.) - 81 |
Walker, Jesse C. - 88 |
Walker, Jessie Clay - 275 |
Walker, Jessie Clay (Mr.) - 165 |
Walker, Jessie Clay (Mrs.) - 165 |
Walker, Jimmy "Pete" (Rev.) - 76 |
Walker, Jimmy C. - 76 |
Walker, Jimmy D. - 76 |
Walker, L. W. - 76 |
Walker, Lena (Mrs.) - 166, 199 |
Walker, Margie - 76 |
Walker, Matt - 334 |
Walker, Matthew "Matt", Jr. - 95 |
Walker, Pam - 96 |
Walker, R. E. - 320 |
Walker, Renardo Vernell - 96 |
Walker, Rueon - 81 |
Walker, Sinclair Vincent - 95, 96 |
Walker, Val - 96 |
Walker's, Matt, Gospel Hour - 95 |
Wallace, Aaron - 61 |
Wallace, Alice (Mrs.) - 181 |
Wallace, Billy G. - 63 |
Wallace, Dora Lee - 128 |
Wallace, Eddie - 128 |
Wallace, Elton Jack - 61 |
Wallace, Evelyn - 63 |
Wallace, Gussie Faye - 128 |
Wallace, H. L. (Rev.) - 181 |
Wallace, Jessie Mae - 128 |
Wallace, John - 128 |
Wallace, John Frank - 61 |
Wallace, Lillian - 63 |
Wallace, Lillian D. - 320 |
Wallace, Luther - 128 |
Wallace, Mattie Toler - 61 |
Wallace, Pearl - 128 |
Wallace, Pearlia Mae - 123 |
Wallace, S. B. - 128 |
Wallace, Spencer - 128 |
Wallace, Tambelynn Goss - 61 |
Wallace, Tony - 63 |
Wallace, Willie Mae - 128 |
Wallace, York - 128 |
Waller County, Texas - 144 |
Walnut Springs Baptist Church - 40 |
Walsh, Billy - 211 |
Walters, Bob - 212 |
Walton, Earl - 195 |
Walton, Laura W. (Mrs.) - 152 |
Walton, Laura Waggoner - 195 |
Walton, Leport - 152 |
Walton, Leport - 195 |
Walton, Parker - 195 |
Walton, Renea - 40 |
Waltzer, Brenda - 52 |
Wansley, Jim - 319 |
Wansley, Jim - 58 |
Ward, A. Montgomery - 23 |
Ward, Arthur - 308 |
Ward, Catherine - 20 |
Ward, Christian - 34 |
Ward, Elverter - 274 |
Ward, Linda - 161 |
Ward, Patricia - 34 |
Ward, Roosevelt - 349 |
Ward, Timothy - 35 |
Ware, Ann M. - 205 |
Ware, Florine F. - 110 |
Ware, Helen - 301 |
Ware, Leamon Richard - 354 |
Ware, Lionel A. - 106 |
Ware, Ruthie A. - 58 |
Ware, Sally (Mrs.) - 190 |
Warfield, Willie - 350 |
Waridi Consistory #276 - 149 |
Waridi Consistory No.236 - 201 |
Warren Chapel CME Church - 134 |
Warren, Anna Lee Feavers - 134 |
Warren, Annie Ruth - 38 |
Warren, Gracie Lee - 170 |
Warren, Irene (Mrs.) - 195 |
Warren, Ivey, Jr. - 35 |
Warren, Julia B. - 110 |
Warren, Lawrence C. - 297 |
Warren, Reuben - 134 |
Warren, Steve - 46 |
Warren, Thelma - 24 |
Warren, William - 110 |
Washington, Alice White - 196 |
Washington, Ann - 199 |
Washington, Anne - 166 |
Washington, Anthony - 41 |
Washington, Billy - 176 |
Washington, Charles - 41 |
Washington, Clarence - 202 |
Washington, Cynthia - 41 |
Washington, Cynthia Joseph - 166 |
Washington, DC - 139 |
Washington, Dean - 144 |
Washington, Garland - 199 |
Washington, George - 176, 199 |
Washington, Governor - 199 |
Washington, Hartest - 2, 21, 25, 188 |
Washington, Hartest L. "Babe" - 202 |
Washington, Herbert - 346 |
Washington, James E. - 25 |
Washington, John - 166, 199 |
Washington, McKinley R. - 198 |
Washington, McKinley R.III - 166, 199 |
Washington, McKinley R., Jr. - 166, 275 |
Washington, McKinley R., Sr. - 166, 198 |
Washington, McKinley, Jr. - 199 |
Washington, McKinley, Sr. - 163, 199, 275 |
Washington, Molelia - 202 |
Washington, Nina Ree - 166, 198 |
Washington, Peter Clarence - 178 |
Washington, Randolph - 144 |
Washington, Ross E - 27 |
Washington, Ross Earl - 199 |
Washington, Sharon - 41 |
Washington, Shedrick - 356 |
Washington, Shirlyn - 166 |
Washington, Shirlyn - 166, 199 |
Washington, Thelma - 72 |
Washington, Therelee - 10 |
Washington, Travis - 199 |
Washington, Tyiska - 199 |
Washington, Walter (Rev.) - 144 |
Washington, Waverly - 199 |
Washington, Waylon - 41 |
Washington, Zula - 69 |
Waskom School District - 143 |
Waters, Diana (Mrs.) - 22 |
Waters, Ella Mae - 10 |
Waters, Ervin Lee - 157 |
Watersbluff Community - 198 |
Wathough, Isbell - 182 |
Wathough, Raymond, Sr. - 182, 272 |
Wathough, Robert - 182 |
Watkins, Clara - 46 |
Watkins, Wilbert - 26 |
Watson, Don - 145 |
Watson, Gussie (Miss) - 77 |
Watson, Hiram J. - 144, 295 |
Watson, Joy M. - 145 |
Watson, Mary W. - 145 |
Watson, Sonja L. - 145 |
Watson, Wilie D. - 145 |
Wayside COGIC - 87 |
Webb, Wilbur - 158 |
Weekly Times - 203 |
Welch, Brenda - 46 |
Welch, William C. - 185 |
Wells, Pearl W. - 10 |
West L. A. Junior College - 95 |
West Vance Barber Shop - 194 |
West, Ralph Douglas (Dr.) - 140 |
Westbrook, Andrew, Sr. - 20, 26, 278 |
Western Foundry - 42, 61, 65, 207, 208, 209, 210, 353 |
Western Michigan University - 147 |
Wharton School of Business and Finance - 139 |
Wheeler, Jimmie (Mrs.) - 195 |
Whitaker, Lelon A. - 20 |
Whitaker, Leon, Jr. - 49 |
Whitaker, Martha - 47 |
Whitakes, Leon - 311 |
White Oak Baptist Church - 154 |
White, Andy - 308 |
White, Billye W. (Mrs.) - 195 |
White, C. C. (Reverend) - 15 |
White, Charles E. - 74 |
White, Florine J. (Dr.) - 138, 323 |
White, Georegia - 34 |
White, John - 331 |
White, John A. - 27 |
White, John W. - 20 |
White, John, Jr. - 10 |
White, Sidney - 27, 188 |
White, Sidney, Sr. - 333 |
White, William, Jr. - 333 |
Whitehouse Church of God in Christ - 64 |
Whitehouse COGIC - 34 |
Whitehouse Elementary - 105 |
Whitehouse, Texas - 34, 37, 39, 41, 51, 55, 63, 64, 66, 71, 85, 66, 71, 85, 98, 151, 170, 181, 182 |
Whitfield, Iola Mae Wright (Mrs.) - 151 |
Whitmill, A. "Shorty" - 188 |
Whitmill, Amaziah - 278 |
Whitmill, Lucy V. - 172 |
Whitmill, William L. - 65, 264 |
Whitmill, Willie V. - 204 |
Whitmore, Ruby - 27 |
Whittle Music Company - 33 |
Who's Who Among Black Americans - 138 |
Who's Who in American - 138 |
Who's Who in the Southand Southwest - 138 |
Wickward, Gloria - 39 |
Wilberforce, Ohio - 182 |
Wilborn, Wanda - 20 |
Wiley College - 48, 144 |
Wilie Oden Corset Shop - 20 |
Wilkinson, S. F. - 10, 174 |
William & Mary College - 43 |
Williams, Alvin - 307 |
Williams, Andre - 51, 352 |
Williams, Andy - 188 |
Williams, Annaniase - 27 |
Williams, Arthur L. - 317 |
Williams, Arthur Lee - 210 |
Williams, Betty (Mrs.) - 73 |
Williams, Billy - 176 |
Williams, Billy Joe - 42, 346 |
Williams, Brenda - 65 |
Williams, Carlos (Reverend) - 51 |
Williams, Charles - 309 |
Williams, Charlie M. - 59 |
Williams, Donnie R. - 291 |
Williams, Donnie R. McGee (Mrs.) - 150 |
Williams, Dorothy - 58, 72 |
Williams, Dwayne D. - 59 |
Williams, Dwyke D. - 59 |
Williams, Elisha - 210 |
Williams, Elline "Dean"- 42 |
Williams, Frank - 92, 97 |
Williams, Freddy - 93 |
Williams, Gene - 310 |
Williams, Geneva - 43, 66 |
Williams, Gladys - 30 |
Williams, H. M. - 76 |
Williams, Henry - 110, 188 |
Williams, Henry J. - 161, 163, 276 |
Williams, Henry James - 57, 59, 317 |
Williams, Herbert - 76 |
Williams, J. W. - 51 |
Williams, Jathel - 240 |
Williams, Jathel (Mrs.) - 192 |
Williams, Jearldine - 186 |
Williams, Jerome - 93 |
Williams, Joe - 42 |
Williams, Joyce E. - 110 |
Williams, Lacy Kick, Institute - 154 |
Williams, Lanny - 320 |
Williams, Laura Martin - 42 |
Williams, Leroy - 151 |
Williams, Lizzie Mae - 46 |
Williams, Lloyd H. - 59 |
Williams, Marie (Ms.) - 167 |
Williams, Marshell - 119 |
Williams, Mary - 210 |
Williams, Nanette Wheatley - 299 |
Williams, Norman W. - 110 |
Williams, Oscar - 188 |
Williams, Oscar "Peg" - 188 |
Williams, Robert - 156, 188, 252 |
Williams, Roderick - 51 |
Williams, Roger "Bob", Jr. - 47, 48 |
Williams, Roger, Sr. - 48 |
Williams, Sam - 252 |
Williams, Sam E. - 156 |
Williams, Vickie - 27 |
Williams, Virginia - 51, 352 |
Williams, Willie Hampton - 48 |
Williams, Winfred D. - 74 |
Willie Ford Shoe Shine - 188 |
Willingham Auto Sales - 95 |
Willis ISD - 152 |
Willis, Charles Edward - 321 |
Willis, Doyle W. - 35 |
Willis, Elbert Samuel - 321 |
Willis, Larry Donell - 321 |
Willis, Leamon, Jr. - 321 |
Willis, Nesby Leon - 321 |
Willis, Robert Howard - 321 |
Willis, Ross Earl - 321 |
Willis, Thomas Allen - 321 |
Willow Brook Country Club - 175, 176 , 211, 317 |
Willow Grove Baptist Assn. - 84 |
Willow Valley School - 79 |
Wills Point, Tx - 42 |
Wilmore, Velma - 58 |
Wilson - 313 |
Wilson, Asia - 43, 66 |
Wilson, David - 43 |
Wilson, Deluis E. - 110 |
Wilson, Deslene - 43 |
Wilson, Doris - 24 |
Wilson, Edith - 96 |
Wilson, Ella Bell - 66 |
Wilson, Ervin - 43 |
Wilson, Gary - 43 |
Wilson, Gerald - 43 |
Wilson, Gus - 190 |
Wilson, Herman - 176 |
Wilson, Joe - 43, 45 |
Wilson, Joe Aron - 66 |
Wilson, Joe Erwin - 66 |
Wilson, Lettie (Miss) - 56 |
Wilson, Lewis - 10 |
Wilson, Lewis C. - 49 |
Wilson, Mary Lou - 43 |
Wilson, Murph - 27 |
Wilson, Ora Lee - 190, 243 |
Wilson, Ronald, Sr. - 43 |
Wilson, Teresa - 157 |
Wilson, Tommy - 43, 66 |
Wilson, Valerie - 43 |
Wilson, Willie Mae Hill - 74 |
Wilson's Grocery and Eat Stop - 190 |
Winchester Public Schools - 44 |
Winchester, TN. - 44 |
Winkfield, O'Biner A. - 145 |
Winkfield, Opal - 314 |
Winn Products - 93 |
Winn, Luther W. - 26 |
Winona HIgh School - 99, 103, 149, 185, 207 |
Winona ISD - 134 |
Winona Junior-Senior High School - 150 |
Winona Public School - 139, 197, 210 |
Winona Public Schools - 210 |
Winona, High School - 46 |
Winona, Texas - 37, 41, 46, 48, 73, 96, 99, 103, 150, 157, 164, 185, 191, 195, 197, 210 |
Winters, Katie M. - 106 |
Winters, Roxie - 155 |
Winters, West - 155 |
Winters, Willard Earl - 155 |
Wintters Park Patrol - 40 |
Wisconsin, Madison - 100, 104, 106 |
Witherup, W. L. - 25 |
Woke Up this Morning (with Jesus on my Mind) - 92 |
Woldert Park - 107 |
Wolf, Bernard (Mrs.) - 164 |
Women's League - 144 |
Wood County Development Board - 121 |
Wood County, Texas - 178 |
Wood Creek Nursing Center - 169 |
Woodards, W. E. "Willie"- 36 |
Woodards, Willie - 350 |
wooden golf tee, first patent - 174 |
Woods, Audrey - 10, 110 |
Woodson, Carter G. (Dr.) - 17 |
Woodville CME Church - 152 |
Woodville Public School - 152 |
Woodwards, Willie E. - 35 |
Wooten, Arthur - 344 |
Workers of Numerous Places - 357 |
World War I - 19, 170 |
World War II - 14, 15, 19, 35, 37, 38, 44, 65, 72, 75, 94, 185, 191, 193, 194, 195, 196, 201, 202, 203, 207, 214 |
Wright, A. S. - 82 |
Wright, Amelia (Mrs.) - 151 |
Wright, Ananias, Jr. - 191 |
Wright, Ananias, Sr. - 151, 191 |
Wright, Charlie - 181 |
Wright, Hattie (Mrs.) - 82 |
Wright, John W. - 23 |
Wright, Johnny - 78 |
Wright, Mae Eleanor - 298 |
Wynn, Bernice - 156 |
Wynn, Doris Isabel - 292 |
Wynn, James H. - 26 |
Wynn, Maurice - 78 |
Wynn, Rachel A. - 20 |
Wynne Elmentary School - 151 |
Wynne, Dora Annice - 107 |
Wynne, Elmer J. - 10 |
Xavier University - 5 |
Yale University - 139 |
Yarbrough, Carolyn - 46 |
Yates, Bobbie - 143 |
YMCA - 94, 130, 1439 |
YMCA "200 Club" - 127 |
YMCA Board - 115, 125 |
YMCA, board member - 155 |
YMCA, North Tyler - 69, 116, 118, 150, 153 |
Young Betty - 42 |
Young Men's Christian Association - 197 |
Young Women's Christian Association - 205 |
Young, Benford - 224 |
Young, Booker T. - 20, 21 |
Young, Elizabeth - 180 |
Young, Erma - 186 |
Young, Ernie - 96 |
Young, Grace C. (Mrs.) - 180 |
Young, John - 49 |
Young, John A. - 53, 230 |
Young, John L. - 312 |
Young, Judy - 63 |
Young, Milton, Sr. (Elder) - 153 |
Young, Rob - 180 |
Young, W. L. - 177, 286 |
Young, William Henry (Dr.) - 180 |
Young, Winnie - 42 |
Younger, Cletus - 358 |
Younger, Lorene - 35, 352 |
Zeppa, Joe - 75 |
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority - 112, 115, 127, 129, 144, Back Cover |
Zion Baptist Church - 76, 93, 127 |
Zion Hill First Baptist Church - 126 |
Zion Travelers - 94 |
Zonta Club - 144 |